The Prodigies War

The first thousand four hundred and fifty-six chapters are like the emperor traveling

It was a heart riddled with holes, only the size of a palm, and its color was dry and jet-black, but the terrifying aura it emitted caused other terrifying creatures in the vicinity to retreat!

Lin Xun stayed for a while, a heart was talking?

"Go home..." Broken Heart made a low voice again.

"Master, I suspect that this is the heart of a strong emperor!" Xiaoyin's expression was dignified, his body was stiff, and he made a sound transmission.

Lin Xun sucked in a breath of cold air. His heart was riddled with holes and filled with the aura of the shattered years, yet he still had such a terrifying aura. It was really surprising, and he would think of a strong emperor.

"But my injuries haven't healed yet."

Lin Xun took courage and tried to speak.

"Go home..." The broken heart seemed to only remember the word home, and kept repeating it.

Lin Xun glanced at the other terrifying creatures, and found that three days later, seven terrifying creatures of different shapes had gathered nearby.

There are white bone foxes, bone giants, bone fairy phoenixes, bone old turtles, scorched trees, bone snakes...

And the broken heart at this moment!

Among them, the imposing manner of this broken heart is the most terrifying.

Lin Xun sensed his own condition and found that his injuries had almost recovered by half, and it would take at least seven days for a complete recovery.

This is still helped by the law of immortality and magic medicine, otherwise, the recovery will only be slower.

But at this time, Lin Xun didn't know whether to continue healing.

Because of the breath of that broken heart, he kept locking himself in, repeating the word "go home" in a low, intermittent voice.

"But I don't know where your home is."

Lin Xun spoke up again.

The available response is still the word "go home".

Lin Xun couldn't help frowning. He vaguely sensed that the seven terrifying beasts not far away seemed extremely powerful, but they didn't seem to have a clear consciousness. There was only an instinctive will driving them to act.

Just like the living dead.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Xun stood up and took Wu Jiu Deng in his hand.

Immediately, the seven terrifying beasts who were either crawling or squatting all around stood up in unison, as if they were going to follow Lin Xun.

Strictly speaking,

They are going with the blameless lamp.

When Lin Xun saw this, his heart moved, he raised his foot and walked forward, and as expected, those terrifying beasts also moved with them.

It was as if the blameless lamp in his hand was a glimmer of hope that could guide them on the way.


What surprised Lin Xun even more was that the forbidden power originally shrouded in the great abyss was unable to suppress the blameless lamp!

This is like, that forbidden power is the omnipresent night, and the blameless lamp is a torch that can burn a hole in the night and bring light!

Lin Xun was shocked, and only then did he realize that it was so easy to get out of trouble!

He flew up and followed the dim yellow shadow of Wu Jiu Deng, and as expected, he found that he was no different from the outside world, and could fly freely.


And after Lin Xun, a group of terrifying beasts also dispatched, each one of them looked extremely excited.

Xiaoyin stood on Lin Xun's shoulder and said worriedly, "Master, if we leave this great abyss and those terrifying creatures no longer fear the blameless lamp, what should we do?"

Lin Xunyi gritted his teeth and said, "It's alright. If there is an accident, I have my own means to deal with it."

"But your injury is not completely healed." Xiao Yin said.

Lin Xun looked strange and said, "Little Yin, you said that if these terrifying guys follow, who would dare to harm us?"

Xiaoyin was stunned for a moment, and there was a strange look on his handsome little face, and he raised his thumb: "Fox fake tiger majesty, the master's methods are very clever."

Lin Xun glared at him: "What kind of fox and tiger power, I don't know how to flatter."

Little Silver grinned.


Without further delay, Lin Xun swept over the Great Yuan.

In his hand, the blameless lamp floated in the dim yellow light, like a light that broke through the darkness, causing the forbidden power to collapse.

Behind him, a group of terrifying beasts followed closely.

Not long after, Lin Xun flashed and swept up the white-bone ropeway that stretched across the void.

He glanced back and saw that the terrifying and murderous creatures were calm, like a group of obedient followers, without any abnormal murderous intentions, and he was relieved.

A shrill neigh sounded from the grey haze covering the sky overhead, familiar.

Lin Xun knew that those blood spirit grudge bats were coming again!

Just as he was preparing to fight, he saw behind him a group of terrifying beasts all raised their heads, and a pair of blood-red eyes looked up to the sky.

Then, the group of blood-spirit resentment bats that rushed out of the haze just now didn't have time to respond, and their bodies all burst into pieces.

Moreover, the shrill hissing sound in the depths of the haze also stopped abruptly, as if being greatly frightened, not a single blood spirit grudge bat rushed out.

At this time, those terrifying beasts withdrew their gazes and looked at the blameless lamp in Lin Xun's hands, and their expressions became quiet again.

Lin Xun saw all this in the bottom of his eyes. In addition to being shocked, his heart couldn't help beating violently, and his mouth was dry.

If you bring such a group of terrifying beasts, you can walk sideways in this mulberry forest, right?

"The feeling of fox fake tiger power is so cool..."

Xiaoyin was also stunned, exclaiming, he felt like a group of powerful bodyguards behind him!

"Xiao Yin, that's a bad description!"

Lin Xun glanced at the little guy, "It should be called leveraging force."

At this moment, in the crack of the cliff in the distance, an exclamation sounded: "You little bastard is still alive?"

Lin Xun turned his head and saw at a glance the Dark Blood Sacred Witch standing on the path of the crack in the cliff, as well as the Dark Spirit Zhen and Guang Fuqing beside the Dark Blood Sacred Witch.

This made Lin Xun also a surprise. The power of the infinite bottle of the avenue was not able to completely kill the dark blood saint witch?

After three days of full recovery, the Dark Blood Sage has reshaped a body. Although the injury is still serious, relatively speaking, it has recovered a certain amount of combat power.

When he saw Lin Xun, the ant who almost killed him, his skinny old face suddenly became so gloomy that it was extremely unsightly.

"This time, I want to see how you can escape!"

The Darkblood Sage roared in anger.

Lin Xun smiled slightly, instead of retreating, he stepped forward.

Then, the voice of the Dark Blood Sage stopped abruptly, his face changed suddenly, and he looked like a ghost.

As Lin Xun stepped, under the white bone ropeway behind him, a heart full of holes appeared first, and then a bone bird shaped like a fairy phoenix appeared, followed by another one with a broken sword on his back. A skeleton giant, a charred tree, a white-boned fox...

Every time a terrifying beast appeared, the dark blood holy witch's face changed, and the whole body's momentum collapsed, until an old man as big as a mountain walked out slowly, the dark blood holy witch's face was completely frozen, and his eyes were all frozen. Almost fell out.

At this moment, his whole person seemed to be in a mess, and he kept gasping for breath.

"This this……"

The Dark Blood Holy Witch was indeed frightened, and his soul almost came out. The breath of every terrifying and murderous creature was so powerful that it made his mind tremble.

When they appeared in groups, just the breath they exuded made the Dark Blood Holy Witch's legs tremble and his lips trembled.

As for Dark Lingzhen and Guang Fuqing, they were completely dumbfounded, and their minds were shocked in an instant.


Lin Xun's heart was settled, and without hesitation, he rushed towards the dark blood holy witch in the distance: "Old bastard, whoever escapes this time is a coward!"

And behind Lin Xun, a group of terrifying beasts followed, as if they were afraid to distance themselves from the blameless lamp in Lin Xun's hand.

Seeing this scene, the Dark Blood Holy Witch collapsed immediately, with a loud cry from his mouth, wrapped in the two Dark Spirits, and fled wildly.

A frightened appearance of a lost dog.

Seeing that Xiaoyin almost laughed, is this still a true saint? Simply humiliating.

Lin Xun chased after him with all his strength, but without the help of Burning God's Wings, it was impossible to compare with the true saint who controlled the means of space movement.

In the end, it failed to catch up.

And that group of terrifying beasts just followed Lin Xun's body, and they had no intention of helping out from beginning to end.

This made Lin Xun feel helpless for a while, this is normal, a group of guys who are guided by Wu Jiu Deng have no consciousness, how can they obey their orders?

But even so, Lin Xun was very satisfied. At least, after leaving the great abyss, these terrifying beasts did not make abnormal actions.

As for the escape of the Dark Blood Sage, Lin Xun could only accept it even though he was unwilling.

"This is a mulberry land, and the old guy has suffered such a serious injury, and the danger he encountered is destined to be less."

Lin Xun thought about it, and finally shook his head. He didn't think about it any longer. He flipped his hand and took out the golden jade plaque, and started to continue on his way.

In his left hand, Wu Jiu Deng was firmly held by him.

After passing through the narrow cliff path, it didn't take long before my eyes suddenly opened up, and a foggy mountain and river appeared.

With a group of terrifying beasts following behind him, Lin Xun naturally no longer feared anything, and strode forward according to the instructions of the golden jade plaque.

For a while, a strange sight appeared between the misty mountains and rivers.

Lin Xun was walking forward, and he was chasing one after another of terrifying and infiltrating murderous creatures, like a loyal bodyguard.

Later, Lin Xun handed the blameless lamp to Xiaoyin to hold, while he walked forward while running the law of immortality to repair the injury.

The speed of the road is not fast, but it is much faster than the first time.

The reason is that Lin Xun is really fearless now, not afraid of any danger, what he wants to appear some danger, and test the strength of the group of terrifying monsters behind him.

Along the way, it is not without encountering some terrifying things. For example, in the misty mountains and rivers, some terrifying creatures will be plundered from time to time. There are fierce birds, beasts, and monsters. All of them are extremely powerful.

But before they could get close, these creatures seemed to sense something was wrong and fled away, escaping faster than anyone else.

There are even some powerful creatures suspected of being in the holy realm who have peeped at Lin Xun from a distance, but when they saw the group of terrifying beasts around Lin Xun, these peeping eyes disappeared for the first time...

The legendary emperor travels, and all living beings avoid it, but that's all!

(End of this chapter)

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