The Prodigies War

Chapter 1439 The debate begins

(There is a reminder from children's shoes that the number of chapters in the previous chapter 1433 is repeated, but it is troublesome to modify and has no effect on the content. I will modify it later)


According to the mysterious woman, the blood-killing battlefield in the dark night did lead to another world.

This world was transformed by the body of a fallen emperor!

In its body, one acupoint and one orifice all form one world, so it can be called as the distribution of countless worlds of different sizes.

It is impossible to know who this Emperor Realm powerhouse is, and how long ago he fell.

But what is certain is that this is an extremely amazing emperor, a supreme figure that makes mysterious women admire.

It was also at this time that Lin Xun realized that "the place of body and mind is transformed into the universe", which is a sign to distinguish a person from the emperor realm!

Imagine a cultivator whose body is like the universe of Zhou Xun, and all the acupoints, internal organs, limbs and bones... can turn into a world. How terrifying is this?

This is the Emperor Realm!

Lin Xun's heart trembled when he thought that the place where he was standing was actually a world transformed by an inconspicuous acupoint of a powerful emperor.

And when he thought that the target he had killed for more than half a year was the trace of murderous aura left over from the fall of the Emperor Realm, and that the years had eroded his power, Lin Xun's heart became more and more unable to calm down.

How terrifying should a living Emperor Realm be?

Lin Xun thought of the supreme figures in the ancient times, such as the Emperor Taixuan, the Emperor Wushang, and the Saint Buddha of Xingjia, and he also thought of the Emperor Xingyan, who was probably his uncle...

Immediately, he suddenly looked at the mysterious woman, a strange look appeared in his expression, and said, "Senior, do you also have..."

The mysterious woman seemed to have expected what Lin Xun asked, and interrupted: "It used to be, now... I can't tell the difference myself..."

There was a trace of unspeakable sadness in the voice.

She has been thinking about this question for too long!

Since she became the "gatekeeper" of the secret realm of Tongtian, she has not been able to tell who she is and what kind of cultivation she has.

It was like in her mind, some extremely important memories were lost.

She tried to look for clues in the past, but so far found nothing.


In the boundless years after becoming the "gatekeeper", she has never forgotten anything.

But the mysterious woman knows that her most precious memory is gone...

She knows better. If she can retrieve her memory, she may understand why she has become the gatekeeper of this secret realm, and she will stay there forever.

Lin Xun was also stunned. He didn't even know what his own cultivation was?

This seems ridiculous.

But intuition told Lin Xun that the mysterious woman in front of her didn't bother to lie at all. The reason was simple and unnecessary.

"Soon, this place will be completely transformed into a source of power and disappear, and the night world of the blood-killing battlefield will also cease to exist. It's all just because a big opportunity will come soon."

The mysterious woman said and left with Lin Xun.


Yuncang Mountain.

When returning to his stone house, Lin Xun felt like he was dreaming for a while.

The training lasted for more than eight months in the dark. Thinking of the scenes during the training, Lin Xun couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

Who would dare to imagine that the dark night world, which is regarded as a nether and hell, would be turned into the corpse of a powerful emperor?

After a while, Lin Xuncai gradually regained his composure.

No matter what else, at least, the tempering of this period of time has made his body refinement improve by leaps and bounds.

And, there is no shortage of their own Taoism!

"Qi refining and soul refining are already in the realm of eight tribulations of longevity, and the cultivation of body refinement has now reached the realm of seven tribulations of longevity, and the time for the forbidden robbery to come is getting closer and closer..."

Lin Xun's black eyes flashed.

Before being sanctified, the Forbidden Dao Tribulation was like a moat, oppressing Lin Xun's heart. When he thought of this disaster, Lin Xun had an indescribable sense of urgency.

He vaguely had a hunch that when his body refining, qi refining, and soul refining all broke through to the level of the Nine Tribulations of Longevity, this catastrophe was destined to come!

"After participating in the Guandao Mountain Debate, you must set off for the Mulberry Forest. Only there may be the opportunity for me to break the Forbidden Dao Tribulation..."

Lin Xun took a deep breath and made a decision in his heart.


"There is less than half a month left until the Guandao Mountain debate. Has Lin Xun left the customs yet?"

Recently, there have been more and more similar discussions in the imperial camp.

Because, another Guandaoshan debate will kick off in half a month. At that time, there will be a showdown between the imperial camp and the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races.

In the end, there will be a winner who will set foot on Guandao Mountain and see the notch on the road!

"The list has been confirmed. Lin Xun is definitely going to participate in the war. This time, perhaps our empire can be ashamed and win this debate!"

Someone is looking forward to it.

"Hey, don't be too optimistic. Although we have strong men like Lin Xun and Li Duxing, on the side of the Ten Thousand Clan Alliance, there are also peerless ruthless men who rank in the top ten of the Ten Thousand Clan Fighting Power List."

"If we only compete for the number of top figures, we are still at a clear disadvantage."

Someone frowned, worried.

At this time, Zhao Xingye found Lin Xun and said, "Are you ready?"

Lin Xun smiled and said, "You can leave at any time."

Zhao Xingye saw that Lin Xun looked calm and calm, and couldn't help laughing: "I can wait for you to give me a surprise."

Lin Xun thought for a while, but couldn't help but say, "I'm only worried a little now."

Zhao Xingye's heart tightened. It's time for this guy. Isn't this guy absolutely sure of winning? She couldn't help raising her eyebrows: "What are you worried about? Just say it, I can solve it, and I will satisfy you."

Lin Xun hurriedly said: "Uh, senior misunderstood, I'm just worried that the opponent's performance is unbearable..."

Zhao Xingye stayed for a while, and then a smile appeared on his charming face, and at the end, he couldn't help laughing out loud: "This is the craziest sentence I've heard over the years, and of course, it also makes me feel the most happy. ."


Lin Xun smiled without explaining anything.

Could he say that from entering the bloody battlefield, his only goal was to enter the Mulberry Land?

That is the place of origin of chaos where saints, great saints, saint kings, and even quasi-emperor characters may appear!

As for the confrontation with the other two powerhouses, to be honest, Lin Xun really didn't care too much.

Of course, he couldn't say these words, otherwise, Zhao Xingye would only wonder if he was complacent...

Early morning two days later.

Lin Xun, Li Duxing, Song Wuque, Shi Yu, Gong Ming and other top figures from the ten camps set foot on a treasure ship.

"Brother Lin, we are waiting for your triumph!"

"Fellow Daoist Li, be sure to help us breathe out a bad breath."

"You must win!"

In the camp, all the powerhouses gathered to see Lin Xun off.

Among them, there are Ning Meng, Ye Xiaoqi and others. Although their combat strength is not bad, compared to Lin Xun and the other ten, they are slightly worse, and they have no chance to participate in the Guandao Mountain debate.

This made them all regretful.

"Lin Xun, be sure to blast those alien eggs!"

Ning Meng shouted, a word that made the audience laugh, and some women couldn't help but feel ashamed and scolded.

"No matter what, do your best and listen to the destiny."

Ye Xiaoqi was a little worried and told Lin Xun and Shi Yu.

Shi Yu couldn't help rolling his eyes, and said angrily: "The journey is imminent, but you are saying such depressing words. When I come back, I have to clean up you fat man."

Lin Xun smiled and waved his hand, but didn't say anything more.

"Let's go."

Zhao Xingye drove the treasure boat and carried the crowd away.


"In this debate, we and the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races will send ten strong people. The rules of the debate are very simple. The order of appearances is determined by drawing lots. You will have a one-on-one duel with the opponent's strong people, defeat, or kill the opponent."

"The winner can continue to challenge, or choose to retire to rest. In short, the debate is over when all the opponents are defeated."

On the treasure ship, Zhao Xingye explained the rules in a concise manner.

"In the previous debates, our empire lost more and won less. No, strictly speaking, we have only won one victory, but there are thirty-four top figures who have been damaged in the debate!"

At the end of the day, Zhao Xingye's face was filled with gloom and hatred.

"Those... but they are the pillars of our empire, and each of them is an unparalleled top figure, and they all have the hope of stepping into the holy realm."

"But they died in the debate!"

"They died for the empire, this revenge must be avenged!"

On the treasure ship, everyone's expressions showed a resolute look, and many people showed grief, thinking of those companions who passed away in the past debates.

It's a debate, but it's actually a life-and-death struggle!

If you are lucky, you will be severely injured, and you will be lucky to save your life.

But luck is in the minority after all. In the debate, the enemy will not let go of any possibility of killing the opponent!

This is the Guandao Mountain debate, bloody and cruel.

Between the three camps, in order to cut off the top figures in the opposing forces, they will go all out during the debate at all costs!

Lin Xuncai had just come to the Battle of Blood Killing for about two years, and he had never participated in the Guandao Mountain debate, but when he heard these things, he also had an indescribable feeling of depression in his heart.

"Remember, as long as there is a debate, you should go all out!"

Zhao Xingye warned.

Everyone nodded.

This time, can the empire change its previous slump and win this debate?

They don't know, but they'll all do their best!

After half a day.

In the distance, a towering mountain in the shape of an upside-down bell appeared in the field of vision.

The mountain is rugged, with piles of strange rocks, bare, no vegetation, and no strong spiritual energy lingering.

But it seems, but it gives people an indescribable oppressive atmosphere.

This is Guandao Mountain!

Every three years, on the cliffside stone walls at the top of this mountain, there will be pictures of the avenues nicks, which are mysterious and unpredictable.

Here, every three years, there will be a debate between the three camps, and bloody and brutal battles will break out.

Here, there have also been many imperial powerhouses killed by the enemy, drinking hatred and breaking the halberd!

Looking at the mountain from a distance, Lin Xunchang exhaled and his expression was dull.

In this debate, he came to Lin Xun, and the result was destined to be rewritten!

(End of this chapter)

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