The Prodigies War

Chapter 1194 Fishing for the Starry Sky

Chapter 1194 Fishing the Starry Sky

Of the seven supreme kings, three were successively executed in the fierce battle.

The remaining four escaped without a fight!

Feixing Mountain, the major powerhouses in other areas saw this, all panicked, screaming and fleeing.

Even the supreme king is not the enemy of Lin Xun, who would dare to stay?

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, Lin Xun seems to be invincible if he is invincible, enough to make anyone feel cold.


Lin Xun's voice was cold, and his figure disappeared out of thin air. The next moment, he appeared behind a fleeing supreme king, his fists burst out, and he was invincible.

The supreme king is an extraordinary young man who was extremely arrogant before, but now he is desperate, if he is trapped in a fight, he will do his best to resist.

But in an instant, he was killed by Lin Xun, and his fists were covered, causing his entire body to explode, and the blood rained.


Feixing Mountain is becoming more and more chaotic, and there are scenes of crying fathers and mothers, chickens flying and dogs jumping.

Before, their biggest reliance was the seven supreme kings sitting here, but as these supreme kings were put to death one after another, all the powerhouses in the mountain collapsed.

Can't beat at all!

Although Demon God Lin is alone, he has the power to push the audience horizontally. Who can match the enemy?

They even suspected that even if the ninth prince, Wu Lingfeng, came back, it would be difficult to suppress the arrogance of this Forest Demon God.


Lin Xun's cold voice sounded again, his palms and fingers stretched, and a flaming galaxy spread out in the void.

The stars exploded and burned in it, which contained the real power of the law of fire, and the power was completely different from before.


In the distance, a supreme king who had already swept high in the sky and fled in panic, before he could completely leave the range of Feixing Mountain, the whole person was submerged by a fiery red galaxy.

The galaxy burned and exploded, causing it to suffer unbearably heavy damage in an instant. It fell with a shrill and unwilling scream, and the flesh and bones were burned, and the body and spirit were destroyed!


Originally, Lin Xun was about to chase the supreme king who fled in the other direction, but when he noticed the trace of the fire-robed man, he suddenly changed his mind.


In the next instant, he disappeared.

The man in fire robe was the first to choose to escape, but the direction of his escape was not outside the mountain, but the top of the mountain.

At this time, he had come to a hanging Lingquan waterfall on the side of the mountain.

Below the waterfall, there is a pool of water, with three sacred lotuses swaying, circulating yin and yang, holy and dreamy.

As soon as he arrived, the fire-robed man waved his sleeves, and a cloud of radiance swept out, shrouded in the two ceremonial lotus in the pool.

However, almost at the same time, a terrifying forbidden formation suddenly appeared around the pool and spread out.


Shenxia shattered, and the restraining power remained unabated. If the fire-robed man evaded in time, he would have almost been hit.

"This damn Wu Lingfeng is still setting up a forbidden formation here!"

The fire-robed man's face sank, and he was furious. He realized that even if Wu Lingfeng left, he never believed in the forces of their surrender!

"Liuyi Shenlian?"

Lin Xun appeared, a bright color flashed in his black eyes, and his heart could not help shaking. This is a magic medicine that has long disappeared from the outside world, and it is close to legend.

But at this time, there are actually three lotus plants of the two gods in this pool!

It's no wonder that Feixing Mountain is regarded as a "great blessed land".


The fire-robed man fled without hesitation.

Originally, he was defeated by Lin Xun, which made him unacceptable.

But now, even the capture of the Divine Lotus of the Two Rites was a slap in the face, and he lost the perfect opportunity to escape, making him almost coughing up blood.

Sure enough, he was expecting, and at this moment, Lin Xun had been violently killed.

There is no doubt that the fire-robed man was killed, and when he was dying, he was unwilling to stare at the three Liangyi Shenlian trees in the water pool.

Because, in the eyes of the artillery man, if this guy hadn't secretly imposed a ban, blocking his pace of capturing the two ceremonial lotus,

You have every chance to escape!

Unfortunately, regret is useless.

As the fire-robed man was killed, only one of the seven supreme kings escaped in the end.

Lin Xun was too lazy to chase after him, so he stared at the two gods in the pool.

After a while.

The restriction around the water pool was successfully broken by Lin Xun, and the three Liangyi Shenlian successfully fell into Lin Xun's hands.

"With this magical medicine, it is enough for me to master another avenue to the sky!"

Lin Xun's black eyes brightened.

The avenues of the world are divided into nine classes, but within the ninth class, there are ninety-nine great avenues to the sky!

And in the Divine Lotus of Liangyi, two first-class avenues of yin and yang are imprinted, but if the two avenues of yin and yang are merged, it can be transformed into an avenue to the sky——

Tai Chi!

This way, as early as in ancient times, was regarded as a way to the origin of heaven and earth, and it had incredible magical effects.

Next, Lin Xun didn't delay, he started his action and began to sweep Feixing Mountain!

As one of the few "Great Blessed Lands" away from the Fire Realm, the fortunes and opportunities nurtured by Feixing Mountain are completely beyond Lin Xun's imagination.

In the pine forest by the cliff, there is a golden pagoda pine, which condenses into a golden pine pagoda with a fragrance, which is also a magic medicine.

On the bank of the mountain stream, there is a medicine garden, which is full of brilliance, the fragrance of medicine is transpiring, and it turns into a rich and colorful spiritual mist.

Just the king medicine, there are more than ten strains!

In addition, there are ore that contains scarce spiritual materials, and spiritual springs gurgling...

These were all swept away by Lin Xun.

The powerhouses of the major forces in the mountain all fled in panic like a lost dog, and some people wanted to fish in troubled waters and get a benefit before leaving.

But because of greed, he lost the chance to escape, and was killed by Lin Xun in a neat way.

Until later, Lin Xun came to the top of the mountain, and there were palaces standing here, originally belonging to different forces.

When Lin Xun arrived, these palaces were already empty and in a mess. Although many scattered treasures were left, most of them were hard to get into Lin Xunfa's eyes.

Even so, Lin Xun has gained a lot, including various spiritual materials for refining treasures, as well as various medicinal pills and treasures that have already been refined.

Although most of them are not available to Lin Xun, they are also amazingly valuable.


When Lin Xun was about to leave the empty palace where the Jinwu lineage was located, he suddenly noticed an ancient painting hanging on the wall.

The scrolls are four feet long and one foot wide. They have been old for a long time, and they are all yellow and old, with mottled antiquity.

In the picture scroll, a thin figure is sitting in the starry sky, with a leisurely demeanor, a kind of leisurely and relaxed atmosphere.

In his hand, holding the fishing rod, there is a mighty galaxy below, the stars twinkling.

Fishing for the starry sky!

The picture is very ordinary, even a little dim and old, but the painting atmosphere is shocking and shocking.

Looking at the past and the present, who can sit in the starry sky and fish before hanging the galaxy?

That kind of carefree, detached, and at ease, what realm should one reach to be able to possess?

Lin Xun's eyes were suddenly attracted, and his mind was touched.

However, when I looked closely, I found that the thin figure only showed a side profile, and it was extremely blurred.

Likewise, in his hand, there is a rod but no line.

The meaning of this picture, is it the hook of the wisher?

Lin Xun's heart moved, and he probed into it with his divine sense to sense it.

But there is no gain, as if this is a simple ancient picture.

Lin Xun frowned and thought secretly, this picture is hung here like a miscellaneous item, indicating that the Jinwu lineage has never learned any secrets from the picture.

But why do I feel something is wrong?

Lin Xun looked at the thin figure sitting cross-legged in the starry sky, stared and looked at it carefully.

In a trance, he felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

It's him!

Suddenly, Lin Xun's mind flashed, and he opened his palm, and there was an extra copper block.

The copper block is mottled with rust, and there is a picture engraved on the side. An old man in a Taoist robe is riding on the back of a green ox, with a leisurely demeanor and looking up at the sky.

The portrait is ancient and clumsy. After years of erosion, it has long been dim and blurred, but it is filled with an uncontrollable coercion!

The coercion was immeasurable, deep and boundless, as if the old man in the robe could come to life at any time.

It's just his gaze that makes one's heart tremble, deep and vast, reflecting the rising and falling of the sun and the moon, and the changes of the years.

This is the "Taoist Riding a Bull"!

At the beginning, Lin Xun was hunted down by the Black Nightmare Tengu Clan in the Xiheng Realm and had to flee for his life in the deep mountains and mountains.

During this process, he just had a ray of kindness in his heart and released a blood leopard. Who would have thought that the blood leopard would repay him with a picture of gratitude and gave him this piece of copper inscribed with the image of "The Taoist Riding a Bull".

Lin Xun still remembered that after his exploration, he learned that the copper block came from the hand of a cultivator who had already sat down.

This person wants to follow the example of the saints, cross the other side of the starry sky, and go to the Ruins of All Wonders, one of the ancient Four Great Dao Ruins.

But after searching for 48,000 years, I never got what I wanted, and finally died with regret!

And this copper piece was regarded by the cultivator as a "relict of the sages". By chance, it was obtained by the blood leopard, and then fell into his own hands.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Xun speculates that this "Daoist Riding a Bull" should be related to the "Wall of Wonders", one of the ancient Four Great Dao Ruins!

At this time, Lin Xun took out the copper block and made a pair. Immediately, he found that the old man in the Taoist robe riding the green bull on the copper block was clearly the same person as the thin figure in the "Fishing the Starry Sky" scroll!

This picture, the origin is really not simple!

Lin Xun's heart shook.

Suddenly, his palm became hot, and when he saw the rusty and mottled copper block, a mysterious breath flowed out and poured into the "fishing starry sky" picture.

Suddenly, an astonishing scene appeared. The original yellowed and outdated picture scroll seemed to come alive at this moment, with a divine luster.

Painting, sitting in the starry sky, suddenly let out a hearty laugh: "Interesting, endless years of waiting, and finally waiting for someone who is destined to come, that's the case, please hook."

As he said that, he shook the fishing rod in his hand lightly, and when he saw the boundless galaxy, a dazzling star was caught!


ps: The gifts to be distributed have been confirmed, including kindle, USB flash drive, panda enamel cup, power bank, T-shirt, and vertical and horizontal coins. Except for the kindle, there are only 2, and there are many other quantities. They are all customized and not for sale.

At 7 o'clock on Saturday evening, there will be a "Top" interactive post in the "Zhengheng Fiction" app "Tianjiao Zhanji" circle. Children's shoes are welcome to participate actively, and there is a great chance for prizes~

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