The Prodigies War

Chapter 1098: Embark on the Black Nightmare Mountain

? Shepherd Saint!

All the saints watching in secret all sucked in cold air, a chill surged from the spine to the sky, and the whole body was cold, like being in an ice cave.

Originally, it was enough shame to be turned into a beast as a saint in the world.

But now, that woman still intends to walk like a herd, shepherding saints, this... is simply trampling the dignity of these saints to the limit!

In the future, even if they are alive, they are destined to lose their reputation and will not be able to lift their heads at all!

Who is she?

The saints who watched in secret became more and more afraid.

At this time, they suddenly noticed that the mysterious woman in the distance suddenly turned around and glanced at a pair of eyes, making these saints all stiff.

"Today, I declare to the world that in the future, if anyone dares to bully the small, I don't mind going to Erdan Daotong for a walk."

Her voice was cold and terrifying, making the expressions of those saints uncertain.

"But if it is a peer competition, I will never interfere in the slightest."

The next sentence made everyone stunned and immediately understood.

The younger generation is competing, this woman is too lazy to pay attention, but if anyone dares to pretend to be an ancient Taoist lineage, regardless of identity, targeting Lin Xun, then she will definitely come to the door in person and take revenge!

If such a terrifying woman wants to take revenge, no matter which line of Taoism, I am afraid that it will have to carefully weigh the possible serious consequences!

"Let's go."

The mysterious woman took a step forward, the mountains and rivers shook, the situation changed, and the Ruiguang Shenxia gushed out, creating a magnificent and grand scene.

And when she settled down, there was already a golden rainbow spreading out under her feet, piercing the sky, and spreading into the depths of the endless void.

In a trance, everyone seemed to see that, following the woman, there was a real dragon flying into the sky, the fairy phoenix hovering, and the Xuanwu opened the way...

Stripes of rosy rays of auspicious light dance, flowing with divine light rain, as if escorting the woman.

In this situation, it is like the legendary female emperor traveling!


"Even if it is a saint king, I am afraid that it is impossible to have such a holy power, right?"

The saints who watched from a distance were shocked. This kind of spectacle, which is rare in the ages and almost like a legend, made them all feel incomparably amazing and shocking.

In an instant, the woman's figure disappeared, and only pieces of Shen Xi flickered, covering the sky, like a dream.

Along with the woman, Lin Xun, a flock of sheep and a dog disappeared.

Obviously, she really went to Musheng!


Heaven and earth fell silent, and the sea of ​​stars and chess returned to its former calm.

However, all the saints watching in the field fell silent for a long time.

They are trying to digest what they see today.

Six saints appeared,

The situation in the world has been disturbed, and now, these six saints have suffered and are regarded as livestock to shepherd them!

If this scene is spread, it is destined to cause the entire ancient wilderness to tremble!

"From today, in this world of Taoism, who would dare to treat this son Lin Xun as before?"

"Indeed, Lin Xun's son was originally talented and possessed world-shattering potential. Now there is such a big mountain to rely on, and its rise is destined to be unstoppable."

"I'm just curious, who is that woman... who is it?"

These saints from different Taoist traditions discussed that the battle just now caused them all to suffer a great impact.

It is foreseeable that this matter cannot be concealed at all, and it will inevitably lead to great turmoil.

"Old bastard, let's go take a look too."

Aru looked expectantly, "Shepherd, it's still a flock of holy sheep, this scene is definitely very exciting, and it's rare throughout the ages!"

The sloppy old man looked complicated, and sighed: "This matter... it's better not to mix it up, that woman's background is very complicated, I thought she had already been in ancient times... Who would have thought... Hey, let's not talk about it. ."

Aru was dumbfounded and couldn't help jumping: "Old bastard, what the hell are you trying to say?"


The sloppy old Daoist slapped Aru on the forehead and scolded, "You are in a hurry, want to know the secret? Let's talk about it when you first set foot on the King's Realm!"

Saying that, he grabbed Aru and turned around to break through the void.

"Old bastard, what are you going to do? I'm not going back to the village, I'm going to find my big brother!" Alu yelled.

But no matter how he called, he was still taken away.

On the shore of Xingqi Sea, everyone left one after another, and the area was full of people, and finally the tranquility returned.


Almost immediately, the news came out, causing the ancient wilderness to shake!

Among the saints who watched the battle this time, there was a saint from the Wind Whisper Clan, and it was difficult for the news sent by him to spread quickly.

In the Four Great Realms of the Ancient Desolate Region, wherever there is a news tree, there is a great uproar.

"When the Six Saints traveled, the world thought that Demon God Lin would die. Who would have thought that such a shocking reversal happened!"

"God! Who is that mysterious woman who is capable of suppressing the saints?"

All parties are sensational, like an explosion, and every area can't be calm.

Because this battle involves the decision of the Holy Land, it is difficult not to attract attention!

"She's walking, this... this is unbelievable!"

When some ancient Taoists got the news, they were shocked and shocked.

"Quick! Let's inquire about the news, no matter what, we must find out who the mysterious woman who was born in the sky is!"

Someone is anxious.

"When did this Demon God Lin have such a backer? Could it be an old antique from a certain sacred place?"

Various discussions, speculations, and analyses are staged in different places.

The whole world is surging!

Before this turmoil swept the world, the mysterious woman and Lin Xun had herded a flock of sheep and drove a black dog to the front of a majestic and ancient Lingshan.

The speed is indeed very fast. As far as Lin Xun is concerned, it is only a dozen or so breaths, but they have already moved thousands of miles away!

In this way, Lin Xun couldn't help but yearn for the great shift in the void that was carried out only by his own cultivation, without the use of the ancient teleportation formation.

"This is the Black Nightmare Mountain, the birthplace of the Black Nightmare Tengu Clan. There are not many groups that I hate because of my life, and this group is among them."

The mysterious woman said casually.

"Wang! Wang!"

In front of him, the black dog transformed by the blood slaughter sage barked wildly, anxious and depraved, and his eyes were full of shame and anger.

But when the mysterious woman looked over, the black dog shivered all over, whimpered, and shivered on the ground.

Lin Xun was a little dazed, is this still a saint? When a dog is so embarrassed...

"We have to hurry up." The woman seemed to notice something, suddenly raised her head and looked at the sky.

At this moment, Lin Xun was keenly aware that there was an indescribable chill in the woman's body, as if there was something in the depths of the sky that made her extremely disgusted and repelled.


Before Lin Xun could understand, the woman stretched out a jade hand and patted it in the air.

I saw a terrifying and boundless blood-colored formation suddenly emerged around the majestic mountain not far away, trying to block the palm of the sky.

But in just an instant, the formation collapsed into a hole, and the light and rain flew.

Lin Xun sucked in a breath of cold air. If he read it right, the formation guarding this Black Nightmare Mountain should be a holy formation. Although it is not as terrifying as the Zhou Tianxingdou formation, it can be called miraculous.

But now, it was smashed by a slap!


"Which madman dares to come to my clan to make trouble? Looking for death!"

With the loud explosions, the scene of the Black Nightmare Mountain suddenly changed. There were many densely packed ancient buildings on the mountain, row upon row, and it seemed that there was no end to it at a glance.

At this time, a group of cultivators rushed out, murderous, and they were all shocked and angry.

Unexpectedly, there are still people in this world who dare to run wild in the habitat of their Black Nightmare Tengu Clan.

But when they saw a man and a woman outside the mountain gate, as well as a group of sheep and a black dog, these cultivators were all astonished.

This picture is too strange, is this coming to their Black Nightmare Mountain to herd sheep? And with a sheepdog...

and many more!

However, when he took a closer look at the black dog, the eyes of these cultivators were straight. What the hell is a shepherd dog, it is clearly one of their clansmen!

All of a sudden, their faces became extremely poor, and their gazes towards Lin Xun and the mysterious woman were full of murderous intent.

However, when the mysterious woman randomly glanced at them, these murderous Black Nightmare Tengu Clan powerhouses froze all over, their souls were in severe pain, their eyes darkened, and then they all rolled to the ground, all fainting without exception. past.

It was too late to even let out a scream!

A hint of pity flashed in Lin Xun's eyes, these black dog scumbags are probably used to being arrogant, and they are destined to never imagine how terrifying this person is in front of him.

"Is it boring?" the mysterious woman asked.

Lin Xun shook his head and said with a smile, "No, it's very happy!"

The mysterious woman said: "But I'm not happy. If I bully the small, I have to find some powerful guys to bully."

She looked into the depths of the Black Nightmare Mountain and said, "Let's go in."

Saying that, she has driven a flock of sheep and a dog and walked forward.

Knowing that this is the habitat of the Black Nightmare Tengu clan, it is comparable to the base camp of an ancient Taoist lineage, but the mysterious woman sees it as nothing, and enters as soon as she speaks. .


Accompanying the mysterious woman forward, even though the power of the Black Nightmare Mountain's prohibition formation was fully stimulated, it collapsed and collapsed like a piece of paper, unable to stop her pace at all.

During this process, the powerhouses of the Black Nightmare Tengu Clan kept rushing out, densely packed, like a tide, but before they could get close, they all fell to the ground!

No one can stand, and no one can stop it!

Lin Xun was once again shocked. If he also had such a heaven-penetrating cultivation, the world was so big, where would he not go?

Even if it is a Longtan Tiger Den, it can be like walking on the ground!

The Black Nightmare Mountain is huge and towering. The mountain is full of spiritual energy and mist. You can see the Lingquan and waterfalls everywhere, and the fairy grass is wonderful.

But with the mysterious woman and Lin Xun entering, this place where the Black Nightmare Tengu Clan lived, the original tranquility and calmness were broken, and it became completely turbulent and chaotic.


PS: Before 9 o'clock in the evening of the fourth update, my thoughts were stuck for a while, and I needed to brush it~

:. :

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