The Prodigies War

Chapter 107 Flame Golden Spider

No matter how the fat middle-aged man complained, and regardless of the suspicious eyes of the students in the cabin, Xiaoke's attitude never wavered after she made her decision.

Not long after, the treasure ship landed on a bare mountain, and Xiao Ke walked out with a group of students.

The mountain wind whistled, Xiaoke's slender figure stood upright, and her black short ears fluttered in the wind, giving her an elegant beauty.

"That is the No. 10 training ground. There are many flame golden spiders. What you have to do is to fight in it for three hours."

Xiaoke pointed to the foot of the mountain, where there was a large rocky beach.

Flame Golden Spider!

The eyes of all the academies in the scene were condensed with a solemn expression on their faces. This is an extremely ferocious and vicious beast. Its body will spit fire poison.

Even though this vicious beast is only the size of a palm, they are ferocious beasts that live in groups.

Even Lin Xun couldn't help but be stunned, the flame golden spider is not difficult to kill, at least the cultivator of the fifth realm of true martial arts is enough to do this.

But the key is that the rules of this battle are very tricky, and you need to fight for three hours! This means that in these three hours, you will be attacked by a steady stream of flaming golden spiders!

This is the most terrifying.

"Remember, students are not allowed to kill each other. Those who escape within three hours at the same time, or those who cannot afford to be injured, will be eliminated. This battle allows you to choose a weapon."

As soon as Xiao Ke finished speaking, the fat middle-aged man in the distance was already walking towards him carrying a huge wooden box.


The wooden box was smashed to the ground, and a lot of weapons were scattered, including knives, spears, swords, halberds, axes, forks, and forks. Unfortunately, they were all ordinary weapons.

"Immediately pick the weapons you have in hand and start taking action!"

With a bang, everyone rushed forward and grabbed the weapons they were good at. In the end, Lin Xun also grabbed a three-foot black iron sword, which was quite sharp.

After what happened yesterday, no one dared to disobey Xiaoke's orders again. After choosing weapons, they all rushed to the rocky beach at the foot of the mountain.


"They just arrived on the first day. No matter how good they are, it's too dangerous to be in the No. 10 training ground. This is not a place for rookies to come."

On the top of the mountain, the fat middle-aged sighed, "If you do this, you will only lose a lot of students who needlessly lose."

Xiaoke looked calm: "If you don't eliminate it now, you will be eliminated in the future. It's better to eliminate some wastes in advance."

The fat middle-aged man was sitting on the rock, squinting at the foot of the mountain. Those trainees had already started to move on the No. 10 training ground.

"Xiao Ke, if you don't get enough points this time, and you don't know when you can leave this ghost place next time, are you willing to stay here for the rest of your life?"

Xiao Ke frowned and fell silent.


at the foot of the mountain.

Lin Xun avoided the big team and moved forward cautiously in the rocky beach. He needed to find a location that was good at both offense and defense, otherwise it would be difficult to guarantee whether he could last three hours under the attack of the flaming golden spider swarm.

There are not a few people who think the same way as Lin Xun. This rocky beach is extremely vast, and there is no reason for disputes over land grabs.

Interestingly, both Lin Xun and the other students chose to act alone.

Suddenly, under a rock in front of him, a line of Hokage rushed out and went straight to Lin Xun Mianmen.


Lin Xun did not dodge or evade, his spiritual energy surged around, and the sharp blade slashed down, splitting the Hokage into two halves in an instant.

It was a flaming golden spider, the size of a palm, its body was red-gold, and its eight long, sharp legs were like a saw, glowing with a terrifying firelight.

Without any hesitation, Lin Xun dodged and continued to move forward. What made him frown was that there was almost no place to defend himself on this rocky beach, except for some broken rocks and fine dust.

"Could it be that the layout of the No. 10 training ground is to allow students to hone their ability to fight and sustain combat? If so, even if they search again, it is impossible to find a perfect safe place..."

Lin Xun pondered quickly in his mind, and finally resolutely stood on his feet and stopped running. He needed to fight for three hours, and he had to save all the energy that was not wasted.

laugh! laugh!

Soon, the flaming golden spiders rushed out from the ground, like streaks of golden fire, their faces were hideous and terrifying.

Lin Xun's beautiful face is serious and calm. Once he fights, he seems to be a different person. His spiritual power surges in his body, his eyebrows are like swords, his breath is highly concentrated, and his power of perception spreads around, and his whole body is like a drawn bow. .

Swing the knife!


The figure moves and dodges in the footsteps!

A black iron sword, combined with the mystery of the six-character sword art, started a long-lasting fierce battle.

The secret of protracted combat is to preserve physical strength, so when killing the enemy, every time you use your sword, you must kill with one hit, and every dodge must be to kill the enemy from a better angle.

The extra movement and strength will only accelerate the consumption of physical strength.

Lin Xun understood this truth a long time ago, but when he wanted to do this, it was extremely difficult.

Because the enemy will not give you time to think, while killing the enemy, you must use your fighting instinct to save and preserve your strength as much as possible!

Like the flaming golden spiders in front of them, there are thousands of them, densely packed, constantly rushing out of the ground. The angles and directions of their attacks are all different. How to use the most effective means and the least force to kill them is the most important. The problem.

It's easier said than done, that's it.

Everyone understands the truth, but when doing it, it will show different gaps.

Puff puff... The flame golden spiders were killed one by one, but they all had different shapes when they died.

Some were split into two halves from the head, some had their heads beheaded, some had eight long legs cut off like a saw, some had their abdomens slashed, and some were directly smashed into blood.

As the battle continued, Lin Xun's fighting techniques were also adjusted and changed little by little. Soon, the flame golden spiders who died under his blade were all pierced by the blade between the eyes.

The Golden Flame Spider is only the size of a palm, its head is like a pigeon's egg, and the space between the eyes is even smaller, but after continuous testing, Lin Xun has found that this position is the weakness of the Golden Flame Spider. As long as you kill it, it will not only consume The power is minimal, and one blow is enough to kill!

This discovery will undoubtedly allow Lin Xun to save more physical strength, but every time he wants to pierce the position between the eyes of the flame golden spider, the requirements for the cultivator's fighting methods are extremely harsh.

The [Six-character Sabre Art] that Lin Xun cultivated has all kinds of mysteries, and it is both difficult and ruthless, but because of this, it is extremely difficult to cultivate.

Up to now, Lin Xun has only achieved the [Six-character Sabre Art] to the level of "subtle" in the realm of martial arts, which is still one step away from "accuracy".

As early as in Donglin City, Lin Xun knew that if he wanted to make a breakthrough in swordsmanship, he had to go through the tempering of blood and fire.

Now fighting against these flaming golden spiders is undoubtedly a good time to temper the knife technique. If you can use this to sharpen the knives to the "accurate" level, then it will undoubtedly be easier and easier to deal with the blazing golden spiders. .

Precise, first and then accurate.

In the realm of subtlety, it is to understand the essence of the saber technique, and in the realm of precision, it is to bring out the power of these subtleties and mysteries with great accuracy!

As time went by, Lin Xun was immersed in the battle, with no distractions, Gujing did not waver, and no longer had any distractions.

At the same time, in other areas of the No. 10 training ground, other students from Camp No. 39 were also fighting frantically.

Under the surface here, I don't know how many flaming golden spiders are hidden. When they noticed that the outsiders had invaded, they rushed out one by one like crazy.

Their attacks are very simple, they only emit fire poison, but their lethality is extremely amazing. In less than a quarter of an hour, a student screamed, his face was hit by a fire poison, his skin was instantly burned, and the terrifying poison began spread along the wound.

Unprepared, the student didn't have time to save himself, and was besieged by some flaming golden spiders, crawling all over his body, had to scream and voluntarily admit defeat, and was taken out of the training ground by a camp attendant who arrived in time.

However, because of this, the student was eliminated.

Some perform poorly, while others perform extremely astonishingly, like Shi Yu, Ning Meng, and Qi Can, some teenagers and young girls. Although their fighting styles are different, their lethality is extremely eye-catching. No matter how many flaming golden spiders there are, they will just get close to them. All were killed.

Compared with them, Lin Xun's current performance can only be regarded as an ordinary level.

on the peak.

The fat middle-aged man squinted at the battlefield, his eyes kept glancing at Shi Yu, Ning Meng, Qi Can and other eight or nine teenagers and girls, looking quite interested.

"Decades have passed. I didn't expect that when the Blood Killing Camp was opened again, it would attract a lot of good seedlings, much stronger than before."

The fat middle-aged man was full of emotion, as if he remembered something from the past.

"I don't know about the past, but at present, the overall performance of this group of students is not bad, but the methods are still too immature, lacking in life and death, and lack of real momentum in the battle."

Xiao Ke said lightly, she was also watching the movement on the battlefield.

The fat middle-aged man thought about it and said, "In your opinion, how many people can finally complete this training?"

"About twenty-five." Xiaoke casually reported a number.

The fat middle-aged sighed: "In this way, one-third of the students will be eliminated. This is the first day of training. This is not a good thing for you, at least three months later. In the camp confrontation, it is very bad for you."

Xiao Ke's expression remained still, she lifted her hair from her ear, and said calmly, "It doesn't matter how many students there are, what matters is how many real elite students there are."

The fat middle-aged man was stunned and said, "You and your sister have completely different personalities, she..."

Xiaoke's face showed a hint of coldness, and suddenly a whip leg kicked the fat middle-aged man out, smashing a big hole on the rock wall, and the broken stone chips splashed, showing how terrifying the strength of this leg is.

However, what was astounding was that this fat middle-aged man's seemingly soft body was unusually strong. He quickly got up and brushed the dust off his body helplessly.

Xiaoke's delicate and white face was haunted by murderous intent, and she said word by word, "Don't mention her in front of me in the future, or I will definitely ruin your life!"

The fat middle-aged man shivered all over, covered his crotch subconsciously, and closed his mouth consciously.


PS: Thank you for the rewarding and cheering of Dubao Rabbit and Xiazhi Children's Shoes yesterday~ It will be on the shelves this week. I am very nervous. Goldfish has decided that there will be more updates when it is on the shelves!

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