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Chapter 141 She Hates You

Grandma Yang came over and stood beside Zi'an.

"Miss, this matter is not difficult to guess, we did it." Yang Ma said.

"Everyone knows everything well." Zi Andao.

Grandma Yang looked at Zi'an, feeling that she was transformed again, more confident than before.

Zi An didn't forget Yang Ma's identity. She was always the queen's person, but this time Yang Ma's cooperation would happen because of the queen.

The queen did not like Xia Wan'er. This time, the identity of Xia Wan'er was revealed.

"Mammy, help me do something!" Zi An raised his head, his face dimly sad.

"Miss Elder ordered!" Mammoth Yang always said neatly.

Zi An whispered: "Help me make a card."

"Whose name to write?" Mammoth Yang asked.

"Xia Zi'an!" Zi'an lips spit out three words.

Grandma Yang stunned slightly, "Miss?"

Zi Anwei smiled a little, but there was no smile in his eyes at all, gloomy like the sky when the storm was coming.

Use cards to remind yourself? Grandma Yang feels a little weird, isn't it a curse to die?

Grandma Yang whispered: "Miss Miss does not have to be like this."

Zian assuredly said: "Mother did what I told you to do."

Grandma Yang was silent for a moment, "Okay!"

Zi An raised his head and looked at the osmanthus tree in the courtyard. "Mammy, what do you say over there now?" No one would be avenged even if he didn't die. Zi An didn't plan to spare Mrs. Linglong and Xia Wan'er, their mother and daughter The two and her prince Murong Qiao killed her.

Also, Xia Huaijun!

When she just crossed over, she would always hear a cry of tears in her ears. She knew it was not an illusion, although it was a little strange, but she knew that it was the original owner ’s injustice.

"It has nothing to do with Missy. They dug this grave themselves."

Zi'an nodded, "Yeah, what does it have to do with me? By the way, did Chen Er's wife give him enough money? Let her leave the city immediately with the child, so that the child will not be directed."

"Chen Er is a bad guy. His children have been pointed out for a long time. Rest assured, the old slave has arranged for them to leave Beijing and gave them a hundred or two silver, enough for their mother and son to buy a house elsewhere. Live a small life and live a good life. "

Over there, Xun Sun was sore and lost his shoes and yelled, "You roll away immediately, you can't look down on our summer solstice garden, nor does Xia Zhiyuan want you."

Having said that, I remembered that the lost shoes were my own, and I hurried up to pick them up and put them on my feet.

In the old lady's house.

Aunt Lan Yu lit the cigarette bag for the old lady and took mint paste on the head of the old lady and rubbed it softly. "The old lady is angry, the body is important!"

The old lady took a sip and threw the cigarette pack on the ground fiercely. "Quiet anger? You tell the old body, how do you anger?"

She stared at Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Linglong. She really hated her. The guns were originally consistent. She didn't expect her to think it was so dirty.

He co-wrote such a big show with Zhang Luo, and finally only calculated himself, Xiang Fu's face was completely lost.

Mrs. Linglong and Liu's kneel on the ground, shaking, Liu's face is white, and her head is blank.

Chen Er has been dragged down, and Xia Cheng ordered him to be beaten to death.

Xia Wan'er was imprisoned by the old lady and she was not allowed to go anywhere for the time being.

"Dr. Li, tell what you know, and the old body will not embarrass you." The old lady held her breath and looked to Dr. Li.

Dr. Li said truthfully: "Lady, indeed, sixteen years ago, the old man diagnosed the happy veins for Mrs. Linglong. However, at that time, Mrs. Linglong gave the old man a prescription for abortion, and gave the old man twelve silvers to keep the old man a secret. "

Xia Chengxiang stared at Chen Linglong like a goblin. Dr. Li's words sank his last hope.

Sixteen years ago, even if she had asked for abortion pills, the fetus was not beaten because of the coincidence in time.

After she entered the government, she gave birth in July, and Wenpo said it was premature, which he believed was true.

Looking back now, I'm afraid she bought Wenpo.

His face of Tieqing forced a smile on his face, and said to Dr. Li: "She had asked you to prescribe abortion pills? So, this pair of children is the same."

Doctor Li looked at him as if he understood something!

"I'll take the doctor out." He took a silver ticket from his sleeve and handed it to Doctor Li. Doctor Li took it for a moment, a hundred or two?

Dr. Li said: "Xiangye Mo sent, the old man knows what to say."

Xia Chengxiang didn't say a word, but sent him away with a light smile.

After seeing Dr. Li away, he looked at Xia Erxia and said coldly, "Take your daughter-in-law back, what to do with you."

Xia Erye waited for this sentence, and took Liu's hand in hand, and said sharply, "Go!"

Liu's body was exhausted, and he was dragged out of the door.

Xia Chengxiang stared back at Mrs. Linglong, her eyes were still very fierce. Mrs. Linglong swallowed, "You heard what the doctor said, yes, I did have been with Chen Er before. Born to take abortion pills. "

There was no trace of temperature in Xia Chengxiang's voice, and his eyes were still scary. "You get out first, so please comfort Wan'er, don't scare her."

Chen Linglong was terribly afraid of him like this, and even crawled out, and a heart was still hanging in his throat. Does he believe it or not? Only then did she appease Waner, which shows that he still values ​​Waner.

Xia Chengxiang asked Aunt Lan Yu to go out as well. Once the door was closed, their mother and son were left.

He picked up the cigarette bag, refilled the shredded tobacco and handed it to the old lady, and personally ignited, "Mother, smoke another two."

The old lady looked at him and sighed for a long time, smoking happily, and the shredded tobacco was burning with red dots, just like the flames rising in her eyes.

She slowly exhaled smoke and said in a deep voice: "You are doing right, now we have nothing to expect, no matter how outsiders guess, but we must admit that Xia Wan'er is your daughter, not only that, but also let Xia Wan'er also You cannot doubt your identity. "

Xia Chengxiang sat down on the chair with his legs slapped. He looked at the latch of the wooden door. The long latch seemed to be blocked on his chest, making him feel gasped.

He began to laugh, and the laughter whined with the gasping of his chest. "With this phase of Fufu, only Xia Zi'an is my biological daughter, and I always wanted to kill her."

The old lady still smoked her cigarette and kept her head quiet, but her face was very gloomy.

Xia Chengxiang smiled and looked at the old lady sadly, "Mother, do you think I did something wrong? Should I treat Xia Zi'an ..."

He couldn't say anything. This possibility made him feel ridiculous.

The old lady sneered. "If half a year ago, everything is still possible, but now that Xia Zi'an has resentment against you, will she be single-minded with you? No, she will only avenge you, she hates you."

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