The prince is very fierce

Chapter 12 Walking on the road

Seven days have passed in the blink of an eye since the last time I entered the palace.

After Xu Bu Ling felt that the cooling-off period was almost over, he sent a message to the palace and visited the Queen Mother again in the afternoon. At this time, there were only a few days left before the New Year's Eve.

During the few days he stayed in the Imperial College, Xu Buling asked Lao Xiao and the guards to investigate the situation. The Lizheng Palace was the residence of the queen, and it might be difficult to talk to Jia Yi in the emperor's harem.

However, no matter how difficult it was, Xu Buling still had to find a way. The dragon-locking Gu on his body was like the sword of Damos hanging above his head. If he didn't unlock it, he would be controlled forever. The harem is separated from Changle Palace by a thousand-step corridor. Naturally, this method can only be started from the Queen Mother.

Arrangements for entering the palace were in full swing, but the news coming back from the outside made Xu Bu Ling a little bit dumbfounded.

According to the report from Lao Qi and Lao Ba, Zhu Manzhi didn't know why he went crazy. He dragged Ning Qingye out and went on a rampage, demolishing gambling houses, smashing brothels, arresting prostitutes, and arresting gamblers. Whoever was easy to bully was eliminated in just a few days. The gangsters in Chang'an City made everyone feel at risk, and most of the backlog of thankless cases in the Criminal Investigation Department were solved, which increased the Wolf Guard's crime detection rate in one fell swoop.

Zhu Manzhi took the silver reward softly, and Ning Qingye didn't mind the price reduction. He used the banner of Wolf Guard to clean up the little gangsters everywhere. It looked like he was having a lot of fun. It was probably because he had been recovering from his injuries for a long time.

Xu Buling naturally didn't interfere in this. Everyone has his own life, as long as he doesn't get into trouble.

At noon, Yushu Linfeng, who was dressed up again without permission, first arrived outside Jinghua Garden on Kuishou Street.

I promised to give the Queen Mother rouge last time, and I must bring it with me when entering the palace today. Moreover, it’s not enough to just do business and forget Aunt Lu. A good man is good at both family and work, so he just took advantage of the opportunity to go out with Aunt Lu to relax.

The warm sun was hanging in the sky, and Xu Buling stood quietly waiting outside the courtyard. Within a moment, Mrs. Lu, who had been prepared for a long time, walked out wearing a dark green winter skirt, a waistcoat on her shoulders, and her hair combed into a casual style that has become more popular recently. The bun has a flower hairpin inserted between the bun, and the dignified temperament has not disappeared, but it has become a bit brighter out of thin air.

Xu Bu Ling smiled, walked to the carriage and raised his hand to help.

"Aunt Lu."


Mrs. Lu was in a good mood. After getting on the carriage, she turned around and stretched out her hand. Xu Bu Ling naturally held the white catkins and got on the carriage effortlessly.

Squeak, squeak, squeak—

The wheels rolled over the stone road and headed to the most prosperous Zhuangyuan Street in the capital.

Mrs. Lu leaned against the car window, helping Xu Buling tidy up her clothes and hair, and said softly:

"Why do you want to go out with me for a walk today? Are you not restrained?"

Xu Buling wanted to enter the palace, and it was impossible to hide it. Faced with Mrs. Lu's question, she said with a smile:

"The grounding is just a temporary statement from the Holy One. I haven't gone out for a walk with Aunt Lu for a long time. Last time I fell into the water and caught the wind and cold. I'm afraid that Aunt Lu will be depressed if she stays at home."

Mrs. Lu arranged Xu Buling's clothes, looked at them carefully, and then sighed glumly:

"Didn't you say you won't enter the palace? You went to apologize last time, but you went again just a few days ago. Are you afraid that I will be angry?"

Xu Buling knew what he was going to say. With a smile on his face, he raised his hand to rub Mrs. Lu's shoulders: "The Queen Mother is an elder. She accepted two jars of wine but broke her promise. After all, I feel sorry for her. I just went to visit the elder. What's wrong with Aunt Lu?" If you get angry, you should think I’m sensible.”

Mrs. Lu frowned slightly and twisted her shoulders, but did not break away from Xu Buling's hand: "I am strict, but the Queen Mother is very generous. Look what she has done to Xiao Ting? I'm afraid you will do it too." The Queen Mother will never get close to my aunt. As the saying goes, "Those who are close to red are red and those who are close to ink are black." I am not angry, but I am afraid that you will learn bad things!"


Xu Buling nodded and chuckled: "I'm not a white-eyed wolf. Aunt Lu is so kind to me, which makes my heart warm. Last time I rested in my room for a night, she even changed all the quilts, sheets, and pillows for me..."

Mrs. Lu's cheeks turned red, and she quickly pressed her back. Her resentful look disappeared instantly. She sat up straight and moved further in, and said softly:

"It's just convenient, don't take it to heart."

"All right."

Xu Buling curled his lips and finally became clear.

After such an interruption, Mrs. Lu spoke out no matter how much she had held back. She sat upright in the carriage, glancing at Xu Buling from time to time, wondering what she was thinking.

Xu Bu Ling naturally sat upright with no strange expression at all.

There was silence in the carriage for a moment. Mrs. Lu thought of Song Yufu and spoke calmly without any emotion:

"By the way, did you snatch Song Yufu's hairpin? A woman's hairpin is very important. Taking it away rashly will have bad consequences..."

Xu Buling frowned. He didn't expect Song Yufu to be so courageous. He filed a lawsuit with Mrs. Lu, and the hairpin couldn't be returned to her.

"What a man has said is hard to follow. If he says he will give it back to her when he leaves Beijing, he will give it back to her when he leaves Beijing."

When Mrs. Lu saw what he said, she stopped asking any more questions: "You just have to be sensible... But don't forget, if there is a girl you like, bring her over first and show her to me as your aunt."

"That's natural."

Xu Bu Ling nodded with a smile.

The carriage swayed and soon arrived at Dayefang. When passing a restaurant not far from Longyin Pavilion, there were suddenly several noises outside and the carriage stopped suddenly.

Mrs. Lu was sitting inside, lost in thought, when she fell forward unexpectedly and hit Xu Buling directly with a "Ah-" sound.

Xu Buling reacted very quickly. When his center of gravity was unstable, he stretched out his hand and hugged Madam Lu who was lying on the ground. He frowned and looked outside.

Madam Lu lay diagonally in Xu Buling's arms. She was a little confused and even forgot to ask. After looking up at Xu Buling's expression, she calmly moved Xu Buling's hand on her waist, sat up straight, hooked the hair by her ear, and asked with a little displeasure:

"What's wrong?"

The driver sitting outside the carriage said respectfully: "Madam, someone is fighting and blocking the road."

Outside the window, dozens of people gathered in a grand manner. They were all ordinary people who came out to shop. They formed a large hollow circle outside the restaurant. Two men rolled up their sleeves in the middle of winter, their faces flushed and they fought each other. One was dressed as a Jianghu man, and the other was dressed in exotic clothes. There were constant cheers from the surroundings.

The martial arts spirit was prevalent in Dayue. In the past, fighting in the streets damaged the dignity of a great country, so the court drove all martial arts halls to Hutai Street to prohibit private fighting. But this prohibition of private fighting refers to a life-and-death fight with iron weapons. Normally, if you don't fight with knives, as long as you follow the rules, the court will generally turn a blind eye, and the people also like to watch the excitement.

However, the excitement in front of him obviously hindered the traffic order.

Mrs. Lu was frightened, and Xu Buling was naturally angry, so he got up and walked out immediately.

Mrs. Lu hurriedly grabbed Xu Buling's sleeve and advised: "Forget it, the people in the martial arts world are just playing, you are the prince of Su Wang, why are you angry with them?"

Xu Buling had to go to the palace later, but he was in no mood to watch the chickens fighting each other, so he smiled and responded: "Blocking the road" and left the car...

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