The prince is very fierce

Chapter 19: The Xu Family's Tradition

"Morning, Madam Chen."


"Morning, Madam Chen."


It was early in the morning, and the morning light had just fallen.

Chen Si Ning got up early, holding two little snakes in her hands, and prepared to go to the garden to dry them and get familiar with the unfamiliar married life.

Passing the corridor, many maids came towards her. They all nodded and saluted, but there was a strange smile between their eyebrows. After walking a short distance, they whispered to each other.

Chen Si Ning's heart was beating fast. Holding two little snakes in her hands, she forced herself to be calm and calm. When she walked to the garden, she saw Nightingale doing morning exercises. She hurriedly walked up to her:


Nightingale was practicing Tai Chi sword seriously, and the little sparrow squatted on the edge of the flower bed, watching like a master. Hearing the shout, Nightingale put away her sword and stood up, nodding:

"Sister Si Ning, you got up so early?"


Chen Si Ning hung the two little snakes on the branches of the peach tree, picked up the little sparrow and touched it, her eyes a little vague:

"Nightingale, has your master got up yet?"

Nightingale was a personal maid, so she naturally knew what Xu Buling was doing. She shook her head and said:

"The master was with Jiujiu and Manzhi last night. I don't know how many hours it was. He should not have gotten up yet."

Chen Si Ning was slightly stunned, and after a little thought, she said with a little surprise:

"Two people together? Manzhi just came in, and they are playing so wild?"

Nightingale is used to it. , so this kind of thing is not surprising at all:

"This is nothing, it's not as good as Sister Si Ning."


Chen Si Ning's expression froze, and she stroked Yi Yi's head, pretending to be puzzled:

"Hehe, what do you mean? I... Where am I wild?"

Nightingale's face was calm, as if she was talking about something very ordinary:

"The bed collapsed, and it's not wild? I thought it was exaggerated that Sister Yuhe overturned the boat alone... Hey! Sister Si Ning?"

Before she finished speaking, Chen Si Ning's face flushed, and she ran out of the garden without looking back, leaving two silly little snakes hanging on the peach branches, swinging left and right, not knowing where to go.

Nightingale spread her hands slightly and continued to practice her Tai Chi sword.

It was bright, and the girls in the back house got up one after another. Because Xiao Qi decided to set off as soon as possible to catch up with the pace of General Yang Zunyi's advancement, the maids were already packing up their things.

Chen Si Ning returned to the backyard and hid in her room, blushing and embarrassed. She was too embarrassed to see anyone.

If she broke the bed on her wedding night, she would be laughed at for the rest of her life.

Chen Si Ning paced back and forth in the room. She had learned to handle cases since she was a child and was very rational. She knew that it was useless to just hide in such a predicament, and she had to find a way to solve it.

But how to solve it?

She couldn't run away from home and hide in her parents' home...

Chen Si Ning had no idea at all. She felt more and more embarrassed and wanted to dig a hole to bury herself.

After thinking for a long time, Chen Si Ning hadn't figured out how to go out to see people, and footsteps were heard outside the room.

Chen Si Ning's heart tightened, and she quickly pretended to be calm and walked out of the door to take a look.

At the porch of the courtyard, Xiao Xiang'er, wearing a red spring skirt, walked in.

Under the warm spring sun, Xiao Xiang'er's steps were swaying, but she still had the proper dignified manners. Her mature figure had the charm of a beautiful woman in her prime, and the agility of a young beauty, so that at first glance, one could not even tell her age.

Xiao Xiang'er was born in a noble family, and she had been in the palace for many years. She controlled her external temperament to every hair. In the harem, no one could match her femininity. Wherever she went, all the flowers were eclipsed. Only Chuchu, who relied on the advantage of being from a foreign land, could jump in front of her.

Even though Chen Si Ning was a woman, she was also amazed in her heart. She was born in the royal family and her appearance was also good, but when she stood in front of Xiang'er, her aura was invisibly suppressed, and she felt like a little girl who had not grown up.

Seeing Xiao Xiang'er suddenly coming over, Chen Si Ning hurried out of the door and said with a smile:

"Aunt, why are you here?"


Xiao Xiang'er was holding a carved wooden box in her hand. When she heard this, her smiling expression froze. She looked back and saw that Xiao Wan was not there. Then she smiled and joked:

"What aunt? You call me like an old witch. I'm already in the door. You should call me Sister Xiang'er."

Chen Si Ning understood the reason for Xiao Xiang'er's reaction.

Since Cui Xiaowan and Xu Buling got married, her previous lonely personality has slowly changed. At first, everyone was quite relieved, but soon found something wrong.

Cui Xiaowan was born with a clear mind. Basically, no one could lie to her. She was also very brave and flamboyant. She was open-minded and never shy. She said whatever she wanted to say and did whatever she wanted to do. Now that she was outgoing, the consequences were quite terrible.

For example, Xiao Xiang'er, Cui Xiaowan saw it as soon as she had a crooked mind, and then she said:

"Mother, are you greedy again?"

What can Xiao Xiang'er do? If you say you don't want to be greedy, it's hypocritical; if you say you want to be greedy, which girl in the house doesn't want to be greedy several times a day?

These are all little thoughts buried in the heart, and they will be suppressed after a while. Who can stand it when Xiaowan points it out every time?

In the past, Xiaowan was withdrawn and didn't like to chat with others, but now she can talk to everyone she meets, and she has made the girls in the back house scared. When they meet Xiaowan, they will first say "calm down, calm down, don't think about it", and several girls will avoid her when they meet her, for fear of being caught by Xiaowan, so that Xiaowan gradually has the tendency of being the "back house bully".

Seeing that Cui Xiaowan didn't follow, Chen Si Ning relaxed a little, walked close to Xiao Xiang'er, and bowed slightly:

"Sister Xiang'er, why are you here?"

Xiao Xiang'er took the carved wooden box, walked into the room, sat down on the soft couch, raised her hand and patted the seat next to her:

"You just came in. As a sister, I have to come over to visit. I just made something for you a few days ago. See if you like it."

Chen Sining sat down next to Xiang'er and looked at the exquisitely crafted small wooden box:

"How embarrassing is this? I haven't even gone to visit my sister yet, but you came here first."

"Oh, we are all a family, let alone these outsiders."

Xiao Xiang'er opened the wooden box and took out the blue and white fox tail and the silver bell with white flowers on a blue background. She put it in Chen Sining's hand and said with a smile:

"I know you like blue and white. How about it? Are you satisfied?"

Chen Sining picked up the tail and the bell and looked at them. Although she didn't know the purpose, she nodded seriously:

"Sister Xiang'er is really ingenious. I heard my husband mentioned before that our family has this tradition, but...but what is this used for? It's just a decoration or..."

"It's a plug-in."

Xiao Xiang'er's eyebrows are curved, like a harmless elder sister:

"As for the tradition of the Xu family, you have to ask Xu Buling. Next time you consummate your marriage, take this out and he will teach you how to use it. But you should take your time and use it the first time. If the bed collapses, will it happen again?" !

Chen Sining's expression suddenly froze, and she quickly smiled:

"I know, thank you, Sister Xiang'er."

She put the things away and put them in the small wooden box. After thinking about it, she had an idea and asked:

"By the way, Sister Xiang'er, we spend the evening with our husband... how do we arrange it?"

Xiao Xiang'er blinked but didn't hesitate:

"Hongluan had arranged before that they would come in turns, about every three days, and then Xu Buling would have a day off. However, during the war last year and this year, Xu Buling went out often. After returning, the girls kept eating unruly. This The arrangement has not been used much. After the war is over, we should follow the rules. "

Chen Sining nodded in understanding, thought for a while and then said:

"Then who should be here tonight?"

When Xiao Xiang'er heard this, she blinked her eyes, thinking that Chen Sining had learned the taste of the marrow, and her eyes were slightly teasing:

"Yesterday Jiujiu jumped into the queue. Today it is logically Xiaowan's turn. If you want, I can ask Xu Buling to come over in the evening. Xiaowan is not in a hurry."

"No, no, no."

Chen Sining shook her head quickly: "I'm not in a hurry at all, I'm just asking casually."

Seeing this, Xiao Xiang'er naturally didn't give in. After all, what was Xiaowan's was hers, and what was hers was still hers.

After giving the small wooden box to Chen Sining, the work assigned by the smelly brother was completed. Xiao Xiang'er chatted for a while, then stood up to say goodbye and left the courtyard.

Chen Sining sent Xiao Xiang'er out, then returned to the house, put away the beautifully crafted wooden box, and then waited in the courtyard.

People were coming and going in the back house, and soon after, Cui Xiaowan, Xiao Xiang'er, and Ning Yuhe were heard chatting. They must have gone to Lu Hongluan's yard to play mahjong together.

Chen Sining listened carefully, and after making sure that the few people were far away, she flew up, climbed over several courtyard walls as lightly as a swallow, and arrived outside the room where Cui Xiaowan lived.

Cui Xiaowan's yard is different from other places. It is filled with potted plants, some of which have just sprouted and some of which are in bud. She is used to living alone all year round. There are no maids in it, only the little black dog lying in the yard, wagging its tail and looking towards Chen Sining.

Chen Sining made a shushing gesture and quickly entered Xiaowan's bedroom.

Because Xiaowan has obsessive-compulsive disorder, the room is neatly organized and spotless. There is an agarwood paperweight on the dresser beside the bed, and a rabbit tail is placed next to the pillow.

Chen Sining glanced at the rabbit's tail and did not touch other people's personal belongings. She just raised her head slightly and slapped the quilt on the bed with a seemingly weak palm.

The quilt made a slight muffled sound, and the bed board under the quilt also made a "click-" sound, which was obviously cracked.

Auntie, I'm sorry...

Chen Sining looked slightly guilty. After checking to make sure that the disconnection would not hurt anyone, she ran out with a guilty conscience...——

It was getting brighter, and there was gradually more laughter in the back house.

Xu Buling lay on the bed. After Jiujiu's careful massage, the soreness and weakness in his body had disappeared, and his bones felt a little lighter.

Zhongli Jiujiu was leaning on Xu Buling's left side. She had already woken up, but Manzhi was still asleep like a milk cat. She was not easy to disturb. She just blinked her fox-like eyes and looked at Xu Buling. His profile is full of admiration.

Xu Buling hugged his two soft daughters-in-law, with big dumplings on his left and right. He gradually became a little unsteady. He turned to look at Jiujiu and raised his eyebrows.

Zhongli Jiujiu understood instantly, hesitated for a moment, but still didn't have the nerve to mess around in broad daylight, so he raised his hand and poked the branches.


Zhu Manzhi woke up in a daze, looked up and saw Xu Buling and Jiujiu looking at her, her face turned slightly red, but immediately became anxious again, turned up her head, looking for her little skirt:

"What happened? We agreed to get up early to practice martial arts together. Xiaoning must have gone first. Doesn't this allow her to take advantage..."

Zhongli Jiujiu was a little funny: "Even if she gives you a year, you won't be able to catch up. Why are you so anxious?"

"Who said that? I'm my father's biological child. My talent in swordsmanship is as good as Xiao Ning's. I might even catch up with him."

Zhu Manzhi lay on the bedside and fumbled for a long time before finding the clothes scattered everywhere. After dressing neatly two or three times, he hurried out to wash up.

Seeing this, Xu Buling also got up and put on his clothes, sent Jiujiu back to the back house, played a round of mahjong with Baobao Aunt, and then went to the meeting hall of the outer house to arrange the next trip.

We are ready to leave and continue our journey south. We have made arrangements today and can set off tomorrow. According to the speed of the Xiliang army's march, by the time he reaches Jinling and other places in Huainan, Yang Zunyi is estimated to have almost conquered Suzhou. When the two sides join forces, they will be on the way to Hangzhou, which is the end of this counter-insurgency.

Xu Buling sat in the meeting hall for a long time, going through all the arrangements in person, and after making sure there were no problems, he got up and walked out of the house. He wanted to visit his father-in-law Zhu Liu, thinking that it was his new uncle's return.

Zhu Liu's house was not far away. Xu Buring was getting up and down on the house, but he arrived nearby in a moment. He just looked up and saw Ning Qingye standing on the roof of a building, peeking at the courtyard in the distance.

Xu Buring was slightly surprised, landing lightly behind Ning Qingye, and raised his hand to pat her shoulder.

Ning Qingye was in a daze. She was startled by the slap on her shoulder. She immediately put her hand on the hilt of the sword at her waist, but unfortunately her wrist was caught. When she turned around and saw Xu Buling, she breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head and remained silent.

Xu Buling followed Ning Qingye's gaze and looked into the distance, only to see Li Hansheng in Zhu Liu's courtyard wearing a robe and holding an iron sword, making serious gestures.

Sword Master Zhu Liu folded his arms and leaned against the pillar, talking. From the looks of it, he seemed to be giving instructions on Li Hansheng's sword skills.

According to Xu Buling's understanding, Li Hansheng is an expert in boxing and kicking, and has never used weapons. Last time he played with the long spear in Mazhao Ridge, he made a mess and used it purely as a javelin. And with Li Hansheng's martial arts skills, there was no need to change his job to learn swordsmanship. This scene was really weird.

The distance was too far and it was difficult to hear what the two father-in-laws were talking about. After looking at it for a while, Xu Buring asked:

"Qingye, what are they doing?"

Ning Qingye was silent for a moment, then shook her head and said:

"I don't know. I finished practicing swordsmanship with Manzhi at noon. I was leaving, but there were some things I hadn't figured out, so I was going to come over and ask Uncle Zhu for advice. Unexpectedly, I saw him learning swordsmanship here."

Xu Buling thought for a while and couldn't figure out the reason, so he said with a smile:

"I guess I just waited until I had nothing to do, so I came over to discuss and discuss."

Ning Qingye felt a little emotional. Her husband was in front of her. Maybe she wanted to express her inner feelings, so she snorted softly:

"A moon stick, a sword, a gun, a lifetime, keep the sword with you. Swordsmanship is a skill accumulated since childhood. If you don't touch a sword for three days, you will learn it. Even you can't learn it well. He is in his forties or fifty years old, and now he has practiced it well." What’s the use?”

Xu Buling's swordsmanship is not bad, just a little worse than that of a sword master, but he does not use the sword very often. Seeing Qingye say this, he naturally nodded along with the words:

"Yes, but it is common for warriors to communicate with each other, and it is not necessary to learn trance in every profession..."

Ning Qingye listened quietly, and found that Xu Buling suddenly stopped speaking, looking slightly confused. Just as he was about to ask, a sharp sword sound suddenly sounded in the distance.

call out

The sound of the sword spreads to the sky, and the sword energy spreads thousands of miles.

The spring birds resting among the willows all over the street were frightened and scattered in all directions under the sword.

Outside the courtyard in the distance, a gap exploded in the wall. Bricks and stones flew away, and then penetrated the opposite wall.

The remaining momentum continued unabated until the wall across the alley was riddled with holes, and the smoke and dust in the sky dispersed with the wind.

Ning Qingye's eyes widened, her eyes changing with a variety of emotions in an instant, including shock, surprise, disbelief, and a hint of unmatched shame in her eyes.

Xu Buling was also shocked. After looking for a moment with his mouth open, he whispered:

"Qingye, he...are you sure he is your biological father?"

"How do I know?"

Ning Qingye's eyes turned cold, she turned around and left with her sword in hand.

Xu Buling glanced at him from afar, then quickly followed...

In the courtyard, the smoke and dust cleared.

Guo Shanrong was shocked and ran out of the room with an annoyed look on his face:

"You don't know how valuable firewood and rice are when you're not a householder? This yard was bought by Mr. Manzhi'er. You can demolish it if you want..."

Sword Master Zhu Liu was leaning against the pillar, his mouth open and he hadn't recovered yet. When he heard his wife calling, he turned his head, a little innocently:

"I didn't tear it down. If you want to scold him, scold him."

In the courtyard outside the eaves, Li Hansheng, dressed in black robe, stood in front of the collapsed wall, looking at the iron sword in his hand. The sleeve of his right arm had been shattered, revealing his elbow with even muscle texture.

Li Hansheng looked at the sword for a moment, shook his head slightly, and said in a blink of an eye:

"You've spent your whole life thinking about this thing?"

Zhu Liu's eyes were very complicated. He stood up straight, walked over and looked at the ruins of the wall, and nodded:

"That's right. When did you learn it secretly?"

Li Hansheng had no expression on his face:

"Does this still require learning? You'll know it if you don't teach it once. Once this sword is shot, it will never come back and leave no force behind. It's a bit too much. The killing power is extraordinary, but it's too strong and easy to break, so it can't be considered a superior move."

Zhu Liu was obviously a little dissatisfied with this statement:

"A swordsman should move forward without hesitation, and be able to 'break through all means with one sword', so why should he pay attention to feints and real moves? Trying to save three points, and thinking of changes before taking action is the best way to do it."

They have different martial arts methods and their concepts are completely different. Li Hansheng did not argue, threw the sword back into the scabbard under the eaves, turned around and prepared to leave.

Zhu Liu raised his hand to stop Li Hansheng: "Wait a minute, you came here out of nowhere to steal my master. What are you planning to do? Start a sect and become a sword master?"

Li Hansheng shook his head: "If you have many skills, don't overwhelm yourself. Be prepared."

Zhu Liu obviously didn't believe this: "Do you want to learn it and have the opportunity to teach your daughter in the future?"

Li Hansheng's eyes moved for a moment but he didn't respond.

Zhu Liu sighed softly and patted Li Hansheng on the shoulder:

"You and Xu Buling are the same as each other. They all learn that 'knowing the method means knowing it'. There is no need to lay a foundation at all. Tell others. Others are just like looking at gods. There is no way to teach Qingye Nannizi."

Li Hansheng frowned slightly and turned his head:

"What should we do?"

Zhu Liu shrugged: "What else can you do? Start by learning how to walk and carry a bucket. Only after walking the path of an ordinary warrior can you understand the hardships of ordinary people."

Li Hansheng thought for a moment, nodded slightly, then turned and left.

But Zhu Liu raised his hand again, blocking the way.

Li Hansheng was a little confused: "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

Zhu Liu pointed at the collapsed courtyard wall:

"It's not a good habit to kill or bury someone. Build the courtyard wall before leaving. My arm is injured and I don't have the strength to deal with the aftermath for you."


Li Hansheng was silent for a moment, then turned towards the collapsed wall and muttered something rare:

"A grown man is afraid of his wife, so he is a swordsman."

"Hey you... forget it, I won't talk to you, lest you hide again and shed tears..."

After the wall was built, the ordinary day passed.

In the handsome manor, the maids had already packed up the gifts and sent them to Chaohu in a carriage for shipment. The girls had a good night's rest at the manor, and they would be able to board the ship and sail to the south of the Yangtze River tomorrow morning.

Before leaving for a long journey, the back house became quiet very early, and the lights in each room were turned off.

Chen Sining stayed in the house all day, refusing to go out when no one called her. When she saw the moon on the branches, she sneaked out of the yard, pretending to take a walk on the path between the courtyards, waiting for any movement in the distance.

Judging by the time, Xu Buling came back in the afternoon, sat with Lu Hongluan for a while, then returned to his room, and did not go out after that.

Chen Sining got the information from Xiao Xiang'er and knew that Xu Buling must have sneaked into Cui Xiaowan's yard. As long as he exercised later, the bed board would definitely collapse. Then she pretended to be worried about Cui Xiaowan and ran over to tell the matter. If you find out, the housekeeper will probably laugh at Xiaowan and expose her collapse of the bed.

Although she felt a little sorry for her aunt, Chen Sining only had this way. Cui Xiaowan had a light-hearted personality and never took things like this that she felt embarrassed seriously, nor would she take them to heart. Just show your respect to Xiaowan.

While thinking secretly, Chen Sining walked around silently, covering his steps to avoid being noticed by Xu Bu Ling.

After waiting for a long time, there was finally a "click" sound in the night, and a woman's exclamation.

Chen Sining's eyes lit up, she hurriedly flew up, landed in Cui Xiaowan's yard, and said hurriedly:

"Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

The small talk in the room suddenly stopped.

Xu Buling seemed to have his waist twisted, and took a breath, and then the voice came:

"It's okay, it's okay. You're fine."

Humph~ It’s okay...

Chen Sining didn't believe it at all, so she hurriedly opened the door, guessed the bolt, and looked in a blink of an eye:

"Auntie, are you okay...?"

Seeing the scene in the room, Chen Sining's concerned expression suddenly froze.

Between the collapsed beds, Xu Bu Ling fell to the ground with his arms and legs spread out, feeling hopeless.

Xiao Xiang'er sat on it, covering her red cheeks with her hands.

Cui Xiaowan, wearing white bunny ears, hugged Xiao Xiang'er face to face. She didn't know where she was sitting at first, her cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes were still disappointed, and she said dissatisfied:

"Why did my bed collapse?"? ?

Chen Sining's eyes widened, her face turned red to her neck for a moment, and she was a little confused.

Fox spirit...rabbit spirit...

What the hell is this?

Transformed at night?

Xu Bu Ling looked slightly embarrassed and looked at Chen Sining. He wanted to explain, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt something was wrong.

This came too quickly!

Xu Bu Ling's embarrassed expression sank, he narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at the door:

"Sining, have you tampered with this bed?"! !

Chen Sining came back to her senses and shook her head quickly, feeling a little guilty: "I didn't, so what..."


As Xiao Xiang'er and Cui Xiaowan separated, the sound of bells came to mind again in the room.

Chen Sining was stunned, raised her eyes, and remembered the gift Xiao Xiang'er gave her in the morning...

"Oh my God!"

Chen Sining was at a loss and was stunned. After staying for a moment, she turned around and wanted to run away.

But in this situation, how could he possibly run away?

Xu Buling pulled Chen Sining back, closed the door, and said with some dissatisfaction:

"Sining, I secretly tricked your aunt. This is a big mistake. Do you want to leave without apologizing?"

"I apologize, sir, go about your business first."

"Sining, just say it if you want to. Why secretly destroy my bed? My mother has been thinking about this for a long time."

"I didn't talk about it. Xu Buling was thinking about 'three generations living under one roof'. Xiaowan, please stop talking nonsense."

"Ms. sir, I didn't want to come. You guys are too... ugh... what did I marry? I..."


"No, sir, I was wrong..."

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