The prince is very fierce

Chapter 16: Touring Chaohu Lake

The sun rises in the east.

Ning Qingye finished breakfast in her room, put on her usual clothes, and walked out of the courtyard.

We just had the bridal chamber last night. As a bride, she should actually serve tea to her parents-in-law and sisters. However, Su Wang Xu You is not in Luzhou, and the family has been together on the boat for a year or two. They are already familiar with each other. These tedious matters Etiquette is naturally dispensed with.

Ning Qingye walked through the path and wanted to go directly to Manzhi, but when she was halfway there, she saw Cui Xiaowan standing outside Chen Sining's yard, holding a small wooden stick that was broken off casually, standing at the door and saying seriously:

"Don't block the road. I killed a lot of snakes in Peach Blossom Valley, some of which are longer than all of you combined..."

At the door, the two little snakes were still acting as door gods. Seeing that Cui Xiaowan didn't hold the nail, they naturally refused to let him go.

In the courtyard, Chen Sining's voice soon came:

"Auntie, wait a moment, I'll be out right away."

Cui Xiaowan heard this and said to the yard:

"Sining, what are you doing? Are you unable to get up because of Xu Buling?"

"No, no..."

"It doesn't matter. I'll come in and take a look. You can call these two little snakes back."

"It's true, auntie, I'll be out right away."

Ning Qingye knew about Xu Buling's waist flash, so she guessed that Chen Sining was dealing with the crime scene. After watching for a while, she didn't disturb him and went straight over the courtyard wall to Zhu Manzhi's yard.

It was already bright, but Zhu Manzhi, like Xiao Xiang'er, was used to sleeping until three o'clock in the morning, so he naturally didn't get up at this time.

Ning Qingye was familiar with the door and walked into the room without saying hello.

Between the beds, Zhu Manzhi was still sleeping, but his posture had changed from lying on his side with his bedroll in his arms, to a large, sprawled figure with only a spring quilt covering his belly. We just got married last night, Xu Bu Ling just took off his clothes and didn’t put them on, Man Zhi naturally had nothing on him, two white flowers...


Ning Qingye blinked her eyes, lowered her head to compare, straightened up slightly, then walked to the bed and sat down, reaching out and shaking the dumplings.


Zhu Manzhi shook slightly, pushed away his palms, pulled up the quilt to cover his body, turned over and faced inside, and said vaguely:

"Mr. Xu, why haven't you gone to Lao Chen yet? It's already dawn, Xiao Ning must be very anxious...Afu seemed to have been here just now, and asked you if you were fierce..."

Ning Qingye rolled her eyes. As a sworn sister to Jinlan, she was not polite and just raised her hand.


A crisp sound echoed in the room.

Zhu Manzhi was in a daze, turned up, looked around blankly, and found Ning Qingye sitting next to him. He was about to say something harsh, but suddenly he realized his situation, his face instantly turned red, and he quickly hugged her with a spring quilt. Looking at himself, he said in shame:

"Xiao Ning, what are you doing? If you can't just stay in your own room, why are you here?"

Ning Qingye stood up, threw the skirt on the tray to Zhu Manzhi, and said calmly:

"Afraid that Xu Buling will kill you, why don't you come over for a visit?"

Zhu Manzhi had just bid farewell to her career as a girl for more than ten years. She was still a little bit overwhelmed by these teasing words after marriage, and frowned and said:

"Xiao Ning, what are you talking about? My husband is so gentle."

Ning Qingye narrowed her eyes slightly: "I call you Xianggong very smoothly, and I change my words very quickly."

"That's natural."

Zhu Manzhi chatted for a while and woke up completely. He put on his clothes in a few moments. After going out to wash up, he asked Qingye to help tie up his hair.

Ning Qingye came here because she was bored and wanted to talk to Manzhi, but Manzhi couldn't stay in the house. After packing up, she was ready to run to Chen Sining to see what kind of torture her good sisters had become.

However, Ning Qingye knew that Chen Sining was being tortured by Demon King Cui, and did not want to make Chen Sining too embarrassed, so she stopped Manzhi:

"Don't go there, Xu Bu Ling collapsed the bed last night, and Sining is repairing the bed now."

"The bed collapsed?"

Zhu Manzhi's eyes were slightly startled, and he said in astonishment: "Oh my God! I didn't expect that Lao Chen would be so fierce... Then I should go and have a look."

He said and ran outside.

Ning Qingye quickly slipped Zhu Manzhi back and said with a frown:

"Si Ning has just entered the house. It's not like Master and the others. One is more wild than the other. If you run over and make a few jokes, she will be so embarrassed that she will run away from home. We will see how Xu Buling deals with you."

Zhu Manzhi thought so, so he suppressed the thought of watching the joke: "I know the seriousness, but let's just get over it. Let's go find my mother. My mother's cooking is delicious. I'm almost starving to death."

Ning Qingye hesitated for a moment, originally wanting to say that the new daughter-in-law would not return home until three days later, but the Xu family didn't seem to have such strict rules, and it was fine in the house, so she followed Manzhi out.

The girls in the back house, except Xiao Xiang'er, have all gotten up. Lu Hongluan is almost five months pregnant and lives in the back of the house to rest. Ning Yuhe and Zhongli Jiujiu are with them, and Zhongli Chuchu is sitting next to her master. Preparing medicines by hand.

Zhu Manzhi was originally going to call Chu Chu, but when he saw Chu Chu busy, he didn't bother him. He walked out of the handsome manor with Ning Qingye and came to a private house not far away.

Sword Master Zhu Liu was already a powerful person, and his daughter was married to the Crown Prince of Su. There were many black and white figures who wanted to meet and make friends with him. In order to avoid these worldly disturbances, the private house where Zhu Liu and his wife lived was relatively remote, just a small courtyard with two entrances.

It was still morning, the courtyard door was open, and Guo Shanrong was sitting in the kitchen having breakfast, chattering nonstop like Manzhi:

"... There were so many people present yesterday. Xue Chengzhi didn't seem to dare to come. It was his son... the second boss of the Yangzhou Boat Gang also arrived. When he was walking around in Youzhou, you seemed to have beaten him up. "Dun, I saw that he didn't hold any grudge at all, he came over and toasted me vigorously... By the way, why didn't those seven Taoist nuns from Mount Emei come? There are rumors in the world that you guys had an affair, I really want to see it..."

Sword Master Zhu Liu stood in the yard playing Tai Chi with his sword. He didn't listen or look and responded, as if he was meditating on the great road.

When Ning Qingye heard these words, her eyes looked a little strange. She glanced at Xiao Manzhi secretly, as if she was imagining what Manzhi would look like in the future.

Zhu Manzhi listened with great interest, ran into the yard, and continued:

"Mom, I know those seven Taoist nuns. They are the Seven Heroic Girls of Emei. They met at Jianmen Pass in Shu. The seventh one is still on the mountain waiting for my father to renew their relationship."


Guo Shanrong walked out with a kitchen knife.

Sword Master Zhu Liu's expression changed, and he picked up the broom from the corner of the yard:

"You damn girl, I want you to stop reading those messy books. I have nothing to do with that Yaotai Fairy..."

Zhu Manzhi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhu Liu:

"Dad, how did you know that the seventh child is called Yaotai Fairy?"

Zhu Liu: "..."

There is murderous intent!

Guo Shanrong narrowed his eyes slightly, but when he saw Ning Qingye, he put down the kitchen knife and warmly greeted his daughter and Ning Qingye into the house.

Zhu Manzhi just got married yesterday, so the mother and daughter naturally had a lot to talk about. After saying a few words, they sneakily ran to the bedroom, obviously to talk about some private topics in women's homes.

Although Ning Qingye had a good relationship with Manzhi, she would not get involved in this kind of thing. She turned around and came to the yard and watched Zhu Liu playing Tai Chi sword seriously.

Zhu Liu is a true 'Sword Master'. He has mastered the world's swordsmanship and mastered one sword. He is not just a swordsman, he can also do the Tai Chi sword.

However, after he injured his right arm at Mazhaoling, Zhu Liu basically said goodbye to the top martial arts masters. At this time, practicing Tai Chi was purely for self-cultivation and avoiding his wife.

Seeing Ning Qingye watching intently, Zhu Liu didn't want to mislead his disciples. He put away his sword and stood with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile:

"Miss Ning, I'm just playing with the Tai Chi sword casually. In terms of attainments, I'm definitely not as good as the Taoist priests from Wudang Mountain. I can't learn it."

Ning Qingye's original name should be 'Li Qingye', but the relationship between father and daughter is tense, so Zhu Liu naturally doesn't find it easy to call her by random names.

When Ning Qingye saw Zhu Liu being so polite, the respect in his eyes increased instead of decreasing. He raised his hand and saluted:

"Uncle Zhu is too self-effacing. I have learned swordsmanship since I was a child. Although I learned the Tang sword from my master, I grew up in Wudang Mountain and know a little bit about Wudang swordsmanship. Uncle Zhu, except for the few masters of Wudang Mountain, Uncle, others are far behind."

Zhu Liu shook his head. It was okay anyway, so he sat down on the steps and explained:

"The way of swordsmanship does not focus on form, but on meaning. The Cao family's 'kuai' and the Lu family's 'cunning' are actually talking about 'meaning'. If you just practice sword moves without understanding their meaning, no matter how similar you are to learning, they are just superficial. "If you have a comprehensive understanding of the meaning, you don't have to stick to rigid one-stroke moves. Every move and every move is a sword move, which is what is often said in the martial arts world: 'No move wins, but one move'. My two moves with the Tai Chi sword are just similar in appearance."

In terms of martial arts, Ning Qingye was considered a top expert in the world, but in front of Wu Kui, he was even half-assed. She naturally valued this opportunity for the Sword Master to give personal guidance. After thinking about it for a while, she said seriously:

"I probably understand what Uncle Zhu means, but..."

"Learning martial arts is hard work, and it's useless to understand the meaning. You have to accumulate enough on your own to truly understand it."

Zhu Liu smiled lightly, thought for a while and asked: "Xu Buling didn't teach you this?"

Ning Qingye shook her head: " husband knows everything and has taught me, but what he said was not as detailed as Uncle Zhu's, so I can't quite understand it."

Zhu Liu understood this. Xu Buling was extremely talented. He had been a handyman since he was a child. He learned everything from swords, guns, swords and halberds to boxing, kicking, riding and shooting. The path to a professional like him was different.

If Xu Buling taught people martial arts, it would probably be, Xu Buling said:

"Holding the sword with your hand and stabbing forward, this is called 'shaking the mountain'. Holding the sword with your hand, slashing downward twenty-eight times, this is called the chain knife..."

Those who learn it must be confused.

It's not that Xu Buling didn't teach seriously, but that his own accumulation has reached its peak. No matter what he learns, he will subconsciously refer to it from his past accumulation. But it's not easy for him to teach his experience to others.

This is the same as "reading thousands of volumes and writing like a god". If others don't have the accumulation of reading thousands of volumes, if you don't teach with your own understanding, the other party will definitely not understand.

Zhu Liu thought for a moment and saw that Ning Qingye was very interested in swords, so he said with a smile:

"I will no longer be able to use the sword in the future, but I still have the insights in this life. If you are willing to learn, I will teach you what I have pondered over the years. But 'Master leads the door, and practice depends on the individual.' Can you learn to see You're on your own."

When Ning Qingye heard this, she was naturally overjoyed and quickly raised her hands and cupped her fists in a salute:

"Thank you very much, Uncle Zhu."

In the house, I was chatting with my mother about Zhu Manzhi. When I heard these words, I became interested and ran out in a hurry:

"Dad, you are partial and don't even teach me."

"I taught you from when you were three to thirteen, who asked you to follow your mother..."

"The surname is Zhu!"


Next, the two girls' families, under Zhu Liu's guidance, started playing swordsmanship in the yard.

And far from the residential houses, on the top of a building.

Li Hansheng, dressed in a black robe, stood behind the roof, looking at the focused tall figure in the courtyard. At this moment, his gloomy eyes had a few more meanings.

Jianghu people practice martial arts all their lives. If their children want to practice martial arts, who would not want to teach their children hand in hand if there is a chance?

Seeing Zhu Liu sitting under the eaves, happily teaching his daughter to practice sword.

Li Hansheng's eyes may be envious...


It was mid-March, and the spring was just right. The gentry who came to Luzhou to celebrate the wedding banquet had not left yet. Although the wedding banquet was over, it was rare for so many noble families to get together, so private friendships and banquets were inevitable.

At noon, Chaohu Lake was full of cruise ships and pleasure boats. Drinkers could be seen everywhere between the decks and boathouses, and the sound of stringed instruments and music could be heard from the shore.

Xu Buling carried Song Yufu on his back and landed on the lakeside. He looked at the beautiful mountains and rivers and let out a long sigh of relief.

There were not many tourists in the willow forest by the lake, but there were always a few.

Song Yufu lay on Xu Buling's back, her eyes slightly embarrassed. She was afraid of being seen, so she patted Xu Buling's shoulder:

"Husband, put me down."

Xu Buling walked slowly along the lake embankment, with no intention of letting go:

"I just had a meal, so I need to exercise to digest the food."

Song Yufu had just had breakfast with Xu Buling, and now she touched her stomach:

"I have to digest the food too. If I can't move if I just eat, what if I become a fat man?"

Xu Buling smiled and said, "We are an old couple, and I like you whether you are fat or thin."

Song Yufu pursed her lips, her eyes slightly shy, and her fingers twirled the robe on Xu Buling's back:

"You just say that, but when I was in the Imperial College, if I was a little fat man, I would dare to... If I talk back to you, you will probably throw me under the bell and drum tower on the spot. "

Xu Buling shook his head seriously: "How could it be, if you were a little fat boy, I would not go to the school to attend classes at all."


Song Yufu was stunned, and after thinking for a while, she understood what she meant, and raised her hand to pat Xu Buling's shoulder:

"You are so good, I thought you were cold and arrogant, and didn't like women at that time. It turns out that you had bad intentions towards the female teacher in class at that time."

"What's wrong with that? Anyway, you are married to me now."

"Humph~ I was so scared that I went to you to reason with you. I should have ignored you earlier..."

The couple flirted and teased each other and came to the pier where the cruise ship was docked.

Xu Buling was just looking for a small boat to tour Chaohu with Song Yufu, but when he looked up, he found that his own carriage was also parked at the pier, and there were carriages from Xiao and Lu's families next to it.

A large boat docked by the lake was holding a party. Lu Hongxin, Xiao Mo and others could be seen enjoying the view on the deck from a distance. Next to them were the heads of the noble families in Jiangnan, Luzhou and other places. More people rushed to board the boat. There were many female relatives in the boat next to them, who were the ladies of the major noble families. Xiao Qi stood at the window and chatted with several familiar ladies.

Song Yufu saw this scene and whispered, "It's a day off today, why did Sister Qiqi come out again?"

Xu Buling shook his head, "There are so many heads of noble families gathering together, they must have sent me a notice. Qiqi is a workaholic, so it's normal for her to run over to go through the motions so as not to offend the families."

Song Yufu nodded, "Sister Qiqi is alone, should we go over and take a look?"

"The noble families are trying to make friends, and I have a special status. It will definitely be a cold scene if I show up, and I can't talk about anything. Let's just walk around."

Most of the noble families in the east came to Luzhou. There were many people going out today, and the shore was full of cruise ships ready to depart. Xu Buling glanced at a pleasure boat between the big ships. The boat was full of stringed instruments and music. Singers playing the piano and dancing could be seen in the distance. Most of the people on the boat were young men from aristocratic families and literati. It seemed that they were holding a poetry gathering.

"Let's go and have a look."

Xu Buling put Song Yufu down and came to the carriage of the palace parked on the shore. He asked the palace guards to find a set of scholar's robes and square scarves. After changing into them, he found a fan to cover himself.

Song Yufu liked poetry gatherings very much. When she was in Chang'an City, she would go to join in the fun when her father Song Baiqing was invited. She met Xu Buling because of a few poems, so she was naturally interested in this.

In order not to be recognized by the people on the boat and scare the group of scholars, Song Yufu also changed her hair bun in the carriage, changing it to the style of an unmarried girl, and then followed Xu Buling to the painting boat...


The ending has been written, but it has not been released. Some bits and pieces of life have been added temporarily.

While writing daily life, I am also thinking about new books. The updates may be slow these days. You can read these as extras.

Thank you [Book Friend 20201215192806691] for the reward!

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