The prince is very fierce

Chapter 42: Old, weak, sick and disabled?

The lanterns are on.

The luxurious carriage drove out of the palace walls of the imperial city and walked through the busiest streets in the capital.

Prince Jiang Kai sat in the carriage, clenching his fists and watching the goings-on outside from the window.

Pavilions, winding alleys, buildings with cornices, and beautiful buildings are quickly forming. Horses are galloping on the streets, and scholars are like clouds. Young ladies from wealthy families are riding in sedans and looking shyly, and dancers in brothels and restaurants are smiling coquettishly.

This is the most beautiful and prosperous place in the world, apart from Chang'an City.

And Jiang Du is the only heir to this place.

I wonder if there is any man in the world who, after seeing such a beautiful scene that looks like a heavenly palace, doesn’t want to take it all in his own hands and become the only king here?

Jiang Du really wanted to get all of this, and he even wanted to visit Chang'an City, the capital of the entire Central Plains, in his lifetime.

But it's a pity that now he can't even satisfy his insignificant selfishness, and he can't even protect an insignificant person, because he is not the master of this place yet.

Jiang Du didn't understand why his father wanted him to kill Liu Wuye, a merchant's son who could not interfere with the overall situation at all. At most, his reputation in future generations would be poor. As long as he could take care of the court seriously, why couldn't he tolerate this flaw?

He did not dare to ask these questions, and his father would not answer them. He could only try his best to follow his father's wishes without making any mistakes. This had been the case since he was a child.

For the future throne, he must be ruthless and cut off all obstacles, even the people he once cared about most!

Jiang Du clenched his fists and thought about it a thousand times in his mind. Thinking about this was just to give himself psychological comfort and to find a reason for himself to be "not a poisonous man and not a husband".

The carriage passed through the streets and stopped outside a house.

Jiang Du did not open the curtain, but waited quietly, his hands opening and closing uncontrollably.

Soon, Wang Jin ran in from the house, his face turned pale, his head lowered and he did not dare to speak.

Jiang Du waited for a moment and realized something was wrong. The entanglement and guilt in his heart turned into anger on his face in an instant. He opened the car curtain and said angrily:


Wang Jin's face was as white as paper, he lowered his head and stammered:

"Your Highness, Ba Meng and others ambushed Yangshu Lake and have never returned. The younger one sent people to investigate and found traces of fighting on the ground, but the body was missing and should have been sunk to the bottom of the water."

"Is Liu Wuye dead?"

Wang Jin shook his head: "If he could clean up the battlefield afterwards, he should not be dead. However, there are blood-stained iron claws left at the scene, so he must have been seriously injured."

Jiang Du's face was gloomy and slightly pale. If this thing goes wrong, the father must suspect that he secretly let Liu Wuye go for personal gain. Even if he is not seeking personal gain, how can he be an emperor if he can't handle such a small thing?

"Didn't you say it's foolproof? Liu Wuye is not a contemporary military leader. At most, he is on par with Zuo Zhan. How could he miss?"

Wang Jin looked troubled: "Judging from the footprints at the scene, there is definitely more than one person. The building at Lanbaozhai is also empty. Someone should have got the news from Lanbaozhai and went to Yangshu Lake to rescue the man named Liu..."

"He is alone and has no friends at all. Who will save him?"


Wang Jin opened his mouth, but had nothing to say.

Jiang Du's eyes were filled with anger, but he could not hide his anxiety. He thought for a moment and said coldly:

"Go and investigate, you will see the body dead or alive, and we must not let Liu Wuye reappear. Before we find the person, seal the news. If it reaches the ears of the father, I will kill all nine of your clans!"

Wang Jin trembled. As a matchmaker, how could he offend the ruler of Northern Qi? He hurriedly bowed his head and said yes.

Jiang Du was so confused that he had nowhere to vent his emotions. He grabbed the teacup and threw it at Wang Jin, then angrily lowered the car curtain.


Inside the inn, everything was calm.

Xiao Taohua suffered internal injuries and underwent medical treatment. Her breathing became much smoother and she fell asleep leaning on the bed.

After Xu Buling sent Xiaowan back to his room, he glanced at the door a few times before Chen Sining and Manzhi walked out and closed the door.

Zhu Manzhi's eyes were filled with a bit of jealousy, he pouted his lips and gave a slight pause, then said softly:

"This girl is not wearing any clothes in the film. Master, don't look around. What should you do if you realize something is wrong?"

Xu Buling took a clear look at the banks of Yangshu Lake. The grass was sparse, white and powdery, and he accidentally touched it twice. However, he definitely had no shame to say such a thing. He pulled Manzhi towards the next room and asked:

"Miss Chen, how is Xiao Taohua's injury?"

Chen Sining's style of dealing with things is very steady, and she has endless life-saving skills. It is impossible for her to heal ordinary injuries. She smiled and said:

"Don't worry. Although this little girl is a woman, her physique is almost as strong as the young master's. She received two hammers without breaking any muscles and bones. She only needs a few days of rest to recover. I just touched the lower bones. This little girl is very talented. It’s scary, my future achievements may not be as good as mine.”

Xu Buling felt relieved and nodded gently: "That's good."

Zhu Manzhi was a little unconvinced. He took Xu Buling's hand and muttered:

"Talent cannot determine future achievements. Lao Jia once said that when practicing martial arts, one third depends on destiny and the other seven depends on hard work. No matter how good the talent is, it will be difficult to achieve greatness without hard work. Just like me, although the talent is good, it has never been a success. Fishing and walking around in restaurants is still a bit worse than Lao Chen."

A little bit?

Chen Sining's beautiful peach eyes showed a bit of pride, and she joked:

"According to what you said, Mr. Xu and I are only a little bit apart."

"Hey - the gap between you and me is much smaller than the gap between you and Mr. Xu. Don't you believe we can compete? Mr. Xu testifies."

Xu Buling was in front of him, how could he watch Manzhi being beaten? He shook his head to smooth things over:

"Okay, go to bed early. I have to go back after finishing my work in a few days. I have been working hard on the road for a month and a half, so I need to build up my strength in advance."

Zhu Manzhi snorted softly, opened the door and walked into the house.

Chen Sining followed closely behind, but hesitated slightly when closing the door.

Xu Buling stood outside the door and was about to turn around and go back to lick Xiaowan. When he saw this, he stopped again and turned around and said:

"Is there anything else?"


Chen Sining didn't know why she hesitated. She blinked her beautiful eyes. Before she could think of what to say, Zhu Manzhi behind her said smartly:

"Si Ning has something to say to you. She has been holding it back all day. Mr. Xu, please talk to her alone."

Xu Buling nodded slightly and raised his hand to signal: "Let's go."


Chen Sining opened her mouth, nodded mysteriously, walked out, closed the door, and followed Xu Buling to the window.

The night was dark, people were coming and going on the street outside the window, and the hanging lanterns reflected confusing light and shadow in the inn.

Xu Buling stood still in front of the window, looked at the scenery outside, and said with a smile:

"Thank you very much, girl, for helping take care of Xiaowan and Manzhi these days. You and I are already old acquaintances. If you have anything to say, just say it and don't hold it in your heart."

What can I say...

Chen Sining felt a little embarrassed and had no idea why she came here so late at night. She whispered:

"'s's nothing actually. It's just that I didn't sleep well last night and had a dream. I dreamed that something happened to Young Master Xu, and I was worried about Young Master Xu's safety."

Something happened to me?

Xu Bu Ling frowned. He heard clearly last night that Chen Sining was moaning and groaning. What could happen to him?

Too much strength and your waist flashed?

"Uh, yeah, what exactly was the dream?"

Chen Sining made it up on the spot and felt a little panicked. After hesitating for a moment, she said seriously:

"I dreamed that Young Master Xu and I entered a cave together. Young Master Xu was entangled in vines. I tried my best to chop the vines, but I couldn't save Young Master Xu. The dream came from my heart. My martial arts skills are indeed far behind Young Master. If Young Master is really in danger, I'm afraid it's the same situation, that's why I have such a dream, especially now that the young master is surrounded by a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people, so you have to pay attention to your safety."

"The old, the weak, the sick and the disabled?"

Xu Buling blinked, not knowing why.

Chen Sining's face froze and she quickly explained:

"Manzhi talks nonsense like Lao Chen, Weak Branch, Wan Wan, and Broken Flower, all of them are spoken casually."


Xu Bu Ling thought about it carefully, it was true.

He shook his head and returned the topic to dreams:

"Are you sure that I was entangled in the vines and you came to save me instead of whipping me with a whip?"


Chen Sining blinked her beautiful eyes that seemed drunk but not drunk, looked down at the whip behind her waist, and shook her head:

"How can I hit the young master? I can't even dream about it."

Xu Buling curled his lips and looked up and down at the flowery Chen Sining:

"That's not right. I was tied up. Miss Chen cut the vines to save me. How could she say words like 'hard, it feels so good'? It sounded like me whipping you with a whip."

? ? !

Chen Sining's eyes widened, full of astonishment and disbelief, and her face instantly turned red, which quickly spread to her neck, and then turned pale again.

What's the meaning?

Did I talk shamelessly in my sleep last night?

Chen Sining forced himself to calm down and said hesitantly:

"How is it possible that I...I really said those words last night?"

Xu Bu Ling looked serious and nodded slightly.

! !

Chen Sining's legs were so weak that she wanted to jump out of the window on the spot, but she remembered that she never dreamed of being whipped, just being kissed and touched.

Chen Sining didn't believe that she would say such shameless words, so she took the little green snake out of her sleeve and asked:

"Aqing, did I speak last night?"

Chen Sining only uttered some insignificant onomatopoeia last night and did not talk in her sleep. Naturally, the little green snake shook her head to show that she didn't hear anything.

Seeing that the secret was exposed, Xu Buling shook his head and explained:

"It's just a joke, don't take it seriously."


Chen Sining's face turned red, and she already felt guilty. Being so frightened, even her best temper was offended. She raised her hand and pushed Xu Buling's chest, turned around and left:

"Mr. Xu, you are really... really unreasonable. How can you make such a joke?"

Xu Buling raised his eyebrows and said to himself: You treat me as a gangster in your dreams every day, and I don't say anything. What's wrong with the joke?

After all, it was difficult to say this, so Xu Buling just waved his hand:

"Go to rest early and don't think too much."

Chen Sining really didn't know what to say, so without looking back, she quickly got into the house and closed the door.

Xu Buling shook his head and smiled, and returned to his room refreshed...

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