The prince is very fierce

Chapter 27: Wine Does Not Intoxicate

The wine in the pot was almost there, so I asked for another kilogram. The two of them pushed the glasses and exchanged them. They didn't even talk for a while before they got drunk first. Fastest update Mobile version::

Chen Sining didn't know why she got drunk. She had a good drinking capacity and the wine wasn't strong, but she started to feel top-heavy and drunk on a few bowls of rice wine that wasn't very good.

Maybe it's because people are upset, and upset people are more likely to get drunk.

The purpose of traveling all the way to Beiqi was to test Xu Buling's tone and see if Xu Buling would agree to a marriage between the Chen family and the Xu family.

When her father talked about this matter, she was actually a little happy, as if she had taken advantage of him.

After all, Xu Buling has a high position, is proficient in martial arts, has good looks, and has a good personality. If he has no choice, there is actually nothing he would be dissatisfied with.

But after talking to each other, Chen Sining knew that she was too naive.

So what if Xu Bu Ling agrees to get married?

State affairs are state affairs, and private affairs are private affairs. It is a bit self-deceiving to pin the safety of a power on a piece of marriage contract.

And Xu Buling agreed, and when the day comes that they actually meet in battle, it will only be more difficult for each other.

It is much more uncomfortable for a husband and wife to become strangers than for friends to be separated from each other.

It's not as good as now, the relationship is neither far nor close, saying that we forget each other in the world, we can forget each other in the world.

Chen Sining picked up the wine bowl and brought it to her mouth, wanting to take another sip to suppress the chaotic thoughts in her heart. Just one hand stretched out to block the wine bowl.

Xu Buling sat in front of him. In fact, he hadn't spoken for a long time. He just drank with Chen Sining.

The blush on Chen Sining's face spread to her neck, and she would occasionally hold her forehead and close her eyes for a moment. Even the little sparrow could tell that she was drunk.

Xu Buling blocked the wine bowl and advised softly:

"You may be on your way at any time, so don't be greedy."

Chen Sining's beautiful peach blossom eyes looked like she was drunk but not intoxicated. Now she was even more confused. She raised her eyes to look at Xu Buling, took the wine bowl away from her palm, and brought it to her mouth:

"This is just a lot of wine. I can wake up anytime I want."

Seeing this, Xu Buling ordered another pound of wine, filled the wine bowl, touched it with Chen Sining, and sighed:

"I'm just discussing the matter, and I'm not unreasonable. In my eyes, family is more important than country, and love is more important than reason. Since I treat you as a friend, no matter what happens in the future, I will consider your feelings and won't be too unfeeling."

Chen Sining took a sip from the wine bowl and wiped the corners of her lips:

"You destroyed Nanyue, and you said you were thinking of me. Nanyue is my family, the inheritance laid down by the ancestors of the Chen family... Of course, this is not entirely your fault. It was my father who knew people poorly and allowed rebellious officials and traitors to take advantage of it. But I really treat you as a hero, a friend, and a gentleman. If you can be like a friend or a knight, and you won't take any money after helping me, I will definitely feel better. Maybe... not all the stories in the book are written like this."

Xu Buling shook his head and smiled: "I have said this a long time ago. The world will be divided if it is united for a long time, and it will be united if it is divided for a long time. It is a great blessing for the people of both sides to be able to unite peacefully. The Chen family is just demoted one level and loses military power. , we will still be a wealthy family from now on; if I don’t seize the opportunity to advance this matter, I will come back after destroying Northern Qi..."

Chen Sining was a little drunk, playing with Yiyi's little paws to shake hands, and murmured:

"I don't blame you, but you have to let me complain, right? You can't take over my family's property. I'm still grateful to you."

Xu Buling spread his hands slightly: "Although it sounds unpleasant to say, it is actually true. If I were not the one who went to South Vietnam, or if I did not meet you, the Chen royal family would be escorted to Chang'an instead of letting them go on their own. …”


Chen Sining frowned, looked at Xu Buling, and said dissatisfied:

"Are you good at coaxing women? How did you get married with so many girls around you? Is it difficult for you to say, 'Sining, it's my fault, I didn't consider your feelings, don't be angry'?"? ?

Xu Buling blinked and hesitated:

"Si Ning, it's my fault. I didn't consider your feelings. Don't be angry."


After hearing this, Chen Sining seemed to wake up a little, her blushing cheeks became even redder, she looked around, and then rubbed her forehead:

"I drank a little too much, you...don't take it to heart, um...drink."

The wine bowls were touched again, and Chen Sining drank it all in one gulp.

Xu Buring didn't know what to say. After finishing the wine in the pot, he stood up and raised his hand to support:

"It's getting too late. If you drink more, it will be dawn. Go back and rest."

Chen Sining was indeed a little drunk. She didn't say anything. She stood up and looked at Xu Buling's extended hand. Instead of holding it, she walked to the stairs by herself.

Xu Buling picked up Yiyi and followed her up the stairs to the corridor. He raised his hand and opened the door:

"Sleep here."


Chen Sining walked into the room, glanced around, walked to the bed, and lay down on it. Drowsiness and drunkenness came to her mind, and she closed her eyes and stopped moving.

This girl...

Xu Buling was a little helpless, walked up to him, raised his hand to take off Chen Sining's boots, then picked up the quilt and covered Chen Sining.

Although it was a bit uncomfortable to sleep with clothes on, Xu Buling couldn't help Chen Sining undress anymore. After covering the quilt, he turned and walked out of the room and closed the door.

The room fell silent.

Chen Sining lay on the bed, pressing her chest and feeling a little uncomfortable, so she turned over and lay on her side.

In a daze, it seemed like I was back to that night at Yulongling Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Xu Buling pressed her and bit her rudely, and she even had difficulty breathing...

Chen Si Ning twisted gently, and her hands slowly tore open the tight collar, and a faint whisper sounded in the room...

After Xu Buling closed the door, he turned and went to the next room.

The little sparrow knew that it would see some inappropriate scenes for small birds again, so it did not disturb Xu Buling's interest. After entering the house, it flew to the beam and had a beauty sleep.

In the room, Cui Xiaowan and Zhu Manzhi had already fallen asleep, and the two little snakes were curled up in the incubator, sleeping soundly.

Xu Buling inserted the bolt, walked to the bed, lifted the curtain and looked, and the scene in front of him was exactly the same as Xu Buling imagined.

Xiao Manzhi slept dishonestly in the middle, holding Xiaowan in her arms, and even her legs were on her body, just like holding a big pillow.

Xiaowan is a loner who likes to live alone. Even though she is very familiar with Manzhi, she can't stand such a clingy scene and has woken up.

Seeing Xu Buling coming in, Cui Xiaowan signaled the big white ball on her arm with her eyes and whispered:

"Manzhi almost strangled me to death, where is Si Ning?"

"Miss Chen is drunk and fell asleep next door."

Xu Buling curled his lips, took off his robe, lay down on the bed, moved behind Manzhi, removed the arm that was hugging Xiaowan, and turned to face him.

Zhu Manzhi always had a good sleep quality, but it was impossible for her not to react when she was hugged and turned around. She pushed him with her hand in a daze, complaining:

"Old Chen, what are you doing... eh?"

Maybe the touch was not right, Zhu Manzhi woke up with a start, her face suddenly turned red before she opened her eyes, she put her hands in front of her chest and continued to pretend to sleep:

"Hu... Hu..."

Xu Buling was a little amused, and did not wake up Manzhi who was pretending to sleep. He hugged Manzhi, who was already plump and plump, in his arms, held Xiaowan's hand, and closed his eyes contentedly.

After a long time...

"Mr. Xu, what is Old Chen doing? His voice is so strange."

"Hmm... He must be drunk."

"Just like when my mother touched me randomly, she is thinking about men."


A night of silence...

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