The prince is very fierce

Chapter 81: The Troubles of Being Famous

The next morning, the rising sun shone on every corner of the huge mansion.

After getting up and washing, Xu Buling came to the master bedroom of the back house. Mrs. Lu had returned to the Xiao family without knowing when. The house was tidy, the bedding on the bed was changed, even the sheets were changed, the house was carefully cleaned, and incense was lit to dispel the smell.

Xu Buling was a little puzzled. His house was always clean, and it was not the first time that Mrs. Lu stayed overnight in his bed. In the past, she just folded the bed neatly. Why did she change it from inside to outside this time?

A certain non...

Xu Buling thought of something, raised his eyebrows slightly, and a bit of strangeness appeared in his eyes.

However, Mrs. Lu had been a widow for many years, and she was at the right age. It was not strange for her to have some messy dreams after drinking at night.

Xu Buling pretended to be innocent and pretended not to know about this. After packing up his clothes, he went to the Imperial College for confinement.

In order to take care of the feelings of the Li family, the emperor did not revoke the confinement on the spot. Xu Buling naturally had no objection to this. Many people will definitely focus on him these days. If he runs around and is noticed, he may drag Zhu Manzhi and Ning Qingye into the water, and he may also be caught by the Queen Mother. It is best to stay in the Imperial College.

He blew a whistle, and the horse that was raised in the mansion ran over with the reins in its mouth.

Xu Buling jumped on the horse and went out of the gate directly, but the scene he saw scared him.

"Xu Shizi!"

"Little Prince!"

"So handsome~!"

"Today there is a chess game in Longyin Pavilion, is Xu Shizi free..."

In front of the two stone lions outside the Su Palace, dozens of official ladies stood at the door, dressed up and pretty, including luoli, royal sisters, noble ladies, and transvestites, and surrounded the gate of the palace tightly.

Old Xiao happily watched the show with his crutches, and the guards of the palace blocked the stone lions tightly, but they did not dare to drive these ladies away.

Kuishou Street was crowded with princes and nobles, and it was difficult for ordinary people to enter. Most of these people were granddaughters and daughters of princes and nobles, and ordinary people dared not interfere. And no one in Kuishou Street was unhappy to be able to become relatives with Prince Su, and no family sent anyone to call back their precious daughters.

So, these girls who were waiting to be married and were fascinated by a few poems came directly.

Xu Buling stood on the steps on a white horse. He knew he was no match after just one glance. He turned his horse's head and faced the enemy for the first time in his life, and ran out of Prince Su's mansion from the back door.

After going around and around, he came to the Imperial College, and encountered another scene. The students gathered in groups of three or two in the corridors and pavilions, discussing the beauty of poetry. When they saw Xu Buling passing by, they ran over with a slightly happy look on their faces, and raised their hands to greet him from a distance.

Xu Buling felt his scalp tingling, and he jumped up the wall and came to Wenqu Garden in a few jumps.

Fortunately, there is still a peaceful place in Chang'an City. Wenquyuan is full of princes and nobles, most of whom are ignorant and self-righteous. Because of the "literati look down on each other", it is not as exciting as outside.

Xiao Ting still speaks nonsense in the school, saying something like "The emperor is unfair. Even Master Song praised my poem "My Prime Minister Daddy", but the emperor did not mention it, so he must have forgotten it. The bet does not count..." and so on.

Song Yufu, who led the morning reading, seemed to be brooding over what happened yesterday. When she saw him, she lowered her head and ran to the side without even saying hello.

Xu Buling finally breathed a sigh of relief, and came to the bell and drum tower by himself, and began to be seriously confined...


What happened in Chengqing Hall was widely circulated among the scholar class, but it was difficult to involve everyone.

Chang'an City was operating as usual. Not many people paid attention to Li Tianlu's death, let alone a small wolf guard.

Between the houses near the Chongrenfang Detective Office, the sharp sound of suona echoed in the deep streets and alleys. Several young people were wearing mourning clothes, and a dozen familiar Wolf Guards carried the coffin out of the city. There were Taoists performing rituals in the yard, and the paper money in the brazier turned into green smoke.

Zhu Manzhi's eyes were red. Because she was a girl and had little strength, she was not allowed to carry the coffin, so she could only follow the funeral procession with a knife on her waist.

Zhu Manzhi had just come to the capital not long ago and didn't have many friends. She used to follow Liu Hou'er and Wang Dazhuang to fish on the streets. Their friendship was not very deep, but in the battle on the snowy plain, Liu Hou'er and Wang Dazhuang were both fearless in order to protect their brothers. They were already friends of life and death.

Now Liu Hou'er is dead, Wang Dazhuang is seriously injured and has a limp. Although Xu Shizi has avenged his blood feud and asked the guards to send a large sum of money, which was handed over to Liu Hou'er and Wang Dazhuang by her, the matter is over, but how can she let it go.

When Zhu Manzhi was a child, her father often said, "Once you enter the martial arts world, there is no turning back, so how can there be any pleasure in revenge. '

Before, Zhu Manzhi didn't quite understand, but now she understands a little bit - revenge is endless, and kindness is also endless. Killing a person or giving a sum of money can only make you feel better, and the dead relatives and friends will never come back to life.

Zhu Manzhi followed the team and stopped at the cemetery outside the city to watch the coffin being buried. This cemetery was allocated by the court to the Detective Department. It is near the Tomb of Heroes. There are more than a thousand wolf guards buried there. Being buried here is also a decent destination for the wolf guards, which is better than the corpses of the martial arts people being exposed in the wilderness.

After Zhu Manzhi finished taking care of the funeral, she returned to the Detective Department. Knowing that Xu Buling would not come in the short term, she did not wait near the liquor store.

Because of the incident in Chengqing Palace, everyone in the Investigation Department knew that she knew Xiao Ting and Xu Buling. However, the Wolf Guards had been in the capital for many years, so it was not uncommon for them to know a few princes and nobles. Zhu Manzhi just said that they happened to meet and got a great credit for nothing. Because she was not a secret agent responsible for monitoring the princes and nobles, it did not cause much reaction. At most, people thought she was lucky.

Zhu Manzhi was alone without teammates, but she could not be idle because of her position, so she came to the arrest room to see if there were any small errands or patrols assigned to her.

At noon, most of the Wolf Guards of the Investigation Department went out, and there were few people in the yamen.

Zhu Manzhi walked through the corridor in the yamen and saw Deputy Envoy Liu Yunlin coming over. He stood with his hands behind his back and looked at the majesty, and seemed not to notice her, a little Wolf Guard.

Because of the difference in rank, Zhu Manzhi quickly raised his hands and clasped his fists to salute:

"Greetings to Deputy Envoy Liu."

Liu Yunlin turned his head and seemed to have just noticed Zhu Manzhi. He nodded and continued walking, but after taking a few steps, he stopped and turned back: "Hey! Wait a minute."

Zhu Manzhi was about to continue walking, but when he heard the voice, he turned back and stood up again:

"What do you want, Deputy Envoy?"

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