The prince is very fierce

Chapter 14: Go moves

The Jiang family's totem in the Northern Qi Dynasty is "Double Dragons Looking at Flying Swallows", and the capital is named "Guiyan City", which means "Swallows Returning Home".

It is a pity that after being driven out of the Central Plains before Jiazi, Guiyan City has become the capital of a country comparable to Chang'an, but the day when Northern Yan returns to the south is still far away.

In the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, snowflakes fell on the thick and towering city. A carriage passed through the city gate under Feiyan and drove south in the wind and snow.

On the carriage, Zuo Qingqiu, who was wearing a silver fox fur, looked at the endless snowfield, with a slightly sad look in his deep eyes.

Starting from Zuo Zhexian, the founder of the country, the position of Imperial Master of the Northern Qi Dynasty, passed down from father to son and from master to disciple, has been held by people with the surname "Zuo", and it has been passed down to this day.

The power of the Northern Qi State Preceptor was far greater than that of the Prime Minister of the Central Plains Dynasty. He was almost on an equal footing with the monarch, and in some cases could even overwhelm the monarch.

But great power also means great responsibility, which is not so easy to assume.

Zuo Qingqiu is the apprentice of the previous national master. Since the day he came out of the mountain, he has been the strongest chess player in the world and the top martial artist. Just like the ancestor Zuo Zhexian, no emperor or general in the world dares to look down upon him. , including the senior from the same sect who lives in seclusion in Yuelu Mountain.

Twenty years after he succeeded the Imperial Guard, Zuo Qingqiu took over the chessboard and accumulated his current strength step by step. He entered the pass thousands of miles in one go and defeated Dayue's cavalry to a complete defeat.

If nothing unexpected happens, within three years Zuo Qingqiu will be able to sweep across the country and create a prosperous dynasty that has never appeared since ancient times. It will not be said to be the most prosperous, but it must be the largest in territory.

But this big chess game in the world can never be solved by one person. The old masters in Yuelu Mountain had their jaws dropped at times, and Zuo Qingqiu was the same. The accident happened after all.

A vassal prince appeared out of nowhere and almost ran rampant on the chessboard, disrupting all the situations. It felt like he had worked hard to lay out the entire game, and when he was about to finish, the opponent said "Five pieces in a row", and then Just win this game of chess.

This way of winning is obviously against the rules, but Zuo Qingqiu can't help it, because in this big chessboard in the world, there are never rules, and the rules are always set by the strongest.

The Song Dynasty was neatly wiped out and "held the emperor to order the princes". It was supposed to be a scene where Dayue fell apart and fell into civil war, but Xu Buling completely unreasonably took out a big killer weapon like "artillery". Now South Vietnam has another Surrendering without a fight directly turned the disadvantage of being surrounded by enemies on all sides into a huge advantage over the other heroes.

If nothing was done, Zuo Qingqiu could predict what would happen next year - Xiliang's army crossed the river, and with the power of artillery, destroyed the four kings in the east; and then Dayue unified, relying on the Central Plains' powerful financial, material and manpower, to conquer the country in one fell swoop Counterattack into Mobei, leaving "Jiang Qi" in the history books.

It's easy to predict the future situation, but it's harder to change it.

If Zuo Qingqiu cannot figure out how to make artillery, he will never be able to gain an advantage in armaments. The only way left is to unite his allies and pool the efforts of all parties to first destroy this monster entrenched in the pass. .

In the carriage, Yan Huilin, the sword fairy of the Northern Qi Dynasty, and Sui Jinshan, one of the nine ministers of the Northern Qi Dynasty, were sitting near Zuo Qingqiu.

In the Sui Dynasty, the mountain official paid homage to the guest and was in charge of the foreign affairs of the vassal country. At this time, there was some doubt on his face and he said softly:

"After all, the two Yues in the east and west come from the same lineage. If Dong Yue forms an alliance with our dynasty, it will offend the public. Even if it succeeds, if we want to join forces to destroy Xi Yue, we will still have stumbling blocks. No one wants to contribute first. This time the envoy Come here, I think the possibility of suing for peace is greater, and I beg our court to stop the army temporarily and not to conquer Qingzhou and other places to relieve the pressure on Dongyue. "

Zuo Qingqiu shook his head: "The Xu family is building warships aggressively. In the spring, they will definitely cross the river and sweep south of the Yangtze River. Even if I don't attack Qingzhou, Dongyue will not be able to stop me. The counselors under Song Shaoying are not blind and can see this."

Sui Jinshan thought for a moment, nodded slightly, and then said: "The envoy has passed Ningwuguan today and will arrive at Guiyan City in the near future. The prince and crown ceremony will be held soon. As the imperial master, the imperial master cannot be absent. Isn’t it a bit too polite to go and greet him in person at this time?”

The status of the Northern Qi State Preceptor was high, and the envoy sent by Dong Yue was at most a lobbyist with some status. According to etiquette, it was the highest standard for Sui to go into the mountains to greet him. Zuo Qingqiu went there in person, and the Northern Qi State was downgraded. Obviously not suitable.

Zuo Qingqiu shook his head at this: "There are many counselors under the Xu family, and there is also the old immortal Yuelu Mountain who is behind the plan. Even if the news about my contact with Dongyue is not leaked, they will definitely be able to guess it. No. Maybe it’s not easy for Dong Yue’s envoy to make it to Guiyan City alive.”

Northern Qi Sword Immortal Yan returned to the forest and had been sitting beside her with her eyes closed to rest. When she heard these words, she opened her eyes:

"The top grandmaster in Xiyue, Eunuch Jia, died, the dead soldier A was missing, Song Ying, Lao Yi, and Tang Jiao died suddenly under Xu Buling's sword, Hua Jingting returned to the Xiao family in Huainan, and even the grandmasters in Nanyue were The only ones who can get on the stage now are Situ Yuejin, Yue Jiulou, and Kun Yunzi. Kun Yunzi can only run fast, and Yue Jiulou cannot leave King Su's side. Yue Jin is already old. Even if he comes here, he will at most be on a par with me. Who else can go deep into the tiger's den and attack the envoy?"

There are countless warriors in the world, but there are only a handful of people who have reached the top of the world. Except for a few Shenshui Bastards who are hiding in the mountains and cultivating immortals, everyone else naturally knows the realm of Yan Huilin.

Although Sui Jinshan was not a member of the martial arts world, he had naturally heard of these things, and he was a little confused at this time.

Zuo Qingqiu thought for a moment: "Xu Buling is a bit reckless. I doubt he will come here in person."


When these words came out, Yan Huilin and Sui Jinshan were stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, they felt that it was true. Apart from Xu Buling himself, the Xu family no longer had any top fighters available.

Sui Jinshan pondered for a moment: "If this is true, why do we need to form an alliance? Prince Su has only one son. Keeping Xu Buling in Northern Qi is more useful than the millions of mobs in Dongyue."

Yan Huilin shook his head: "With Xu Buling's current record, the national teacher and I can kill him together, but if he wants to run, we can't stop him. Does the national teacher have any arrangements?"

Zuo Qingqiu looked at the flying snow outside the window and said calmly:

"I have sent letters to Banmianfo and Master, and the spies in various places have also strengthened their vigilance. As long as Xu Buling dares to step into Northern Qi, he will never leave again. However, Xu Buling's whereabouts are difficult to track, and it is difficult to know in advance. He may not really dare to come. I have to trouble Brother Yan for this matter."

Yan Huilin knew that this was to let him be bait. As a warrior, he has a sense of pride that no one else can do it. He also wanted to meet the rumored "number one in the world".

"Just give your orders, national teacher."


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