The prince is very fierce

Chapter 77 The dust has settled (284/602)

More than a dozen disciples of Baichong Valley were facing a formidable enemy. Although they hated him, they knew that the entire Yulong Ridge was being exterminated by Xu Buling. How could they dare to rush forward? They were all looking at Shangguan Qinhe in front of them.

Shangguan Qinhe's face under his cloak was expressionless. A master-level expert was fighting with more than a dozen small fish, which was useless except for distracting himself. He raised his hand:

"Jinghong, you take your people to the boat first."

Shangguan Jinghong gritted his teeth, not daring to show off, and led more than a dozen subordinates to retreat carefully to the bank of Liujiang River.

Xu Buling didn't have the leisure to chase a few ants, and walked towards Shangguan Qinhe with a knife:

"You can't run away. The ends of the earth are my territory. The Hundred Insects Valley has done so many evil things that we have to root them out. There is no way you can live in this world."

Shangguan Qinhe stretched out his hands from his sleeves. He had put on a pair of black gloves on his hands. The material was unknown, and there were iron hooks like eagle claws on the fingertips, flashing a cold green light in the rainy night:

"Why bother pretending to be kind and righteous? What's the difference between what I did to the Chen family of Nanyue and what you did to the Song family of Dayue? They are all for power."

Xu Buling shook his head: "Wrong, I'm not as stupid as you."


If you don't agree with me, you can't say anything.

Shangguan Qinhe didn't say anything, but just stared at Xu Buling coldly.

The two confronted each other for only a moment, and there was a flash of lightning in the sky, and in an instant, the four fields were as bright as day.

The instantaneous change of light and darkness caused a temporary blinding effect on each other's vision.

At this moment, Shangguan Qinhe blended into the rain curtain, and almost without making any sound, he came to Xu Buling's side.

His miraculous body movements made Chen Si Ning and Ye Ying, who were hiding in the woods, sweat coldly, but they didn't even have time to open their mouths to remind him.

Xu Buling was wearing a mask to protect himself from the poison, so his vision and hearing were inevitably impaired. However, even so, it was impossible for him to fall into Shangguan Qinhe's opening move at the first sight.

Xu Buling drew his straight knife almost at the same time, and spun around and chopped Shangguan Qinhe's chest and abdomen.

Shangguan Qinhe was obviously a master of the inner family, and unlike Sikong Zhi, who was seriously biased in one subject, his inner family kung fu had reached perfection. Seeing that the blade was coming and there was no way to avoid it, he raised his right hand and stuck to the blade with his palm. His body moved like a rootless duckweed with the force, and he moved to the side of his body, and actually took away the blade that condensed the power of opening the mountain.

Xu Buling's eyes were obviously surprised. This was the first time he was misled since he learned the 28-Move Chain Knife. When he found that the blade was hitting the air, Xu Buling quickly twisted the blade, hoping to cut off the opponent's palm while retracting the blade.

However, Shangguan Qinhe dared to use this method to break the chain knife. In addition to the internal martial arts of using a little force to move a thousand pounds, his biggest reliance was the gloves of fine quality on his hands. How could he let Xu Buling take the knife back after breaking the move? At the moment when Xu Buling released the force, he grabbed the blade with his backhand, and swept his left hand towards Xu Buling's right hand holding the knife.

The iron claws on Shangguan Qinhe's fingertips were obviously quenched with poison.

Xu Buling saw this and let go of the handle of the knife without hesitation. He stepped back lightly and avoided the two claws that attacked fiercely.

In the woods, Nightingale saw through Shangguan Qinhe's tricks, and quickly took out the dragon-patterned long spear that had been replaced with a new spear shaft from his side, and threw it in the air to Xu Buling's back.

Shangguan Qinhe knew there were people in the woods, but he couldn't be distracted at this time, so he threw the straight knife he had taken directly and chopped at the flying long spear.


The straight knife was draped on the spear tip, and a few sparks burst out. The dragon-patterned long spear also fell into the rain curtain in the distance.

Xu Buling leaped back. He was unarmed and could be poisoned by Shangguan Qinhe. He must have been restrained, so he simply avoided fighting. With his extraordinary speed, he forced a distance from Shangguan Qinhe who was chasing him. After holding the dragon-patterned long spear, he turned around and swept away thousands of troops.

An inch longer, an inch stronger. Shangguan Qinhe obviously used a martial arts style similar to Eagle Claw Kung Fu. If he wanted to defeat the enemy, he had to get close first. He could still grab the blade with his bare hands against short weapons, but he was obviously a little weak against long weapons.

Facing the long spear, Shangguan Qinhe couldn't touch Xu Buling's arm at all. He could only grab the top of the spear and try to pull Xu Buling in front of him.

But Shangguan Qinhe obviously underestimated Xu Buling's strength.

Xu Buling swept the spear with all his strength. The moment Shangguan Qinhe grabbed the spear, his arm shook violently. He didn't have time to release the force backwards. He was swept away several feet. While spinning in the air, he tapped the ground with his toes to stabilize his body.


The spear was unstoppable and fierce. Xu Buling held a dragon-patterned long spear and broke through the rain curtain. He almost followed Shangguan Qinhe's figure and raised his spear to stab Shangguan Qinhe's chest and abdomen again.

Lightning and thunder, spears like heavy rain.

Shangguan Qinhe has the martial arts attainments of a master, but in terms of personal combat power, he is obviously far behind Li Hansheng, Jia Gonggong and other internal masters. When he could not gain an advantage with weapons, he was forced to retreat by Xu Buling.

After more than ten moves in the blink of an eye, Shangguan Qinhe knew that he was defeated. Seeing that his subordinates had run far away, he threw several poison pills from his sleeves and hit Xu Buling, and at the same time flew back to try to escape.

Xu Buling wore a chemical protective suit under his black robe and a mask. He was not afraid of the dense poison pills at all, but just swept them away with his sleeves.

Various poisonous fogs exploded in the rain, but before they spread, Xu Buling had already risen from the ground, holding the spear with both hands and chopped down with all his strength, and the spear shaft was pressed into a half moon in the rain.


This time, the speed was too fast. Shangguan Qinhe only had time to use his right hand to sweep the lance a little, and the two-foot lance tip still swept across his left arm. Even though he was wearing soft armor under his clothes, half of his left shoulder was still chopped off, and his left arm fell into the mud.

Shangguan Qinhe's face suddenly flushed, but he didn't make any sound. The five fingers of his right hand were like hooks, and he grabbed Xu Buling's arm along the lance that chopped his left arm.

However, the lance was too long after all. Xu Buling held the tail end and wanted to throw himself in front of him. It was impossible. Doing so was just a dying struggle.

Xu Buling tapped the long lance lightly, and the lance hit Shangguan Qinhe who was rushing over.

Shangguan Qinhe was hit and flew out again, but this time he obviously couldn't keep his body steady. He fell directly into the mud. He wanted to turn over, but the sharp lance tip had already reached his throat.

The fierce fight stopped almost in an instant.

The girls who were watching all this did not dare to breathe until this moment.

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Xu Buling held the long spear in one hand and pointed it at Shangguan Qinhe's throat, his eyes cold:

"How did Queen Song and the eldest prince die? Tell you so that you can feel comfortable."

Shangguan Qinhe's left arm was bleeding, and his face was still expressionless. He stared at Xu Buling coldly:

"I said he died of illness, do you believe it?"

"Does Chen Ju know about this?"

Shangguan Qinhe turned his head and looked in the direction of Yongzhou City:

"It's just a puppet, it knows too much and is difficult to control."

That means he doesn't know.

Xu Buling frowned and wanted to ask again, but blood oozed from the corners of Shangguan Qinhe's mouth, and the blood vessels on his face twisted and bulged, becoming hideous and terrifying. However, after a moment, blood also flowed from the corners of his eyes, nostrils, and ears.

Xu Buling's face darkened slightly. He knew that poison had been used, but he could not easily get close to Shangguan Qinhe and touch him. He could only watch Shangguan Qinhe fall to the ground, his skin festering and turning into a pile of rotten flesh.

In the woods, Zhongli Jiujiu ran out first. After taking a quick look, she quickly pulled Xu Buling away:

"It's a rotten bone needle. This guy is also a ruthless person."

Chen Si Ning followed Xu Buling to find out the cause of death of his mother and brother. At this time, she ran to him and suppressed her anger:

"This traitor died too easily!"

Xu Buling put away his long spear and did not comment. He waited for a while. The palace servants who were intercepted by the river ran back and said:

"Young prince, of the sixteen people who escaped, fourteen were killed, and two jumped into the river and escaped and lost their traces, but the second prince Chen Ju was not among them. Chen Ju has not been seen leaving the capital, so he should still be in the city."

Xu Buling was silent for a while, raised his hand: "The bandit leader has been killed, and the remaining two must be tracked down closely. No fish can slip through the net."


The palace servants bowed and accepted the order...

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