The prince is very fierce

Chapter 70: Late-night Talk

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In the dead of night, people can still faintly hear the noise in the village in the distance.

Chen Sining lay on the pillow, with the little white snake rubbing her cheek. After waiting for a long time, A Qing, who had gone out to find a knife, did not come back. Instead, she heard the sound of the door opening and closing.

Chen Sining's heart tightened, and she quickly closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, so as not to be knocked unconscious by Xu Bu Ling when she found out.


The footsteps came straight to the door, and then the door opened and a figure walked in.

Chen Sining glanced secretly, and her face darkened. I saw Ah Qing who was out looking for a knife. He had a small tea knife wrapped around his tail, coiled on Zhongli Jiujiu's wrist, and was waiting for food with his mouth open.

I can't have this broken snake anymore...

Chen Sining's teeth were itching with anger. Knowing that his intention was revealed, he did not pretend to be asleep. He opened his eyes and smiled kindly:

"Sister Zhongli, are you still up so late?"

Zhongli Jiujiu had just finished her work and her legs were numb. To be honest, she was a little unsteady when she walked. Afraid that Chen Sining would notice something strange, she went directly to the stool beside the bed and sat down, lit the candle, and said with a smile:

"Yeah, I'm a little busy today and haven't slept yet."

After the little green snake was put down, it rolled up the small tea knife and handed it to Chen Sining with its tail to show its courtesy, with a look of 'Master, Master, I am awesome'.


Chen Sining didn't know what to say, so she turned her head and ignored him. Unexpectedly, the little green snake was quite smart. He went around behind and handed the tea knife to Chen Sining's hand so that she could cut the rope.

Chen Sining either didn't answer or not, and glanced at Zhong Lijiujiu with an embarrassed expression.

Zhongli Jiujiu looked funny, got up and sat by the bed:

"Chu Chu and Xu Buling just had their wedding, and they couldn't entertain Her Royal Highness for a while. I'll untie it for you now, but Her Royal Highness, don't run away. If Xu Buling finds out, he has to chase after her."

Chen Sining was a little surprised when she heard that Xu Buling and Chu Chu were getting married today, but she didn't take it seriously. She turned over and asked Jiujiu to untie the rope, and said softly:

"Why am I running away? I can't even think about running away as long as he is here. What do you think he wanted to do by detaining me? Even if Anguo Gong Zhou Qin is really as he said, he is a thief who brought trouble to the court. It is also my Chen family's private matter. Even if I get targeted when I go back, it has nothing to do with him; if he holds me captive, can he let my brother Wang open and close the door for this?"

In fact, I have said these words many times. This is the character of Chen Sining. If a problem is not solved, he will talk about it until it is solved. Even if there are people in front of him, he can't hold back his words.

Zhongli Jiujiu felt Chen Sining's resentment and comforted:

"Xu Buling is not a bad person. He doesn't let you go back because he is really worried about your safety. Believe it or not, An Guogong Zhou Qin is the official who captured the crane. Bai Chong Valley was destroyed. Zhou Qin had no choice but to raise troops. The horse was preparing to attack Feishuiling, but the Xiliang army was piled outside the pass and Liuzhou soldiers and horses did not dare to move, so they did not attack here. If you returned to the capital, Zhou Qin would definitely control you and use it as a bargaining chip to threaten Xu Buling. …”

This was what Chen Sining didn't understand the most. She turned her head and said helplessly:

"I am a princess of South Vietnam, and Zhou Qin is a minister of South Vietnam. Even if the rebellious ministers and traitors captured me and said that it was possible to kill me for revenge, how could they threaten the son of Prince Dayue? This is not the same as killing with the sword of the previous dynasty. Like the officials of this dynasty, Xu Bu Ling can just treat him as a joke, how can he pay any attention to Zhou Qin? "

Zhongli Jiujiu shook her head, untied the rope, helped Chen Sining sit up, and helped her move her hands and feet that had poor blood circulation:

"Xu Buling values ​​friendship. You helped me find Aunt Gui. He will definitely remember your favor. So if you are in danger, he will consider you and cannot turn a blind eye. If it weren't for this reason, he would let you go back in Yulongling That’s it, should we fight South Vietnam? Why bother bringing you back?”

Chen Sining somewhat agreed with this statement. Xu Buling was able to find relatives and friends for the sake of the woman beside him, which showed that he really valued friendship and it was not surprising that he was concerned about her safety. But she is still a little dissatisfied with the matter in South Vietnam:

"Friendship comes back to friendship. Now he is raising troops and horses to fight against South Vietnam. He and I have become mortal enemies! How can I believe what Qing Junzi said when he said it? Could it be that he brought troops and horses to the capital to help me eliminate the traitors? Finally, can we return with all our troops without asking for anything in return?”

Zhongli Jiujiu didn't know much about national affairs, but he and Xu Buling had been out for so long, so he still understood some of the truth. She whispered:

"Your second brother is the grandson of Zhou Qin, and Zhou Qin is the head of Baichong Valley. Among other things, I am a native of South Vietnam. I will definitely not agree to let the remnants of Baichong Valley inherit the throne. The people don't agree. Even if they agree not to send troops, what can your Highness do to bring Zhou Qin and others to justice?"

Chen Sining fell silent after hearing this. Now it is Chen Ju and Zhou Qin who make the decisions in the Nanyue court. Chen Ju is the biological son of her father. As long as a person named Chen is the king, the clan will not be able to say anything, and other courtiers will not be able to move these two people away. She really couldn't help it.

But regardless of Zhou Qin’s true or false identity, how could there be any reason for Dayue to interfere in the Chen family’s housework? Isn’t this forceful interference in internal affairs?

Zhongli Jiujiu could understand Chen Sining's thoughts, shook his head and said:

"Your Highness Princess, you can't control the general trend of the world, so don't even think about going against it. Xu Buling is not a tyrant. You have seen how he treats the people in Yulong Ridge. I dare not say anything else. Xu Buling If the princess is concerned about the people of South Vietnam, she will not be more aggressive than the current court; if she is concerned about the royal power of the Chen family, there is no point in worrying. "

Chen Sining also knows this truth. As a daughter of a family with no real power, in this chaotic situation, the biggest role may be to seduce Xu Buling, so as to protect the safety of the family and the country. But judging from the current situation, even this is not feasible. At the moment, I can only rub my wrists and sigh:

"Anyway, if he wants to destroy the Chen family, I will definitely die in front."

Zhongli Jiujiu shook his head and smiled. It was not easy to elaborate on this kind of thing. He got up and went out, went to the kitchen to get some dishes and wedding wine, and put them on the table:

"Have something to eat."

Chen Sining had eaten some food in the morning, and she was really hungry. She sat at the table, put two small green snakes on the table, and ate the food and wine.

The room was originally Zhongli Jiujiu's boudoir. Zhongli Jiujiu had already come out of Chu Chu's bridal chamber. She couldn't go back to sleep and disturb their world, so she sat down on the workbench by the window. Tossing around bottles and jars.

Chen Sining prefers chatting with others. Maybe it was because there was no breakthrough in the current situation, so she stopped thinking about it and asked instead:

"Sister Zhongli, I found that the sparrows you raise are very obedient. Well... they are very spiritual. Even Ah Qing listens to you. Do you have any tricks?"

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