The prince is very fierce

Chapter 42 Swordsman (Alliance Leader adds extra chapter)

The autumn rain continued, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

In the small inn in the south of Yongzhou City, Xu Buling avoided the limelight for a while. After the patrol in the city gradually relaxed, he set his sights on the second prince's mansion again.

It has been raining in Chu for days, and the army's marching speed will inevitably be affected. It will take some time for the army to reach the city of Liuzhou.

At present, the whereabouts of Aunt Gui has not been found. As long as the army starts to push forward, Nanyue will inevitably be a mess, and there will be no chance to find someone at that time.

Moreover, Nanyue and Dayue are on good terms on the surface. If there is no reason to attack the border, it is easy for the princes of all parties to have the idea of ​​"the rabbit dies and the fox mourns, and the animals feel sad for their own kind". If a legitimate reason can be found, it is still necessary to find it.

In the inn room, Xu Buling spread his arms and let Jiujiu tie soft armor, arm guards, and leggings on his body.

The soft armor was bought at a high price on the black market in the city. It is woven with gold thread and special silk thread, with leather in the middle.

The soft armor is not very protective, just slightly better than leather armor, and it is the same as having nothing in front of masters; but it does not affect flexibility, and can prevent most flying knives and poisonous needles, and snakes, scorpions, centipedes, etc. will definitely not bite through.

In addition, Jiujiu also used leather to sew a pair of leather gloves for Xu Buling. The workmanship is definitely not as good as Xiao Xianger's, but it is very simple and tight, and it can also prevent the bites of poisonous insects and scorpions.

Zhongli Jiujiu tightened the straps of the arm guard, and still teased:

"The old saying is right, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of ropes for ten years. In the past, you didn't wear armor when I asked you to, but now you have put on your protective gear."

Xu Buling didn't wear protective gear before because he had to make a trade-off between flexibility and protection, but the South Vietnam Jianghu really didn't follow martial ethics, and there were all kinds of hidden weapons and poisonous insects, which made people hard to defend against. It's better to wear it if you can save some trouble. He didn't feel embarrassed about it, but just patted his silly wife on the butt who teased him.

Zhongli Jiujiu glared and looked back at Chuchu who was wiping the weapons beside him. Seeing that Chuchu didn't notice, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhongli Chuchu turned her back to the two of them, sorting out the weapons and detoxification pills that Xu Buling was going to use, with a bit of annoyance on her face.

A few days ago, Xu Buling took away her first kiss, and her master still acted like "it's none of my business". She was helpless and couldn't beat Xu Buling, so she had no way to deal with it.

It would have been fine if he had kissed her forcefully. Zhongli Chuchu thought that Xu Buling couldn't hold back, or that his master had instigated him to "cook her life into a done deal". After returning to her room, she was nervous and annoyed, and was so scared that she couldn't sleep all night.

As a result, the next day, Xu Buling returned to his usual cold and extraordinary appearance, as if the kissing her had never happened.

Zhongli Chuchu also wanted to pretend that it had never happened, just like the time when her buttocks were touched, but Xu Buling was obviously boiling a frog in warm water, and he kept pushing it. Isn't this obviously bullying?

After packing up, Zhongli Chuchu turned around and handed it to Xu Buling, without looking at the two people, but just looking away.

Xu Buling put on the black robe, took the straight knife and tied it diagonally on his back, hung various anti-poison things on his waist, and then patted Chuchu on the buttocks:

"You wait in the inn, pay attention to the surrounding movements, don't let anyone rob your home. I will be back in half an hour at most."

Zhongli Chuchu was blatantly taken advantage of, and the master was still watching in front of him, so he couldn't hold his face, and turned back angrily:

"Have you touched enough? What do you mean?"

Xu Buling raised his hand and pointed to the leather gloves on his hand:

"Wear gloves, don't think about it."

Zhongli Chuchu opened his mouth, his eyes stunned.

Is there any difference?

Is it not considered touching if you are wearing clothes?

Zhongli Jiujiu smiled secretly in her heart, and she had to pretend to protect her apprentice. She raised her hand and hit Xu Buling:

"Go and do your work. You still don't forget to bully Chuchu at this time."

Xu Buling nodded slightly, and his figure flashed, and he disappeared in the rain outside the window.

Zhongli Chuchu gritted her teeth, and when she saw Xu Buling running away, she looked at Zhongli Jiujiu next to her:

"Master, what do you mean? He is so aggressive and insulting my innocence, but you don't care. Are you waiting for him to force me before you remember that I am your apprentice?"

Zhongli Jiujiu hoped that Xu Buling would use force to settle the matter quickly, but Xu Buling just didn't agree. With a smile, she pulled Chuchu to sit down beside the bed and said earnestly:

"Men are like this, don't take it to heart."

Zhongli Chuchu was slightly annoyed: "He is your man, not mine. You are my only master, and if you don't take care of him, who can I go to for justice? Can I let him take advantage of me?"

Xu Buling had already left, and only the master and apprentice were left in the room, as well as a bird and an insect on guard.

Zhongli Jiujiu saw that there were no outsiders, so he sat in front of Chuchu and advised softly:

"Chuchu, it's not a good idea to drag it on like this. I'm already married to Xu Buling, and you like Xu Buling, so why don't we marry Xu Buling together."

It's true that Zhongli Jiujiu has many tricks to trick people, but when it comes to this kind of trickery, it's obviously not as good as the black-hearted Dabai who has a twisted mind. Saying this will definitely have the opposite effect.

Zhongli Chuchu was immediately annoyed, raised her hand and twisted Zhongli Jiujiu's waist:

"Master! You...what's wrong with you? Have you been fooled by Xu Buling's magic potion? How can you say such a thing?"

Zhongli Jiujiu blushed and smiled awkwardly: "I just saw that Ning Qingye and that stinky Taoist nun were pretty, so I just chatted with you casually..."

"They are them, I...I regard you as my mother."

Zhongli Chuchu looked at the master with a strange look:

"I like Xu Buling, but I have cut off my relationship with him and gave him to you. You colluded with him and dragged me to the pirate ship. Is it fun? When the time comes, we will lie together as master and disciple and be bullied by him. What do I care about your name?"

"Just call me sister..."


Zhongli Chuchu's eyes were stunned.

"Don't you like it? Call me sister... It's okay, but you can't let Ning Yuhe know..."

Zhongli Chuchu clenched her hands tightly and held it in for a long time:

"Master, do you believe that I will change my name to your mother?"

"As long as you like, you can call me anything."


Zhongli Chuchu's head was numb, and she hugged her arms and turned away, not talking... ——

The streets were full of rain.

Dark clouds were pressing down over Yongzhou City, and the sky had darkened. The visibility in the rain was only a few steps, and under the cover of the rain, even the footsteps were difficult to hear.

Xu Buling took advantage of the perfect weather, and climbed up and down the building, and came to Guifei Street again, near Chen Ju's mansion.

It was raining heavily, and the prosperous Guifei Street was still brightly lit, but there were no pedestrians. A layer of rainwater accumulated on the bluestone floor tiles, and as the jade beads fell, it hit the water splashes made of millions of raindrops.

At the closing time of the old tavern "Nian Ningxuan" opposite the mansion, the old shopkeeper had left, and the waiter who stayed in the shop wiped the table in the tavern and turned the stool upside down on the table.

Xu Buling stopped on the eaves, with a black veil covering his cheeks, revealing only a pair of eyes, with hawk-like eyes, sweeping around the mansion, and not forgetting to glance at the old tavern.

After confirming all the sentries and guards around, Xu Buling flew over the wall silently like a swallow in the rain, and went to Chen Ju's back house from the top of the house.

In this world, the buildings of wealthy families all pay attention to Feng Shui and layout. They cannot be renovated randomly, and the owner cannot live in the side room. Even if the house is very large, it is not difficult to find Chen Ju.

Xu Buling came to the backyard garden, but did not go in directly.

South Vietnamese poison masters like Jiujiu are best at tracking and anti-tracking. They often use the secretions of various animals to set traps. As long as they touch, they will leave a smell, and then the pets will track the traces.

The advantage of this method is that it is difficult to see with the naked eye, and the human nose cannot smell where there is a smell. The disadvantage is that it will disappear after being flushed by water, and it is difficult to keep for a long time.

Xu Buling came here in the heavy rain to prevent being tracked.

After a moment of exploration on the roof, Xu Buling did not enter the corridor, but moved directly from the roof to the roof of the study.

There is a secret sentry in the study. A guard wearing a straw raincoat is lying behind the roof and scanning the courtyard.

Xu Buling stopped behind the sentry, knocked him unconscious, and lay down beside him, listening to the noise below:

"...Brother Wang, you have been looking for him for three days, but there is no news at all. How about you let me catch him? I promise to bring him back to you within three days..."

"Si Ning, you have been talking all day, go back to the palace quickly, don't make trouble!"

"I am not making trouble, I really have a way to find that person, he is in the city, there are some clues, but I haven't found the exact location yet..."

"Thousands of guards and constables have searched for three days but still can't find him. You have been in the palace all the time, how did you find him?"

"I...I have a way anyway, brother Wang asked me to lead the soldiers to catch the traitor, I will tell you..."

"Princess, just listen to my advice, His Highness has to go to the palace to preside over government affairs tomorrow morning, it's so late..."


There are three people in the study, in addition to Chen Ju, there is also a strange woman and an old lady.

Xu Buling felt something was wrong when he heard this conversation. If his whereabouts were discovered, it would be a much more serious problem than investigating Chen Ju. He then used his fingers to move the tile slightly and looked down.

In the lighted room, Chen Ju sat behind the desk and rubbed his forehead, obviously annoyed.

In front of the desk stood a young woman in a blue and white dress, with a familiar silver moon scimitar hanging around her waist, and long black hair draped over her back. Due to the angle, only the tip of her tall nose could be seen.

The woman's dress was not much different from what she saw outside the carriage, but the size of her clothes seemed to be two circles smaller than last time. It should be that she was injured by a palm and had not healed yet. She was wrapped in a chest wrap and medicine.

At this time, the woman was pacing back and forth, annoyed Chen Ju with a torrent of words. The old nanny in palace clothes stood beside her, persuading her helplessly.

Xu Buling was not surprised to see this woman. She must have been very close to Chen Ju last time she was able to sit in Chen Ju's carriage. When he heard the word "brother", he naturally knew that it was the princess or princess of the Chen family. However, there were too many princesses and princesses in small countries, and Xu Buling could not know them all.

Can find my whereabouts...

Xu Buling narrowed his eyes and thought for a while. If he could find him, it could only be the snake that bit him last time.

However, the capital is so big that a small snake can't run all the way no matter how fast it runs. It must not be found yet.

Thinking of this, Xu Buling took out three copper coins from his sleeves, ready to knock out the three people without alerting the guards, and then go in to interrogate them.

But before Xu Buling took action, several noises came from a distance:


"There is an assassin!"

Xu Buling was startled and thought he was discovered. He lowered his body a little and held the handle behind his shoulder.

But when he looked up, he saw that the guards around him were not looking at him. Instead, they were looking at the rooftop of a building in the east house. Many masters in the dark jumped out and ran towards that direction.

Above the high building under the rain curtain, a straw raincoat swordsman stood on the roof with a sword in hand, swaggering, with the three-foot green blade pointing diagonally at the roof ridge, without any movement to hide his tracks, even in the hazy rain curtain, it was clear that he was discovered at this time, and he neither killed him nor fled quickly. ? ? ?

Are you sick!

Xu Buling was immediately annoyed, and after cursing inwardly, "Where did this three-legged assassin come from?", he lowered his head and looked into the house.

The three people in the room had heard the movement. Chen Si Ning was the first to react. Without any hesitation, he took out a handful of smoke pills and threw them into the room. The smoke instantly obscured all vision, and then there were a few "squeaks", as if there was a secret door in the study room opened.

In wealthy families, it is normal to hide secret rooms in the study and bedroom to avoid criminals. Even in the homes of merchants, most of them hide secret rooms to avoid bandits.

The surrounding guards were already alert. A few rushed towards the assassin, and most ran to the study room.

If Xu Buling ran in at this time, even if he could catch Chen Ju, he would have no time to ask him questions. If he kidnapped him, it would cause a lot of trouble.

Xu Buling thought about it and suddenly understood the intention of the straw raincoat swordsman. This was because he couldn't find his location, so he used this method to remind Chen Ju and others and the guards in the mansion!

Thinking of this, Xu Buling's eyes sank slightly, and he looked up. The straw raincoat swordsman on the roof, after alarming all the guards, turned around and flew out of the mansion, and the masters among the guards chased him from behind.

It can't be assumed that nothing happened if Xu Buling sneaked into the mansion and came to do bad things.

After Xu Buling glanced at it, he flew up silently, detoured from the side, and chased the straw raincoat swordsman... ——

Thanks to the leader of [Reading for the Rise of China King]!

Thank you for the 20,000 reward from [The Moon is Cold and the Oil Lamp is Exhausted]!

Many thanks to [oylr] for the 10,000-star reward!

Three chapters, 10,000 words.

The Queen Mother Baby has a first-class star. If you guys want to give me a reward, please give it to Aunt Lu. Maybe I can get another star before I finish the book. Thank you~

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