The prince is very fierce

Chapter 40: Emotional Scene

The moon is on the branches.

On the small street in the south of the city, the brothels and gambling houses that were once full of laughter have all closed down. The small street is silent, and only the night watchman occasionally enters the window of the inn and hears the slight footsteps.

A lot of things happened today, so much that it feels like a long time has passed.

It was not until the middle of the night that Zhongli Chuchu took a bath and changed her clothes, and lay on the bed exhausted. Then she remembered that she came to the capital this morning, and only half a day had passed.

After running around all day, her body was very tired, and she didn't even want to move her hands, but Zhongli Chuchu couldn't sleep.

However, the inability to sleep was not due to the spring of the girl's heart. Although it was indeed embarrassing and annoying to hold Xu Buling's finger in her mouth in the evening, Zhongli Chuchu didn't have the heart to think about those things when she was lying on the small bed in the inn.

She couldn't sleep because she was moved by the scene and remembered the past.

When she was a child, she was locked in an iron cage like an animal by human traffickers, and then put in a dark carriage by a matchmaker. After several changes of hands, she traveled thousands of miles and came to the thousands of mountains in Nanyue. The place where she settled was not far from this inn.

At that time, she was only a few years old, with a hemp rope tied to her hands, standing barefoot in the yard, looking at the "majestic" city outside the wall that she had never seen before, with no surprise in her eyes, only uneasiness.

In fact, an orphan like her who was born in a foreign and wild land is not as valuable as a pound of fat meat in the wilderness. Even if she lives in a brothel here, she has gone from hell to heaven.

This is also why the little girl who was sold with her would study skills so diligently, because in a brothel, no matter how difficult it is, she will not be beheaded like an animal for no reason.

However, compared with the singing girl who makes a living by selling smiles, Zhongli Chuchu still wants to be a person, a free person with a family.

So after entering the courtyard near the inn, Zhongli Chuchu tried very hard to please the housekeeper, and tried every means to learn everything she could, hoping to find a chance to escape from there.

In fact, now that I think about it, I was still too naive at that time.

As the saying goes, 'whores are heartless', how could the housekeeper of a brothel really have feelings for the girls under her? Those smiles were just appearances. She was only a few years old, and no matter how many tricks she played, she could not escape from that street.

Therefore, Zhongli Chuchu only felt grateful and attached to the master who took her away and made her a human being again, especially when she was lying here.

If there was no master, she might also be lying in this city at this time, lying in another house not far away; but what she experienced might be completely another world.

Zhongli Chuchu opened her eyes and looked at the moonlight on the window paper. As her thoughts deepened, she became more and more sleepy.

At this time, she wanted to get into the arms of her master like when she was a child, and enjoy the hard-earned warmth and peace.

It's a pity that the person lying in the master's arms must be another person now.


Zhongli Chuchu sighed faintly, no longer sleepy, so she sat up, put on her dress, and walked out of the room slowly.

There were not many people staying in the inn, and it was late at night and the lights were turned off.

Zhongli Chuchu walked towards the fence along the street on the second floor, wanting to see the moon. When passing by the door next door, he stopped and listened:

"... You idiot, aren't you Eagle Finger Sanren? Show me your 'eagle' now? Ah, husband, I was wrong..."

"I have two hands, and even if I don't have hands, I still have a mouth. Do you know you are wrong to dare to be presumptuous in front of your husband?"

"I know I am wrong, I know I am wrong, ah~..."

"Don't be so loud, Chuchu is listening outside the door."


Zhongli Chuchu was stunned, and quickly moved his cheek away from the door, whispering:

"I... I was just passing by, Master, you should rest early, don't be too tired."

"Chuchu... I was just chatting with him, I didn't do anything else..."

"Really... You can do something else, I won't disturb you."

Zhongli Chuchu responded softly, and did not disturb his master's good deeds anymore. He quickly left the door and came to the fence on the second floor near the street.

The silver moon is like a hook, and the sky is full of stars.

Zhongli Chuchu stood by the fence for a moment, and suddenly realized that there was nothing to see.

But if she turned back to the house at this time, she would disturb her master, and she probably wouldn't be able to sleep.

After a slight hesitation, Zhongli Chuchu gently jumped up, leaned against the porch column, sat on the fence, and took out the ice flower hibiscus pendant and two small bells from her waist.

The embroidered shoes kicked the hem of her skirt and swayed in the air. The bells made a subtle sound as they rubbed.

Zhongli Chuchu's cat-like green eyes shone with a little luster, and she might not even understand the meaning.

Three people living together...

How should they live...

They have been together for a long time, but Chuchu has not found her position so far, especially after coming out with Xu Buling this time, she feels a little redundant.

In Chang'an, she took Xu Buling to kill herself.

In Suzhou, Xu Buling created the Black City for the sake of the jade pendant.

In Jiangnan, Xu Buling destroyed the bandit camp alone.

In Youzhou, Xu Buling went to the government office alone to save her.

Even to this day, she is still a stumbling block between Xu Buling and his master.

Thinking back from the beginning to the end, she seems to have never done anything valuable.

Her martial arts are not as good as Qingye, her literary talent is not as good as Yufu, her personality is not as good as Manzhi, and compared with the older sisters, she is far behind.

She seems to have nothing but beauty, the hottest body, the whitest skin, and the prettiest eyes!


Zhongli Chuchu leaned against the pillar, looking at the jade pendant in his hand, lost in thought.

I don’t know how long it took, but there were footsteps behind me.

Then a familiar man's breath came from behind, passed around her shoulders, and she looked down.

Zhongli Chuchu held the jade pendant and bell tightly, and squeezed gently with her shoulders:

"What are you doing here? Go and stay with Master. I want to be quiet."

Xu Buring was wearing a robe and still holding gauze on the middle finger of his right hand, but he was already fine. With a smile on his lips, he leaned behind Chu Chu and told an old joke with a hint of jealousy:

"Who is Jingjing? Male or female?"


It was obviously the first time for Zhongli Chuchu to hear such a wisecrack. She wanted to explain, but in an instant she realized that Xu Buling was teasing her. She tightened her dress slightly and said calmly:

"Male, childhood sweetheart, it has nothing to do with you, just go back."

Xu Buling had just finished serving Jiujiu and was kicked out by Jiujiu to coax Chuchu, so naturally he was not in a hurry to go back. He thought for a moment, raised his hand, hugged Chu Chu, and rested his chin on Chu Chu's shoulder:


This posture is obviously too intimate, even a bit presumptuous.

Chu Chu sat on the fence, her back pressed against Xu Buling's chest, her body stiffened slightly. Then he tilted his head in annoyance:

"what you do?"

Xu Buling came to South Vietnam for another purpose, which was to settle the relationship between Chu Chu and Jiu Jiu. Otherwise, Jiujiu would be like a frustrated little daughter-in-law every day, and Chuchu would be dejected and not good to each other.

Chu Chu had already expressed his feelings for Xu Buling, and Xu Buling didn't play any more "play hard to get" tricks. He put his arm around Chu Chu's waist and pulled her in a little:

"Chuchu, have you thought clearly?"

Zhongli Chuchu squeezed a few times with his shoulders and realized that Xu Buling was different from usual. He felt a little panicked and frowned:

"What should I think clearly?"

Xu Buling looked serious: "The three of us will live together from now on."

"You think beautifully."

Zhongli Chuchu didn't look at Xu Buring. She just lowered her head and clasped her fingers at her waist, trying to struggle out of her arms, but her movements were not very forceful.

Xu Buring hugged her for a moment, then suddenly leaned close to Chu Chu's ear and blew lightly.

Chu Chu was so excited that half of her body was numb. Her face turned a little red. She gritted her teeth and whispered, "What are you doing? You..."

"Taking advantage of you is disrespectful."

Xu Bu Ling responded frankly, then leaned over and kissed Chu Chu on the cheek.

The two have known each other for more than two years, probably only a few days shorter than Manzhi Qingye, but the most intimate contact they had with each other was just holding and carrying each other, and they had never experienced such a thing as kissing.

Zhongli Chuchu trembled suddenly and almost screamed, then quickly covered her mouth, her green eyes full of panic and consternation. She quickly took out the poisonous needle from the leg ring under her skirt and turned her head to stab it.

But before he could make a move, his wrist was held, and he was pulled into Xu Buling's arms, and his lips touched something soft. ! !

Zhongli Chuchu was caught off guard, his eyes widened, staring at the face that was so close that he could not see clearly, and he completely stiffened.

The moonlight was still and the streets were silent.

The woman sat on the fence, her skirt gently fluttering in the wind, looking back and locking lips with the man.

The world seems to have frozen. If it weren't for the woman holding a few needles in her hand, it would definitely be a romantic and beautiful picture.

A long time passed.

Zhongli was stunned for a long time, his mind went blank. He probably didn't realize what happened at all. He didn't even notice that Xu Buling's hand was secretly placed on his clothes. It wasn't until she hadn't breathed for too long that she was about to faint from suffocation, then Chu Chu suddenly came back to her senses, her eyes changed from confused to stunned:


Zhongli Chuchu tilted his head, his shoulders were trembling, and said to the side: "Bah, bah, bah -" After a few mouthfuls, he wiped his lips with his hand and glared at Xu Buling, but his eyes were watery and full of grievances.

Xu Bu Ling was satisfied and raised his hand to scratch the tip of Chu Chu's tall nose:

"Okay, go back to sleep and stop thinking so much."

As he spoke, he turned around and walked towards the room, raising his hand and waving.


Zhongli Chuchu was breathing rapidly and stared at Xu Buling, but couldn't even speak. Until Xu Buling's figure disappeared from the door, silence returned to the corridor.

This bastard...

Zhongli's face turned red and white, and the sad memories he had just forgotten had long been forgotten, leaving only shame and anger in his heart.

She jumped off the fence, ran quickly to the door, raised her hand and knocked hard on the door several times.

dong dong

In the room, Zhongli Jiujiu, who had been secretly observing in the dark, naturally did not dare to show his head at this time, pretending to have just woken up, and asked in a daze:

"Chuchu, what's wrong?"

Zhongli Chuchu's face turned red and she gritted her teeth and said:

"Master, if Xu Bu Ling takes advantage of me and he kisses me, do you care about him? I am your apprentice, that is, his apprentice. It's really... bah bah bah..."

"What, he dares to kiss you?... Xu Buling, what's wrong with you? If you dare to bully my apprentice, I can't beat you to death..."

bang bang bang

A crisp sound came from the room. I don't know where it was hit or who hit whom. Anyway, the sound sounded very elastic. ? ? ?

Zhongli Chuchu's eyes were stunned. The gratitude he had just expressed to his master was wiped out by this blatant act of aiding the emperor.

She gritted her teeth and held back for a long time. She had nothing to say, so she kicked the door hard and ran back to her room.

Looking at her like this, I guess she won't be able to sleep tomorrow night.

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