The prince is very fierce

Chapter 36 Fat meat delivered to your door

The sun sets in the west.

Among the mountain cols on the side of Tomb Pass Ridge, Zhongli Chuchu was at a high place, watching the surrounding activities with a telescope. The little sparrows stood sentinel at the top of the treetops further away.

Next to the stream between the mountains, Xu Bu Ling stripped off completely and stood in the pool to take a wild bath. The jumpsuit and leather hood sewn from oilcloth are washed in the water downstream to ensure that no poison remains.

The water in the stream is very clear and it is not too cold in the autumn afternoon.

Xu Buring opened his arms and looked at the silly wife beside him with a slightly helpless look:

"Be gentle, the skin will almost rub off."

Zhongli Jiujiu tied her skirt around her waist and wore only short safety pants underneath. She stood in the knee-deep water with two smooth white legs and was scrubbing Xu Buling's back with a coarse cloth.

Zhongli Jiujiu was not bad at martial arts. She took a bath to disinfect Xu Buling, not to serve her husband. Naturally, her hands were not gentle, and the skin on Xu Buling's back turned red. When Xu Buling resisted, he raised his hand and hit Xu Buling on the back fiercely:

"Be honest, Sikong Zhi is not a good person. Who knows if there is any messy dirt on him. Sister, I risked dying with you to rub your back, and you still don't want to..."

Xu Buling chuckled and had no choice but to stand honestly, thought for a while and then said:

"In the prison just now, I didn't find the whereabouts of Aunt Gui and the others. There were only five killers lurking in ambush. At present, I only know that the other party came for me. It may be related to the second prince and the remnants of Baichong Valley. I don't know anything else. The other party is known to have I'm just doing the math in my head, walking ahead step by step, I'm afraid it won't be easy to find Aunt Gui and the others."

Zhongli Jiujiu was silent for a moment, looking slightly worried:

"After my parents' accident, Aunt Gui took me for a lot of time to study medicine in other villages. Those witches and wizards only taught me because of Aunt Gui's face... I didn't do anything for the village. Now that I have brought trouble to the village, I will feel very sorry if I leave it alone..."

Xu Buling raised his hand and scratched Jiujiu's face: "What are you talking about? My daughter-in-law's affairs are my business. I didn't say to leave it alone. I just said that it is difficult to find her. Maybe she can find her in the end, but the result will not be the same. How good..."

Zhongli Jiujiu knew very well that Aunt Gui was just a bait and would lose its effect if she was not allowed to be found. The simplest way to deal with it was to destroy the body and eliminate any traces to avoid any mistakes. I just know that Gui Gui knows that the relationship between Aunt Gui and Jiujiu is like Xu Buling and Lao Xiao, they are not related by blood but they are serious elders, and they have kindness. How could they not find out if something goes wrong.

Zhongli Jiujiu married Xu Buling. If something happened to her mother's family, there was no one she could rely on except Xu Buling. At this time, he glanced at Xu Buling and hummed softly:

"If you want to see people alive and see corpses dead, if you dare to bully us, we definitely can't just let it go."

Xu Buling nodded: "This is natural. Forget about my people, even if it is my bird, if outsiders dare to make any plans, their ashes will be spread."

my bird...

Zhongli Jiujiu and Xu Buling have been sleeping in the same bed for so long, and they have long been led astray. Hearing these words, he moved his hands and subconsciously glanced at the bottom of Xu Buling's vest line:

"Other than women, who would have an idea for you? I'm afraid it's too late for you to be happy."


Xu Buling was referring to the little sparrow Yiyi. Hearing this, he was stunned for a moment. He found that the silly wife actually said dirty jokes. He narrowed his eyes slightly and took Jiujiu's little hand:

"This is also a rub."

"Yeah~ You're dead..."

There were some sounds of playing and fighting in the mountain stream.

High on the hillside, Zhongli Chuchu was lying in the grass, looking at the mountains with binoculars. Hearing the noise below, I thought Xu Buling had finished washing, and looked back...

Strong chest muscles, strong abdominal muscles, thick...

! !

Zhongli Chuchu's face suddenly turned red, and she secretly took a sip, turning her face away. She wanted to scold him but was afraid of leaking the news, so she could only pick up a pebble from the ground and throw it into the pool.


The water splashed, and the couple who were fighting suddenly returned to their normal state.

Zhongli Jiujiu's face turned red. After secretly glancing at Chu Chu, he pinched Xu Buling's waist again:

"Are you going to die? I'm really pissing you off, and you're the one who's suffering. I'm not Ning Yuhe, that stinky Taoist nun. No one in the wilderness would dare to do anything with you..."

Xu Buling said with a smile: "This is called 'Tao follows nature'. Yuhe is a disciple of the Taoist sect. He likes the harmony of yin and yang in nature, which shows that he has a Taoist heart. You are too conservative and stick to the worldly etiquette. On the contrary, you are not as good as Yuhe In fact, it is very comfortable to be in the water. This is called 'the best is like water, water is good for all things without competing for it', which is conducive to cultivating the mind..."

Zhongli Jiujiu was not a silly girl who had just begun to fall in love. How could she be fooled by such nonsense? She spat softly:

"Do you think my sister is stupid? Then how to explain that she likes to 'find another way'?"

"Well... the great road leads to simplicity, different paths lead to the same destination, and the result is the same anyway..."


Zhongli Jiujiu couldn't say anything about her smelly husband, so she stopped talking, turned Xu Buling around, and continued to rub his back. But before I had rubbed it for a few times, a slight shout rang out from the hillside next to me:


Zhongli Jiujiu moved for a moment, thinking that someone was chasing him, so he quickly went ashore, threw his clothes to Xu Buling, and looked up:

"Chuchu, what's wrong?"

Zhongli Chuchu didn't look back, just stared into the distance with a telescope, raised his hand and waved it behind his back, signaling the two of them to come over quickly.

Xu Bu Ling put on his robe in two or three times, quickly jumped up the hillside with the knife in hand, lay down beside Chu Chu, and looked into the distance.

The area around Muguanling is full of low hills. The road to the prison is in the valley, and most of the winding roads are blocked by trees on the hillside, but there are a few turns where the road can be seen.

At this time, under the mountain two miles away, a luxurious carriage passed by the bend, with more than ten guards with swords beside it.

Xu Buling just glanced and recognized the carriage. He had seen it on Guifei Street during the day. It was the carriage of the second prince Chen Ju.

Zhongli Chuchu stared at the carriage and said softly: "It's the carriage of that prince. I guess he heard the movement of the prison and ran over to check. Judging from the direction, he is preparing to return to the city. Should we..."

Xu Buling glanced around. After he rushed out of the prison, he ran directly here to deal with his clothes. He was already far away from the prison. Walking out of this mountain range, you will reach the avenue outside the capital. There are many caravans and caravans, but this road to the prison is obviously not passed by caravans. If you want to attack the second prince Chen Ju, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The meat was already at his mouth, so Xu Buling naturally didn't hesitate, patting Chuchu's shoulder and asking her to return to Jiujiu.

Zhongli Jiujiu had already wrapped herself in a jumpsuit and a hood, and came over with the package on her back, taking Chuchu with her into the surrounding mountains and fields, paying attention to the surrounding situation so that she could be picked up at any time.

After Xu Buling calculated the distance briefly, he raised his knife and silently touched the road ahead...

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