The prince is very fierce

Chapter 26: At the critical moment, we still have to rely on Chong Chong

Outside the window, the cold spring gurgles, and the hazy white moonlight sprinkles on the window paper.

Zhongli Chuchu lies on her side on the pillow, holding a crystal clear ice flower hibiscus pendant in her hand, and watching the various shapes and colors in the boudoir.

Although it is located in Miaojiang, this house is no different from the boudoir of a lady from the Central Plains.

There are many books on the bookshelf. Many of them were brought by Jiujiu's grandfather when he fled. The covers are yellowed, but they are clean and tidy. In addition to the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, there are also piano tables and painting tables in the room, which are common items in the boudoirs of rich ladies. They are of high workmanship and are very valuable. They are all carefully prepared by Jiujiu.

After Zhongli Chuchu was carried out of the fire pit by her master and came here, she has never suffered a day of hardship. Although she lives in a relatively poor Miao village, she lives a life of luxury. Even her hair and nails are carefully cared for, and she uses all kinds of mountain delicacies and magical medicines to wash her face. Maybe the ladies of the royal family are not as extravagant as her.

She used to be extremely attached to her master because he was the first person in the world who treated her so well. She ran away from home because she found that her master treated her so well and had other purposes, not just liking her, a little girl that no one wanted.

However, after crossing mountains and seas, walking from the east to the west, from the south to the north, and going around the whole world, Chuchu's stubborn thoughts had long been let go.

In any case, at least she and her master are still together and safe, and they can continue like this forever in the future.

Now lying on this small bed again, Zhongli Chuchu's eyes have regained the attachment and warmth of her childhood, but the jade pendant in her hand still makes her eyes look a little more.

After all, there were two people in the room when she left, and three when she came back.

A man who suddenly appeared in the middle of the road came between her and her master, changing the simple family affection and filial piety of her childhood...


Zhongli Chuchu stroked the jade pendant with her slender fingers, wanting to fall asleep, but she couldn't fall asleep.

I remember that when she was a child, every night, her master would come to her in the middle of the night to tuck her in. If she found that she was not asleep, she would lie beside her and hug her, telling her stories from all over the world until she fell asleep with a smile.

Now, the master will definitely not come over at night. It is estimated that she is sleeping with that man, telling him stories, tucking in the quilt, etc., so how can she care about her...

Thinking of this, Zhongli Chuchu pursed her lips, and she was actually a little jealous.

But she couldn't tell whether she was jealous of Xu Buling for stealing her master, or her master for stealing her man.

Maybe it was both...

Zhongli Chuchu lay there for a long time and couldn't fall asleep, so she sat up again, put on her shawl, and opened the door.

The lights in the house opposite had been turned off, and there was no movement at all, as if they had gone to bed.

However, Zhongli Chuchu knew the time between the two of them. Now should be the time when the master raised his neck and yelled, but there was no sound, probably because Xu Buling covered his mouth and couldn't yell.


Zhongli Chuchu glanced at it, then picked a leaf from the small tree beside the courtyard wall, sat on the small bench under the eaves, put the leaf to his lips, looked at the stars in the sky that were within reach, and played "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix".

Woo woo

The melody was gentle and looming among the mountains.

Zhongli Chuchu played the song, and there was actually a bit of mischief in her eyes, imagining Xu Buling's expression of despair and the master's ashamed expression.

After just a moment of playing, there was no movement in the house.

Zhongli Chuchu was a little confused. Under normal circumstances, the master should pretend to be woken up, ask a few questions in a daze, and then let her go back to sleep. How could he pretend not to hear it?

The tune stopped, Zhongli Chuchu thought for a moment, got up and walked to the yard, listening attentively.

There was a buzzing sound in the house, which was obviously not a sexual intercourse, but more like the sound of mosquitoes flying around.

How could there be mosquitoes in the house?

Zhongli Chuchu was a little confused, took two steps forward, and called out:


There was no response from the house, but something small gently hit the window, making a slight sound. ? ?

Zhongli Chuchu's heart sank, secretly aware that something was wrong, and hurried to the door. But just as he was about to raise his hand to push the door, he remembered something, ran to the side room to get the smock to prevent poisonous bees from stinging, and put it on... ——


Xu Buling was lying on the newly laid bedding, holding the back of his head like a master, waiting for his silly wife to come and serve him.

Zhongli Jiujiu quietly took down the support rod, and after the window was closed, the room became a little quieter.

She turned around and glanced at Xu Buling. Her bright face was obviously flushed with shyness. She walked to the bedside, raised her hands to take off the silver ornaments on her head and waist, and placed them on the dressing table next to her. Her long hair was scattered and swayed gently in front of the candlelight.

Xu Buling admired her from top to bottom, and he didn't even want to move. It seemed that he didn't even want to take off his clothes.

Zhongli Jiujiu was a little annoyed, but he had no choice. He squatted down by the bed, took off Xu Buling's boots, blew out the candle, and sat sideways beside Xu Buling.

Zhongli Jiujiu's personal belongings, in addition to the leg ring tied on her leg, also had a small porcelain bottle sandwiched between the dumplings. At this time, she lifted her skirt, first pulled down the leg ring, picked it up with her toes and placed it on the dressing table, then unbuttoned her clothes, took out the small porcelain bottle from it, and put it aside.

Xu Buling adjusted his posture, raised his eyebrows, and signaled to come over.

Zhongli Jiujiu bit her lower lip and glared, then pressed on Xu Buling, lowered her head and pressed her lips together...


In the birdcage by the window, the little sparrow was swinging on the horizontal bar. Seeing the two shameless people fighting again, it turned its head slightly bored.

The window was closed and it couldn't get out, so the little sparrow flew to the dressing table, raised its claws and kicked the small porcelain bottle containing the dragon-locking Gu.

Gurgle Gurgle

The bottle rolled several times on the table, and the sound of a small beetle flapping its wings could be heard inside, obviously it was woken up.

The little sparrow jumped on the dressing table, ran to the other end and stepped on the small bottle, and kicked it to the other side again.

After several times of this, the dragon-locking Gu in the bottle was buzzing, and it was obviously a little unbearable.

Zhongli Jiujiu was holding the beetle in his hand and his breathing was a little unstable. He tilted his head and saw the little sparrow making trouble nearby. He was annoyed and fierce, then he leaned over to pick up the small porcelain bottle, opened the lid with his fingers, and let the little beetle out.

Xu Buling's mouth was empty, and he sighed a little disappointedly. He tilted his head to look at Yiyi who was chasing the little beetle everywhere, and smiled:

"Isn't it afraid of the Dragon Locking Gu?"

Zhongli Jiujiu crawled back and said absentmindedly: "We have raised it together since we were young. It's just a joke. What is there to be afraid of? All things have spirituality, and birds and beasts have joys, anger, sorrows, and happiness. You won't understand even if I tell you..."

Xu Buling nodded thoughtfully, and wanted to talk about the knowledge of man and nature, but Jiujiu covered his face and could only say "hmm".

The room was quiet, with only the sound of the little sparrow chasing the beetle.

Zhongli Jiujiu half-closed her eyes, her eyes gradually blurred, her body undulating, and just as she was getting into the mood, she suddenly saw a small beetle flying around in the room, crawling under the bed.

The little sparrow followed behind, standing next to the boots and looking out. Just after taking a look, it suddenly flew into her arms as if frightened.

Zhongli Jiujiu woke up instantly, and realized that something was wrong. She quickly held her breath and concentrated her energy, and listened to the movement below with her ears slightly moving.

Xu Buling was also a little confused, but the warrior instinct was still there. After discovering something strange, he did not move around. He held his breath and concentrated his energy to look at Zhongli Jiujiu, asking with his eyes.

Zhongli Jiujiu's slightly flushed cheeks gradually became serious, lying motionless, staring at the side of the bed.

Xu Buling glanced sideways and gradually heard a "buzzing" sound, which was the sound of the dragon-locking insect flapping its wings, mixed with very small sounds, flying around under the bed.

Soon, two blurry black dots flew out from under the bed. It was obvious that the Dragon Locking Gu was going berserk and was chasing it in the air.

In front of the black beetle was a much smaller insect, which was glowing green in the moonlight. It seemed to be very afraid of the Dragon Locking Gu and was running around in the room like a headless fly, looking for a place to hide.


Although Xu Buling didn't know what this thing was, he had been infected with the Dragon Locking Gu before and had some knowledge of Gu insects.

To raise Gu, hundreds of poisonous insects are usually sealed together, killing each other and feeding on flesh and blood. The last one left is the Gu. After becoming a Gu, it is impossible to coexist with other poisonous insects and will only eat weak poisonous insects.

The Dragon Locking Gu is called the Gu King, and it must be invincible among poisonous insects. It is not sure whether this green little mosquito in front of it is a poisonous Gu, but it can arouse the ferocity of the Dragon Locking Gu, so it must not be a simple thing.

You know, when Jiujiu took out the Dragon Locking Gu to let it out for a walk, there were no mosquitoes or flies within a hundred feet; the little beetle was too lazy to care about ordinary insects. This was the first time Xu Buling had seen such a hunting situation.

Buzz buzz buzz

The two little insects flew around in the room, and a few times they even flew near the curtain.

Xu Buling and Zhongli Jiujiu hugged each other, still keeping a distance from each other, staring at the poisonous insects without moving, except for their eyeballs, even their eyelashes did not move.

The little sparrow seemed to know the danger, hiding between the two of them, not daring to move, completely losing the courage when chasing the Dragon Locking Gu just now...

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