The prince is very fierce

Chapter 21: Beauty is short-lived

The two brothers were looking back following Hu Yanjie's eyes when they suddenly heard a heart-breaking exclamation coming from beside them, making them tremble in fright.

Looking back, Brother Huyan, who had been chatting just now, jumped three feet high and jumped directly to the corner of the wine shop. He leaned against the wall and stared at the door. He opened his mouth and wanted to say something but couldn't.

"Brother Huyan, what are you doing?"

The expressions of the two men changed slightly. They thought an enemy was coming. They both touched the weapons at their sides and looked cautiously at the door.

Xu Buling walked into the wine shop with a machete in hand. Seeing Hu Yanjie's reaction, he knew that he was frightened. He raised his hand slightly and smiled:

"Brother Huyan, long time no see. Don't panic, two brothers. We are all friends."

After Hu Yanjie heard the voice, he confirmed that the handsome man in strange clothes in front of him was really Prince Su, the crown prince of Dayue. Hu Yanjie was just a small character running around in South Vietnam. It was a bit unbelievable that such a great king of hell suddenly came to his door.

Xu Buling sat down at the wine table, took a wine bowl, filled it with wine, and said with a smile:

"Brother Huyan?"

Hu Yanjie dared to enter Chang'an to defraud the Dayue court of rewards. He still had the courage and reaction. It took him a moment to confirm that it was not a nightmare. He glanced left and right, then walked over quickly:

"It turns out to be Brother Shining. We haven't seen him for many years and I didn't recognize him for a while."

Then he looked at the two men next to him:

"You guys should go back first. This brother and I haven't seen each other for many years. We need to get together and talk about leaving the country in a while."

The two men were a little confused, but they didn't say much. After saying goodbye, they got up and left the wine shop.

Xu Buling took a sip from the wine bowl and then patted the seat next to him:

"Brother Huyan has a good memory, he even remembers my flower name."

Only then did Hu Yanjie dare to sit down next to him, with a slightly embarrassed smile:

"Young Master is so well-known, it's hard to remember. Hmm... I wonder why Young Master suddenly came to this small fish pond in South Vietnam? If there is anything I can do to help... I don't seem to be able to help..."

Xu Buling poured a bowl of wine for Hu Yanjie and said warmly: "We are acquainted with each other, so there is no need to be so nervous. I just heard that something happened to my daughter-in-law's family, so I came to see what was going on. Brother Hu Yan has been walking around Liuzhou all year round, has he ever Know?”

Hu Yanjie was stunned for a moment. He really didn't expect that the noble prince of the vassal could go deep into the enemy's territory for a concubine. He thought for a moment, then nodded and said:

"Young Master is really serious. It's just a small matter of fighting between a few villages. A few days ago, Young Master was fighting in Chu, and most of King Wei's army outside the pass withdrew. Our court began to go crazy, recruiting young men from all over the place to serve as troops. We and The Central Plains is different. The villages in the mountains are owned by the village owners, and the county magistrate has no control over them. But if a war really breaks out, the court still has to provide people. Each village has a quota based on its population. If there are not enough people, food will be provided. Minato.

The eighteen large and small villages on the Feishui Ridge side were originally owned by the old village in Niangniang Mountain. For some reason, the imperial court specified that the old village had two hundred people. Counting the old, young, women, and children, there were only about eight hundred people in the old village. Where could they go? Looking for so many strong men? So I said hello to the Eighteenth Village, and if I didn’t follow the rules, I wouldn’t let anyone in. It turned out that the Eighteen Villages were not of the same mind. Zhan Bao, the head of Yinpo Village, went to report to the officials that bandits were hiding in Niangniang Mountain, and he also fanned the flames. He told other villages that Niangniang Mountain was causing trouble and that those who did not listen to the government would harm everyone. Disaster.

Then the government killed chickens to scare monkeys, led troops to the Eighteen Villages, and arrested all the heads of Niangniang Mountain. I heard that a few of them were beheaded on the spot. The other villages were not united, no one took the lead and did not dare to stop them. Now that Zhan Bao is in charge, the government has taken a step back and reduced the quota, and things have calmed down, but I don't know where those people who were captured by the court went. "

Xu Buling listened quietly and nodded slightly: "It's not a big deal to say. Under normal circumstances, the news cannot even spread to the county town. But people who fled from Liuzhou to Chudi basically know whether there is someone there. Are you deliberately promoting this?"

Hu Yanjie was a little confused: "Has it all spread to Chu? How could such a trivial matter like sesame seeds and mung beans spread so far..." He thought for a moment and said uncertainly: "However, the government does not recruit young men according to the rules. , it really caused panic in Liuzhou area some time ago, there are many people talking about it recently, so if you are interested, it would not be surprising to know. "

Xu Buling analyzed it and found that there were no valuable clues. It seemed that he had to go to Feishui Ridge to understand clearly. He put down the wine bowl and asked:

"How much does Brother Huyan know about the affairs of the South Vietnamese court? I heard that the South Vietnamese monarch is suffering from a serious illness, and the person in charge is a duke?"

When Hu Yanjie heard this, he smiled: "I am just a Jianghu person, and I don't know much about the affairs of the imperial court, but I have heard some rumors from Jianghu people talking nonsense in private.

When our king first succeeded to the throne, he was still a wise monarch and had an excellent reputation among the people. Later, there was a beauty contest in the Central Plains. Before Miss Chu Chu, there was a beauty named Zhou in Nanyue. The girl naturally entered the palace and became the king's concubine..."

Xu Buling nodded lightly, having heard about this. However, Concubine Zhou became famous at about the same time as Concubine Su, nearly ten years earlier than Yuhe who finally closed the book. She belonged to the first wave, which was already more than 20 years ago. It's a matter of time.

Maybe men are born with some compassion for beauties. When Hu Yanjie said this, he shook his head and sighed:

"There is a saying in the world that Xu Danqing's pen is 'poisonous'. As long as the beauties he paints, none of them will die a good death.

Our Concubine Zhou did not escape the disaster. After entering the palace and giving birth to the prince, she passed away in a very strange way. It is said that she had driven on a trip the day before and died of illness in the imperial city the next day. .

Since then, the king has become depressed. He has no intention of governing and drinks all day long. Everything is left to the courtiers to take care of. A few years ago, there were rumors that the king drank too much and fell ill, lying in bed unable to even speak. The imperial court has been spending a lot of money to search for famous doctors, and many experts have gone to the capital to try their hands. Unfortunately, they all returned without success. Now the person in charge of the imperial court seems to be Anguo Gong Zhou Qin. "

When Xu Buling heard this, he nodded slightly:

"I have very few records about Anguo Gong Zhou Qin. Do you know his origins?"

Hu Yanjie shook his head: "Dignified Duke of the State, how can I come into contact with my identity? However, Duke An Guo is the father of the daughter. He only made his fortune after Zhou Guifei entered the palace. He seemed to be the small county magistrate of Lingshan County in the past, and he was also in the market. There’s no allusion.”

Xu Buling nodded, knowing that he couldn't ask too many useful things, so he didn't say much, put down the wine bowl and stood up:

"Brother Huyan, please come out of seclusion now. Someone will secretly escort you on the way. At least we got to know each other. When we get to Dayue, if nothing else, it's okay to have a half-official position."

Hu Yanjie naturally understood the meaning and quickly stood up and clasped his fists:

"Young Master is so polite. It's a blessing for me to be able to ride for you. I'll leave now and never come into contact with anyone."

Xu Bu Ling nodded, stood up and left the wine shop...

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