The prince is very fierce

Chapter 19 Nanshan Baiyue

Like the Northern Qi Dynasty, 'Nanyue' was just the name of the Central Plains Empire. The Nanyue court still continued the ancient name of 'Baiyue'. Its jurisdiction stretched from Fuzhou in the east to Jiaozhi in the west, stretching for more than 4,000 miles. However, the terrain was narrow and only occupied the coastal line. The actual territory is not that big.

The Chen family of Nanyue has a long history. During the Spring and Autumn Period, it became a vassal of the Chu State, the overlord of the Central Plains at that time. Later, it experienced ups and downs. At its lowest point, it was just a county prince in Nanyue.

Before Jiazi, the Song family and the Jiang family were fighting for hegemony in the world. The Chen family took advantage of the opportunity to pacify the various princes in Baiyue, and thus unified Baiyue, and even invaded the Xiangtan area. It's a pity that just when he had the capital to compete in the world, he met the general Xu Lie who was leading troops to attack Xiangyang.

Xu Lie looked back and said, "Hey, a group of savages appeared out of nowhere." Then he led his troops to Liuzhou, and Chen's dream of conquering the Central Plains was shattered.

It was said before Jiazi that it was a chaotic war between the Three Kingdoms, but there are very few records of the confrontation with South Vietnam. Basically, it was "defeat a certain place in a certain year and a certain month, and kill more or less enemies." It was written down like a running account, and it was recorded by all kinds of messy poisonous calculations. More detailed.

Although it has almost never won a battle against its enemies in the Central Plains Empire, South Vietnam is not as unbearable as the people of the Central Plains imagined. Its military strength is similar to that of the kings of Su, Chu, and Wei, and its financial resources are even stronger than that of King Su who was eating sand in the northwest. The reason for the defeat is that the Central Plains dynasty is too strong, and no one who can compete for world hegemony is good.

Nowadays, the world is in chaos again. Dayue is divided into Dongyue and Xiyue. One country and two kings are as powerful as fire and water. The Northern Qi Dynasty has made a comeback and is eyeing the Central Plains.

The King of Wei who was originally used to suppress South Vietnam has become the Emperor of Dongyue, and all the heavy troops under his command have been pulled back to fight against the Xiliang army. The South Vietnam court, located in the corner of the world, naturally sensed the opportunity and began to expand its army aggressively.

Taking advantage of the situation when the world is in chaos and focusing on the vast territory of the Central Plains is a vision that every person in power should have. But it was not the monarch of South Vietnam who wanted to recruit strong soldiers at this time. Chen Jin, the monarch of South Vietnam, contracted a serious illness a few years ago and has never recovered from his madness. All political affairs have been handed over to the second prince Chen Ju.

Chen Ju, the second prince of South Vietnam, was neither the eldest son nor the legitimate son, so he was not qualified to interfere in political affairs. However, the eldest son died young, and Chen Ju's biological mother was Concubine Zhou, who was once the most beautiful woman in South Vietnam and one of the eight chief ministers in office.

Concubine Zhou died shortly after giving birth to the prince Chen Ju. Chen Jin became lovesick and was extremely fond of this son, even making her grandfather, who was born in a poor family, a duke. After Chen Jin contracted a serious illness, it was not surprising that Chen Ju was able to control the court with the help of his grandfather.

No matter how small Nanyue is, it is still a serious country. Although the prosperity of Yongzhou, the capital, is not as prosperous as Chang'an, it is still much better than ordinary states and counties.

It's September, and the weather in Yongzhou, the capital of South Vietnam, is still summer. The streets and alleys are crowded with people, and merchants from all over the world gather here. Some of them come from across the sea from Nanyang, and starting from the Western Regions, they pass through Suzhou, Hexi Corridor, Chang'an, Chudi..., tens of thousands of miles of trade routes. The last stop is also here.

At dusk, the Anguo Mansion was located near Chaohuang Street outside the imperial city. The post envoy who had just arrived from other places quickly ran into the mansion and delivered the mailbox behind him.

The staff waiting outside took a look at the letter, then quickly came to the study and knocked on the door.

The study is neat and elegant, and looks no different from the mansions of princes, generals, and ministers of the Central Plains. The only difference is that there are three birdcages hanging in the window. The ones inside are not the cuckoos and canaries that the wealthy squire likes, but three black crows. Standing quietly in the birdcage, watching the staff coming in.

On the carved couch in the study room, Zhou Qin, the Duke of Anguo, sat cross-legged with his eyes closed. He was over fifty years old with gray hair, but his skin was as fair as a baby's and his complexion was excellent.

Hearing the knock on the door, Zhou Qin opened his eyes, returned to his normal sitting posture, picked up the teacup on the small table, and said calmly:

"Come in."

The door opened, and the staff member bowed and walked in, saying softly:

"Gong Zhou, the spies outside have sent news that Dayue's army in Yueyang suddenly gathered south and has passed Xiangtan. Dayue has no opponents south of Chu. This army is probably heading towards Baiyue. Come."

The Chu region borders part of South Vietnam. There are no armies of the four kings in the south. It is impossible to hide the 20,000 Xiliang troops mobilized to the south. It is not surprising that South Vietnam can receive the news in time.

However, Dayue was able to mobilize troops within his own territory, and it would be meaningless for South Vietnam to know about it before they arrived near Liuzhou.

Zhou Qin frowned slightly, raised his hand to take the letter, and glanced at it twice:

"Send a letter of confederation to the Dayue court. I pay tribute every year in Baiyue. I also recognize the new king of Chang'an City as the lord of the world, and denounce the King of Wei as a traitor who has brought harm to the country. Such a deployment of troops by Prince Su makes it difficult for our court to sit still. An, let the Dayue court give us an explanation."

The staff nodded and thought for a moment: "The Xu family of King Su has never been unreasonable in beating people. Now that he has become the regent, Emperor Dayue is only nine years old and cannot restrain King Su at all. If you really want to use troops against me, Baiyue, , even if you send your credentials, you will probably be shelved..."

Zhou Qin raised his hand: "Send it over first. Dayue now has four kings rebelling in the east and Northern Qi entering the north. Even if they send troops to our court, not many people will come, so there is no need to be worried."

The staff thought about it and felt that it was true. If the Dayue court fought on three sides, and there was Prince Zuo of the Northern Qi Dynasty behind it, no matter how strong the Xiliang army was, it would not be able to fight on all sides. They probably just noticed that South Vietnam was recruiting troops and sent some troops to scare them.

Thinking of this, the staff bowed and left without saying anything more.

After the door of the study was closed, Zhou Qin's calm expression disappeared, and he frowned slightly, sitting on the couch and thinking for a moment. Then he stood up, walked to the desk, wrote a note, put it in a bamboo tube, and tied it to the leg of a black crow.

"Go to Feishuiling."


The black crow flew out of the birdcage, circled in the yard, and then rushed towards Liuzhou in the north... ——

Yanshan area, where Dayue and Nanyue meet.

At dusk, at the pass between Yanshan, the convoy and the horse team passed back and forth under the escort of the escort agency. The officers and soldiers of Nanyue stood at the city gate with weapons in their hands, checking the identity of the people entering and leaving.

After being almost overthrown by Xu Lieping a year ago, Nanyue became a vassal of the Song family. Although they were wary of each other, they were not enemies on the surface. They had close trade and many merchants came and went.

Because of the recent conscription of able-bodied men into the military in Nanyue, many people went out of the border to Dayue, and the inspection at the border was stricter than before. In the past, only a road permit was needed, but now silver had to be secretly stuffed in. Even so, there were still many more "caravans" going out of the border than in previous years.

Xu Buling stood not far from the border, and even saw more than a dozen women, children, old and young escorting a cart of bamboo out of the border. The guards who had received the silver couldn't stand it, and found a piece of cloth to cover it up, pretending it was cargo before letting it go. Seeing this scene, Xu Buling shook his head secretly. A glimpse of the whole leopard, just looking at the quality of the army here, you can understand why Nanyue was blocked in the mountain ditch and couldn't get out.

Behind Xu Buling, Zhongli Jiujiu and Zhongli Chuchu stood together, and they breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the closed door when they came out. There were also Yuhe, Qingye and many guards of the royal palace next to them.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival on the building ship, the group rushed to Nanyue day and night and just arrived here.

Because they were sneaking into Nanyue to deal with the village, it would be easy to reveal their whereabouts if they brought too many people. Xu Buling could not take care of everything, so he only brought Jiujiu and Chuchu, who were born in Nanyue, to enter first. The rest of the people stayed outside the pass and waited. If something went wrong, they could directly enter the pass to meet them. Liuzhou was dozens of miles away from the pass, not far away.

Seeing the destination, Xu Buling turned around and said softly: "Nightingale, you take people to find a place to stay first, I will enter the pass as soon as possible to avoid complications."

Nightingale nodded: "Young Master, be careful all the way."

Ning Qingye stood beside him with a sword in his hand. He originally wanted to follow him into the pass and visit Chuchu's hometown together, but entering a foreign country without knowing the details, too many people would indeed easily attract attention, so he just told:

"Chuchu's martial arts are low and he can't do anything. He is also impulsive, so you should protect him more."

The words were caring, but they were obviously not very pleasant to hear.

Zhongli Chuchu rolled her eyes. She was used to Ning Qingye's style of speaking and took it as a concern for her.

Ning Yuhe stood beside Qingye, a little worried: "Ling'er, if you can't handle it, don't be stubborn, and send the little sparrow back to report immediately. Although there are not many heroes in the martial arts world of Nanyue, they are indeed cunning, and there are many masters like the dead woman who are insidious."

Zhongli Jiujiu snorted softly and waved her hand: "Nanyue is my sister's territory, you don't have to worry about it, go back and rest."

Xu Buling chuckled. Seeing that it was getting dark and it was time to close the door, he didn't say much. After saying goodbye to Yuhe Qingye, he took Zhongli and his apprentice to the closing door... ——

A cup of tea, a pack of cigarettes, and 3,000 words a day...

It's another short day. I've been typing too slowly recently (ˉ□ˉ)

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