The prince is very fierce

Chapter 2 Dry weather and dry things

It’s midsummer in June, and at noon, the Chu plain is still scorching hot.

Xu Buling took more than ten light cavalry and rushed to the frontline military camp to continue to "work for the court" to put down the rebellion of the four kings. However, this time he came out, his identity was obviously different; Su Wang Xu You and 100,000 Xiliang troops were stationed in Guanzhong, and Xiao Chuyang, the young prime minister of the emperor, handled the government affairs on his behalf, which basically meant that the Xu family had the final say in everything. Xu Buling was naturally appointed as the head coach of the counter-rebellion army, while Guan Hongye was transferred back to Guanzhong and stayed at the Guan family mansion to retire.

The confrontation between the two armies did not happen overnight. In addition, the weather was too hot and they could not walk under the scorching sun during the day, so they had to travel at night.

During the war, the number of people was sparse, and at noon there were even fewer people. The post was built next to the official road. A few royal guards were patrolling in the shade, while the rest were resting in the post.

Cui Xiaowan stayed alone in the room, lying on the bed covered with mats, looking up at the roof, and sighing quietly from time to time.

The guest room was not shabby, but it was just an ordinary room. It did not have the function of keeping warm in winter and cooling in summer. The sun almost turned the tiles red, and the room became like a steamer. Even the mat was hot.

Cui Xiaowan took everything very lightly, but after all, she was a weak woman who did not know martial arts. It was impossible for her not to feel hot, cold, and sleepy. I was already tired from traveling all night, and I was almost cooked lying here, and I couldn't sleep.

In the past, summer was very cool in Peach Blossom Valley. Even in the hottest time, she could run to the river and take a wild bath. She was alone in the world and could do whatever she wanted, which was obviously not possible in the inn. Cui Xiaowan could only calm down and mutter to herself, "A calm heart will naturally cool down."

I know, I know

The chirping of cicadas outside the window is as close to my ears as I can, and the more I meditate, the clearer I can hear it.

After Cui Xiaowan endured it for a long time, she finally couldn't bear it anymore. She turned her head to look at the bedside and raised her hand to get the teacup on it... ——


In the next room, Xu Buling was lying on the pillow with his eyes closed and fast asleep. When he heard the sound of breaking porcelain, he woke up instantly. He looked sharply in the direction of the sound, but the only sound left was the woman's soft breathing. ?

Xu Buling listened carefully and found nothing wrong. However, just to be on the safe side, he got up and put on his boots, walked out of the room with his sword in hand, went to the next room, raised his hand and knocked lightly:

"Miss Cui?"

There was silence in the room for a while, and then a feeble voice sounded:

"I'm fine, I accidentally dropped the tea cup..."

Xu Buling frowned, raised his hand and pushed open the door. Looking around, Cui Xiaowan was lying on the bed wearing only a thin Luo shirt. Two buttons on the placket were unbuttoned, revealing half of the snow greasy under the collarbone and bellyband. At the corner, Ruyue'e's eyebrows were lightly knitted, and there was a little sweat hanging on her cheeks. She looked like a fish that had been sunk in the sun and didn't even have the strength to turn over.

"What are you doing here?"

Cui Xiaowan saw Xu Buling coming over, raised her hand and pulled the collar of Luo Shan, but did not get up.

Xu Buring took the teapot and cup from the table, walked over and sat down, poured a glass of water and handed it to her:

"The weather is too hot, and the station is relatively simple, so it's a bit difficult. We'll set off tonight, and we'll probably be in Nanyang early tomorrow morning. We'll feel comfortable when we get back to the ship."

Cui Xiaowan pursed her lips, stood up and sat on the bed, took the teacup in her little hand, held it and took a sip.

It was a hot day without a blanket, and I was only wearing a thin Luo shirt that was not yet buttoned. Holding the tea cup with both hands, he lowered his head to drink water. His throat moved slightly, and his collar loosened a little. The light blue bellyband inside was tight and sweaty, making it more transparent. There were peach petals embroidered on it, and some bulges were faintly visible...

Xu Buling sat sideways, and when he glanced over, he saw that the weather was already dry, but now it was even hotter. His eyes moved for a moment, but he hesitated when he wanted to move away.

Cui Xiaowan held the water glass and glanced over at Xu Buring from the corner of her eye as she drank.

Xu Buling coughed lightly, looked around, picked up the round fan on the small table, and started fanning next to him: "It's hot, and my clothes are soaked with sweat..."

A slight coolness hit her, and Cui Xiaowan suddenly felt much more comfortable, and her eyes became softer. She put down the tea cup and lay back again: "For the sake of fanning me, I won't blame you." He said. Then he took out the small mahogany sign from under the pillow and began to carve the correct characters again.

Xu Bu Ling was used to it, and he wasn't in a hurry to go back when he woke up anyway. He raised his hand and waved the fan gently, and said with a smile: "Stop it, go to sleep, I will leave after you fall asleep."

Cui Xiaowan concentrated on holding the carving knife and shook her head: "How can I sleep when you are here?"

"How about I knock you out?"?

Cui Xiaowan moved her hands for a moment, thought for a while, and fell asleep more: "No, aunt, I fainted, you must be dishonest."


Xu Buling was just joking. Seeing Cui Xiaowan calling herself 'aunt', he shook his head and said: "What aunt? You don't look older than me. Besides, how could I take advantage of others' danger."

Cui Xiaowan held the mahogany sign and said softly: "I am already twenty-eight. I am the same age as Qingye and her master, and I am the former queen... No, I am the queen mother now. You called me aunt. By the way, queen mother. Now she is the Queen Mother.”

Nothing and nothing...

Xu Buling shrugged slightly, not knowing how to respond.

Cui Xiaowan finished carving the mahogany sign, put it back under the pillow, and looked sideways at Xu Buring:

"I have stayed in the palace for several years. The emperor's schedule is very regular and almost unchanged. It is impossible for him to die suddenly due to overwork. Did you kill the emperor?"

When Xu Buling heard this, his expression froze slightly. The consequences of regicide are too serious. What he did in the Taiji Palace was naturally sealed using a high-pressure policy. No matter what the history books say, at least no one dares to talk nonsense now. Naturally, Cui Xiaowan will not be told this matter.

Seeing Cui Xiaowan asking, Xu Buling knew that he couldn't deceive her, and sighed softly: "Yeah, well... it's more troublesome to talk about it..."

Cui Xiaowan shook her head: "You don't need to explain to me. In order to grab power, there have been many cases of father and son killing each other and brothers killing each other since ancient times. You and the emperor have been fighting each other for a long time. If you don't kill him, he will kill you. There's nothing you can do about it. However, I can't praise you. I used to be a queen, and my mother was the queen mother. You killed the emperor and you killed your mother..."? !

Xu Bu Ling staggered and raised his hand: "Miss Cui, don't talk nonsense. Xiang'er and I are in love, and I am completely innocent towards Miss Cui. I have never done anything outrageous to you."

Cui Xiaowan's expression was calm and she said seriously: "I can't go anywhere else when I'm here with you. It must be written like this in the history books. It's like 'killing the king in the Taiji Palace and sleeping on the dragon bed at night in the palace', but my mother and I should be the victims. If you are sympathized with by future generations, you will definitely be infamy for eternity.”

Xu Buling held it in for a long time and had nothing to say.

Cui Xiaowan smiled and said: "If a man dares to act, you don't have to worry. As long as you do more practical things for the people in the future, future generations will not hold on to such trivial matters."

Xu Buling nodded, naturally keeping Cui Xiaowan's pillow style in mind.

The fan is swaying gently, and the breeze is gentle.

Cui Xiaowan was already sleepy. After she cooled down, she naturally felt a little sleepy. After saying a few words, she slowly closed her eyes and leaned quietly on the pillow.

Xu Bu Ling shook the fan and looked at it for a few times. Once the folding fan stopped, he would probably wake up from the heat again, so he just sat on the edge of the bed and turned it until the sun set... ——

I'm currently writing the detailed outline of volume 10. I haven't sorted it out yet, and I haven't even named the volume yet. I think it will take me two days to make the transition...

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