The prince is very fierce

Chapter 66: The more capable you are, the more work you will do (267/588)

At dusk, the setting sun shines on the bluestone alley.

The crisp sound of horse hooves sounded from the entrance of the alley. A man in white led the horse and walked slowly across the bluestone floor tiles. He would look carefully at each piece before passing by, as if recalling the past, and occasionally murmured:

"There is a painting scholar here, why is he missing..."

The man is tall and has a pair of peach blossom eyes. His face can still be seen as handsome as when he was young. What is different from the past is that his hair, which was once full of black, turned snow-white at some point, and there are no more people wearing white skirts around him. A cold-blooded heroine, or two idle friends.

In the Sun's shop, the old shopkeeper leaned against the door and looked at the end of the alley, watching the figure approaching from a distance. When he reached it, he said hello with a smile:

"Xiao Xu, I was so high-spirited when I left, but in the blink of an eye, I look older than me?"

Outside the shop, Su Wang Xu You, who had just arrived from two thousand miles away day and night, stopped in front of several large wine vats. His eyes were slightly dazed. It was the same person, but he didn't have the elegance of the past when he took out his crotch to make jokes. He just sighed softly:

"You're not dead yet. I thought your son took over."

Yes, it still smells familiar.

Shopkeeper Sun chuckled, put the towel on his shoulders, turned around to warm the wine, and joked: "In your current state, you might have to go ahead of me. I really didn't expect that the 'Four Pests of the Capital' back then , It can make your hair turn gray. You can encounter anything in your life, and there is nothing you can’t overcome.”

Xu You raised his head and glanced at the old sign for a few times, then walked slowly into the wine shop and sat down at the wine table next to the fence, still sitting facing the alley. This position has the best view, and can openly take aim at the heroes lining up outside. Song Ji always sat on the left side, with his back to several large wine vats, not looking at them at all. Song Yu was sitting on the right, and she could peek out of the corner of her eye while drinking.

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 years later, nothing has changed in the liquor store, but it seems like everything from the past is gone. There was only one drinker left at the three wine tables, and the long queue outside was only left with the setting sun filling the alley.

Xu You sat at the table and waited for a while. Not a single person passed by. He shook his head and sighed: "The business in the shop has become quite deserted. It's boring."

Shopkeeper Sun took a pot of wine and sat down at the wine table: "The wine hasn't changed, but the people have changed. Your son brings the girl here to buy wine every day, and it's noisy. It's not the same as before. But. Your kid is more promising than you, and you can’t even say anything to bully other girls. Back then, you were beaten a little every three days and a lot every five days. If your face comes back intact one day, then I guess you must have suffered a lot. Internal injuries..."

Xu You shook his head and sighed, feeling more nostalgic for this joke. He picked up the wine bowl and looked at it:

"The shopkeeper has also changed a lot. He used to have a bad temper but was good at talking. Now he is no longer hot-tempered, but his words are getting worse and worse. He always hurts people's hearts."

Shopkeeper Sun poured himself a bowl and said with a smile: "People have to make some progress. If you can't live up to something at such an old age, then your life will be in vain. Why, when I come to Chang'an this time, I'm going to stay. how long?"

Xu You shook his head: "I guess if I can carry a coffin for the shopkeeper, I might be able to burn paper money for a few years. Of course, don't bury it too far. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out this time."

Shopkeeper Sun picked up the wine bowl, touched it with Xu You, and drank it all in one gulp: "That's good. People have come and gone over the years, and I've been the one sending them away. I've never seen anyone send me away."

"That's not bullshit. How can you still sit here after seeing you?"


Outside Qingshi Lane, on Zhuangyuan Street.

As the evening drums sounded and the city was under curfew, pedestrians were gone on the bustling streets.

At the entrance of the alley, Xu Buling stood upright in a white robe, looking at the two figures in the wine shop.

Behind him, the palace staff and the court officials who came after hearing the news were standing by the street waiting.

The monarch of Chang'an City is still the nine-year-old Song Ling in the imperial city, but everyone knows that as Su Wang Xu You and the 70,000 Xiliang troops who followed him arrived in Guanzhong, in the future Chang'an will be able to speak the law. Suddenly only one person was left.

Lao Xiao stood in front of Xu Buling, holding his cane, shaking his head and saying:

"My young prince, I feel that Chang'an City is not as interesting as when the two of us stayed here before. We just went to the back streets and wanted to read but there was no one to listen. How can we stay here longer?"

Xu Buling turned his eyes towards the deserted long street, thought for a moment, raised his hand and waved.

Gongsun Ming, who had already paid homage to Jing Zhaoyin, stepped forward and bowed:

"What are your orders, Your Majesty?"

"The curfew has been lifted. It's not a problem to keep it closed like this."


Gongsun Ming nodded quickly and ran down to deliver the order.

Old Xiao chuckled and looked into the depths of the alley: "Actually, the prince really doesn't want to come to this sad place. Back in Chang'an, there were all kinds of friends around him, and there was a beautiful family in front of him. But when he came back in the blink of an eye, he was just a trash talker. Old man, most people can’t stand it.”

"No one wants to come. If you don't come, you will die."

Old Xiao sighed softly: "Yes. But it's not easy to stand firm here; when the Northern Qi Dynasty got the news, they clamored at the border army every day, 'The Xu family usurped the country and disturbed the morale of the army.' King Wei also said this, saying He forged an imperial edict and established himself as emperor, telling the people of the world to rebel against the Xu family. Hearing that there was chaos in the Central Plains in South Vietnam, King Wei was secretly planning to divide the world into four parts. If they don't fight together quickly, the people will have to give up. The hoe is picking up the knife..."

While the two were chatting, a bottle of wine in the wine shop was empty.

The white-haired Su Wang Xu You walked out of the alley.

Many figures waiting on the long street bowed their heads:

"See His Highness King Su."

Su Wang Xu You looked a little better than before. He led the horse out of the alley, raised his hand and said:

"Go back. We have been here for several years and cannot be lost."

Many officials who were coming to establish friendship were not very polite when they heard this. After bowing and bowing, they left one after another.

Xu You led the horse and walked along Zhuangyuan Street towards the square gate, with guards and staff following from a distance, leaving only the father and son alone.

Xu Buling walked beside him, hesitated for a moment, and said:

"Song Ji passed the throne to the King of Wei. It is difficult to stop it without killing..."

Xu You didn't want to hear this, so he shook his head and said: "The man is dead, what else can he say? From the day he attacked me, I no longer regard him as a brother."

Xu Buling saw this and said no more.

Xu You had just arrived in Chang'an and was not at all interested in the affairs that would be involved in the future. He just walked around Zhuangyuan Street and talked about the past events:

"...Your mother and I met outside the Yingchun Building. We had just...just drank some wine. When we went out, we saw your mother passing by on horseback. She saw my Yushu Linfeng, so she took a few more glances..."

Xu Buling recalled it and frowned slightly:

"Hmm... That's not what shopkeeper Sun said."

"The old immortal and I had a problem. Back then, he couldn't stand up for a day. He made less money and always looked down on me, so I can't believe his words. If I were as bad as he said, how could your mother take a fancy to me? I?"

"That's true."

Xu You chatted for a while, until he walked out of the square gate and saw the majestic imperial city in the distance, he stopped and said softly:

"Other things Lao Sun said are all nonsense, but there is a saying that is right, you have to cherish the people in front of you. Otherwise, you have to be like me and Song Ji, with everything around you, but no one to drink and chat with in your free time. I guess Song Ji also regretted it when he was sitting alone in the wine shop. "

Xu Buring smiled softly: "I always cherish it. Except for the person in front of me, I don't care about anyone else."

Xu You nodded: "I can see it too, but you cherish a lot of people, so you have to pay attention to it in the future. Your mother almost tortured me to death, but if you and the dozen or so make a fuss, it's hard to think about it. It makes people’s heads tingle.”

Xu Bu Ling's face was calm: "Those who are able should work harder."


Many of the guards following behind were looking longingly at the deep love between father and son in front of them.

Unexpectedly, King Su, who had just spoken so earnestly, would have heard something, raised his hand and slapped the young prince on the back of his head...

(End of this volume)——

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