The prince is very fierce

Chapter 24 Friendly forces stand firm as a mountain

Above the southern city, the guard stood dumbfounded under the city gate. Hundreds of Chu soldiers beside him ran away with their heads in their hands, shouting words such as "Magic! Thunder Lord..." and fled under the city wall.

The explosive bombs exploded, igniting the fire oil and other defensive equipment. In an instant, thick smoke billowed above the city. Many soldiers were injured by the gravel and lay on the ground rolling and wailing.

It was during this dazed moment that Xu Buling led more than ten people and ran through the open area under the city wall.

Nanyang is located in the rear. Because of the need for troops, horses and supplies to enter and exit, the roads have not been dug and the trenches have not been connected. The only obstacle to the city wall is the moat.

The artillery bombardment from all sides behind them was indiscriminate, not seeking to kill, but just to disturb the defenders on the wall and make it difficult for them to use their bows and arrows to hinder them.

A mile away, Xu Buling ran with all his strength. In a moment, he had reached the moat alone. He jumped across the two-foot-wide moat with all his strength, and then flew up. The long sword on his back was unsheathed and struck the suspension bridge iron chain. above.

Ding ding

After two crisp sounds, Xu Bu Ling inserted his swords into the city wall and reached the top of the crenellation.

Everything went smoothly, but in the blink of an eye, the suspension bridge hit the moat.

The shelling from behind had stopped, but the defenders on the top of the city hadn't recovered yet. When they noticed someone rushing up the city wall, they picked up their weapons in anger and tried to drive them away.

But if you don't let him go up the city wall, you can kill one person in Nancheng in close combat. The city wall is only about ten feet wide. There are people on both sides and you can't shoot arrows. How can you drive him down?

Cha Cha Cha

The two swords were swung like the wind, and the seven or eight soldiers around him were instantly reduced to pieces. The soldiers on the left and right were so frightened by this formation that they could not dare to step forward and die.

Xu Buling held a knife in one hand, took off the rope from his waist and threw it down the city wall. Xu Ying, who was following behind, grabbed the rope and pulled Xu Ying up the city wall with a sudden pull.

When there was someone behind him, Xu Buling freed his hands, held two swords, and directly chopped melons and vegetables. He went around the urn city and killed hundreds of people. Hundreds of people crowded on the city wall and horse path, and they were killed in just a moment. His blood flowed into a river and he fled backward.

After Ning Qingye and Ning Yu closed the city wall, they followed behind to cover the ten warriors of the Xiliang Army behind them.

Xu Buling jumped directly from the inside of the city wall and landed behind the city gate. He turned a blind eye to the surrounding soldiers and armor, kicked away the sandbags and wood that were not piled up, and then stood on the street behind the city gate.

The ten soldiers worked together to lift the giant tree, open the city gate, and then ran in to open the gate of Wengcheng.


"The city is broken..."

Outside Nanyang City, after discovering that the city gate was open, the two thousand Xiliang cavalry troops rushed towards the city gate without any hesitation. This time, no one interfered. The archers on both sides of the city began to rain down arrows. However, at such a close distance, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry was much better at archery than the soldiers at the city. People were filing in through the wide-open city gate.

In this very short period of time, before the soldiers and horses in the city came to support from other places, the south gate was already breached.

Qin Jing quickly ran to the corner of the city wall horse road and found that a large number of Xiliang troops had entered the city, and his face was ashen.

As a veteran on the battlefield, Qin Jing knew the Xiliang army's combat power very well. He could still hold on to the city wall and engage in street fighting and horse fighting. The small number of defenders in the city was probably not enough to show off.

The soldiers and civilians in the city were in chaos, and the screams and shouts of killing at the south gate were loud.

Xu Buling was covered in blood after being killed. After the Xiliang army entered the city, he jumped onto the city gate tower, holding a knife and shouting angrily:

"Xiliang Xubu Ling is here! Where is Qin Jing! You can avoid death by surrendering, otherwise we will slaughter your entire family!"



That night.

The imperial counter-rebels behind Mashankou were still strengthening the city defense in an orderly manner, waiting to be domestically abused by the four kings in turn.

In the commander's tent of the Chinese army camp, Guan Hongye sat in the main seat, holding a teacup in his hand, quietly listening to the frontline guard general's report on work, and occasionally asked Yang Zunyi for his opinion.

Yang Zunyi was quite kind and praised the marching arrangements of many young generals. He also did not forget to praise Guan Hongye and praised his wonderful defense arrangements.

Many of the generals' sons were naturally a little proud when they were praised so highly by the great general of the Xiliang Army. They were either humble or reciprocated, and there was a cheerful atmosphere.

But in the middle of the discussion, Guan Hongye's deputy general suddenly ran in and said loudly:

"General, the Chu army at Mashankou suddenly released many bunker posts and seems to have begun to withdraw."


The general's staff in the big tent stopped talking, looking slightly confused.

The confrontation between the two sides was going well, why did the Chu army withdraw inexplicably?

Once Mashan Pass is released, Nanyang will be behind it. The terrain around Nanyang is too open and easy to be surrounded. The only pass that can be defended is Xiangyang. Does King Chu want to die?

Guan Hongye was also confused. He put down his tea cup, stood up and walked out of the tent. He quickly came to the critical moment and looked up at the Chu army's defense line in the distance. As expected, the Chu army's defense line began to shrink on a large scale, and they rushed back in a hurry.

When Guan Hongye saw this scene, he was a little confused and couldn't figure it out, so he looked at Yang Zunyi next to him:

"General Yang, is the Chu army trying to lure a snake out of its hole?"

Yang Zunyi stood with his hands behind his back, looking like he couldn't understand, and shook his head and said:

"General, I don't dare to make any assumptions. General Guan is the commander-in-chief, so he should have a certain idea in his mind."

Guan Hongye naturally knew that as soon as the Chu army released Mashan Pass, Nanyang was in danger. Once Nanyang was defeated, the counter-rebellion troops approached Xiangyang and directly blocked the King of Chu. The King of Chu even beat the Guanzhong Road; he just chopped off his head. , didn’t believe that the Chu army would let Mashan Pass go.

Many generals also had the same idea in their minds, thinking that it might be a trick to lure the snake out of its hole; but this trick looked too suspicious.

Guan Hongye and many generals watched helplessly as the Chu army in the distance lost most of its troops, and even the torches were only 30% of their original strength.

In this case, as long as you attack with all your strength, you will definitely be able to break through. But if he goes out and is ambushed and suffers heavy losses, Guanzhong may be in danger.

Guan Hongye was still hesitant, until about an hour later, the deputy general suddenly ran over in a hurry and said urgently:

"Urgent report to the general. The Prince of Su has sent a message via flying pigeon. Nanyang has been conquered. Forty thousand Chu troops have returned to surround Nanyang. The Prince of Su is defending the city and asks the general why the reinforcements are delayed..."


"How is this possible..."

As soon as the words came out, many generals were in an uproar at the critical moment.

No wonder the Chu army at Mashankou retreated in a hurry! Nanyang's retreat was cut off, and if he didn't retreat, he would die. But how did Nanyang break?

Guan Hongye's face turned pale suddenly, turned around and asked angrily: "Nonsense, how can Nanyang be broken? How can Nanyang's 15,000 defenders and 2,000 men break the city?"

The deputy general couldn't answer the question, so he lowered his head and was speechless.

Yang Zunyi's face turned slightly solemn and he said: "His Royal Highness said he was going to attack Nanyang, but it is really impossible for two thousand people to attack Nanyang. It is very much like a trick to lure a snake out of its cave. Why don't we send spies to check the situation first?"

Guan Hongye didn't believe it either, but the spies came back and forth, and the army had passed for at least five days. If it was true, Xu Buling broke through Nanyang and waited for reinforcements. He was suspicious at Makou Mountain and did not go, asking the Chu army to He counterattacked and went back; without saying what Xu Buling would do to him afterwards, all the civil and military officials could kill him and use him as a negative example for future generations.

Thinking of this, Guan Hongye's heart became cold and he hurriedly ordered: "Open the door and slaughter Qianchu. Then we can mobilize 20,000 cavalry troops to leave the pass and go to Nanyang at full speed to relieve the siege. Yang Zunyi will follow with 30,000 infantry. Hurry!"

Yang Zunyi looked slightly disappointed, nodded, turned around and took the order...

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