The prince is very fierce

Chapter 12: Justified

Pegasus returned from Chang'an City to the dock of Qingwei Tower. It was already afternoon. The light rain stopped. The spring breeze lifted the clouds and revealed the sun, shining on the spring-filled countryside.

Ning Qingye was riding in front on a white horse chasing the wind. The slight drunkenness had long since dissipated, but the blush on her face had not subsided. She drove the horse at a trot with a sullen head, hoping to get rid of the followers behind her.

However, Zhu Manzhi was also riding a wind-chasing horse, and his speed was not slow at all. He followed behind and talked all the way:

"Xiao Ning, I know you like Mr. Xu, but if you like him, you have to be reasonable in your behavior, right? I obviously met Mr. Xu first, much earlier than you. It doesn't matter if you don't treat me as your sister. There are some things that you have to avoid. How about a moment? You'd better make out with Mr. Xu in front of me while I'm drunk. Do you know what it feels like? I want to imitate Chu Chu and play "Feng Qiu Huang" outside..."

Ning Qingye's scalp went numb when she heard that, and she retorted:

"You can't play a tune."

"Hey - is this about the song? If I flirt with Mr. Xu in front of you, will you feel better?"

"I...I didn't mean it. I told you it was because of force..."

"What's the use of force? Do you think I didn't see you hooking Mr. Xu's neck? The little cherries are standing up..."

Tap tap tap——

Ning Qingye galloped on his horse and ran directly onto the boat, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Zhu Manzhi was "offended by his good sister", how could he just swallow his anger, chase him into the house, and continue to reason with Ning Qingye.

Xu Buling had been following behind to watch the show, and the sisters were quarreling with each other. Naturally, he would not run to start a fight and explain.

As soon as the three of them got on the boat, Xiao Qi came to the deck and looked back at the two little girls:

"Ms. sir, what happened to them?"

After getting married, Xiao Qi's hair was styled into a woman's bun, and she added a few more jewelry. Although she still wore a long black dress, she had a more feminine temperament than the domineering female CEO before. Having been busy with business for the past month and a half, Xiao Qi's face was obviously a bit haggard. She concealed it very well, but she couldn't deceive Xu Buling's eyes.

Xu Bu Ling felt a little distressed. He walked up to her and tugged the hair beside Xiao Qi's ears: "It's nothing, just joking. Don't think about business all day long. Play around with Xiang'er and Hongluan and relax. , good for physical and mental health, don’t wear out your body before the battle begins.”

There were a lot of people on the deck. Xiao Qi raised her hand to suppress Xu Buling's intimate gestures and said softly: "I'm used to it. Besides, there's nothing to fight with Xiang'er. As long as I'm not busy with business, she'll be a mess." The idea came to me, today I will shave my tail and tomorrow, I will use my sister as my training partner..."

Xu Buling was quite sympathetic: "Really? Come on, I'll accompany you to clean up Xiang'er and let you vent your anger."

Xiao Qi looked at the sky and gave Xu Buling a slightly angry look: "It's broad daylight. Cui Xiaowan lives in Xiang'er's house. How to deal with her? Let's talk about it at night. By the way, Cui Xiaowan seems to have been waiting for you all day. Listen to Xiang'er "If you want to take her to visit her own grave, don't let anyone catch you."

Xu Buling supported Xiao Qi and walked back to the ship building: "I have asked Lao Yue to keep an eye on the surrounding areas so that no one will see him. I will take Miss Cui there, and you can wash your hands and wait in the house..."

"I know, I know~"

Xiao Qi's face turned red, and she was a little greedy at the few words. She slightly bumped Xu Buling with her shoulder, and walked upstairs...


A moment later, along the dock.

Xu Buling stood under the boat and waited quietly. The spring sun slanted slightly, dragging a tall shadow on the ground. The wind-chasing horse was minding its own business gnawing on the young grass blades with water droplets on the roadside.

On the deck boat, two dogs were squatting on both sides of the pedals wagging their tails. Cui Xiaowan, wearing a Jingchai skirt, walked down from the deck accompanied by Xiao Xiang'er; she was carrying a bamboo basket with incense in her hand. Paper money, and a curtain hat on his head to hide his too eye-catching appearance.

"Mother, I'm leaving!"

"Go ahead."

Xiao Xiang'er stood on the edge of the deck, holding the big white goose's neck with her left hand, and her right hand on her waist. Her eyes stayed on her daughter-in-law who was slowly getting off the boat, her expression slightly complicated.

Xiao Xiang'er understands Cui Xiaowan's temperament and likes to be clean to the point of being a bit stubborn. Things that others have touched will be carefully wiped with a handkerchief before use. Only people who are very close and trustful will not pay attention to this.

By some mistake last night, Xu Bu Ling touched Cui Xiaowan, and touched that spot. Xiao Xiang'er thought that after Xiaowan found out, she would take a dozen baths just like her sister was licked for the first time. But in the end, Cui Xiaowan didn't show any displeasure; she didn't care about being taken advantage of, which shows that in her heart, Cui Xiaowan treats Xu Buling as more than just a close person, maybe...

The more Xiao Xiang'er thought about it, the more awkward she felt, especially when Cui Xiaowan always called her 'Mother', and some random thoughts always appeared in her mind, such as 'Mother, my husband is so powerful...' and the like, which made me nervous just thinking about it. tingling. But Xiaowan and she were in the same boat, and she couldn't push Xiaowan down when she got to the shore. It was wrong to make connections and obstruct her, so Xiao Xiang'er could only watch helplessly.

Xu Buling knew what Bao Bao was thinking, and waved at the shore with sincere eyes, proving that he had not made a mistake.

Unfortunately, Xiao Xiang'er didn't pay attention at all, and walked towards the ship building with the big white goose in her hands. The big white goose flapped its wings and struggled, and she even said a lesson in a deep voice:

"If you act recklessly again, do you believe I will pluck your hair and make it into a writing brush?"

Goose feathers can only be used to make goose quills, but ordinary brushes obviously cannot be made.

Xu Buling felt a chill somewhere on his body and coughed unnaturally.

Cui Xiaowan held the small basket, glanced back, and said crisply:

"The Queen Mother doesn't seem very happy. What's going on?"

Xu Buling didn't have a hard time explaining it, so he just smiled and said: "The big white goose is too fierce, and it may have offended Xiang'er. Let's go."

"It's quite fierce."

Cui Xiaowan didn't pay attention anymore, walked slowly to the side of Chai Feng Horse, handed the basket to Xu Buling, then held the saddle with both hands, stepped on the stirrups, and got on the horse.

The horse chasing the wind is very big, its shoulders are half a head higher than Cui Xiaowan's head. It has no stool and no martial arts skills, so it is not easy to climb up.

Cui Xiaowan spent a lot of energy before she sat sideways on the saddle, put her skirt back a little, looked at Xu Buling, and showed a little hesitation:

"Would you like to find another horse? It's a bit crowded for two people."

Xu Buling didn't bother to hug the beauty, he raised his hand to hold the reins and walked out:

"The Queen's Mausoleum is not far from here, just over three miles. If you don't know how to ride a horse, just sit down."


Cui Xiaowan smiled softly, sat upright on the horse and looked towards the countryside outside Chang'an City.

It was sunny after the rain, and the roadside was lined with red flowers, green willows, and shady trees. The scenery was very nice, but at this time, the two of them were obviously not paying attention to the scenery.

Xu Buling led the horse and walked slowly. Although it was an unintentional mistake yesterday, when he was alone with Cui Xiaowan, it was difficult to be as innocent as before. His mind was full of "soft", and he was a little ashamed to say it in his heart, feeling that it was blasphemous. A little white flower, she wanted to apologize, but she was worried that Cui Xiaowan would find it difficult to accept it.

Cui Xiaowan is also thinking about this matter, but she has been different from ordinary women since she was a child. She doesn't care about unintentional mistakes at all. She just felt that Xu Buling was a little taciturn today and was not as interesting as before.

The two of them walked for a while on the road where grass grows and warblers fly. Cui Xiaowan suddenly said:

"Hey, are you thinking about what happened last night?"

Xu Bu Ling's expression froze, he quickly calmed down his messy thoughts, tilted his head and smiled:

"Yes, I accidentally broke into the house last night and disturbed the girl."

Cui Xiaowan had a clear mind and knew the source of the trace of embarrassment on Xu Buling's face. She smiled and said seriously:

"I don't blame you. You don't need to take it to heart. You and the Queen Mother are husband and wife. As the saying goes, 'a little separation is better than a new marriage.' It's normal to rush to find her when you come back. But what I can't figure out is that even if you admit the wrong person, Treat me as your other wife. According to etiquette, you should let me go out and see your mother again. Why do you pinch me? "

? !

There was a bit of astonishment in Xu Buling's eyes. He didn't dare to turn around and look directly into Cui Xiaowan's eyes. He just smiled dryly and said:

" know it was me who pinched you?"

Cui Xiaowan's expression was calm and there was nothing strange about it: "You have big hands, so I can tell. I know you didn't mean it, so I don't blame you, and don't think about it, otherwise you won't be considered a gentleman."


Xu Buling blushed: "As long as the girl doesn't mind...Actually, I'm not much of a gentleman."

Cui Xiaowan shook her head: "You are a gentleman if you are upright and upright. It is normal for men to be lustful. You don't have to blame yourself for this."

? ? ?

Xu Buling spread his hands: "Why should I blame myself? What is there to blame myself for?"

Cui Xiaowan still shook her head: "It's not okay to be lustful and confident. You have to treat this as a normal thing, just like eating and drinking, so that you can have a clear conscience."


Lustful, just like eating and drinking...

There is no need for emotional pornography...

Xu Buling was silent for a long time, knowing that Cui Xiaowan was talking about 'food and sex', but the words didn't sound right, so he finally gave up the debate and said instead:

"Forget it, let me tell you poetry and stories. Whatever you want to hear."


"Well... there is spring water in the south and north of the house, but I see a flock of gulls coming every day. The flower path has never been swept by visitors, and the canopy door is now open for you..."

Under the setting spring sun, the two of them were walking further and further apart on the official road...


Two updates of 6,000 words. The current writing quality is not high. I still have to leave a few chapters for storage. Today is the second update.

Guys, please give a thumbs up to the Queen Mother~

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