The prince is very fierce

Chapter 9 People coming and going

swish swish——

The heavy rain fell on the bluestone alleys.

Another year has passed in the blink of an eye, and the old wine shop in the alley is still the same as before, with three wine tables, several wine vats, and yellow wine flags swaying in the wind and rain.

One year is a short time, and shopkeeper Sun is still the same as before, walking around the small wine shop alone with a towel on his shoulders.

A year is also a long time. Most of the drinkers who often came to sit here last year have gone their separate ways and replaced themselves with new faces.

"Shopkeeper, bring me a jug of wine!"

In the lingering spring rain, a voice with a hint of laughter sounded from outside the wine shop.

Zhu Manzhi was carrying an oil-paper umbrella, a white top embroidered with flower petals, and a warm red skirt underneath. Her hair was combed into a bun that is common for ordinary girls, and she stood in front of the fence of the wine shop with a smile.

Ning Qingye wore a long skirt and held a snow-white sword in her hand. She looked sideways at the wine flags on the shed, looking slightly absent-minded.

Old Palm Sun raised his eyes, looked at the two girls standing outside, and smiled slightly:

"Hey~ Xi Ke, little old man, I thought you two wouldn't come back. Little Zhu, have you found your father?"

Zhu Manzhi nodded with a smile: "I found it a long time ago. Do you remember this from the shopkeeper?"

Shopkeeper Sun wiped his hands with a towel and walked to the wine tank: "I remember, just find it. Miss Xiao Ning, how are you doing?"

Ning Qingye knew that Shopkeeper Sun had taken care of Li Hansheng back then and knew her life clearly. He hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said:

"I have nothing to do with him. I didn't go looking for him."

Shopkeeper Sun thought about it for a moment and said softly: "Han Sheng, that kid, is not bad-hearted, but he is a bit of a picker. You two have similar temperaments..."

Ning Qingye didn't really want to talk about Li Hansheng, but having known Manzhi for so long, he wasn't as unreasonable as before, so he just nodded slightly and said nothing.

Seeing that Ning Qingye was in a bad mood, Zhu Manzhi interrupted with a smile:

"Shopkeeper Sun, don't keep talking about us. Your son should have a family, right? Have you got any grandchildren?"

Shopkeeper Sun had a smile on his face when he heard this: "I got married a long time ago. I work as a county magistrate outside. I haven't come back for several years. I really haven't hugged my grandson a few times."

While talking, shopkeeper Sun picked up the wine spoon and prepared to fill the wine pot with wine.

Seeing this, Zhu Manzhi quickly raised his hand: "I want a jar of wine, not a jar. We have to leave later. I can't tell if I can come over in the future. Buy more."

Shopkeeper Sun saw too many drinkers who wanted to buy more before leaving, so he shook his head and laughed:

"The old rule is, one person, one pot, nothing can be shaken. Old Situ came here and said nothing good. No matter how much Duanyushao I bought, it was still not enough to drink for a few days. I really miss it. It's better to come back and sit around sometime. It's better than bringing a jar of wine. It works.”

Zhu Manzhi knew the rules of Sun's shop, but she followed Xu Buling out and agreed to buy wine for her lover. If she just bought one pot, it would definitely not be enough. She bargained:

"Shopkeeper Sun, we are old acquaintances..."

"Little old man, I have old acquaintances everywhere. If you buy it like this, what will the people behind drink? One pot per person, no negotiation."

Zhu Manzhi sighed, rolled his eyes, and pointed at Ning Qingye's belly:

"One pot per person is fine. Xiao Ning is pregnant. There are three of us, maybe four, maybe five..."

Ning Qingye was in a daze. After hearing this, she came to her senses and raised her hand to pinch the waist of the branch:

"What nonsense are you talking about? You just got pregnant."

Shopkeeper Sun didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He was so beaten that he couldn't help it. He still filled three bottles of wine and handed it to Zhu Manzhi:

"Why didn't your brother come over? I heard that he has also come to the capital. I really miss him after not seeing him for a long time."

Zhu Manzhi took the three bottles of wine and held it in his hand, and said with a smile: "He is attending court in the palace, and he should come over later. Take care, shopkeeper, let's go hang out in front, let's go first!"

Shopkeeper Sun nodded and watched the two of them disappear into the rain.

Returning to Chang'an City will naturally bring back various memories of the past. Zhu Manzhi carried three jars of wine and walked around the room, talking about using Ning Qingye as free labor.

Ning Qingye held an umbrella for Manzhi and walked towards the small courtyard where she once lived. Her eyes kept lingering around the alley, obviously recalling the time when she and Xu Buling met here.

When the two of them walked out of the alley, two passers-by came towards them. In front of the middle-aged man is a middle-aged man, wearing a formal robe with an easy-going face, holding a black oil-paper umbrella in his hand. He looks like a Confucian scholar; behind the middle-aged man is a girl with braids, about twelve years old, carrying A small peach blossom umbrella followed the man obediently.

The four people passed by each other without stopping.

Ning Qingye came back to her senses after walking by. She felt vaguely familiar. She looked back, but could only see the top of the peach blossom umbrella and the hem of the little girl's skirt.

Zhu Manzhi looked a little confused, tilted his head and said, "Xiao Ning, what's wrong?"


Ning Qingye felt that the little girl looked familiar, but she couldn't tell what was familiar. She thought about it carefully to no avail, so she just thought that she had met him by chance while walking around Chang'an City...


"Shopkeeper, bring me a bottle of wine."

The spring rain was pouring, and the three wine tables in the wine shop were all empty. Shopkeeper Sun was wiping them in front of the wine vat.

Outside the wine shop, the middle-aged man put away his oil-paper umbrella and leaned against the fence at the door. Rainwater was still dripping from the tip of the umbrella. The girl with braided hair also put away the smaller peach blossom umbrella and leaned next to the black umbrella.

Shopkeeper Sun raised his head and looked around for a few times. He didn't recognize him, so he stepped forward with a smile and said:

"Is this your first time in Chang'an? You look unfamiliar."

The middle-aged man smiled warmly and sat down at the wine table by the window, letting the girl with pigtails sit opposite him:

"In the past, I often heard that 'it is as fierce as fire, can destroy gold and jade, so it is called 'Broken Jade Shao', which is the best wine in the world'. I have heard it for half a lifetime, but I have never drunk it once. This time I happened to be in Chang'an, so I came to sit down."

Shopkeeper Sun chuckled, brought the warmed Broken Jade Shao to the table, and took two dishes and put them down:

"It's not a good wine, it's just strong. Please taste it and see if you are used to it."

The middle-aged man took a sip of Broken Jade Shao. Maybe he was used to kumis, and when he met this distilled wine, he was very happy. The strong liquor she drank was choked by the drink and she nodded:

"It's as good as it is said."

The girl with pigtails sat on the bench opposite. She had grown taller and her legs were no longer dangling in the air. She turned her head to look at Shopkeeper Sun and said with a smile:

"Old man, my father really likes the wine you brew. When he was traveling around with my father, he always talked about this and said that everything he drank was tasteless."


Shopkeeper Sun wiped his hands with a towel, sat down next to him, and looked at the girl:

"What's your father's name? I have a good memory, maybe I know him."

The girl with pigtails blinked and looked at the master opposite, obviously asking if she could tell him.

The middle-aged man put down the wine bowl and said calmly: "My name is Xue Yi, a distant relative of the Xue family of Jiangnan Liuhemen. I came to Chang'an two years ago and had a problem. I heard that I ended up here. Do you remember me, old shopkeeper?"

When Shopkeeper Sun heard this, he looked at the little girl with pigtails next to him, was silent for a moment, and sighed softly:

"Old man, I thought I would have to wait for many years, but I didn't expect you to come so soon."

Xiao Taohua was stunned. She looked slightly happy: "Old man, do you know my father?"

"Yes, your father and your uncle Wu often come here to drink when they come to Chang'an."

Shopkeeper Sun stood up and walked into the back room. After a while, he came out with a long cloth bag and put it on the wine table:

"Unfortunately, your father had a problem when he came to Chang'an last time, so he ran here late at night and left something for you."

Xiao Taohua raised her hand to open the cloth bag, and two pieces of cold iron gun body appeared in front of her. A small peach flower was engraved on the gun barrel, crooked, but familiar.


Little Taohua's eyes suddenly turned red, and she pursed her lips. She was about to cry, but she forced herself to hold it back. She held the two pieces of iron spears in her arms and looked at Manager Sun:

"Did my daddy say anything? He said he would be back soon, but he never came back after he left..."

Manager Sun has been selling wine in the wine shop all his life. He has never left for a day, but he has seen all the joys and sorrows, joys and sorrows in the world. He glanced at Zuo Qingqiu and sighed:

"Traveling in the martial arts world, it is common to be separated from your wife and children, and dying on the street is a good end. How many people can really complete this? Your father regretted it at the time, but it was a worthy death for wandering in the martial arts world to die under the swords. Your father asked me to tell you, don't think about revenge for him, there is no revenge to be taken, live a good life in the future, don't go out to wander the martial arts world like him, it's not worth it."

Xiao Taohua held the iron spear, her watery eyes were a little dazed, she stammered, but didn't know what to say.

Zuo Qingqiu took a sip from the wine bowl, and a smile appeared on his face:

"The old shopkeeper is a wise man. If everyone thought clearly like the old shopkeeper, there would not be so many separations of life and death in the world. Unfortunately, there are only a few people in the world who can see through these things. Without personal experience, ordinary people can't understand them at all. It's too early for the old shopkeeper to tell her about these things."

The old shopkeeper Sun showed some surprise in his eyes, and laughed: "Since the guest has such vision, there is no need for me to worry about it. This is my personality. I want to say a few words to people when I see them. It has become a habit. Please don't blame me, guest."

Zuo Qingqiu nodded slightly, chatted with shopkeeper Sun for a few more words, drank a bowl of wine, and then got up and left the wine shop with Xiao Taohua.

Xiao Taohua was holding the iron spear, feeling very depressed. She followed him out the door and raised her hand to take the small umbrella leaning against the wall. In a blink of an eye, she saw a man in white holding an oil-paper umbrella and walking slowly towards her on a black horse at the entrance of the bluestone alley in the distance...

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