The prince is very fierce

Chapter 54: A Lifetime Thing (238/544)

There are few people on the small street beside the palace.

Song Yufu trotted with her head buried, her goose-yellow skirt rippling gently. After running for dozens of steps, she turned into a brisk walk again.

I don’t know why I want to run, I don’t know why I feel so upset, I know this is not good, but I just can’t stop crying.

She really wanted to go back to the Imperial College to study in the morning, or go back to teach in a small village. Although such a life was boring, she was always looking forward to someone in her heart. When she stayed here, with someone in front of her, she had no idea what would happen in the future. Sample.

I don't know any martial arts, I don't know how to make suggestions, I don't have a common language with my older sisters, and I can't even speak to a few female heroes of a similar age. I feel like I'm superfluous and shouldn't be here at all.

She also wanted to hold hands with Xu Buling and chat. She wanted to get Xu Buling into trouble like before, or sit on the Bell and Drum Tower and help copy books for the lazy Xu Buling. At least that way, she could always talk. Two sentences.

And now, even if she holds hands with Xu Buling, what can she say?

Perhaps compared with the secret love in the Imperial College and the bitter wait in the small village, she was more afraid of seeing the day in the future when the two people suddenly became relatively silent strangers. If that's the case, it's better to wait foolishly without someone and have something to look forward to than to be disappointed.

Song Yufu didn't know why she was thinking about these things. She knew clearly that Xu Buling would not abandon her, but she couldn't control her thoughts.

After taking a few steps, a familiar voice came from the side:


Xu Buling jumped down from the wall, landed in front of Song Yufu, turned his head to look at her, and took her wrist:

"Why are you crying?"

Song Yufu lowered her head deeply, not wanting Xu Buling to see the tears in her eyes, and said in a trembling voice:

"Nothing... ugh..."

The sobs came out, and they could no longer be suppressed.

Song Yufu's nose felt sore and she cried with a cry, raised her arms to hug Xu Buling who was close at hand, buried her face in the white skirt, and cried loudly.

With a gentle expression, Xu Buling raised his arms to hug Song Yufu, who was a head shorter than him, and gently stroked her trembling back:

"Cry if you want. It's okay. If you have something to say, just tell me. Don't hold it in your heart."


Song Yufu hugged Xu Buling's waist tightly, buried her face in her arms, and wet her clothes with tears. After crying for a long time, I finally calmed down a little and gained the strength to speak:

"Mr. Xu, am... am I useless? Oh... I can't do anything..."

Xu Buling sighed in his heart, guessing that Song Yufu might have "premarital phobia". The day after tomorrow was the wedding day on February 2nd. Song Yufu's father was not here, and there were no relatives or friends around her. She would suddenly lose control of her emotions. It's normal. He should have had a good chat with her, but since he arrived yesterday and has been busy with various things until now, he has indeed been neglectful.

Xu Buling held Song Yufu and gently shook her, comforting her softly: "Why is it useless? I'm even scared when Fubao becomes powerful."

"It's just useless... I don't know martial arts. I want to chat with Manzhi and become friends, but I can't say a word. I told them everything I know, but I still can't find the topic. Manzhi is particularly good at talking, and Everyone can chat together, even Mrs. Lu and the others like Manzhi... I can't even ride a horse, and I can't make suggestions... I can't even eat, but Manzhi is very good at eating, and I can also tell stories... "


Xu Buling sighed softly after listening to the crying words:

"When it comes to interpersonal communication, Manzhi is invincible in the world. Compared with Manzhi, anyone else would be autistic. People are so different from each other, each with their own advantages and strengths. If it were you talking about poetry and songs Fu and literary classics, Manzhi is still at a loss as to who is worse than the other.

Song Yufu's cry was much quieter, but she still hugged her tightly: "They all know martial arts. I can't understand what they are talking about, but you can understand... I'm afraid that in the future..."

"From now on, you can just chat with me, and we will get married the day after tomorrow. After the wedding, Xiao Qi, Xiang'er, and Hongluan will all be your sisters. Xiao Qi and Xiang'er especially like poetry and songs, so you can chat with them... "

"They are older than me and smarter than me. I...I am the only one. If you don't like me anymore, I might as well go back to Chang'an and help daddy teach..."

Xu Buling shook his head and smiled, thought for a while, turned around and carried Song Yufu on his back, jumped up the wall, and walked slowly: "How could I not like Fubao? There is nothing terrible about getting married. Haven't you been in love since elementary school? Husband and son, you used to dare to use a ruler to attack me, why are you so weak now? Your grandfather, uncle, senior brother, and father are all so powerful, I can't afford to offend them, so what are you afraid of..."

Song Yufu lay on Xu Buling's back, her eye circles still red, looking at the white jade hairpin on Xu Buling's hair:

"They are not here... I miss dad, grandpa, Bai Shizi and Ah Huang..."

"Don't worry, I will definitely pick them up if I have the chance. Well... I'll write a letter to Yuelu Mountain first and bring Big White Goose and Ah Huang over. It's a 800-mile rush and it will only take a few days to get there."

"Grandpa will definitely not come over. Dad is attending the Imperial Academy's ceremony, so he won't come over either..."

"That's not certain. If it doesn't work out, we'll just go there later. You still don't believe in my ability?"

"Believe it..."

Song Yufu hugged Xu Buling's neck and tried to stabilize her mood. Tears were still hanging on her cheeks, but the corners of her mouth were slightly raised and she smiled.

Xu Buling then smiled and thought for a while: "Also, don't just look at the present, take a long-term view. Think about it, I am the heir and I want to marry many wives, so I will naturally have many children. The family must have Xiao Qi has no idea how to teach children etiquette and rules, and how to read and write, but if she encounters a naughty child, she will definitely be embarrassed to death. Children are all raised to be ignorant and boastful brats like me..."

"He's a dandy."

"Haha, yes, you are a dandy. And then, Jiujiu is a doctor and can't even control Chu Chu, so don't expect her to take care of the children. Chu Chu and Qingye can take care of one child, but if they have more children, they will definitely be troubled. Manzhi, The most amazing thing is that if you let her take care of the children, she can go out on the street by herself at the age of three, listen to books and go to restaurants, and make sworn vows and burn yellow paper with others at the age of five..."


When Song Yufu heard this, she couldn't help laughing, and she quickly covered her mouth and bumped Xu Buling lightly with her elbow: "How could you say such a thing about your own woman?"

"To tell you the truth, the only people who can take good care of the children at home are Master and you. Master teaches martial arts and you teach literary talent. If anyone disobeys, I will slap him. The child doesn't dare to say anything. Even I can't reason with you. , I can only watch. What is this called? This is called 'holding a son to command the princes'. Thirty years in the east of Hedong and thirty years in the west of Hexi..."

"What a mess..."

Song Yufu gradually calmed down and murmured softly, but her eyes showed a bit of expectation. She looked like she was aroused. She wanted to set up a primary school at home, and then bring her son and daughter over to show off. Fists and kicks.

After Xu Buling noticed that Song Yufu's mood had calmed down, he stopped on the roof of a building. The two sat shoulder to shoulder, holding Song Yufu's shoulders and looking at the sunset in the distance:

"Marriage is a lifelong matter. The days to come will be long. When we finish all the work and have some free time, we can sit like this every day. It's just that I can't get away from running around lately and the world is in chaos. If Yes, I also want to be like in Chang'an City, fishing, drinking, and going to poetry gatherings to show off every day. That's a normal day..."

"I know, I don't blame you, I'm only seventeen, I still have many, many years to go..."

Song Yufu pursed her lips, rested her cheek on Xu Buling's shoulder, faced the sunset in the desert, and asked:

"When will you have a child?"

" do I know this?"

"You have been with Sister Xiang'er for so long. You should have a child long ago. If you don't... do you want to ask Miss Jiujiu?"

"I have no problem. Xiang'er is the Queen Mother. How dare she get pregnant in Chang'an? And having a child before marriage is not good after all. I'm specifically taking precautions..."

"Is it possible to prevent the birth of a child? How to prevent it?"

"Hmm... How about I show you?"

"I don't. We will get married the day after tomorrow. Then... we'll talk about it then... Let Manzhi have one first. She's so big. It would be a pity not to breastfeed the child..."


The setting sun sank into the sea of ​​sand, replaced by a sky full of stars and a crescent moon.

Thousands of lights lit up in the city, and the world became silent, as if only the man and woman standing on the top of the building were left dependent on each other... ——

Thank you [Tingmian QAQ] for the 30,000 reward!

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