The prince is very fierce

Chapter 52: Walking Hand in Hand

In the study room of the Prince's Mansion, the core staff of Prince Su's Mansion were sitting quietly on their chairs, looking back and forth between Prince Su and the young prince. The meaning was inexplicable and difficult to describe.

The Queen Mother is Prince Su's aunt, the Queen is Prince Su's sister-in-law, and the Crown Prince is Prince Su's son... alas...

Xiao Qi sat in front with a tea cup, lowering her head and sipping the tea, with the same strange eyes. I really want to pretend that I don't know the fiancé next to me, but this is obviously unrealistic. At this time, I feel a little regretful for participating in Xiliang's political affairs in advance.

Su Wang Xu You looked at his stern and extraordinary son. His expression changed many times in a short period of time. Even he didn't know what his mood was.

Guess it, it's obviously wrong.

This kidnapped the emperor's aunt and first wife back, and if he praised them a few times, he might bring someone back with him in the future.

It's even worse to scold him.

How proud and proud you are. If you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust. You have already put a dragon poison on my son. Is it a problem for my son to sleep with your mother and your wife?

Xu You thought about it for a long time, but finally couldn't comment on the matter, so she looked at her future daughter-in-law:

"Well... Xiao Qi, do you have any suggestions?"

Xiao Qi gave Xu Buling a sideways look, but still discussed the matter: "Cui Xiaowan is the direct daughter of the Cui family in Youzhou. There is no harm in settling her in Xiliang. In the future, if the support of the Cui family in Youzhou is needed, Cui Xiaowan will be in the middle, and it will be easier to do things. Much more convenient.”

Xiao Qi's meaning is easy to understand. Most of the alliances between clans are marriages. If the Xu family wants to develop in the Central Plains in the future, the support of a powerful family is indispensable. She is already related by marriage to the 'Xiao Lu' family. If Cui Xiaowan is also married, the Cui family will probably fall directly to the Xu family if the situation goes bad. As long as three of the five powerful men stand behind the Xu family and want to pull the Song family from the throne, there is only one chance left.

Many staff members thought for a while, took a conservative attitude towards this proposal, and did not nod. After all, the Xu family is still the "Da Yue loyal", and King Su has not made it clear that he wants to rebel, saying that these are inappropriate.

Xu Buling sat next to Xiao Qi and said with a smile: "We will talk about these things later. Cui Xiaowan is dead, just treat it as an ordinary woman. Don't spread the matter, and don't mention it again in the future. Let's discuss it when it is really necessary. ”

Xiao Qi nodded.

Xu You didn't want to talk too much about this unclear relationship, so he dropped the topic and continued to discuss the war in the east.

Speaking of the east side of Dayue, it is nothing more than retreating in four bytes.

During the time when Xu Buring returned to Suzhou, the Guanzhong Army had already marched to Northern Xinjiang and was facing a head-on confrontation with the Northern Qi army.

The Northern Qi Dynasty was engaged in a desperate battle to restore the country, while the Yue Dynasty was suffering from internal and external troubles and the people were distracted. You can imagine the outcome.

Although the imperial court blocked the Northern Qi's rapid southward offensive, it could not stop the Northern Qi's encroachment step by step. The battle line continued to advance south. Every day, cities, counties and cities fell, and very few returned from the counterattack.

On the other side of Dayue, in Jiangnan, the situation is even worse.

After King Wu impeached the emperor, the court was slow to respond. The army to counter the rebellion was not strong enough, but it only fueled the rebels' arrogance.

Naturally, Wu King Song Siming would not suppress the rebellion, but instead publicized the emperor's atrocities. "The taxes are all collected by the emperor. I am going to kill you all as refugees. I want to help you seek justice, but the emperor will not listen." Wait, all the dirty water is poured on the emperor, portraying himself as a savior for the people, and preparing for the recruitment of rebels in the future.

Among them, there is also a rumor that has arisen among the people, saying that Emperor Xiaozong wanted to pass the throne to the second prince, the old King of Wei, and the jade seal had been given to the old Wei King, but the late emperor used the support of the courtiers to seize power by force. He did not obey the imperial edict of Emperor Xiaozong. It alludes to the fact that Song Ji's lineage was not in the right position and usurped the imperial line of Wei Wang's lineage.

This news, in the eyes of discerning people, will definitely be known to be false. It is just one of the reasons to deny the legitimacy of the Song Dynasty and the imperial power.

But there is no right or wrong in world affairs. History is written by the victors.

As long as the usurpation of power is successful, even if Song Ji holds a real jade seal, it will become fake; vice versa, even if everyone knows it is fake news, it will become true if the situation develops to a certain extent.

The only thing that King Su's staff and Xiao Qi who were present could get from this news was that King Wu wanted to recommend King Wei as the new king. Other than that, there were not many points to analyze.

Xu Buling listened in the study for a long time. With his capable wife here, there was no need to say anything more. After the meeting, Xiao Qi and she returned to the back house, wanting to explain Cui Xiaowan's affairs to Aunt Lu, the baby.

Unfortunately, even if Xu Bu Ling repeatedly explained that he did not follow his intention of "sleeping with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law", Xiao Xiang'er and Xiao Qi didn't quite believe it; Lu Hongluan always stood on the same front as Xiang'er when it came to jealousy. The three women gathered together and whispered, not allowing Xu Bu Ling to listen.

The baby didn't care about the baby, and Xu Buling had no choice but to leave the yard angrily and go find Ning Yuhe to talk about Cui Xiaowan.

The back palace of the prince's palace is very large, with dozens of courtyards connected in parallel. There are also viewing places such as the Pavilion Lake Garden, where hundreds of maids live, but it still looks a bit empty.

Xu Buling spent very little time in the palace when he was young. He has never been to many places so far. While walking around, he didn't arrive at the yard where Ning Yuhe lived. Instead, he saw Ning Qingye facing him on the road between the gardens. Come,

Ning Qingye has a quiet and aloof personality. She wears a thin white dress all year round. With her tall figure and the snow-white "Zhao Dan Sword" in her hand, she looks both fairy and chivalrous. Among the many maids in the palace It is extremely eye-catching under the background.

Ning Qingye walked quickly and straight, but her expression seemed to be in a trance. When she got close, she noticed Xu Buling on the other side of the road.

The last time we met Ning Yuhe together, and Ning Yuhe agreed directly, Ning Qingye was confused. She said that she and Xu Buling wanted to be a couple first, but she didn't know how lovers should get along with each other. She had been hiding from Xu Buling for such a long time. Bu Ling always stayed in front of Chu Chu and Man Zhi, not giving Xu Bu Ling a chance to be alone in private.

When they met on a narrow road and suddenly bumped into each other, Ning Qingye's face changed slightly, as if she had met an enemy, she turned around and ran away.


Xu Buling showed a bit of a smile and came to Ning Qingye's side in a flash, raising his hand to block the way:

"Why are you running?"

Ning Qingye's face turned red imperceptibly, but her eyes were still cold:

"Get out of your way."

Xu Buling smiled brightly: "We have said that we should be lovers first, but you treat your lover like this? Is it possible that your words are not kept?"


Ning Qingye was silent for a moment and snorted lightly: "How do you want me to treat you if I don't keep my words? I can't stick to you like Manzhi, nor can I obey your words like Miss Song. "

Xu Buling nodded slightly and raised his hand to indicate the way: "Let's go for a walk together?"

Ning Qingye hesitated for a moment, but did not refuse and followed silently:

"Master promised you and me things, but I didn't agree. You...don't push your limits."

"How could I go too far? I only looked at it when you asked me to look at it last time. When you didn't let me look at it, I kept my eyes closed."

Ning Qingye's face turned red suddenly, she raised her hand to cover her chest and did not answer.

Xu Buling walked slowly and saw that Ning Qingye was silent and continued:

"But I was really surprised."

Ning Qingye frowned and said, "What's the surprise?"

Xu Bu Ling's eyes moved downward: "Well... you look thin when you are wearing clothes and you are fleshy when you are undressing. I didn't realize you were so big before. You feel bigger than a full branch..."? ? ?

Ning Qingye's face turned cold, and she turned around and walked back.

Xu Buling raised his hand to block the way: "It's just a joke to adjust the atmosphere. This is how couples talk. Don't take it seriously."

Ning Qingye's eyes were slightly cold: "Do you think I'm stupid? You are teasing women. Husband and wife should respect each other as guests. How can you be like this?"

Xu Buling looked a little helpless: "If you don't believe me, ask Manzhi, if you don't talk like this in private, is it possible to talk about military politics? How can you give birth to a child?"

Ning Qingye's face alternated between red and white. She hesitated for a moment, then walked ahead with her head down: "I don't like this anyway. If you want to walk, I will accompany you. If you keep talking nonsense, I will go back."

Xu Buling nodded with a smile, followed unhurriedly, and walked out of the palace together, walking slowly outside the high wall of the palace.

Suzhou City is no more than sixty years old, most of the buildings are rough, and the planning and greening are even more unsightly. In terms of beauty, it is not even as beautiful as the county town in Jiangnan. The only advantage may be that it is large, has a wide field of vision, and even two cars can run parallel in the alley.

Ning Qingye held her sword and walked in front with her head held high. After taking a few steps, she noticed that Xu Buling was silent and just looking at the scenery. She calmly slowed down and walked side by side with Xu Buling:

"Why don't you speak?"

Xu Bu Ling walked slowly and shrugged slightly: "You told me not to talk, so of course I shut up."?

Ning Qingye's eyebrows furrowed slightly: "I asked you to stop talking unabashedly. It's okay to speak normally. Is it possible that your mind is filled with things that cannot be put on the stage?"



Ning Qingye almost lost her temper, rolled her eyes, turned around and walked back.

Xu Buling raised his hand to stop him again and said with a smile:

"I'm just teasing you. What do you want to say? I'll just accompany you."

Ning Qingye gritted her silver teeth and endured it for a long time before suppressing the chaotic emotions in her heart and said calmly:

"I have nothing to say."

"Then we won't talk, but we agreed to be a couple first. They have to look like a couple, right?"

"What do lovers look like? You are not allowed to hold me and chew me, and you are not allowed to touch me, otherwise I will leave now."

Ning Qingye's eyes were wary, and she put her hand on the hilt of the sword, looking ready to draw the sword and strike at any moment.

Xu Buling looked a little helpless and stretched out his left hand generously:

"Couples just hold hands, walk from here to the end of the street, and then walk back from the end of the street. It's very simple."

Ning Qingye looked a little confused and looked at Xu Buling's outstretched palm:

"How long will it take?"

"If you don't go back until it's too late, your parents will scold you."? ?

Ning Qingye was confused and thought for a moment: "This... does this make sense?"

Xu Bu Ling nodded seriously and hooked his hand.

Ning Qingye hesitated for a moment, looked left and right in the back alley, and after making sure there were no pedestrians, she raised her hand and took Xu Buling's wrist, pulling her towards the end of the street.

Xu Bu Ling staggered as he was pulled, and clasped his fingers with his backhand to forcefully steady Ning Qingye's rhythm:

"Walk slowly, focus on your hands, yes, do you feel anything?"

"What do you feel?"

"It's just the feeling of heartbeat, deer bumping around and stuff like that."


Ning Qingye didn't answer, but turned her head to look at the wall on the other side. She twitched her hand to let go, but didn't pull it out, so she let Xu Buling hold her hand...

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