The spring breeze dawns.

Outside Suzhou City, the number of foreign business travelers entering the customs has decreased by 80% compared with the autumn. The vast yellow sand is vast and looks a little depressed. However, the huge sea of ​​flowers beside Yuanyang Lake is already colorful, and it is even more beautiful than the misty rain in Jiangnan.

The wooden house still stayed quietly in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, with the cradle and deck chair placed in place. The wind chimes were swaying in the never-ending breeze. Countless flowers of all kinds were causing ripples in the wind.

In Suzhou City, at the Prince Su's Mansion at the end of Baishi Avenue, two rows of willow trees have been tied with red flowers. Red lanterns are hung high on the vermilion-lacquered door. The three doors are wide open. Behind the screen wall of the palace, maids carrying lampstands, tables and chairs can be seen. The servants were running back and forth.

King Su, with his golden hair, wearing a golden crown and a python robe, stood on the ridge of the building, holding a large blueprint in his hand, looking down at the main palace square below, and occasionally said:

"Yang Zunyi, you don't know the difference between left and right? When you prepare to bow to the emperor, do you want me to turn my back to the newlyweds?"

Yang Zunyi, one of the four generals under King Su and one of the four generals from the East, who held fifty thousand Xiliang troops, carried a large huanghuali wood chair weighing about three hundred kilograms, raised his head and said with a smile:

"Just put it down and turn around. Besides, what's the point of facing away? The superior should be behind the curtain, and no one can see their face..."

"Okay, you face the wall during the wedding banquet, that's it..."

"Ha ha……"

Generals Tu Qianchu, Chen Jiye and Yuchi Zhenbei laughed heartily when they heard this.

The fathers of the four generals of the Xiliang Army all fought with the general Xu Lie in the past, and they were sworn in life and death. Naturally, their children have been born and died together since childhood. They are superiors and subordinates to the outside world, but they are close buddies in private.

The son of Su Wang Xu You was about to get married, and the four generals, all of whom were uncles, naturally came back and personally helped decorate the wedding venue.

It's just that a general who leads troops to fight may be good at setting up camps, but he is obviously an amateur at decorating houses. He can't understand Feng Shui and pay attention to it. The servants of the palace don't dare to make mistakes, so they can only follow behind and make adjustments secretly.

Aunt Dingxiang is the personal maid of Princess Su. After the princess enters the door, she will naturally become the concubine of Prince Su. When she saw Prince Su standing on the roof and giving directions blindly, she felt anxious and spoke to dissuade her:

"My lord, you can leave these matters to me. Come down, there is a war in the east, and there are many things you need to decide..."

King Su looked at the drawings and shook his head: "How can I stay in the military camp and ignore my son's wedding? Let your young lady know that I will be killed. Besides, Suzhou cannot be attacked from the east, and the matter is not urgent. Talking about the same thing here.”

Seeing this, Grandma Dingxiang couldn't stop trying to dissuade her.

Yue Jiulou hung a straight knife on his waist and stood beside King Su to prevent him from falling. At this time, he said smoothly:

"The news came two days ago that the imperial court ordered the King of Chu to go to the south of the Yangtze River to quell the rebellion. The King of Chu used the excuse that it was difficult to mobilize troops during the war in the north, so he only sent 30,000 infantry and walked slowly towards the south of the Yangtze River. Seeing his attitude, he didn't want to The King of Wu also contacted the King of Chu. The King of Chu was ambiguous and did not agree, but he deliberately disclosed the matter to the court, apparently to let the court know that the King of Wu was wooing him and to put pressure on the court so that he could negotiate terms with the court. "

Su Wang Xu You snorted at this: "Song Zhengping is the most arrogant guy. He is not willing to be a pawn for others. His condition must be to give Song Ji the Zen position to him and let him clean up this mess. ”

Yue Jiulou thought for a moment: "If the situation gets out of control, will the current emperor throw the mess to the King of Chu?"

Xu You shook his head: "How is it possible? With Song Ji's attitude of being above the top and only believing in himself, he would kill anyone who might seize power, let alone snatch it. It's still early, at least delay it for some time until King Wu can bear it. The king of Chu will take action only if he can't stop being cruel. I am eating sand in the northwest, so far away, it is useless to talk about it for the time being."

While talking, outside the gate of the palace, Lao Xiao walked in with a cane and raised his hand:

"Your Majesty, the young prince has arrived outside the city."

Xu You was overjoyed when he heard this and threw the drawing to Yue Jiulou: "Quick, quick, clean it up. My daughter-in-law is coming, so don't scare anyone... Get the meeting gifts you prepared, two portions for the Xiao family and one small sour radish. For my share..."

Lao Xiao chuckled: "Three portions are definitely not enough. The young prince also met some confidants on the road, so we can't ignore them anymore."

Xu You went down to the front of the palace and looked slightly satisfied: "My son, of course I understand, so I specially prepared two more portions..."

"Nine came, not counting the maids."

Su Wang Xu You: (⊙?⊙)?

Four Generals: (→_→)( ̄. ̄)(⊙_⊙;)(~﹏~)

Aunt Dingxiang staggered, turned around and said, "Nine? We have only been out for less than six months. How could your child have such a cold temperament..."

Xu You's expression froze for a moment, but he immediately raised his hand and said:

"Nine are nine. This king's son... really doesn't follow his father... Who taught him this? Old Xiao, you old pervert, did you lead your child into trouble?"

Old Xiao held his cane and shrugged slightly: "Prince, as you said, the young prince didn't lead me bad, it's because I, Old Xiao, have good concentration..."

Ding Xiang thought for a moment: "It's probably Mrs. Lu..."

"That sour radish can teach you so much, I won't write the word 'promise' upside down..."

Amidst the commotion, the whole family rushed out of the door... ——

Outside Suzhou City, Xiliang cavalry led the way, and business travelers stopped by the official road to watch the long motorcade pass by.

A huge chariot with five horses running abreast walked in the front, decorated with the word "囍" in red cloth, looking majestic yet festive. Dozens of carriages followed behind. In addition to the carriages they were riding in, there were also many trucks behind them, which were loaded with Xiao Xiang'er's collection for more than ten years, Xiao Qi's dowry, various souvenirs that the girls came to buy along the way, etc. .

The trip to the south of the Yangtze River took a long circle around the whole Dayue. The total distance was no less than ten thousand miles, and most of the time was on the boat. I bought a lot of things in my spare time, including the medicinal materials used by Xiang'er and Hongluan to make skin care products. They all bought a large cart, as well as various local specialties that are not available in Xiliang, etc.

Getting off the ship from Lanzhou and walking hundreds of miles overland to Suzhou was not a very interesting process. The carriage is not as spacious as a yacht-like building, and there is no room to move your hands and feet. At first, you can ride a horse chasing the wind to have fun near the team, but you are tired after riding for a long time, and there is not much scenery in the Hexi Corridor, so in the end, everyone is sitting Back in the carriage, I stared blankly.

Zhu Manzhi was almost going crazy from the suffocation. At this moment, he was lying on his back in the carriage, with the latest hardcover version of "Sword Master Zhu Liu and the Seven Heroic Girls of Emei" covered on his face, and he kept humming:

"Sand,'s all sand. Where are the flowers? There aren't even a few places for people to live. Mr. Xu is lying. This place is not fun at all. I will never come here again..."

Song Yufu also came to Xiliang for the first time. She had heard that Xiliang was a barren land, but she did not expect that even grass was rare and it was not as good as the small village where her grandfather lived in seclusion. She hugged her knees and looked outside, then whispered:

"Manzhi, you got married here and you can't leave. There will be no next time."

Zhu Manzhi became even more helpless and snorted: "Yeah, what can I do? How will I live for the rest of my life..."

Ning Qingye has also never been here, but he has not been interested in mountains and rivers since he was a child, and it is the same wherever he lives. Although Xu Buling has been hiding from Xu Buling these days because of the 'couple' thing, and he is a little confused because of his worries, but when he saw his good sister Manzhi going crazy, she still comforted her:

"Manzhi, you were kicked out by the Wolf Guard. Didn't you say that you want to build a Tiger Guard? From now on, you will help guard the palace, so you won't have anything to do."

When Zhu Manzhi heard this, he immediately became unhappy: "I'm not going to do it myself."

"Is there any difference?"

"The difference is huge. I am a wolf guard who passed the test myself. If I stay on, the boss has no power to kick me out. At most, I will be sent to patrol the streets to provide for my retirement..."

Ning Qingye suddenly realized: "No wonder I accompanied you on patrol every day when I was in Chang'an City..."

Zhongli Chuchu was wearing a red dress and leaned in front of Song Yufu. Hearing this, he shook his head: "I have been here once. Although the city is not as good as Chang'an and Jiangnan, it is still quite prosperous, and Xu Buring is from here. The Tu Emperor, everything you see belongs to his house, and it is more comfortable to stay here than outside. "

Song Yufu grew up in Chang'an and taught for princes and nobles in the Imperial College. Regarding this statement, she explained softly:

"Although it is said that 'the whole world is not the king's land', even the emperor cannot think that everything in the world is his own and can be used at will. The emperor has to spend money to buy food and clothes, let alone seize the common people's property. Regarding land, the imperial court is divided into a national treasury and an inner treasury. The treasury is the court's money and cannot be touched by the emperor. The inner treasury is the emperor's own money, and the same applies to the vassal king. "

Ning Qingye thought for a moment and tilted her head slightly: "The emperor is the oldest. If he doesn't follow the rules, who will take care of him?"

Song Yufu thought for a while: "I will supervise you, but as long as you are not a confused king, you will pay attention to these details. After all, just the monthly salary and food can never be spent."

Zhongli Chuchu looked a little confused: "The emperor and the prince also have monthly salary?"

"It must be true. The current emperor's monthly salary is one hundred thousand taels. During the previous Qi dynasty, some emperors even bargained with ministers from the Ministry of Revenue because they didn't have enough money..."

Zhu Manzhi sat up: "A monthly salary of one hundred thousand taels? No wonder everyone wants to be the emperor. I work as an errand in the Wolf Guard, and I only get a few taels of silver a month... Is there a monthly salary for being a concubine?"

Song Yufu blinked her eyes and blushed: "Yes, yes, but how much is given, the man can't control it, it depends on the lady's wishes. If you are not favored and disliked by the lady, you have to do the work. You may have to go hungry.”

Ning Qingye raised her eyebrows: "Manzhi is a member of the Jianghu community after all. If he is really rejected and can't afford to be hungry, he can come out to perform. Well...'The crown prince's chest will be broken', and he will definitely make a lot of money every day..."

Zhu Manzhi's eyes lit up: "Yeah, why didn't I expect..."

"Hey! I'm just joking, don't take it seriously..."

"Pfft, hahaha, just teasing you..."

"Xu Buling also performed 'The Little Prince Stews Himself in an Iron Pot'. I heard Mrs. Lu talk about it..."

"Really? Tell me quickly..."

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