The prince is very fierce

Chapter 41 Getting Married (233/543)

Xu Buling raised his hand: "Auntie, even though we are a family, these words are too much. We haven't even written a single word yet."

Xiao Qi also looked a little helpless: "How can a country be so scheming? The most important thing at the moment is to let Xiliang take the dominant position and stay in the barren land of the Western Regions, forever being controlled by others. The current consideration should be to take advantage of this opportunity , let the Xiliang army station in Guanzhong, preferably near Chang'an City. As long as they stand firm, they will stay and lay the foundation for the future layout. The six Song vassal kings will definitely make peace first. The Lord will join forces to destroy the Xu family."

Lu Hongluan nodded slightly, knowing that it was a bit whimsical, so he didn't interrupt.

Xiao Qi continued: "In order for the current emperor to use the Xiliang army, the first prerequisite is that 'Northern Qi cannot fight back, the King of Chu has fallen to the three eastern kings, and the emperor is isolated and helpless.' But isolated and helpless, even if the emperor compromises and abdicates, it is impossible Let the Xiliang army enter Guanzhong with the intention of usurping the country, so we have to be more restrained and not let the emperor be too afraid. "

Xu Buling thought for a while: "How to restrain it?"

Xiao Qi tilted her head and looked at Lu Hongluan: "This wedding already represents the marriage of the Xiao and Xu families, and this matter is already very sensitive. If you openly bring Hongluan in again, it will be an alliance between the three 'Xiao Luxu' families. This is not a trivial matter, the existing team alone can form a court directly. "

When Lu Hongluan heard this, he nodded quickly: "Yes, I didn't want to get married together. I am his aunt, so how can I marry openly. Ling'er and I... um... we can just have a secret marriage after we go back. "

Xiao Qi thought for a while: "There is also Ning Yuhe. Ning Yuhe almost became the queen before. How will the emperor deal with you when you marry him? And Xiang'er. Xiang'er is the emperor's mother and cannot even show her face. You ...What treacherous things have you done? Let the emperor know, and I must kill you first."

Xiao Qi originally had Gujing Wubo's temperament, so she was a little annoyed when she mentioned this.

If the emperor knew that his engaged fiancée and his serious stepmother were sleeping in Xu Buling's bed, playing with their tails and calling them "good brother", it would not only spread Xu Buling's ashes, but also make them feel sorry for the dragon robes they were wearing.

After being scolded by her sister, the Queen Mother's face turned red and she lowered her head, embarrassed to speak.

Xu Buling coughed slightly, looking slightly embarrassed:

"'s just a coincidence, it's fate, there's no way to avoid it..."

Now that the matter has come to this, Xiao Qi has nothing to say, she just hums:

"Fortunately, Empress Cui died of illness early, otherwise, you might have stolen even the current empress. How much do you hate Song Ji? Do you want to get another princess for you? Let's get together with the three generations of old, middle-aged and young people. bed?"

Three generations sharing the same bed?

Xu Bu Ling spread his hands and looked helpless:

"Qiqi, am I that kind of person? It's true that I like women, but a gentleman loves beauty in a proper way. How can he approach a woman for revenge?"

Xiao Xiang'er was also a little annoyed: "What old, middle-aged and young people? Sister, can you speak? I am the same age as you, how can I be old? Besides, you are still Aunt Hongluan, and Hongluan is Aunt Xu Buling, you How do they count? You call him husband, but he calls you grandma?"

The more he talked, the more confused he became. Lu Hongluan looked slightly embarrassed:

"Stop talking. You know you won't be able to get on the stage and you still say it... After we get married, we won't have these messy relationships anymore."

Xu Buling also nodded: "Yes, if you don't mention these, I am the same as the scum who has no manners and corrupts the rules..."

"You even dare to deceive your master and destroy your ancestors. How dare you say that you are a gentleman?"

"Okay, okay..."

Xu Buling stood up, picked up the snickering baby, and walked to the bedroom behind:

"We've finished talking about everything, let's have a rest. We'll talk about anything tomorrow. We'll be back in Suzhou for at least half a month, so we have plenty of time."

When Lu Hongluan saw this, his expression froze slightly, and he stood up: "Then... Your Majesty, I'm going back to the room first..."

Xu Buling threw the baby on the quilt, turned around and picked up Lu Hongluan:

"Aunt Lu is the most considerate. It will be nice to help you pour water and put pillows on me later. Anyway, I will be alone when I go back to the room, which is boring."

Lu Hongluan curled up her hands in front of her body, her embroidered shoes dangling in the air, her eyes were embarrassed, but she didn't know how to refuse.

Xiao Xiang'er was very interested and patted the pillow: "Hong Luan, come here quickly. Aren't you sore? This time I'll make you so sore..."

Xiao Qi knew that Lu Hongluan was still the eldest daughter who had not yet left the court. When she saw this scene, she was slightly annoyed:

"Are you two human beings? What's the difference between bullying Hong Luan like this and eating meat yourself and letting others watch?"

"I'm just worried that Aunt Lu will be bored. It's okay to just chat, but it doesn't have to be anything like that."

Xu Bu Ling walked back with a smile and picked up Miss Xiao with her arms outstretched...

As the night got darker, as everyone arrived and loaded onto the ship, the building ship sailed out of the port silently in the night, entered the Wei River, and headed for Suzhou, the capital of the northwest, two thousand miles away.

On the first floor of the building, Ning Yuhe slept in Ning Qingye's room, still working tirelessly to enlighten his disciple who was in the period of youth confusion.

Zhongli Jiujiu was diligently mixing medicine and feeding insects in the house. She knew clearly what Xu Buling was doing upstairs, and missed her very much, but she was afraid that Chuchu would see her, so she didn't dare to go up and join in the fun.

In Song Yufu's room, the four girls who had finished walking their horses found a big blanket to spread on the floor after bathing and changing clothes. Then they lay side by side, covered with thick quilts, looking at the moonlight outside the window and staying up late chatting.

The little sparrow was almost cooked by the nightingale, but maybe it was because it was used to being in Jiujiu's arms, and it couldn't find the feeling of home in the nightingale. At this time, it jumped repeatedly on Manzhi and Chuchu, choosing a comfortable place.

Zhu Manzhi was the most lively and looked around: "Why doesn't Xiao Ning come over? I also want to ask her about capturing the king before the formation..."

The nightingale is slender, lying in front of Manzhi. It doesn't matter what she wants. Her eyes secretly compare from time to time:

"Miss Ning was injured and traveled a long distance, so she has rested."

Zhu Manzhi nodded and stopped disturbing Qing Ye. Instead, he held the back of his head and looked at the moon outside the window:

"We are finally going back to Suzhou. By the time we arrive, spring will be here soon. Mr. Xu has talked about the big sea of ​​flowers there many times. It will definitely be beautiful..."

Zhongli Chuchu had been to Suzhou and had seen the sea of ​​flowers from a distance, and said softly:

"That's it. Suzhou is relatively desolate. There are soldiers and horses everywhere. There are not even a Jianghu person. However, there are many people who look similar to me..."

Zhu Manzhi frowned and looked at her a few times: "Is she about as beautiful as you?"

"How is it possible, you think Ba Kui is just a cabbage? I mean, the skin color and eyes are about the same..."

Zhongli Chuchu was the tallest, with an exotic figure that was even hotter. She looked one size larger than the other three girls. At this time, she deliberately puffed out her chest, so full of breath that it made Nightingale shut up.

Zhongli Chuchu said a few words. Seeing that his best friend Song Yufu was silent beside him, he tilted his head and said:

"Yu Fu, what's wrong?"

Song Yufu lay beside Chu Chu, looking at the moonlight outside the window, hesitated for a moment, and then spoke softly:

"It's nothing... I'm getting married when I arrive in Suzhou, so I'm a little nervous..."


Zhu Manzhi just remembered this, his face froze slightly, and he sat up. It was too cold when the quilt was lifted, so he was pushed back by the girls on both sides.

Zhu Manzhi's eyes were full of nervousness and he said with a red face:

"Why are you getting married as soon as you get off the ship? It's weird, I'm not even ready... No, my dad said he wanted to see me get married. Now my dad is in Jiangnan and Qingye. Her dad is rebelling and doing big things. She must have passed. If you don’t come, I should wait until next time, with Xiao Ning..."

After saying this, Zhu Manzhi breathed a sigh of relief, the tension on his face subsided, and he returned to his normal look, and began to comfort:

"Fubao, don't be nervous. Big girls always have to get married. If you extend your head with a knife, it will be the same as if you shrink your head. What's the big deal..."


The three girls were speechless and all glanced sideways at Manzhi.

Manzhi also felt that it was not good to make sarcastic remarks, so he chuckled and said instead:

"Did the big clock come in with you?"

Zhongli Chuchu pursed his lips: "It's already like that, what else can we do if we don't come in? Huh... everyone is a mother watching her daughter get married, so I'd better send the master to the sedan chair... Forget it, let's not mention this anymore, let's chat Something else.”

Zhu Manzhi knew that Chu Chu had something on his mind, so he sighed and didn't know what to say. He continued to play the role of storyteller and told various stories about the world.

Song Yufu was born into a scholarly family and had little interest in political affairs. When she finally embarked on her return journey, she couldn't help but feel nervous at the thought of becoming the daughter-in-law of the Xu family after landing. Huddled in the quilt, staring blankly at the moonlight outside the window, I unconsciously recalled the scene in the Imperial College where I helped my lover copy books under the moon... -

From the end of the wedding to leading the troops out of Suzhou, it was all daily life, which may be a bit awkward, but the wedding is very important to the heroine, so I still have to write about it...

Please give me a thumbs up~ I’m still short of 1,200 achievement points to enter the Hall of Fame!

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