The prince is very fierce

Chapter 35: Deposing the Emperor and Establishing a New One

After staying in Fangshan County for nearly five days, Xiao Qi, who arrived at Fenglingdu, sent the current location and arrangements to Xu Buling, so that he could set off and meet up at Fenglingdu.

Ning Qingye was kissed again, and it goes without saying what his reaction was. For the past few days, he basically stayed away from her. He changed his wounds and refused to let Xu Buling help him. He even hugged his sword when he slept. The two lived in the same house, but they could not see each other from morning to night, and they ate separately.

Xu Buling knew Qingye's temperament. He had been lacking in emotions since childhood and didn't know how to deal with it. He needed to think for a long time before he could recover. Naturally, he didn't pursue him relentlessly.

As the eldest grandson of General Xu Lie and the young master of the Xiliang Army, even if Xu Buling could not control the east, he could not hide in the house and flirt with beauties when fighting in the east. He still had to do superficial work. He stayed in the military tent in Fangshan County during the day, paying attention to the ever-changing situation on the battlefield in Taiyuan.

The next day after arriving, the court sent a commendation letter 800 miles away in an emergency. Xu Buling was allowed to decide on his own how to deal with Jiang Kai.

Xu Buling naturally understood the meaning of this common rhetoric used by superiors to treat subordinates in the officialdom. It was just to let him "be more discerning".

Xiao Qi had already made some plans in her letter. For the sake of greater benefits in the future, Xu Buling did not mind shaking hands with the court first. The prince Jiang Kai was left in the Fangshan County military camp and escorted to Chang'an by the border army. He became a captive of Dayue in case of emergency in the future.

Xu Buling's reply to the court was naturally "The Xu family has the responsibility to defend the land, enjoys the emperor's kindness, and eats the fief of the people. It is our duty to defeat the enemy on the battlefield and we dare not ask for anything else." It means "The rewards have been given enough before. It is right to work for the court. You don't have to think about how to reward it."

After expressing their stance, as for the reaction of the court, there will naturally be no result in a short time. This is just a lead, and it depends on how the situation changes in the future.

Although the prince Jiang Kai and the divine arrow Yang Kuan stayed, the wind-chasing horses would definitely not be given to the court. Good horses are rare items everywhere. For Xu Buling, the two wind-chasing horses are more valuable than Jiang Kai, so he took them to Fenglingdu to load the ship.

In a blink of an eye, on the eighth day of the first lunar month, at dusk, in Quzhuang on the north bank of the Hedong Salt Lake, three wind-chasing horses stopped on the official road. Xu Buling and Ning Qingye entered the inn in the town together.

Hedong was the capital of the Xia Dynasty in ancient times. Jin, Qin, and Yu met here. It was considered a transportation hub in the middle of Dayue. It happened to be a wartime. There were clouds of carriages and horses on the official road in the Quzhuang area. Tens of thousands of people came from the north to Hexi to avoid the war, while the endless Guanzhong army went upstream to the north to repel the enemy.

There were so many people fleeing the war that almost all the inns in the town were full. Even Xu Buling had to pay three times the room rate to squeeze out a room in the inn for the two of them to stay.

The inn hall was noisy and noisy, with people talking about the situation in the north, saying all sorts of things.

Ning Qingye, wearing a veiled hat, sat at a wine table by the window, his eyes on several tables of people from the underworld, and was also listening to the news from the north. When he saw Xu Buling coming over, he turned his face to the street outside the window.

Xu Buling arranged the priceless wind-chasing horse, came to sit down across the table, and sighed softly:

"I just asked the waiter, there are too many people crossing the Yellow River to avoid the war recently, and the inns in the town are overcrowded. This room was vacated by a clerk with great effort, and it can only be used for one night..."

Ning Qingye turned his face and frowned slightly: "There are so many people sleeping on the streets outside, I can see it."

Xu Buling picked up the wine pot and poured the wine, smiling: "I'm not afraid that you will misunderstand that I deliberately opened only one room."

Ning Qingye picked up the bowl and chopsticks, and said in a flat tone: "This kind of thing is very common when traveling in the world. We can take turns to guard the night. If you don't want to, I can guard it all night."

There was obviously a bit of coldness in his words, and he was not very close. Xu Buling placed the wine glass in front of Ning Qingye and smiled:

"What? Are you still angry?"

Ning Qingye was straightforward by nature, and he put down his bowl and chopsticks after hearing this:

"How can I calm down? In Chang'an City, I thought you misunderstood, and you came again a few days ago! I am a pure girl, and you have nothing to do with me. What's the difference between your behavior and... and those dandy boys who bully men and women?"

Xu Buling raised his head and made a shushing gesture:

"There are many people in the inn, let's talk later."

Ning Qingye looked around a few times, lowered his voice a little, and snorted:

"When I was in Chang'an City, I heard the storyteller say that you 'bullied men and women, forced women of good character into prostitution'..."

"It's 'forced women of good character into marriage'..."


Ning Qingye held it in for a long time and simply stopped talking.

Xu Buling chuckled and began to pour himself a drink.

Quzhuang is still two hundred miles away from Fenglingdu. With the speed of the wind-chasing horse, it should be able to return to the ship tomorrow afternoon.

He will continue to be taken turns by the ladies soon. Xu Buling is in a very good mood. During his leisure time, he also listens to the gossips of all kinds of people.

If we talk about the fastest way to spread news, apart from the imperial court's 800-mile express post station, it is only the mouths of the people in the martial arts world. Sometimes, the news in the martial arts world is even faster than the official news.

Just halfway through the meal, a few martial arts people who had just arrived at the inn talked to each other and caught the attention of the two:

"I heard that something big happened in Jiangnan. The Eagle Tower rebelled there, and took millions of rebels to attack cities everywhere, and they are about to take down Hangzhou..."

"Yeah, something happened in the north. I heard that the Liaoxi Army ran back halfway, and there wasn't even anyone to counter the rebellion..."

"Then what should I do? Don't want Jiangnan?..."

The inn was originally a gathering place for the three religions and nine streams, but during the war, some news quickly attracted everyone's attention and they began to participate in the discussion.

Ning Qingye frowned, listened to a few words, and asked:

"Hey, there are more than a million rebels in Jiangnan? Was it Li Hansheng who brought them together?"

Xu Buling knew that Qingye hated Li Hansheng very much, and causing trouble in Jiangnan would deepen the hostility. He shook his head:

"There are not as many as one million people, but there must be more than ten or two hundred thousand. Everything is planned by King Wu behind the scenes, directed and acted by himself, and has little to do with Li Hansheng."

"Why do they do this?"


Xu Buling thought for a while, but before he could formulate a word, a few people chatting with him answered for him:

"Jiangnan is in chaos, and King Wu can't suppress it. I heard that he just announced that Jiangnan was impeached..."

Jiang Hu Ke said this, his voice lowered a bit, he looked around to make sure there was no official official, and then pointed in the direction of Chang'an with his hand:

" impeach the current emperor, what is said: 'Since he took the throne, he has carried out tyranny and torture, imposed heavy taxes and plundered the people's fat, and maintained a large number of troops. He failed to fulfill his responsibility to defend the land, resulting in the loss of the border and the rebellion in the south of the Yangtze River. He has violated the responsibilities of an emperor and is not worthy of being a king. '..."


As soon as these words came out, everyone in the inn shrank. Some stood up and left to avoid getting into trouble, while others cautiously came closer to ask whether it was true or false.

Xu Buling was slightly stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect King Wu to move so quickly.

Ning Qingye was confused when he heard it, but he felt the same thing about "extremely tyrannical torture".

After Song Ji came to power, he "Iron Eagle Hunted the Deer", killing rivers and lakes with blood. Countless Jianghu families had their families exterminated and their homes confiscated. It is not an exaggeration to describe them as "tyranny and torture". Anyone who is a Jianghu person will feel that these words are spoken to their heart.

Ning Qingye thought for a moment, and in order to prevent others from overhearing her chat, she stood up and sat in front of Xu Buling, leaned closer and asked softly:

"King Wu rebelled?"

Xu Buling drank wine with a calm expression and responded softly:

"It's not a rebellion, it's about 'deposing the emperor and establishing a new one.' Just like King Wu's defeat of Zhou, the emperor was unethical and brought harm to the people. Grand masters, vassals, and courtiers can unite to depose the monarch. There are many deposed emperors in history. , but most of them were caused by the emperor's inability to suppress the court, relatives, and various princes. There were only a few who were deposed because of their stupidity. "

Ning Qingye was slightly puzzled: "Can the emperor still be dismissed from office?"

"Of course. When he loses his prestige and the people under his command are disobedient, the emperor is just an ordinary person. But it is a bit difficult to depose Song Ji from the throne. King Wu announced to the world and established several charges against Song Ji,' Tyranny and torture, excessive taxes, loss of territory, and ignorance of disasters can indeed be the reasons for deposing the emperor. However, since Song Ji took the throne, he was diligent in government affairs and measured rewards and punishments, and his reputation among officials was extremely good. We have to attack Taiyuan, but the Guanzhong Army can fight back. As long as the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty do not agree, the emperor cannot be deposed."

"What should we do?"

"Now that the King of Wu has made it clear, he will definitely not fulfill his duties as a vassal king and listen to Song Ji's words. Under normal circumstances, Song Ji would definitely send troops to destroy the King of Wu, but now that something is happening in the north, it will be difficult to calm the King of Wu in time. If my guess is correct, the king of Wu will soon form an alliance with the kings of Wei and Yu, and will not send troops to help the north or pay annual tribute, forcing Song Ji to abdicate in favor of talents. If Song Ji does not retreat, he will find reasons to send troops to attack Guanzhong. Hmm... The meaning of King Chu is very important now. King Chu is sandwiched between the two sides and has strong soldiers and horses. If he stands on the side of Song and Ji, he will definitely send King Chu to defeat the three kings in the east. If he stands on the side of Jiangnan, the four The Lu vassal kings joined forces, and Song Ji was left alone and basically gone. "

Ning Qingye seemed to understand, but thought for a moment:

"Don't the emperor have many soldiers? Can't he defeat these princes?"

"You can beat me."

Xu Buling sighed: "But now that Northern Qi is aggressively invading the border, if Song Ji brings his army back to defeat the three kings in the east, it will be equivalent to giving up half of the country to Northern Qi. If he does this, it goes without saying that the three kings will join forces and all officials will be defeated." It can destroy Song Ji."

Ning Qingye understood clearly this time: "Brothers are jealous of each other. Now the enemy has invaded, and the emperor is busy guarding the border. King Wu is rebelling at this time, isn't he taking advantage of others' danger?"

Xu Buling spread his hands slightly: "This is how strategy works. In peacetime, the three eastern kings would not dare to come out and make noise. Even my father can only squat in Xiliang."

Ning Qingye thought about it carefully and then asked: "You have a grudge against the emperor. If you stand up at this time and join forces with those princes, will the emperor betray his relatives and disappear directly?"

Xu Buring chuckled: "Seven kings work together. In this case, Song Ji will definitely be gone. However, the three kings in the east rebelled. If they succeed, the Song family will become the emperor. If they turn around and attack me, it will be no good. Why should I stand up for them?”

"Then what should you do?"

"Looking at how King Chu expressed his position, King Chu must have wanted to be the emperor when he grabbed the jade seal on Bodhi Island. He will probably keep jumping around for a while. I am in the Western Regions and can't leave for the time being. I will go back to get married first and wait for them to stand. Let’s talk after the team is finished.”

Ning Qingye nodded slightly and did not talk too much about the areas he was not good at. He looked at a few people talking loudly and continued to listen to these people's nonsense.

Xu Buling listened for a while, but didn't hear any more valuable information. After the two of them finished eating, they stood up and said:

"Let's go upstairs and sleep."


Ning Qingye's expression froze, and gradually returned to his cold look...

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