The prince is very fierce

Chapter 22 When you stare into the abyss... (226/543)

"Damn it, why are there so many!"

When Chen Da turned around and saw this scene, his face turned pale.

If two hundred cavalry charges four hundred men, there is no chance of winning as long as they are brave enough; but if two hundred men attack three thousand cavalry, the opponent will still be the vanguard of Northern Qi, one of the most elite armies in the world, two hundred heavy cavalry equipped with armored equipment. Can't even beat them, let alone them.

Xu Buling's face darkened a bit. He could block a thousand with one. It was possible to kill a thousand, two or three in his heyday, but that was the maximum number of people he could kill before dying of exhaustion in a desperate situation. Facing three thousand people, even three thousand infantry can kill him, let alone three thousand cavalry.

"Run separately. They are coming for me. If you follow me, you will definitely die."

Xu Buling saw that Northern Qi sent 3,000 troops to encircle and suppress him, and knew that his identity had been discovered. He has a higher strategic value than Taiyuan City. If you can capture him, it is possible to exchange at least two Xiliang states and force King Su to surrender to Northern Qi.

Xu Buling definitely couldn't be caught. With two hundred cavalry, he couldn't get rid of the more powerful Qi army. At the moment, he could only let his troops disperse and break out. The Qi army's target was him, and it was impossible to divide the troops to chase the stragglers.

After Xu Buling gave the order, he raised his hand to lift Ning Qingye from the horse, held him in his arms, and accelerated the horse to rush forward.

Chen Da also knew the current situation. They were too weak and following Xu Buling would be a burden. He raised his hand hurriedly: "Disperse, break out individually and gather in Huozhou."


Two hundred Qingqi were ordered to stop, and they immediately left one by one and scattered into the side of the snow field.

Mrs. Kou Meng was still here with Xu Buling, and she immediately said: "Master Xu, be careful in everything. Kou will rush to Suzhou today. See you again tomorrow!" After saying that, he flew away.

Ning Qingye was suddenly lifted into Xu Buring's arms, and her expression changed slightly. However, facing the wave of pursuing soldiers, she didn't care about it. She turned over and sat behind Xu Buring, holding a sharp sword to avoid the arrows. The attack from behind allowed Xu Bu Ling to concentrate on his way.

The team dispersed, and soon only Xu Buling's horse was left, galloping on the snowy field. In order to prevent the Qi army from chasing Liujiabao, Xu Buling changed direction and rushed directly to the Luliang Mountain area.

Half a mile away from the rear, Zuo Zhan and the right prince's eldest son Jiang Kai were running side by side, leading three thousand cavalry to pursue them with all their strength. They ignored the soldiers who were fleeing to the side and clung to Xu Buling.

Jiang Kai was holding the dragon pattern, his eyes full of enthusiasm and joy, as if he saw a big fat sheep in front of him, and he even forgot the anger of his general who died in battle. He thought he could only catch a few small fish after clearing the countryside, but he never expected that he would hit a big dragon not long after entering the pass.

Just now he heard that the scouts had come to report that Zhang Han had been dismounted when he met him, and that his four hundred light cavalry had been defeated. He was still wondering whether the scouts had gotten the wrong news and ran into Dayue's heavy cavalry.

As a result, the scout described it as a general who was riding through the wind and snow, with amazing martial arts skills, killing people as easily as cutting grass. Zuo Zhan next to him immediately realized who he had met.

Zuo Zhan had been traveling around Northern Xinjiang in recent months. When he saw Chai Feng Ma on the boat in Fanyang County, he guessed that the handsome young man he met was Xu Buling. Various rumors later confirmed this.

Zhui Feng Taxue is one of the best horses in Mobei. There are only a few dozen horses in the world. Most of them are kept by the Emperor of Mobei. Even Zuo Zhan can only ride the national master Zuo Qingqiu's Zhui Feng horse. This shows how many horses there are. rare. The chasing wind and snow flowing into Dayue can be counted in less than one hand, and it is clear whose hand it is. He could run around on Chai Feng and Snow, and he could instantly kill Zhang Han in a single encounter in the battle formation. Even the martial King of Chu didn't have this ability, and Dayue only had Xu Bu Ling who could be so fierce.

When Jiang Kai heard that he had met King Su's son, it was self-evident how excited he felt. As long as Xu Buling was captured, Xiliang would basically be no longer a threat. In terms of the current situation, it would be easier than capturing Emperor Dayue. After all, if Emperor Dayue is captured, the Song family will have a lot of clan members who can depose the emperor and establish a new one, but King Su only has one son, so he has no choice but to replace him.


"Quick, no matter the cost, we must capture King Su's son! Anyone who can capture Xu Bu Ling alive will receive a reward of ten thousand taels!"

Jiang Kai raised his long spear and frantically urged the soldiers and horses behind him. It's just that Xu Buling rode so fast that he couldn't catch up no matter how many people there were. Only Jiang Kai and Zuo Zhan's horse could catch up with Xu Buling, and even got closer and closer, but Zuo Zhan had seen Xu Buling before. Ling's skill kept speaking to dissuade:

"His Royal Highness, Xu Buling's martial arts is no small matter. If my father is gone, I don't think anyone can win in a one-on-one fight. If we two catch up, we will die. We must not advance rashly."

Jiang Kai watched helplessly as a large piece of fat hung in front of him. He was not willing to let Xu Buling slip away. He quickly said: "As long as he can hold it for a moment, the cavalry will be able to surround him. He will not be able to escape with his wings." He yelled angrily at the front:

"I am Jiang Kai, the eldest son of the Right Prince of the Northern Qi Dynasty. No matter what, you have no way to escape. I can spare your life by stopping my horse now. Once I catch up, my swords and arrows will have no eyesight..."

This is to prepare for surrender.

Half a mile ahead, Xu Buling, who was speeding with his head down, straightened up suddenly when he heard these words and looked back, his eyes shining brightly.

The prince on your right?

The Jiang royal family?

Let me go...what a big piece of fat!

Ning Qingye hugged Xu Buling's waist and was stunned when she heard the sound:

"There is also a prince behind you, do you know him?"

"Of course we know each other. There are only two princes in Northern Qi, and they are worth more than me..."

Xu Buling was just thinking about evacuating quickly, but after realizing that the son of the right prince Jiang Heng was behind him, he suddenly couldn't run anymore.

The power of the left and right princes of Northern Qi is extremely great. The right prince is in charge of the entire eastern battlefield and has more soldiers and horses under his command than the prince of Su. Although the right prince has more than one son, the eldest son still has weight. Not to mention forcing Northern Qi to withdraw troops, it is not easy to exchange two cities!

Such a big piece of fat meat is chasing people to chew, if you don't eat it, it is really a waste of heaven. Xu Buling looked at the distance, then leaned forward a little, let Ning Qingye cover himself, and said:

"Don't move, I'll be back soon."

Ning Qingye was slightly stunned, and then his eyes were full of shock: "Are you crazy? There are so many pursuers behind..."

Xu Buling did not respond. When the flying horse crossed a ridge, he took advantage of the height difference to block his sight and slipped from the side of the horse and fell into the snow. He forced his hand into the ground to stop his body and hid under the ridge.

Ning Qingye looked anxious, but he didn't dare to look back. He just stood up straight, pretending to hold Xu Buling's waist, and continued to run forward.

Half a mile is a short distance. The wind-chasing horse can reach it in a few moments at full speed.

Jiang Kai and Zuo Zhan were not far from the cavalry behind them, and did not rush to chase Xu Buling's buttocks. But even if they chopped off their heads, they would not believe that Xu Buling, who was surrounded by three thousand cavalry, could catch the attention of hunters at this time.

Seeing the wind-chasing horse in front jump off the ridge and continue to run forward, the subtle abnormality did not attract the attention of the two.

Jiang Kai, wearing bright silver armor, galloped on his horse, and did not forget to scold anxiously:

"Xu Buling, you can't escape today..."

But at the moment when Jiang Kai jumped off the ridge and the horse's four hooves were in the air, Zuo Zhan's face suddenly changed, and the long sword on his waist was instantly unsheathed and slashed at Jiang Kai next to him.

Jiang Kai was startled, thinking that the son of Zuo Guoshi had betrayed him. Just as he was about to raise his hand to block, he found that the horse sank slightly, and then a boot kicked out from under the horse's belly, accompanied by a sentence:

"Ah, beat -- eh?"

This "eh" was obviously Xu Buling's slight confusion after discovering Zuo Zhan, whom he had met once before, but the confusion did not slow down the speed of the surprise attack.

The unprepared kick had already reached Zuo Zhan's abdomen at the moment when Zuo Zhan drew out his sword.

Before Zuo Zhan's sword could be thrust out, he was kicked into a shrimp with a bent waist, and soared up from the bottom to the sky, spitting out a mouthful of old blood in the air.

Jiang Kai's face turned pale in an instant. They were so close to each other that the long spear was useless. He quickly touched the sword on his waist.

Unfortunately, after the person under the horse kicked out, his figure had already come to the horse, and he slapped his palms on both sides of the helmet, flattening the helmet a little.

Jiang Kai didn't even utter a groan, and he lay straight on the horse's back, with his long spear falling to the ground.

The three thousand cavalrymen behind him watched the man in white suddenly appear, and then the son of the national teacher flew into the sky. The life and death of the right prince was unknown, and they all went crazy, whipping their horses frantically to chase, shouting angrily:

"How dare you!"

"Your Highness!"

Xu Buling heard the sound and turned back to wave:

"No need to be polite, goodbye!"

He then tied Jiang Kai with a rope, jumped onto Zuo Zhan's chasing horse, and pulled Jiang Kai away.

The carriages of the Northern Qi national teacher and the right prince, two chasing horses, can only catch up with the birds in the sky and the cheetahs on the ground, and the thousands of light cavalry behind them are obviously impossible.

After Zuo Zhan landed, he didn't care about the throbbing in his chest and abdomen. He got up and ran as fast as he could, angrily saying:

"Xu Buling! You are so bold, let go of His Highness the Crown Prince!"

The voice was full of anger, but it was hard to hide the fear. In order to boost morale, the Right Prince let his own son lead the charge, and repeatedly told him not to make any mistakes beforehand. He had just entered the pass, and the Right Prince's son was kidnapped in front of the army. Not to mention whether it would affect the overall situation, he couldn't imagine how he would report back.

Even if he ran desperately, he couldn't outrun the wind-chasing horses, and was soon overtaken by the cavalry behind.

The cavalry risked their lives to chase, but they couldn't outrun the three wind-chasing horses in front. The Crown Prince didn't dare to shoot arrows in front, and could only watch Xu Buling fly away...


Thanks to [Mu Jianli] for the reward of the leader!

Thanks to [Tingmian QAQ] for the reward of 30,000, becoming the 27th leader of this book!

Thank you for the 10,000-yuan reward from [爱双双爱生活]!

I’m really sorry, I finished writing at 5 a.m., but I couldn’t resist and fell asleep. I’ll probably update two chapters tonight, and I might be late. I’ll be back to normal tomorrow. I’m really sorry orz!

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