The prince is very fierce

Chapter 19: Hunter and Prey

Together with Kou Meng, they came to the barracks under the city wall and saw a mess. All the soldiers who had taken a break during the New Year ran back and were burning boiling oil and moving logs and rocks on the city wall in preparation for war.

Xu County in the Qing Dynasty has not experienced war in sixty years, and the city defense is not much different. Sharpening the gun and preparing for the battle at this time is like sharpening the knife to kill the chicken after the cow rushes. It can be said that it is meaningless.

Magistrate Liu of Xu County, Qing Dynasty, had just been drinking at his colleague's house. He didn't even wear official uniform. He ran to the city wall with his robe and his face turned pale, and kept asking:

"General Chen, what's going on? What happened in the north?..."

The chief military officer here is Chen Da, who is a soldier in the army. He is short and stocky and carries two sabers on his back. At this time, both sabers were unsheathed. Hearing this, he responded angrily: "Who am I asking?! Burning five cigarettes must be a breakthrough." Well...I knew something was going to happen! If I didn't leave a few days ago, I had to be transferred to Qingxu County and let a group of new recruits serve as scouts. Sure enough... run fast and wait for death... "

Chen Da used to lead troops in Ningwuguan. His family has been a soldier for generations. He is famous for his hot temper and fierce temper. He always offends people and is not popular with his superiors. He only has about 200 people under his command, and he is not even a general. Go on, just a soldier.

The two hundred or so people stationed in Qingxu County were all soldiers under Chen Da. The quality of individual soldiers was good, but a good woman could not make a meal without rice. When she saw the situation at the beacon tower, she knew that something was wrong. There was nothing that could be done about the small broken city in front of her. Shou, with a look of panic on his face.

Xu Buling ran into the barracks with Kou Meng. Before he could speak, Chen Da looked over and said angrily:

"Kou Meng! Where did you die!? Come on, come on, you are good at it. Pegasus went to Taiyuan to send a message for reinforcements. If you go late, we will all die here..."

Kou Meng was sweating profusely, and raised his hand from afar: "General Chen, this is..."

"I don't care who his mother is, if she continues to be punished by military law..."

Xu Buling didn't have time to introduce himself. He walked up to him and raised the gold medal in his hand:

"The Commander-in-Chief of the Xiliang Army has given an order. You must follow me out of the city immediately and go to Taiyuan City to assist in the defense."

Chen Da was holding his sword and urging his soldiers. He hadn't paid attention to Xu Buling just now. When he heard this, he was a little stunned and turned to look at the gold medal, a little confused.

The Commander-in-Chief is the highest military commander in the country. The Commander-in-Chief often referred to as Commander-in-Chief Wang Chenghai of the Western Liaoning Protectorate was in charge of the East Route Army, from Luliang Mountain to Youzhou; the Commander-in-Chief of the West Route Army was Guo Xianzhong, in charge of the area from Luliang Mountain to Chencang. This section, and beyond to Yumen Pass, is where the Xiliang Army is responsible. The commander of the Xiliang Army must be King Su, but "King Su" is a title rather than an official position. Strictly speaking, Xu You is indeed the governor. It’s just that no one called it that. Chen Da had no impression, and it was natural.

Liu Zhixian of Xu County in the Qing Dynasty was a civil servant and knew much about these things. When he saw King Su's gold medal, he quickly raised his hand and saluted: "I'm here to pay my respects to your lord. May I ask who your lord is?"

"Your Majesty Prince Su, stop talking nonsense and quickly gather your troops."

Chen Da's eyes lit up, and he finally understood who was in front of him - the grandson of General Xu Lie. If a soldier has never heard of him, then it would be a waste of time. Although Chen Da is from the East Route Army and is not under the military control of Xiliang, he is still Dayue's soldiers and horses. In wartime situations, whoever has the highest authority must listen to whom. If there is an order from a superior, they are not considered to have not received military orders. Retreating without authorization, it was as if he had seen a savior. He quickly turned around and shouted for troops to gather.

When Liu Zhixian saw that it was the Crown Prince of Su, he didn't look happy at all. He hurriedly said: "Little prince, why are you here? If you move the troops and horses away, what will happen to the county? There are thousands of households in the county..."

Xu Buling raised his hand: "Ningwuguan must have been broken. The Northern Qi army will arrive in an instant, and Qingxu County cannot hold it. You should go to the squire elders in the county now. Surrender directly as soon as the Northern Qi army arrives and say something. Good words like 'I've been thinking about Daqi for sixty years and I'm finally back'..."

Liu Zhixian was stunned for a moment, and then he became angry: "Little prince, how can this be done? There are senior officials and junior officials. If the court finds out..."

Xu Buling's face turned cold: "In urgent matters, you have to act in order to protect the people of the place. If the court fights back, I will prove your innocence. If you can't fight back, your official position in Northern Qi will not change, and you may be promoted. I'm afraid What? Do you have to be a target for Northern Qi to massacre the city? "

Liu Zhixian then thought about it and realized that it was the same. He quickly raised his hand and said, "Young prince, please don't fool me..."

Xu Buling didn't have time to talk nonsense with the county magistrate, so he asked him to contact the local elders quickly.

There were only four teams of 200 troops stationed in the county, and they quickly rushed over from the front and rear gates. Xu Buling glanced at it and felt a little more at ease. Dayue was short of horses, and the frontier army consisted of 50% infantry, 30% crossbowmen, and 20% cavalry. When he came, he was worried that there were 200 infantry left here. At this time, it seemed that the 200 people were rotated in from the elite troops. Yes, everyone is equipped with a war horse and a crossbow. Although the horse is not good, it is still faster than two legs.

After the soldiers and horses were assembled, Xu Buling led a group of light cavalry out of the city gate.

Five girls were already waiting outside the city gate. The old woman was sitting on a horse full of branches. Nightingale was riding a good and light horse. She was taking Song Yufu with her for a quick evacuation.

We have just learned the meaning of beacon tower from Nightingale. The faces of several girls are quite solemn, especially Song Yufu who comes from a scholarly family. She has never seen a few fights, but she has read about the wars in history books. He was miserable, his face was pale, he wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

Nightingale was used to seeing two armies fighting each other in Youzhou. She was the calmest at this moment. Like a normal person, she walked up and glanced at the two hundred Qingqi behind her:

"Sir, we can't wait for the wedding boat near Taiyuan for too long. If we can't get back in an hour, Miss Xiao will definitely weigh anchor and leave first. We have to hurry up."

Qingxi County is on the west side of Taiyuan, fifty miles away. The two places are parallel and equidistant from Ningwuguan. Xiao Qi's handling of affairs is never influenced by personal emotions, and she always chooses the smallest risk and the best solution. If Xu Buring had not rushed outside Taiyuan City before the arrival of the Northern Qi Pioneer Army, Xiao Qi would have definitely left first to avoid everything falling apart. into enemy hands.

Xu Bu Ling knew Xiao Qi's temperament, so without any hesitation, he took the lead and galloped towards Taiyuan...


Tap tap tap——

The sound of horse hooves was like beating drums, Ningwuguan was broken, and all the way to Taiyuan, there was no danger to defend.

The more than 10,000 elite cavalry who were the first to enter the pass rushed to everywhere around Taiyuan with lightning speed, exerting the surprise effect of blitzkrieg. Before Dayue could react, they pushed flatly and quickly gained a foothold in the pass; the hardest to bite. The most important city of Taiyuan was left to the hundreds of thousands of troops from the rear to storm.

The Northern Qi Dynasty was short of food, salt, and iron. The only advantage was that there were more horses than people, and they were all well-bred horses. Their mobility was several times higher than that of Dayue's army, which combined foot and cavalry. If the beacon message hadn't been sent too quickly, I'm afraid the countryside behind When the county was still unaware, the vanguard army had already reached the city wall.

Smoke and dust billowed in the snowy plains, and the mighty cavalry pierced the earth like a sharp knife. Behind them was a tsunami-like wave of soldiers. Occasionally they stopped for a moment near the fortress, and then they directly crushed them and put on the purple of Daqi. Bluebird flag.

At the forefront of the sharp knives, two 'chasing the wind and treading the snow' led the crowd. The silver-armored generals on the horses were facing no more than twenty-five or six, with long hair flying in the wind from under their helmets, holding the signature of the Jiang family of Da Qi. The weapon's dragon-marked sword still has wet blood stains on its edge.

On the battlefield, the young man in silver armor was not nervous at all, but showed some indescribable emotion. After all, he was Jiang Kai, the eldest son of Jiang Heng, the right prince of the Northern Qi Dynasty. He did not go deep into the enemy's country, but since he was so old, For the first time, I entered my own home and walked on my own land.

Next to the silver-armored young man, a man of similar age followed closely, with a sword hanging on his waist. He was not wearing armor and looked more like a wanderer. If Xu Buling were here, he would definitely recognize this young man as Zuo Zhan, the knight you met once in Youzhou in the twelfth month.

Zuo Zhan is the son of the national master Zuo Qingqiu, not his apprentice. His character can be seen from diving into the river to save people. He is very chivalrous and likes rivers and lakes and traveling around the world. He is not an official material.

This battle to restore the country was of great significance. Prince You and Imperial Advisor Zuo Qingqiu could not personally take part in the danger, so they asked their legitimate son to personally join the battle as the vanguard to boost morale.

Although he was on the battlefield and could encounter encounters at any time, Zuo Zhan did not get rid of his habit of chattering. While galloping on his horse, he did not forget to introduce to Jiang Kai next to him:

"Your Highness, I have traveled all over Taiyuan. There is a Caifeng Tower in Taiyuan City, and the fish girl inside is called Feng Jiao Shui Mei..."

Jiang Kai, the eldest son of the Right Prince of the Northern Qi Dynasty, had a smooth journey with almost no casualties and was in a good mood: "When the imperial army defeats Taiyuan, that girl Yu'er, I will reward you..."

"Hey! It's not sweet to be forced. Don't get married abruptly. We are not Mobei barbarians..."

"That's true..."

While he was talking, the scouts scouting the way from ahead rushed over and reported loudly:

"A group of light cavalry was found more than ten miles away on the right. There were more than 200 cavalry. The leader was a man who was not wearing armor. He was an excellent horseman. He took his wife and concubines with him. They were coming out of Qingxu County. I am afraid they were rushing back to Taiyuan. The son of an aristocratic family in the city.”

Jiang Heng led more than ten thousand fine cavalry as the vanguard in order to cut off the connection between Taiyuan and the surrounding areas. Because he entered the pass by surprise, there was no defense inside the pass. There must be many people still outside Taiyuan City. There are many powerful families and generals like the Taiyuan Wang family in Taiyuan City. Being able to capture several young masters and young ladies from aristocratic families will make it much easier to break into the city and persuade them to surrender. If the eldest son of the Taiyuan Wang family is captured, it will be equivalent to killing the eldest son of the Taiyuan Wang family in Huainan City. If Xiao Ting is captured, Taiyuan may be destroyed without attack.

However, with only two hundred men, Jiang Heng could not change the marching route. He just raised his hand and said: "Zhang Han, you bring four hundred Qingqi to capture the people alive. The rest of the troops will continue marching towards Jinzhong."


A general behind Jiang Heng immediately raised his hand and shouted, four hundred light cavalry broke away from the team and galloped towards the right side of the plain...

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