The prince is very fierce

Chapter 15 Homecoming

The north wind howls, sweeping across thousands of miles of snowfields and mountains.

In the endless wilderness outside the majestic pass, the snow has not melted with the arrival of the New Year.

On the ridge, a blind old wolf fell behind in the pack and staggered alone in the vast world, arriving at a place where there might be food in his memory.

The old wolf stopped at the top of the mountain and took a bird's-eye view of the ant-like soldiers in the distance. His scarlet eyes, filled with bloodshot eyes due to hunger, scanned the snow-covered land, revealing a bit of confusion.

The cold wind was mixed with the aroma of wine and meat coming from behind the city wall. The old wolf was salivating, but that was not what he came for, because the 'stone mountain' that appeared at an unknown time could not be crossed or even approached. One eye was blinded because the aroma of wine and meat brought him nearby.

The reason why the old wolf came here is because when he was a child, he followed a pack of wolves. Whenever the mountains were blocked by heavy snow and they couldn't find prey, the alpha wolf would take them here to have a look, saying that the ground here was full of meat, so they could eat it directly. There is no need to spend all your energy catching and killing the meat to eat. The fresh flesh and blood is everywhere, and a hundred wolves can't finish it in a year.

It's a pity that every time the wolves come here, all they see is the vast snowy field in front of them, and the eyes of the alpha wolf will show the same confusion as it does now.

The old wolf has always thought that this was a lie, and maybe the first wolf also thought so in his heart. After all, the first wolf also learned about this news from his father, and had never seen it with his own eyes.

However, after it becomes the alpha wolf, it will still bring the wolves here. Because there is no food at all in the snowfield, just like it is now, if you don’t believe it, you have to come and take a look.

Unfortunately, the scene I saw was still exactly the same as before, nothing.

The old wolf was so hungry that he couldn't stand upright with his hungry limbs. He lay down on the mountain ridge and stared at the white snowfield below. At the last moment of his life, the only thing he thought about was when did this news passed down from generation to generation begin? Was there really a wolf that had seen the fresh flesh and blood on the ground below...


"Master, if there is a wolf, will it bite us?"

"It's already dead and doesn't bite."

The sun shines on the desolate ridge, and as far as the eye can see, there is not even a tree, only the vast white snow.

The girl with braids was holding a wooden stick in her hand as a hiking pole, struggling to climb up in the wind and snow. His little face was flushed with cold, and he was wearing a red jacket he had just put on during the New Year, with a leather water bag hanging around his waist.

Perhaps because she rarely climbs mountains and is timid, the little girl looked a little clumsy and kept walking behind the adult. After seeing the old wolf lying on the ground and frozen into an ice sculpture, she hid on the other side of the adult.

The adult is dressed in a white fox fur and a felt hat. The long hair under the hat is spread on his back. He is very tall and has a rather elegant face. He is not much different from the Confucian students in the Central Plains. However, he has lived in the grassland since he was a child, which makes his temperament look much different. A bit indescribably heroic.

The adult stopped beside the old wolf and admired the never-before-visited beautiful scenery behind the pass. The fox fur on his body moves with the wind, and his body is as stable as a mountain, as if it is more solid than the mountains at his feet, enough to hold up the entire sky.

The girl with braided horns stood next to the man in the fox fur coat, still a little afraid of the old wolf next to her. When she saw the old wolf lying motionless in the snow, she poked it with a long wooden stick, then quickly hid back, raised her cheek and said curiously:

"The wolves I encountered on the grassland were all very fierce. They were in groups. Was this wolf abandoned by the family?"

The man in fox fur looked into the distance with an easy-going voice:

"Wolves are different from people and will not leave their families behind. When a pack of wolves is on the road, the old wolf always leads the way, followed closely by the strongest, and the young women and children walk in the middle, and then the strongest wolf guards In the back, the last one is the alpha wolf who keeps an eye on the entire team to prevent the playful little wolf from getting lost. This wolf is blind in one eye and may have gotten separated in the snow. "

The girl with the braid said "oh", thought for a moment, squatted down in front of the old wolf, tilted her head and looked carefully:

"Why did it come here?"

"All creatures in the world have spirituality. Fish migrate not because they miss home, but because it is easier to survive in the place where they were born. They remember that place and it is engraved in their bones and will never be forgotten from generation to generation. Wolves come here because they are Because there used to be food here, which could help them survive the harsh winter, so wolves would come here every year, and this has been passed down from generation to generation.”

The man in fox fur sat down on the snow in front of the old wolf, took out his water bag and took a sip, and said with a smile:

"It's the same for people. The farther you go and the more desolate the place you go, the more you miss the beauty of your hometown. There is no shortage of salt and iron, good mountains and good water, and you can grow food by throwing seeds. There is no shortage of food all year round. Being able to eat the fruit has been engraved in my bones where my ancestors have lived for thousands of years, and I even want to die there.”

The girl with the braid seemed to understand, and nodded: "Master, are you talking about Jiangnan? Where is it better than where we live? There is grass everywhere. I used to eat steamed buns and rice, but I still wanted to eat meat every day, but now I really do it every day. When I eat meat, I want steamed buns again, and so does my mother.”

The man in the fox fur chuckled and looked at the distant Xiongguan: "It's good to think about it, but I'm afraid that if you get used to it, you will forget the real good things."

The girl with braids sat cross-legged in front of her in a decent manner and watched for a while:

"Today is the first day of the first lunar month. There should be lion dances, magic tricks, candied haws, sugar figures, steamed cakes, dumplings..."

As he spoke, he swallowed and his face turned a little red.

The man in fox fur also swallowed his saliva and nodded: "Master is already greedy. Do you want to go over and have a look?"

The girl with pigtails bit her lower lip and nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, then she said with a sad face:

"The city gate is closed and I can't get in. I don't know when it will open."

The man in fox fur chuckled: "Master will open it for you."

As he said that, he raised his left sleeve, and a carrier pigeon flew out and flew to the north.

The girl with pigtails was a little puzzled, staring at the south eagerly for a long time:

"The door is not open, Master is lying."

The man in fox fur had a calm face and didn't say anything, just watching calmly.


After an unknown period of time, bursts of muffled thunder suddenly sounded in the clear sky in the north, as if a ferocious beast that had been exiled for thousands of years was roaring softly, and even the earth trembled.

"Master, why is it thundering..."

The girl with pigtails was a little confused, got up from the ground, ran to the other side of the high ground, and looked at the north from where she came.

At the end of the vast snowfield, black clouds rose out of thin air, reflecting a strange luster in the winter.

That is a knife, a war knife!

The blade is like an endless wave, spreading to the end of the sky. The iron hoof of the Mobei horse shattered the frozen earth.

The man with disheveled hair roared like a hungry wolf, staring at the peaceful and harmonious world in the south.

They grew up there for generations, but they were exiled for a decade. Since they were born, they have never been able to see the place their parents talked about.

The mountains and waters there were originally theirs. When they were driven out, they had their hair loose for a decade.

They have endured humiliation and endured hardships for sixty years. In the wild land that they despised for thousands of years, they have fought with wolves for food and lived with cattle and horses. They have had enough. Their descendants can no longer stay there and become barbarians who eat raw meat and drink blood step by step. Even if they die, they have to stay at home. People pay attention to returning to their roots. It is better to die on the land that should belong to them than to stay in Mobei as a stray dog.

They are all men of the Central Plains. Why should we cherish death!


"Enemy attack——"

War drums thundered, and at the Ningwu Pass, beacon fires suddenly rose...

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