The prince is very fierce

Chapter 8: The Whip Points Eastward to the End of the World (220/538)

The fenced courtyard was bathed in the morning light, with an old man, a young man and a snowman sitting in it.

After Cui Xiaowan listened to what Eunuch Jia said, she was silent for a moment, slightly unhappy, and leaned on the recliner:

"It's boring not to mention the emperor. Are there any poems in Chang'an City recently? You stay in the imperial study every day, so you should know a lot. Read it to me."

Eunuch Jia knew Cui Xiaowan's temperament, so he didn't continue to talk about the emotions he had been holding back for these years. He thought about it and said with a smile:

"There are a few songs, um... the wind abides in the dust and the fragrant flowers are gone..."

Cui Xiaowan sat up and smiled: "I've heard of this. It was written by Li Qingzhao."

Li Qingzhao...

Eunuch Jia was stunned for a moment, looking at the snowman next to him with dim eyes. After a long time, he nodded:

"It seems that it was really written by Li Qingzhao. That guy didn't lie..."

Cui Xiaowan looked at the neatly dressed snowman: "He did not lie to me. But he couldn't tell where Li Qingzhao was from. Su Shi, Tang Bohu, and Xin Qiji couldn't tell either. The explanation he found was particularly far-fetched. Do you know him?"

"I know you, a little kid from the northwest. He even calls you aunt..."

Cui Xiaowan was a little unhappy when she heard this: "I'm dead. I feel like he's older than me. How can I call him aunt? He calls me girl."

"He didn't say his name, and he didn't ask for yours?"

"I asked, but I didn't tell him."

Cui Xiaowan raised her hand and pointed to the kitchen window: "He is good at catching fish. He caught all those fish. I thought he was interesting and wanted him to stay for a few more days. But he knew it clearly and pretended not to understand, so he left anyway... It’s the same as everyone else outside…”

Eunuch Jia chuckled lightly: "Everyone can't help themselves. You are like this, and so is he. As an old slave, I have finished my life. I can go wherever I want to go, and stop whenever I want to."


Cui Xiaowan leaned on the recliner, swaying, and was silent for a while: "Will the emperor take me back to the palace?"

Eunuch Jia thought for a while: "No, as an emperor, you have always cut off the vassal. You are already dead. It will be difficult to explain why you were allowed to fake your death when you go back. According to the way of the Holy Emperor, the matter of reducing the vassal is over, regardless of success or failure. , you should really die to avoid being used as 'evidence' to expose the use of your biological brother. However, you are the legitimate daughter of the Cui family after all. The situation is unclear at this time, and the Holy Emperor can no longer have conflicts with the Cui family, so he has been delayed. There's something going on. The old slave came here just for this reason. He had to do something with Jia Yi and his son. "

Cui Xiaowan showed some dissatisfaction on her cheeks: "Then why didn't the emperor just kill me back then?"

"Well, it was Mr. Cui who came up with the method. Tiger poison cannot eat its seeds. How could Mr. Cui let you really die? Furthermore, you must leave a way out when doing things, just like finding the antidote to the locking dragon poison first to prevent things from getting out of control. If Song Yuzhen If you succeed in usurping the throne, you will definitely destroy the Cui family. Your survival is the Cui family's only life-saving talisman. But now, you are indeed useless. "

"You're not using me, what kind of daddy..."

Cui Xiaowan's eyes were a little sad, looking at the sapling forest where hundreds of peach trees were planted:

"When I was young, my father was very kind. He said that I could live in the peach blossom forest all my life, and I would never have to go out if I didn't want to. As a result, he brought in a painter who painted me very ugly, and then persuaded me to enter the palace... At that time, the young lady of the Tang family had been elected as the queen. I asked him what was going on, and my father was vague. I knew that my father had also changed and would definitely kill the young lady of the Tang family, so I asked Jia Yi to tell the young lady of the Tang family to run away. It turned out to be that way in the end... And that Song Yu said in his letter that the palace would not choose me to be the queen, and that the emperor and my father would listen to him. I was quite grateful to him, but in the end, none of what he said was true. He came here to apologize and said there was nothing he could do, so why are you boasting about being powerless? And that guy from a few days ago ran away even though he wanted to stay for a few more days..."

The voice is soft, and all the emotions are reflected on the surface, never hiding it, but there is no hatred or complaint, just simple likes or dislikes, just like saying that this tree has grown crooked and that tree has grown short.

The only person in the world who can communicate with Cui Xiaowan and understand her thoughts is probably Eunuch Jia.

Eunuch Jia is nearly eighty years old. He has seen the rise and fall of an empire, from emperors and generals to concubines in the harem, from the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty to ordinary people in the city. Basically, he has seen everything from life to death. He has seen through the world a long time ago. Bearish. Cui Xiaowan, on the other hand, has not been involved in the world since she was born. She has always looked at all living beings from an outsider's perspective. Although their experiences are completely different, they look at things from the same perspective.

Eunuch Jia held the water bowl and listened quietly. After dealing with princes and generals for a long time, he still found the children's words interesting. He didn't have to think hard about the meaning behind the twists and turns. He just took care of an old man like him who was about to die. .

An old man and a young man just sat in the courtyard and talked for a long time.

Cui Xiaowan was very talkative when she met someone she wanted to talk to. She talked about all the people she had met in the past, and finally stopped at the person she met a few days ago:

"That guy also said that there is a big flower sea at home, where he has planted hundreds of kinds of flowers. There are all kinds of flowers in the world. The scenery is different all year round. Now there are endless wintersweets, camellias, and clivias as far as the eye can see. I don’t think he is lying. Is there such a place in the world?”

Eunuch Jia nodded with a smile: "There is one. I have heard of it, but I have never been there."

Cui Xiaowan thought for a while: "Then where will I live in the future? Otherwise, the emperor will figure it out one day and send people to kill me. It will be useless for me to hide in the cellar."

When Eunuch Jia heard this, he hesitated a little: "That place is private, I'm afraid it won't be good for you to go..."

"That guy is pretty good. The sea of ​​flowers he grows must be in a mess. I can borrow a small place to stay and help him grow flowers. If he doesn't appreciate it, we'll just come back."


Eunuch Jia sighed and stood up on his knees:

"That place is a bit far, are you sure?"

"Just walk slowly and we'll be there. I'm fine and so are you, right?"

Eunuch Jia nodded, this is what people from outside the world are like.

Cui Xiaowan stood up, took the wooden bowl and chopsticks from the cupboard, and went to the house to get clothes and books. Then he closed the door, tied a small hemp rope around the black dog's neck, and led him out. He crossed the fence, took a few steps, and then turned back:

"Is there anything else?"

Eunuch Jia looked around twice with his hands behind his back, shook his head, chuckled, and muttered: "I originally wanted to be buried in this place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, but what a life of running around..." and followed slowly.

Cui Xiaowan carried the package on her back and led the little black dog, walking briskly on the forest path:

“The sun is setting in the daytime of the mighty Li Chou, and I sing my whip to the east and point to the end of the world.

Falling red is not a heartless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect flowers.

No matter where you go, it will turn into mud wherever you bury it, it's the same. "

"My old bones probably won't be able to support a few flowers..."

"Eat some fat."

"Woof - woof -"


The sound faded away.

The canyon hidden in the world was completely quiet, leaving only a snowman in a white robe sitting at the table, looking at the hundreds of peach blossoms outside the fence, until the spring breeze pulled out the first bud...

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