The prince is very fierce

Chapter 3 My sister is really worried

At the end of the twelfth lunar month and a few days before the new year, Sun Qian raised his arms and shouted in Wannian Township and lit a fire. Sun Qian was not the only one who started the fire in Jiangnan Road. At almost the same moment, people in dozens of towns and counties in Xiuzhou, Muzhou and other places incited the refugees to rise up.

These people did not rush into villages and towns and then disperse, but in a very short period of time, they gathered countless people with long-standing grievances and gathered in the countryside near Qingxi County. They called themselves "rebels" and distinguished their ranks with headscarves. Along the way, houses were burned down, children of gold and silk were robbed, and civilians with families were turned into refugees, forcing them to join the rebel army.

Under the leadership of the rebels, the refugees invaded counties and towns where all city gate guards had been evacuated. They went to the armory to pick up the ordnance that had been prepared, and to the granary to remove the overflowing grain. With food and clothing, they were hungry and cold. The people heard the news and responded, all gathered together, and expanded at an alarming rate.

The city of Hangzhou, which is more than two hundred miles away, seems to have not received news of the Muzhou Uprising. It is still busy raising money, food and annual tribute to send to Chang'an. It neither sends troops to suppress nor appease. In this state of neglect, the rebel army One can only imagine how far it can develop in a short period of time.

In the middle reaches of the Fen River, on the river near Taiyuan, the building boat docked briefly for supplies, and then quietly left under the cover of night.

The wedding room on the second floor of the building is filled with incense. A turtle-head copper stove is burning in the room. There are also happy words on the wall. Various gold utensils are also placed on the desk, covered with red cloth, and the decoration is very festive.

There was a dim light burning on the desk beside the window. Xiao Qi, wearing a black gauze nightgown, sat quietly at the desk, reading the letter that had just been delivered to the Xiao family's secret pile.

The letter was written by Xiao Ting, who has become the head of the Xiao family. Huainan is the gateway to Jiangnan. Although it is far away from Muzhou, the Xiao family has been rooted in Jiangnan for thousands of years, so it is impossible not to receive any news.

According to Xiao Ting's description, a group of organized bandits appeared in Muzhou, with more than a thousand people, burning, killing and looting everywhere. The government was slow to respond and failed to suppress it with all its strength. The uncles in the Xiao family felt something was fishy and asked Xiao Qi if What opinion.

Xiao Qi read the letter carefully, was silent for a moment, and then shook her head.

Based on the information she has now received, King Wu has obtained the jade seal, and the next step must be to threaten Song Ji's throne. But trying to mobilize hundreds of thousands of refugees and Dayue's regular army to fight head-on is tantamount to wishful thinking.

Since the King of Wu himself did not come forward, but let the gangsters lead the uprising, it shows that the King of Wu did not want to use force to fight the moth into the flame. According to her calculations, she probably wanted to sit back and watch the rebel army expand to a size that was difficult to end, and then use it to impeach Song Ji. The refugees were caused by excessive taxes and excessive taxes. Song Ji could not get rid of this blame.

However, the whole Jiangnan was in civil strife, and it was difficult to bring down the king of a country. Even if Song Ji couldn't end it, he could at most make his crime known, and then dispatch heavy troops from northern Xinjiang to go south to quell the rebellion.

Therefore, internal troubles are not enough; we also need external troubles.

Xiao Qi stood up, opened the window, looked north against the cold wind, and frowned.

Dayue's biggest foreign threat was the Northern Qi Dynasty. If the whole of Jiangnan was in civil strife and the Qi army in northern Xinjiang entered the pass, half of Dayue's country would be gone. Even Song Ji, a great leader in Wen Tao and Wu Lu, would not be able to withstand such a serious crime and would be punished on the spot. He became what many people call a coward and a tyrant.

The next thing is simple. It has happened in history. The princes from all walks of life contacted the princes and generals and worked together to depose the emperor and establish a new emperor. As long as more than half of the five major surnames and the seven vassal kings insist on deposing the emperor, Song Ji will not abdicate even if he does not abdicate. You will become a real loner.

This method will inevitably drag the entire world into the quagmire of war. If the northern border is lost, millions of people may be killed by the sword. It is obviously an unforgivable crime against nature and justice.

But Xiao Qi has no doubt whether the vassal king can do such a thing, he can definitely do it.

Those in power only consider their own interests, and the slightest kindness to women will cost the lives of the entire clan.

Take Xiao Qi herself as an example. She is now the daughter-in-law of the Xu family. Song Ji’s move to cut down the vassal clan was to drive out the Xu family. Even if there is no chance to take action in the current generation, it is very likely that her daughter-in-law will be killed in a few decades or a hundred years. The children and grandchildren are all dead. As long as this knife is raised, the two sides will fall into an infinite chain of suspicion that will never stop.

Xiao Qi knew very clearly that one day, only one of the Xu family and the Song family would survive. It was only a matter of time or night. If that day came, whoever was merciful would definitely deserve death. In order to keep the family alive, so what if the world is in chaos? Your Song family's world is gone, what does it have to do with me?

Although King Wu's surname is Song, since the enfeoffment of Jiangnan, he and the Chang'an City clan have become two families. They are not much different from King Su. It is not unusual at all to do this.

However, in the current situation, Xiao Qi does not need to consider which side she is on. Because even if Song Ji abdicates, the throne cannot fall on the lineage of King Su. No matter whether King Wu is the emperor, King Chu or King Wei, after he takes office, he will still think about how to reduce the Xu family's vassal. This is the Song family's The housework has nothing to do with the Xu family, so there is nothing wrong with watching them commit suicide.

Maybe we can wait until Chang'an City and the various vassal kings are both defeated, and then let the Xiliang army come out to harvest?

Xiao Qi frowned and thought for a moment, then shook her head. Chang'an City really couldn't withstand the pressure from various vassal kings and the Northern Qi Dynasty. It would definitely draw the Xiliang army to come out to suppress the rebellion. How could the Xu family sit in the rear and recharge their batteries? …


Thinking of this, Xiao Qi squinted her eyes slightly, a light flashed in her eyes, as if she thought of something very important...


Dong Dong——

After a long time, there was a knock on the door of the wedding room, and it was opened without being summoned.

Xiao Xiang'er, who was wearing a red nightgown, held a tray in her hand, lazily closed the door with her shoulders, and walked slowly towards the desk.

Xiao Qi was rubbing her painful forehead when she saw her sister come in, put away the papers on the table, and smiled a little:

"Xianger, why are you here? Are you so itchy that you can't sleep at night?"

As biological sisters, they have shared a bed together and served Xu Bu Ling, so they are no longer young girls. Naturally, these secrets of best friends are not too taboo.

It had been almost two months since she and Xu Buling had been separated. It was easy to imagine how Xiao Xiang'er, who had become accustomed to 'detoxifying' and 'paying off debts', came to be here. Staying alone in the empty boudoir was even more difficult than being in the palace, so she comforted herself with golden quail eggs. She felt something was wrong again, so she could only run to Xiao Qi's house in the middle of the night, talk nonsense, and let her sister, who had been serious and calm since childhood, supervise her not to make mistakes, lest Xu Buring came back and found that she couldn't help but use quail. eggs, thus making fun of her.

Xiao Qi has been sharp-minded since she was a child and can see her sister's thoughts, and she often makes fun of her.

Xiao Xiang'er had a cheerful temperament, so when faced with her sister's teasing, she didn't care at all and retorted:

"Yes, after all, Xu Buling and I have gotten used to it for more than a year. It's not like you. It's only been a few times and you haven't even tasted it. Of course you're not hungry."

At most, these dirty words made Lu Hongluan so embarrassed that she dared not meet anyone. Neither sister was a good person, so Xiao Qi didn't care and turned to look at the tray in Xiao Xiang'er's hand.

The tray contained razors, paintbrushes, paints and other objects with unknown functions.

Xiao Qi stood up, sat down next to the carved soft couch, picked up the teacup and took a sip:

"What weird stuff are you doing again?"

Xiao Xiang'er has been fond of strange and obscene skills since she was a child. She is very good at craftsmanship and has made a lot of messy things. Xiao Qi, as her sister, naturally knows this. However, these are all ordinary objects and there is nothing special about them.

Xiao Xiang'er's almond-shaped eyes were slightly smiling, she placed the tray on the small case, and then rubbed Xiao Qi's shoulders with her hands:

"Sister, I was reading some miscellaneous books a few days ago and saw some more elegant painting methods, which are to paint on beauties. I'm very interested. Please let me try it."

Xiao Qi was puzzled. She thought about it carefully and found that there were indeed allusions in some unofficial history books about the libertine using the body of a beautiful woman as his canvas. She frowned and said:

"What's the point of trying this? You're not a man. When people draw pictures on beauties, the pictures are not pictures."

Xiao Xiang'er raised her hand and pressed Xiao Qi's shoulder, pushing her softly: "Oh, it's okay on the boat anyway, just let me try, good sister~"

"Why don't you go find Hong Luan? She is also a beauty. Don't you have a good relationship with her?"

"That jealous person is so conservative, how could he possibly agree to me..."


Xiao Qi had no choice but to lie down on the couch and stretch out her arms:

"I really like you. Hurry up and paint. I still have to wash it. It's been a few days."

Xiao Xiang'er's pretty face was filled with a smile. She quickly moved her sister's legs up, let her lie flat on the couch, and then untied her nightgown.

Xiao Qi noticed something was wrong and raised her hand to hold her skirt: "What are you doing?"

Xiao Xiang'er's eyes were quite serious and she pulled her hand away: "I've already told you to draw on your body. Your arms are so thin, how can you draw bamboo?"


Xiao Qi pursed her lips and agreed. Anyway, she could wash it later. She didn't hesitate and lay down again.

However, after Xiao Xiang'er took off her nightgown and exposed her smooth skin, she didn't go for the paintbrush. Instead, she picked up the razor and put it under Xiao Qi's belly.


Seeing this, Xiao Qi turned up and held her sister's wrist, anxious and angry:

"Damn girl, are you out of your mind? What are you doing with the razor? Murdering your own sister is not okay?"

Xiao Xiang'er blinked her apricot eyes: "Aren't you painting? How can you paint with hair..."


Xiao Qi's face turned red, she closed her nightgown and was about to get up: "Go back to sleep, Xu Buling will be back in two days, let him see you messing around... Bah - you two don't have a good thing. ”

Seeing how fiercely her sister resisted, Xiao Xiang'er stopped insisting and said with a smile:

"Okay, okay, I'll throw away the razor and just draw, okay? Please, I'll give it a try..."

With a bit of embarrassment in her eyes, Xiao Qi snatched the razor and threw it into the box under the small case. She glared at Xiao Xiang'er for a few times before lying down again.

This time Xiao Xiang'er was finally honest. She took the paintbrush seriously and drew a pattern of a flying phoenix spreading its wings on Xiao Qi's body. She also wrote five small words "Qiqi is the best behaved". The position is self-explanatory.

After finishing the painting, Xiao Xiang'er's eyes showed a bit of cunning. He coughed slightly, put away the brush, nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, very beautiful." Then he picked up the tray and walked out.

Xiao Qi looked down and felt confused. She stood up, closed her dress, and walked to the next door bathing room:

"Aren't you going to rest here?"

"No, sister, please go to bed early."


Xiao Qi frowned slightly, feeling that something was wrong, but Xiang'er's temperament had always been like this, so she couldn't explain why.

After a while...

In the steamy bathroom, Xiao Qi's slightly shy and angry scolding came:

"Xianger! Come here, why can't you wash this thing off?"

"Oh, it will fade on its own in a few days."

"Xu Bu Ling will be back in a few days! You...why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Sister, you didn't even ask, what should I do? I'm really worried about my sister~..."


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