The prince is very fierce

Chapter 83: There is always a time for separation

The morning light first appeared, and the sun filled the empty and lonely canyon.

In the small courtyard within the fence, the little village girl slept not long before she opened the door and washed alone. Then, as usual, she carried a hoe and led the little black dog to the outermost side of hundreds of saplings and began to dig holes. .



The hoe was waved gently, and the little village girl was still recalling the pile of poems she had never seen before that she heard last night. After just digging a few times, she felt something was wrong in the corner of her eyes, which disturbed her thoughts and made her unable to concentrate.

Turning his head to look, he saw that the snowman used to cover the straight knife yesterday had a few more pebbles on his face, with eyes, nose, and smiling lips, and a scarf made of hay.


The little village girl frowned slightly and looked at it carefully. She felt that the snowman matched well and didn't look awkward, so she looked outside again.

Yesterday I asked Xu Buling to insert the knife farther away. It seems that Xu Buling obeyed. He pulled out the knife from the snowman's back and inserted it on the outside of the sapling, right in the middle of the road, just like hundreds of neatly arranged saplings. One of the trees grew outside, even more unexpected than yesterday.

"This guy..."

The little village girl's eyes were a little annoyed. It didn't matter if her back was turned at first, but now that she saw it, she couldn't bear it anymore. She leaned her hoe against the peach tree, trotted forward again, and started building a snowman.

After working for more than half an hour, the big snowman was finally piled up, and he did not forget to decorate it with the same nose and eyes according to the shape of the old snowman.

But after the work was done, the little village girl ran back to the hoe and took a few glances, and then she felt something was wrong. The two sides of the peach forest were symmetrical, with a snowman on the left and a snowman in front. There was nothing on the right side, which made it feel a bit empty.

Is it possible to pile up another one...

The little village girl thought about it and decided that if she built a snowman again, she would have no time to work today, so she might as well do something else.

Thinking of this, she put the hoe back in the yard, then picked up the change of clothes, put them in the wooden basin, and walked to the river with the puppy...

Following Xu Bu Ling's footprints, we walked through the snowy forest path, came to the river and looked downstream. After walking for half a mile, we found Xu Bu Ling bending down to fish near a large pool. make.

Xu Buling concentrated on searching for the fish hidden under the stone. When he heard the sound by the river, he turned around and looked slightly surprised:

"Girl, why are you here?"

The little village girl placed the wooden basin by the river, found a stone to sit on, and whispered:

"You are not allowed to stick your knife outside tomorrow. Keep it with you, otherwise I will look awkward. I built a snowman to block it. Didn't you notice?"?

Xu Buling was slightly stunned. He really didn't expect that the exquisite snowman was just to block the eyesore. But considering that this girl has both obsessive-compulsive disorder and mysophobia, it makes sense that she would do such a thing.

Xu Buring smiled softly and raised his hand to point to the seven or eight fish that had been slapped to death by the river:

"I'll catch enough fish today, so I don't have to disturb the girl tomorrow."

The little village girl stopped washing clothes and thought for a moment: "That's right... you haven't finished the poem last night, what should I do?"

"I don't know much, so I'll just tell you now... Where did you talk about it this morning?"

"Su Shi's Xijiang Moon."


Xu Buring stood in the river, groping for the fish under the stone with his sword, and carefully memorized the poems and songs he knew.

The little village girl was sitting by the river washing clothes, her hands were red from the cold, but she didn't care much and still asked for the truth.

There were only a few fish under one pool, and they were all fished out quickly, and the distance became farther and farther away.

The little village girl didn't have many clothes. After washing them, she ran back with the wooden basin in her arms. Not long after, he changed into a skirt and ran over again.

The underskirt is obviously not worn much, and it is still brand new. The whole person looks younger, just like a young lady waiting for marriage.

The original dark blue dress was put into the basin and continued to be washed.

Xu Buling had good eyesight and could tell that the fabric of this underskirt was valuable. He was a little curious about the identity of the little village girl and asked again:

"Girl, what's your name?"

The little village girl was sitting by the river washing clothes. She shook her head and said, "I won't ask you, and you don't ask me either. If you talk about other things, I won't listen."

Xu Buling sighed, stopped prying into other people's privacy, and continued to talk about poetry.

It doesn't take long to wash a few pieces of clothes, no matter how careful they are. At noon, the little village girl went back with the wooden basin in her arms and never came back.

Xu Buling knew that Chu Chu and Nightingale were waiting outside, so he couldn't stay here for too long and seize the time to catch fish. I worked from morning to evening until I touched down the entire river in the canyon, chopped down a few trees in the wild forest and chopped them into firewood, and then I returned to the peach blossom forest with a good harvest.

Different from yesterday, the little village girl did not sit in the house and weave, but stood inside the fence and looked up. When he saw Xu Buling coming back, he turned around and ran into the main room, took out the table with great difficulty, and brought out two stools.

Falling under the afterglow, dozens of steps away, you can smell the aroma of food wafting from the kitchen.

Xu Buring was slightly surprised. He pulled out the straight knife stuck next to the snowman, walked to the fence and took a look, but saw that the only four fish left by the kitchen window were gone. The little village girl stood in front of the stove and took off the lid of the pot. The steaming mist covered her upper body, and there was a large pot of fish soup inside.


Xu Buling put a bundle of firewood behind the earthen stove and looked at it:

"Why did you stew all four fishes?"

The little village girl stood opposite the earthen stove filled with mist. The mist obscured her expression. Her voice was as light as ever:

"You can't work without eating. If there are not enough fish, just go catch some more tomorrow."


Xu Buling shook his head and picked up a bunch of fish:

"Not really. I caught 25 today, enough for you to eat for more than ten days. It's okay to have a little more today."

After saying this, the little village girl was silent for a while. After a while, she said "oh" softly, scooped up the fish soup into a small bowl, and brought it to the table.

Xu Buling was really hungry after a busy day. Since there was enough food, he didn't hesitate and sat opposite the little village girl to eat heartily.

The two sat opposite each other in the farmyard. The black dog was lying under the table picking up fish bones. When eating, the little village girl didn't say anything.

Xu Buling felt strange in his heart, but he didn't know how to describe the current environment. During the meal, he tilted his head to look at the peach forest outside and asked with a smile:

"How many peach trees are you going to plant?"

The little village girl chewed slowly, as if she was worried. Her answer was not as clear as yesterday. She thought for a while before speaking:

"Plant it all, plant all the vacant land."

"What will happen after it's full?"

"Change to another place and continue planting. There are hundreds of miles around here, and you can't finish planting in your lifetime."


Xu Buling shook his head and smiled.

The little village girl saw his smile and raised her eyes: "Do you think I'm stupid?"

Xu Buling's smile froze, and he shook his head quickly: "No, well... afforestation is a good thing. It's normal for ordinary people to think it's meaningless because they can't understand it."

The little village girl was satisfied and whispered: "People outside are not as good as trees. You won't understand even if I tell you, so I won't tell you."

Xu Buling nodded and said nothing more.

A big pot of fish soup was eaten by Xu Buling until there was no drop left.

The work was done, so it was time to leave.

The red sun hung on the top of the mountain, and the setting sun sprinkled on hundreds of neatly arranged saplings, casting long shadows in the snow.

Xu Buling hung his sword and straight knife on his waist, stood inside the fence, looked at the mountain in the distance, and hesitated.

The little village girl washed the pots and bowls carefully, put them neatly in the cupboard, walked out of the small door of the kitchen, saw Xu Buling's back, paused, and said softly:

"It's getting dark, and it's dozens of miles away. It's not easy to walk at night."

Xu Buling held the hilt of the sword, stood at the edge of the fence, and turned around:

"There are still people waiting outside, we can't delay too long, I really disturbed the girl."

The little village girl stood at the door, with a little disappointment on her gentle face, without any cover, or she didn't know how to cover it at all. She nodded gently:

"Then go slowly. Don't come back after you go out, and don't tell outsiders."

"Of course."

Xu Buling smiled, stepped out of the fence, and walked out towards the sunset. When he passed the big snowman piled in the snow, he looked back.

The little village girl was still standing at the kitchen door, and the black dog squatted obediently beside the hem of her skirt, as if still in the dim sunset.

Seeing him turn his head, the little village girl raised her hand and waved, as if saying goodbye.

Xu Buling stood there, tapping the hilt of the sword with his fingers. After pondering for a long time, he still said:

"Girl, I really know a sea of ​​flowers, which is more beautiful than here, and there are no outsiders to disturb you. Do you want to live somewhere else? If you want, I can take you out."

The little village girl frowned slightly, looked at the peach blossom forest that had been planted for many years, and shook her head: "I won't go out." After that, she went back to the side room with her skirt lifted, closed the door, and inserted the bolt.

After a long silence, Xu Buling turned and walked out of the peach forest, looking back from time to time.

There was no movement in the farmyard and three small houses until the view was blocked by the trees.

Xu Buling sighed softly, feeling empty in his heart, but he could do nothing about it.

When you are in the rivers and lakes, you may not be able to do what you want. Many times you have no choice, just to survive.

When you are in the rivers and lakes, you may be free and unrestrained, wandering around the world and taking things as they come, walking when you want to walk and stopping when you want to stop.

But some people are not born into the rivers and lakes, and are destined to have nothing to do with either.

Xu Buling is good at everything, but the only mistake is that he was born in an emperor's family. "Being a knight all his life" is just a dream, and the whole world is actually in front of him, so he can walk when he wants to walk, but he can't stop when he wants to stop.

Emperors, dukes, generals, noble families, and millions of soldiers in the world all have a thousand connections with him. Since he was born, it is impossible for him to jump out of this big frame, and he doesn't even have time to stay here for a few more days.

Falling into the afterglow, Xu Buling walked slowly with his sword, getting closer and closer to the edge of the canyon, farther and farther away from the small peach forest, and the surroundings returned to being deserted.

More than 20 fish, are they enough to eat...

Such a girl, living alone in the deep mountains and old forests, what should she do if she gets sick...

Maybe she has a psychological disorder, um... autism, if she is sick, she must be treated, she can't just leave it here and ignore it...

The more he thought about it, the more confused he became. Xu Buling's brows gradually frowned, and he walked to the edge of the canyon, facing the steep stone wall, and stopped.

After hesitating for a long time, Xu Buling turned around and walked back to the depths of the peach forest.

Everything he did was worthy of his conscience, and everyone he met was worthy of his feelings.

I happened to meet such a lonely girl. I can't just leave like this. She may have a mental illness, but I don't. I took her out to let Jiujiu see her. It's always for her good...

With this idea in mind, Xu Buling quickly passed through the peach forest and approached the small farmhouse full of peach branches.

But halfway through, Xu Buling's ears moved slightly, and suddenly he heard someone walking in the forest.

Xu Buling heard that it was not the footsteps of the little village girl. He was alert and sneaked silently to the source of the sound with the handle of the knife.

Through the dense weeds and trees, a man in martial arts uniform was seen walking slowly in the peach forest. He had a sword hanging from his waist and a basket on his back. He looked like a guard of a certain family. The basket was filled with daily utensils such as needles and thread, grain and oil.

Xu Buling frowned slightly and followed the guard silently to the edge of the peach forest full of saplings. The guard poked his head out and took a closer look.

In the farmhouse, the door of the main house was open. The little village girl was sitting at the loom, weaving seriously. The little black dog seemed to notice the guard coming over and tugged at the little village girl's skirt.

The little village girl hurriedly stopped and ran to the door.

But after seeing the guard, the little village girl looked a little unhappy and turned around to continue fiddling with the loom.

After the guard saw the people, he gently put down the basket and quietly retreated from the peach forest.

Xu Buling saw this scene and guessed that it might be the little village girl's family who knew about the fighting and fighting outside and sent someone to see if the little village girl was affected.

Since there were family members paying attention, and judging from the situation, they were of high status and took it seriously, Xu Buling naturally didn't want to meddle in other people's business.

Xu Buling stood in the depths of the dense forest, watching the little village girl weaving in the house. After the guards walked away, the little village girl stood up and walked out, picked up the basket on the ground, and when she passed the new snowman outside the peach forest, she bumped it with her shoulder and knocked the snowman's head off.


Xu Buling spread his hands slightly, with a bit of helplessness in his eyes. After watching the little village girl disappear into the house, he turned and walked to the outside of the peach forest, never looking back. ——

The setting sun sank into the mountains, and the full moon hung on the branches again.

Inside the fence wall, the table and two stools were still placed in the yard, without any sound, dead silent, as if it would not change for hundreds of years.

In the bedroom of the side house, the little village girl put the basket on the desk, took out the paper from it, and copied all the poems she heard today on it with a pen, then lay on the spotless embroidered bed, staring at the top of the curtain in a daze.

I stayed up late last night and slept for a while during the day, which disrupted my unchanging work and rest schedule for several years. I should have gone to bed, but I couldn't sleep at this time.

The little village girl lay for a long time, then suddenly sat up, opened the door, and looked at the pile of firewood neatly stacked behind the stove in the small kitchen opposite. The stranger had disappeared long ago.


The little village girl stood at the door and thought for a moment, then turned around and took out the oil lamp and placed it on the table in the courtyard. Then she ran to the peach forest outside, brought back handfuls of snow, piled them on the stool beside the table, worked hard for half the night, and made a snowman on the stool.

After that, the little village girl placed the unwanted wooden bowls and chopsticks in front of the snowman, then ran back to the house, took out the woven cloth, and cut it by the light.

As for why she did all this, she never thought about it, nor did she care, because she did it when she wanted to.

Just like the peach tree outside, the flowers bloom when they should bloom, and the flowers fall when they should fall, without so many twists and turns, and the twists and turns of people's hearts.

On a winter night, a light was as small as a bean, and the sky gradually fell again. The woman was carefully sewing in front of the bed.

In the canyon where time seems to not pass, the snowman sits quietly at the table.

Although he can't recite poetry or catch fish, at least the snowman has no worldly concerns and won't run away. As long as you want him to stay here, he can stay here forever... ——

Volume 7: The Dragon Breaks the Sea (End)

Volume 8: The City of War, please look forward to it... ——

Thank you [小娜咒丶] for the 24,000 reward!

Thank you [Tingmian QAQ] for the 10,000 reward!

It may be more complicated to write the detailed outline later, so the update may be slower today and tomorrow.

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