The prince is very fierce

Chapter 69: Relentless pursuit

In the snow-covered fields, the wolf guards and officers and soldiers advanced half a mile away from the town and stopped advancing. They separated to the left and right, setting up their horses to block the intersection, and their crossbows were cocked and ready to go.

Song Ying was dressed in black wolf guard clothes, holding a wild goose feather knife in her hand, looking at the dimly lit town in the distance, and asked her subordinates:

"Are you sure you're in town?"

The men next to him were also dressed in black, but there was a black hawk on their arm. They were the wolf guards of the arresting room who had just arrived from the field on Pegasus.

The arrest room specializes in major and important cases, which is the department where Zhu Manzhi worked at that time. It specializes in raising falcons and hounds, which are used to search for masters who have disappeared without a trace in the world. The source of the 'Iron Eagle Hunting Deer' back then. It is also related to this group of spies who are good at hunting and hunting, and they are secretly called "dog noses" in the world.

The wolf guard held the black eagle in his hand and pointed to the depths of the town: "There is only one wind-chasing horse in Youzhou. The three eagles have just swept across a hundred miles of Youzhou and only discovered the situation in this direction. If Prince Su If he is running away on horseback, he must be here. "

Song Ying nodded and told the people around him: "Forbidden to make noise and fire, and quickly surround the surrounding area. If someone rushes into the card and shoots an arrow to send a signal without asking his identity. Situ Gong, you follow me into the town to declare the decree. If you dare not let me, I will If you resist the order, you can be punished on the spot according to the law... Of course, don't kill him, just knock him down and capture him. "

Situ Yuejin carried the nine-ring sword on his back, his strong body standing in the wind and snow, and sighed:

"Now that I'm here, I can naturally let Mr. Song arrange it, but I only want to beat people. King Su will investigate afterward..."

"Don't worry, Lord Situ. If King Su has any complaints, your Majesty will bear them. This matter is of great importance. As long as Xu Buling is not beaten to death, there is nothing else to worry about."

Song Ying waved her hand, telling the officers, soldiers and wolf guards to disperse quickly, and then she and Situ Yuejin sneaked into the town silently.

But before the two of them left the sight of the wolf guard, there was the sharp sound of arrows from the east, and a man's loud scolding:

"That blind man dares to surround me. I am Prince Su. Do you want to rebel?"

The voice was extremely angry, as if he was an innocent prince who spent the night in the town. When he woke up, he found that he was surrounded by people who didn't know the details and fled in a hurry.

Song Ying stopped hastily and her face changed suddenly: "No, Xu Bu Ling wants to run away, stop him quickly!"

Hundreds of wolf guards and officers and soldiers lurking in the snow took action without being asked, carrying their swords and rushing toward the east for reinforcements. In an instant, the swords were as bright as snow in the wilderness, and the horses' hooves were running like thunder.

"Fuck you, why are there so many people? Get out quickly, get out quickly..."

Xu Buling's "shocked" voice came again, and then there were the sounds of fierce horses neighing and galloping away into the distance, as well as the sounds of swords and soldiers clashing and officers and soldiers shouting.

Situ Yuejin felt something was wrong and said while running: "Master Song, it sounds like Prince Su was scared away by you."

Song Ying didn't know the specific situation of Bodhi Island, but she knew that Xu Buling must be acting, so that the court would not investigate later and find it difficult to explain why he saw the officers and soldiers fleeing.

Xu Buling ran away no matter what the reason was. As long as he ran away, there must be something wrong in his heart. So what if he didn't catch Xu Buling's tail? As long as the imperial edict was read out in front of Xu Buling, and Xu Buling dared not to accept the edict, no matter how innocent he acted, it would be in vain.

Song Ying got on his horse and chased toward the east. When he was more than a mile away, he shouted loudly:

"I am Song Ying of the Investigation Department. The Crown Prince of Prince Su quickly dismounted and accepted the order. If he dares to resist the order, he will be punished as a serious crime of treason according to Dayue Law..."

Song Ying's voice was so loud that it almost shook the snow off the tree branches. Several war horses nearby were frightened. I'm afraid even those standing on the other side of the town could hear it clearly.

But at this time, even if Xu Buling could hear, he would pretend not to hear. How could he stop and accept the order honestly.

In the east of the town, Xu Buling took the lead with a long spear in his hand. He rode alone into the formation as if he were in an uninhabited country. More than a hundred officers and soldiers had not completely blocked the road, so they could only hold spears or ride horses to block the way.

Xu Buling had little experience in dueling with the Grandmaster, but he had learned battle battles from elementary school to high school. He was abandoned at the border when he was less than ten years old. He hung out with the Xiliang cavalry all day long and had small-scale battles with the Northern Qi cavalry. More than a hundred times; in terms of battlefield fighting, he is far more experienced than this group of temporarily transferred soldiers. It seems that the nickname of 'Little King of Hell' was not given by himself.

The wind and snow rolled across the wilderness, and Xu Buling had a long spear in his hand like a dragon exploring the sea. He easily dismounted the cavalry who rushed to block him, and swept away the gun formation in front of him. Without any slowdown in the speed of his horse, he jumped directly from more than two hundred officers and soldiers. He rushed over; his terrifying momentum made the officers and soldiers dare not stand directly in front to block him.

Nightingale mounted her horse and followed Xu Buling's pace. She also did not hold the reins. She held a long sword in each hand, and Kai Wushuang chopped down the soldiers on the left and right, and swept away the flying arrows.

Zhongli Chuchu held Nightingale's waist with one hand, and the confused thoughts just now were temporarily suppressed by the chaotic scene. He looked around with concentration, holding a poisonous needle to check for leaks and fill in the gaps to help; they were just a group of ordinary officers and soldiers, and they could not do it alone. It can prevent death. Before she could see the situation clearly, the two horses had already passed the level.

Xu Buling heard Song Ying's shout, and naturally turned a deaf ear to it. He slowed down his horse and got behind Nightingale to prevent the stray arrow from accidentally injuring Chu Chu or the wolf guard expert from attacking. During the run, a horse's belly came to hide, and the roadside was blocked. The crossbowmen were ordered to catch them, snatch the iron bow and arrow kettle from the panicked and shouting crossbowmen, and hang them on the weapon hooks.

"Stop him!"

"Fire the arrow!"

There was constant noise behind them, and a mess of infantry chased them for a few steps and then stopped, leaving only a dozen or so light cavalrymen chasing wildly.

It's just that the horses of the Youzhou frontier army came from Liaodong, and the light cavalry was still wearing iron armor, no matter how light it was. Xu Buling and Nightingale were riding in the wind, riding on the snow, and were traveling lightly. The speed difference was too big, but they were able to leave the frontier troops a stone's throw away in just one mile.

Song Ying and Situ Yuejin are both top heroes who have traveled around the world for many years. Their weapons are used to kill people, and their mounts are used to protect their lives. The mounts and weapons are equally important, and their horses are naturally good; although they are not as good as the one in a thousand. It's hard to match the horse chasing the wind, but Xu Buling can't leave the nightingale behind and run away, so he only needs to catch up with the horse riding the snow.

Song Ying held the long sword in his hand and galloped to catch up. When the small town behind him disappeared, only Situ Yuejin was left beside him.

Situ Yuejin has been famous in the world for decades. He is experienced in both escaping and chasing. After glancing at the dust in the distance, he said:

"You can catch up in about three miles. Be careful of the rabbit kicking the eagle."

The rabbit kicks the eagle is the moment when the falcon pounces on the rabbit and lands on the ground. The rabbit turns over and kicks with its powerful hind legs, which symbolizes a desperate counterattack.

Song Ying has been chasing the wanted criminals of Jiazi in the rivers and lakes all year round. Naturally, he does not need to be reminded about this. He stares at the two horses in the distance with all his attention. He whips the whip in his hand a few times and speeds up the horse again.

Tap tap tap

The crisp sound of horse hooves echoed through the snowy night.

Zhongli Chuchu was sitting behind Nightingale. There were no officers, soldiers or arrows around, so he had time to look back. However, he saw two horses in the distance that he couldn't get rid of, and they were getting closer and closer. He couldn't help but said nervously:

"Mr. Xu, what should I do?"

Xu Buling knew that Song Ying and Situ Yuejin were behind him. If they were caught up, he and Nightingale obviously had little chance of winning. He immediately hung his long spear on the side of the horse and opened his arms:

"Jump over here. My horse is better. Let's lighten Nightingale's load."

Zhongli Chuchu is very tall. She has breasts and legs and her weight cannot be too light. She weighs about a hundred pounds no matter what. Nightingale, on the other hand, is slender, probably weighing less than eighty pounds. Riding a horse alone is not much different from running without any weight, and the speed will naturally be faster.

Zhongli Chuchu didn't hesitate, quickly turned around on his horse, and with one leap, he landed on Xu Buling's horse, hitting him full in the chest.

Xu Buling hugged Zhongli Chuchu, and the two sat face to face on the horse. He did not bother to ask Chuchu to turn around, but warned: "Watch the back, I will find an opportunity to get rid of them." Nuancai Literature Network

The posture of the two of them is very strange, just like those sitting on lotuses.

Zhongli Chuchu put his chin on Xu Buling's shoulder and stared at the blurry snowy night behind him. The horse was jolting, and he was hugged by the waist so tightly that even the skirt of his clothes was piled up and turned into two flat balls.

The situation was critical. Zhongli Chuchu was attracted by the current situation. He even put aside the matter of catching someone in bed and didn't pay attention to these physical contacts at all.

But there is nothing to see if you chase me. Qiong's nose is close to Xu Buling's long hair, and the faint fragrance spreads from Xu Buling's neck and hair to the tip of Zhongli's beautiful nose.

The fragrance is very special and unique in the world.

Zhongli Jiujiu researches everything by himself, and the powder he uses is the same. Zhongli Chuchu has been smelling it since he was a child, and he couldn't be more familiar with it.

Zhongli Chuchu's eyes were slightly dazed for a moment, and he was temporarily absent-minded under the impact of the fragrance.

Is this what he and Master were like just now...

How could this be possible...

Zhongli Chuchu's body suddenly stiffened, and then moved back, wanting to be farther away from Xu Buling.

Xu Buling didn't know why, and was afraid that Zhongli Chuchu would fall, so he hugged Chuchu's waist like a water snake with all his strength, and warned: "Chuchu, don't move, we are running away..."

Zhongli Chuchu's struggling movements froze, and he was brought back to reality. He gritted his teeth and leaned on Xu Buling's shoulder again. I wanted to clear away the messy thoughts in my mind, but messy pictures appeared in my mind involuntarily.

Just like I am holding him now, Master is sitting in Xu Buling's arms, the two of them...

Maybe Bu Ling also thinks it smells good...

Master's smiling face and Xu Buling's face were intertwined, as if they could hear each other's laughter and gasps...

Indescribable emotions hit my mind, but I couldn't avoid it. I could only smell the unfamiliar fragrance and helplessly endure this psychological devastation.

Zhongli Chuchu couldn't restrain himself anymore and didn't move. She lay on Xu Buling's shoulder. Tears filled her eyes and rolled down silently.

Xu Buling couldn't see Chu Chu's face, nor did he notice that Chu Chu was crying again. He hugged Chu Chu and asked her to sit firmly. He glanced at Nohara in front of him, found a mound, and said:

"Nightingale, left."

The nightingale who was walking in front quickly turned around and rushed into the fields without asking. He quickly ran across the snowfield and jumped over the mound.

Xu Buling followed closely behind, and after crossing the mound, he took off his iron bow, said: "Chu Chu, sit tight," then turned around and opened the bow, aiming at the mound behind.

The three-stone iron bow was so powerful that it could hit the stones without clusters. Ordinary archers could not pull it open at all. Only the elite crossbowmen of the frontier army could use this thing. It was for this reason that Xu Bu Ling snatched the bow.

However, the three-stone bow was still too light for Xu Bu Ling's strength. He bent the bow like a full moon without making any forceful movements, and the iron tire bow collapsed to the limit.

Whether you are a soldier or a child of an aristocratic family, 'riding and archery' is a compulsory course. In the army, it is even more important than personal martial arts. Xu Buling's archery skills have naturally been practiced since he was a child. It has been shown once that it basically shoots wherever it is within the range.

The two sides were about 200 steps apart, and because of the uplift of the earthen mound, they temporarily lost each other's trace.

The chasing Song Ying found Xu Buling jumping into the field, and he squeezed his horse's belly and rushed out of the official road. His eyes were as sharp as an eagle and locked onto Xu Buling's back. After Xu Buling crossed the earthen mound, he listened to the movement behind the earthen mound.

Situ Yuejin narrowed his eyes slightly, took out the nine-ring broadsword from his back, and said in a deep voice:

"Be careful of fraud."

"The horse has not stopped, keep chasing."

Song Ying replied in a deep voice, and rushed up the earthen mound.

However, just as Song Ying poked his head out from above the earthen mound, a sharp sound of breaking wind came from the crosswind.

Song Ying and Situ Yuejin's faces changed at the same time. They didn't expect Xu Buling to shoot an arrow in the dark. Having already rushed out of the earthen mound, the huge inertia of the horse and the man could not stop, and the two instinctively ducked to avoid the flying arrows.

But Xu Buling was also a martial arts champion. He knew that one arrow could not do anything to a master-level expert. He could rely on muscle memory to dodge by hearing the sound.

The feather arrow that Xu Buling shot out of his bow was not aimed at Song Ying on the horse, but at the fierce horse that had just jumped out of the mound and exposed its four hooves.

The sharp arrowhead had a little cold light and flew almost close to the snow on the mound, and the place where it landed was exactly the bowl-sized horse hoof that was about to fall.

No matter how inhuman the martial arts champion's reaction was, it was his own martial arts. He couldn't train the horse under his crotch to be able to hear the sound and identify the position and step on the snow without leaving any trace.

This arrow with a full string would definitely pass through the horse's legs if it hit, and even the best horse would have to lie down on the spot; without a horse, chasing the snow-trampling horse with two legs, you can imagine that you can't catch up even if you die of exhaustion.

Song Ying reacted very quickly. He realized something was wrong when he heard the sound. He didn't use a long weapon like a lance. He could only unsheathe the goose-feather knife on his waist and throw it out at the moment when the horse jumped over the mound. The speed of the blade was comparable to that of a strong crossbow, and he accurately intercepted the feather arrow halfway.


The four hooves of the flying horse had not yet landed on the ground, and three string sounds followed one after another. When Song Ying intercepted the first arrow, the next three feather arrows had already broken through the air. They were standard continuous arrows, aiming at the four legs of the horse.

Few people in the martial arts world use arrows, and this scene shocked Situ Yuejin.

Song Ying's eyes showed a bit of astonishment. He had been dealing with people in the martial arts world for many years, and he obviously didn't have many opportunities to appreciate this kind of fighting method. Seeing three feather arrows attacking at the same time, Song Ying gritted his teeth and flew out from the horse's back, grabbing the feather arrows with both hands in the air, and sweeping away the last one with one foot. But in this way, he also fell on the snow.

After Song Ying landed, the horses brushed past him. He did not remount his horse, but shouted: "Situ Gong, you ride two horses to chase, I will follow."

One person riding two or three horses is a more luxurious way of fighting in the cavalry. Riding two horses alternately, there is basically no opponent that cannot be caught up.

Situ Yuejin nodded, and while galloping on his horse, he grabbed the reins of Song Ying's mount with his left hand and hung it on the hook on the side of the horse.

The feather arrows attacked again, and Situ Yuejin turned over and hung on the side of the horse. With the length of the four-foot broadsword, he accurately used the tip of the knife to pick up the arrows shot at the horse's legs. Turning left and right, his mind was flowing, and his riding skills were obviously rare in the world.

Seeing this, Xu Buling did not waste any more feather arrows, put away his bow and arrows, and continued to run eastward with Nightingale.

Song Ying watched the four horses go away one after another, spit, put away the goose feather knife, and shot a communication firework towards the sky.

After waiting for a while, the Wolf Guards caught up.

Song Ying ordered some of the Wolf Guards to dismount, and then led his elite subordinates, each with three horses, to chase after Xu Buling, who had already disappeared...

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