The prince is very fierce

Chapter 53: A True Gentleman of the Contemporary Era

At dusk, the teams that went out to play in the city began to return one after another. Light snow fell on Zhuque Street across Chang'an. The Imperial Guards stood on both sides, and the people watched the Queen Mother's chariot slowly walk towards the palace city.

Chang'an City has thousands of streets and hundreds of squares, with a population of over one million. The common people in the city did not know that there were thieves in Qujiang Pool, but the story of Jianghu brave people running to the entrance of the Criminal Investigation Department to curse was talked about by many good people.

After all, the Detective Division is called the 'Palace of Hell' by the people in the world. Countless heroes' stories end with the appearance of the Detective Division. In modern terms, they are as ruthless characters as the Invincibles of the East.

Now, someone actually went to the gate of the Palace of Hell to fuck the king of Hell. This courage is so admirable that many officials even talked about it after dinner.

However, in the eyes of everyone, this was just a daring gangster who came to make a name for himself. Even if he didn't cause any damage or hurt anyone, it wasn't a big deal just to curse him. After Zhang Xiang went back to the Yamen and inquired about the incident, he just ordered the wolf guards to pull the person out. It was too shameful to be so angry over such a thing, so the top priority was to track down the elusive assassin.

Zhang Xiang didn't take this matter seriously, but this little incident didn't end because someone noticed some clues, but failed to report the truth to the superior...


At dusk, a fast horse crossed the long street and stopped near the Imperial College.

Liu Yunlin, the deputy envoy of the Anti-Detection Department, dismounted in casual clothes, holding a gift box in his hand, and entered a house as if he were coming to say hello. After a while, a salesman carrying a pole appeared in the alley behind the house, and there were products in bamboo baskets. Premium Baixuan from Zhuxi.

The salesman carried a pole and entered the back door of the Imperial College. He walked through the familiar corridors and came to the outside of a courtyard deep in the Imperial College. He glanced at the guard stationed at the door and entered the elegant house.

The house is spacious but has no furnishings. Instead, it is full of peach trees, just like a peach forest. In the heavy snow in winter, only dry peach branches can be seen.

There is a painting table in the middle of the peach blossom forest, and a painting hanging on the peach branch in front is a portrait of a woman. Next to the painting table is a bamboo basket filled with crumpled waste paper.

Xiaoxue Xiaoxiao, Yan Wang Song Yu, dressed in a scholar's robe, held a pen in the peach forest and carefully copied the portrait in front of him. He only painted a few strokes and then stopped, crumpled the paper and threw it into the bamboo basket to paint again.

Liu Yunlin put down the pole in the peach blossom forest, did not disturb him, and stood quietly waiting with his head bowed.

Song Yu, King of Yan, had extraordinary literary talents since he was a child. His music, chess, calligraphy and painting were among the best in the world, and his conduct was obvious to all. He was called a "contemporary true gentleman" by the great Confucian scholars of the Manchu Dynasty.

When the late emperor passed away ten years ago, it was supposed to be a battle between two princes, and many ministers supported Song Yu as emperor. But Song Yu only said at that time that "Jade's talent is not enough to inherit the throne", so he became an idle prince. He didn't even ask for the fiefdom of Youzhou, and entered the Imperial Academy as a teacher alone. Year.

This is the rumor from the outside world, but how can ordinary people understand the affairs of the emperor's family? At least on the surface, it seems like a happy situation for everyone.

Liu Yunlin looked at the scroll hanging on the peach tree. It was well preserved. The ink on the rice paper still looked like it had just been painted. The signature read "Xu Danqing".

Regarding 'Xu Danqing', Liu Yunlin had been working in the Criminal Investigation Department for so long that he had heard about it. During the Xuanhe period, there were many famous painters and beautiful people in the world. In order for Xu Danqing to write and paint a portrait, countless women offered themselves pillow seats. .

However, Xu Danqing was aloof and had a high vision. So far, he had only painted eight beauties. The last one was a young lady from the Tang family in Youzhou. After finishing the painting, he felt that it would be difficult to paint women in this world, so he closed the painting and disappeared.

This can be regarded as an elegant anecdote from the Jianghu world. It is unknown whether it is true or not, but the eight beauties in the painting are indeed of natural beauty.

Liu Yunlin has only seen the current Queen Mother and the late Queen. Of course, with his status, he can only take a look at them from a distance, and he does not dare to get closer and take a closer look. Most of those I have never seen married princes from aristocratic families, such as the princess of King Su.

Perhaps it is because beauties have had a bad life since ancient times. The eight beauties who have become monks or died of illness have long been a thing of the past, and few people mention them anymore.

The portrait hanging under the peach tree should be one of the eight beauties known as the 'Xuanhe Bagui', but Liu Yunlin's eyesight could not tell which one it was.

Song Yu, King of Yan, is obviously copying Xu Danqing's paintings, but the word "saint" in "Danqing Holy Hand" is not small. Just like a martial arts master who teaches step by step for a lifetime, the apprentice may not be able to catch up with the master. Song Yu's painting After all these years, I still can’t imitate its charm.

Liu Yunlin waited in the peach blossom forest for a while, until the stack of rice paper on the table was used up. Song Yu shook his head and sighed, put the brush on the pen holder, turned and walked to the teahouse on the left side of the house.

It was freezing cold, and there was only a bamboo chair, a piano, and a chessboard in the teahouse. Song Yu seemed to have long been accustomed to the ascetic life. He sat down on the bamboo chair, brewed tea, and said in a warm voice:

"Yun Lin, come and sit."

After Liu Yunlin bowed respectfully outside the teahouse, he slowly walked to sit opposite Song Yu and thought for a moment:

"Your Majesty, the matter you asked me to pay attention to has come to fruition today."

Song Yu brewed tea slowly, with an elegant and easy-going look on his handsome brows, and just nodded lightly.

Liu Yunlin thought for a moment: "At noon today, a gangster was confusing people outside the Investigation Bureau. I went to chase him but failed to catch him. After returning to the case file library, I found that someone took the opportunity to sneak into the Jiazi Library and read the files of the four heroes, the King of Su, and the world's strange poison. In my opinion, it must be the King of Su's people who are investigating the news of the Dragon Lock Gu. The case file library is located deep in the Investigation Bureau and it is impossible to enter from the outside. There must be a traitor in the government office..."

Song Yu gently raised his hand to stop Liu Yunlin's words and put the teacup in front of him: "Who is the traitor? Did you find anything?"

Liu Yunlin took the teacup respectfully and smiled awkwardly: "There is no news about the Dragon Locking Gu in the case library, what can be found... Well, in order not to alarm others, I erased the traces, but I didn't find out who the traitor is, but he must still be working in the government office now."

Song Yu nodded lightly, thought for a while, and smiled indifferently:

"Most people who are infected with the Dragon Locking Gu will not survive for more than three years. I'm afraid that I'm worried... Let's find out who the hidden player is and help him."

Liu Yunlin was a little puzzled holding the teacup. After hesitating for a moment, he still didn't ask more questions. He stood up and respectfully left the bamboo house...

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