The prince is very fierce

Chapter 20: No rules, no order

After a night's rest in the inn, we set off again the next day and arrived outside Fanyang County in the afternoon.

After the evening episode, Zhongli Jiujiu seemed a little unhappy and stopped talking to Xu Buling. She rode in front of him, looked back from time to time, and then snorted. Even the little sparrow who wanted to hitchhike on the head of the chasing horse was called back, as if to draw a clear line.

Xu Buling led the horse to the West Market Street, thought for a while, quickened his pace and walked to Zhongli Jiujiu's side, smiling brightly:

"Miss Jiujiu, in fact, the princess is just a title. For me, the people around me are not high or low, far or near..."

Zhongli Jiujiu took two steps away from the outside and frowned, saying: "Who wants to be a princess? You are so beautiful? You can tell the village about this. Anyway, the village will agree and I will not agree. You can dream..."

Xu Buling also felt that he was a little thick-skinned, but he was telling the truth. At the moment, there was nothing he could do except smile helplessly.

Zhongli Jiujiu tilted her head and looked at the street, not wanting to pay attention to Xu Buling. However, she did not disbelieve Xu Buling's attitude of treating everyone equally. Maybe in Xu Buling's heart, the women around him were indeed treated equally, without any distinction between superior and inferior.

But all men in the world are the same. They want to treat the girls they like equally, so as not to lose one and not be able to enjoy the happiness of having two wives.

Although Zhongli Jiujiu has never been married, she is naturally good at fighting for the wind and getting jealous, and she knows the rich and powerful houses in this world very well. The master may indeed treat everyone equally, regardless of the concubine or the main house, as long as they can serve people, they are the little sweethearts and little cotton-padded jackets, but the women in the back house don't think so.

Even in the palace, there is monogamy and multiple concubines. The status of the main wife is unshakable. If the power of her family is stronger, no one dares to say anything if she manages the master.

Other concubines serve the master at night and have to please the eldest wife during the day. They have to look at people's faces everywhere, so they can bully the younger sisters who come in later.

So, the number of the elders after entering the house is a big deal about how to live in the second half of life.

As a result, she took the initiative to find out the truth last night, and Xu Buling said "the seventh elder". There are six elder sisters above her. Isn't this obviously bullying?

Although she was born as a woman of Jianghu and her family is in South Vietnam, she is still a clean woman. Whether it is calculated by age, seniority, ability, or appearance, it is unfair to be the third or fourth elder. How can she call little girls like Manzhi and Yufu elder sisters...

Zhongli Jiujiu was so angry that she couldn't sleep all night yesterday. She had some thoughts, but now they disappeared directly. What's so shameless about such a man? Let Ning Yuhe enjoy it by herself, hum...

Women's hearts are like needles in the sea.

Xu Buling couldn't figure out what Zhongli Jiujiu's attitude was now, but she didn't turn hostile after taking advantage of him, which meant that there was progress. At the moment, he just thought that Zhongli Jiujiu was being arrogant.

The two of them came to the small street behind the West Market with their own thoughts.

Xu Buling came to ask Zhongli Jiujiu for an explanation and let the unruly news dealer pay the price, but the scene he saw shocked him and Zhongli Jiujiu.

The cold wind swept the snow on the street, and several brothels and wine shops were closed, making the already depressed street look even more dilapidated.

The old inn in the middle of the street was still open. On the wooden pillars with wine banners and lanterns, there was a rope hanging down. A young man was covered in blood and was tied to the rope by his neck. The toes were still dripping with blood, staining a pool of dark red marks on the snow, which had already frozen.

Zhongli Jiujiu paused and recognized the young man hanging on the wooden pillar. It was Li Lin who sent her news a few days ago.

Liu Wu, the owner of the inn, was still lying on the recliner under the eaves, but his appearance now was not much better than the apprentice who was hanged. Blood was dripping from the ankles and right wrist, obviously the tendons of the hands and feet were cut. The eyes were closed tightly and blood was slid down the corners of the eyes. The ears and mouth were also oozing blood. I am afraid that the ears and eyes were pierced and the tongue was cut. Only the left hand was left holding the purple clay teapot. From the action, it can be seen that he was not dead.


Zhongli Jiujiu was terrified. Although he had seen many dead people in the world, he was still shocked by this inhumane scene. Blinding the ears and eyes, cutting the tongue, and cutting the tendons of the hands and feet were far more cruel than killing people directly. The feeling was chilling just to imagine.

Xu Buling frowned and was also a little surprised. He came here to kill people, but he didn't have such a revengeful mind. Making the innkeeper and the waiter look like this didn't seem like revenge, but more like a punishment, or a declaration to the outside world.

Xu Buling led the horse to the front of the inn, raised his head and looked at the corpse on the pillar. It was full of holes. I don't know how much torture he suffered before death. Looking at the eaves, Liu Wu was indeed not dead, but his ears and eyes had lost their perception and did not react at all.

Inside the door of the inn, there was a brazier burning, and a young waiter was sitting at the door to warm himself by the fire. Xu Buling took a quick look and recognized the young waiter. He was the waiter who often accompanied the shopkeeper to warm himself by the fire and chat at the Yuelai Inn in Huangkou Town.

When the waiter saw Xu Buling and Zhongli Jiujiu, he hurriedly took a wooden tray from his side with a plate of silver on it, walked out of the door and came to the two of them, saying with a pleasant face:

"I really treated the young lady badly. This matter is a bad apple in the Youzhou Jianghu. The uncles and aunts on the road have cleared their doors. I will take over the Fanyang County City in the future. This silver is the compensation paid by Liu Wu, and my shopkeeper also paid some. The news about the young lady was that the apprentice Li Lin took the initiative to sell it to Yanqi Villa. Liu Wu has been rooted in Youzhou for forty years and has never broken the rules. I hope the young lady will be magnanimous and let it go."

Xu Buling heard this and understood the meaning.

The news about Zhongli Jiujiu was secretly sold to Yanqi Villa by Liu Wu's apprentice. The local news dealer in Youzhou had received the news and came to clean up the house and arranged for the apprentice from Yuelai Inn to take over.

Xu Buling had some experience with people in their profession, just like Mr. Chen Si from Chang'an City. He sold out his employer's information and had his whole family killed according to the rules. Therefore, he would rather have a conflict with the Wolf Guard than talk to Renyi Hall. The Jianghu people spread the news.

Zhongli Jiujiu's being sold will make the entire news dealers in Youzhou lose their trust. The whole family who have bad rules must be made public, so that people in the world can feel free to come to them for business. But it was not Liu Wu who made the mistake. Liu Wu had been in Youzhou for many years and had some seniority. The owner of the Yuelai Inn in the adjacent Yuyang County asked for help to see if Zhongli Jiujiu was willing to let the matter go.

If Zhongli Jiujiu accepts the death rules and refuses to agree, then he will have to kill everyone according to the rules.

Zhongli Jiujiu knew these ironclad rules of the world, but this was the first time he encountered them. Seeing that Liu Wu, who had been in contact with him ten years ago, met such a miserable end, I felt a little uncomfortable. After hesitating for a moment, he raised his hand and took the money:

"Thank you all for helping me seek justice, but... just kill Li Lin, there is no need to do anything so extreme,"

The shop clerk sighed and said calmly: "The rules are the rules. They are for people in our industry, not for girls. I will be very grateful to girls for being so tolerant."


Zhongli Jiujiu held the silver and hesitated for a moment, not knowing what to say. She nodded, turned and left the street.

Xu Buling led the horse and walked beside him, looked back at the body and Liu Wu lying on the chair, and thought for a moment:

"There are good things in Jianghu, but it's too extreme. Speaking of which, the law is more just."

Zhongli Jiujiu poured the silver into the bag on the side of the horse, shook his head and said: "The government is unjust. People sue the officials without asking the reason. The barefoot people will never win against the squire except for the squire. It is better to deal with it properly." Officials protect each other and no one cares..."

Xu Buling did not deny this. This is how the world is. It is said that the prince broke the law and the common people were guilty. But if he really broke the law, some people dared to report it to the officials, and no government officials dared to punish him. If not, there would not have been so many angry and blood-splattered people. Five steps' thing.

This is the framework of the world. Unless Xu Buling wants to wipe out all the privileged classes including himself, there is no point in talking about it.

Walking out of Fanyang County City, Zhongli Jiujiu saw that Xu Buling had not spoken. She thought that Xu Buling, as the prince of the vassal, was overly concerned after hearing her words, so she immediately spoke again:

"I mean that Dayue's court is not good, but I'm not saying that you are not good. General Xu Lie was born as a butcher and came from a poor family. Although he had a fierce reputation back then, he was very down-to-earth to the people. South Vietnam has been occupied by the Central Plains since ancient times. People bullied people, soldiers and horses came and went, so your Xu family's army didn't go to the village to grab food girls, but the killings were really cruel. I heard the old people in the village said that they were so scared that they hid in the mountains, and even the village was full of people. I didn't dare to go back, but when I returned to the village after the soldiers and horses had passed, I found that the crops were still there, and no one even took the clothes hanging outside..."

Xu Buling recalled and chuckled: "My grandfather wanted to rule the world and not treat the people from all over the world as outsiders. The other generals were attacking cities and territories in the enemy's country, so naturally they would not treat the people of the enemy's country as human beings. They had different ideas. It’s the same, but the way of doing things is naturally different.”

If Zhongli Jiujiu realized something, he thought about it for a moment and glanced at Xu Buling:

"What about you?"

"If I attack your village..."

"How dare you! Believe it or not, I'll poison you to death?"

"……All right."

Xu Buling knew he had said something wrong and raised his hand to apologize. Seeing Zhongli Jiujiu's fierce look, he changed the subject with a smile:

"Miss Jiujiu, I trust you very much. You always threaten me with poison. Over time, I will be on guard. This is very hurtful."

Zhongli Jiujiu snorted lightly: "You don't need to be on guard. It's useless to be on guard. I really want to poison you, and you can't prevent it at all. I have learned a secret technique that can poison you there. If you poke me in... …”

After saying this, Zhongli Jiujiu stopped, coughed slightly, and looked a little weird.

? ?

Xu Buling glanced at it and his eyes fell on Zhongli Jiujiu's tense lower body curve:

"Where does this 'there' refer to?"

Zhongli Jiujiu saw a bit of teasing and disbelief in Xu Buling's eyes, and frowned:

"You are a grown man, don't you think about it? I didn't want to guard against you the night before yesterday. I would have died if you didn't let you kiss me..."

Xu Buring laughed twice and said: "Miss Jiujiu is my doctor, she shouldn't watch me die, right?"

"If you dare to move your hands or feet again, do you think I will watch you die!"

"I guess not."

Zhongli Jiujiu wanted to say, "Try it," but she immediately realized that if she dared to say that, Xu Buling would definitely try it on the spot, so she changed her words:

"It's good that you know that I treat you as a friend, so don't go too far."

Seeing that she was not fooled, Xu Buling did not continue to make jokes, got on his horse, and rushed to Huangkou Town with Zhongli Jiujiu...

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