The prince is very fierce

Chapter 63: On the Road

In the splendid main hall, many guests were sitting. Xu Buring and Xiao Qi were sitting at the first place on the right side, with Wang Zoyin and others nearby. Madam Lu and Xiao Ting were at the back, chatting politely with the young master and his wife.

As the lights on the West Lake lit up, the birthday banquet officially began. With the support of his son, King Wu Song Siming slowly came to the main hall and sat down.

This was the first time Xu Buling met King Wu. He had heard that King Wu was suffering from old illnesses, but he didn't expect that he was so skinny that it was difficult to stand firm. His complexion was also very weak and he seemed to have little strength.

However, King Wu was in a good mood. He first made some remarks about the recent disaster. Representatives from all parties came forward to congratulate him on his birthday. King Wu responded one by one. His words were fluent and his thoughts were clear. It seemed that the injury had not affected his brain.

Xu Buling also had the suspicion that King Wu was bewitched by the words of a demon. Seeing this scene, he gave up this idea.

After the formal etiquette was over, many guests began to toast and sing congratulations. King Wu was too weak to drink, so he asked his son to take his place. He turned his eyes to Xu Buling on his right and said with a smile:

"But what I have done recently makes me feel quite happy. Yang Yingxiong is a scumbag who deceives his superiors and hides things from his subordinates. If you hadn't helped me clean up my family, I would still have been kept in the dark..."

Xu Buling knew that King Wu would be the first to forgive him for killing people, so he nodded and chuckled:

"I didn't know the relationship between Yang Yingxiong and Prince Wu beforehand, otherwise I would have said hello to the prince first."

"Hey." King Wu raised his hand gently: "The Xu family, the dignified king of Su, should draw his sword to suppress the law when there is injustice. Without this decisive courage to kill, General Xu would not have been able to bring peace to the world. Even so. It was a bit too risky to be in Hongshan Lake a few days ago. Hongshan Water Village is easy to defend and difficult to attack. I should say hello to the king and let you go there with your troops..."

This is bullshit. If Xu Buling dared to ask for military power in the south of the Yangtze River, the news would have reached the ears of the emperor. Then he would not have to suppress the bandits and could just go directly to Chang'an City to receive the reward.

Xu Buling smiled and nodded at this: "I have been a bit impulsive since I was a child. I didn't think much about it at the time. Now that I think about it, I was a bit reckless."

King Wu sighed: "You are young and energetic as you should be. You will have to lead troops to intimidate Northern Qi in the future. If you are hesitant in doing things, problems will really arise. However, your martial arts skills have really opened my eyes. Jiangnan has a strong literary spirit. The only one who can fight is There was only one Xue Chengzhi, and you beat him to the ground. I heard that before you came to Jiangnan, you single-handedly entered the Black City..."

This is right to the point.

Xu Buling was a little anxious when he saw King Wu slowly bringing the topic to jade. He was originally here to show King Wu the jade, so he answered the question neatly:

"King Wu thanked you for the award. I was just casually walking over there, and happened to meet Prince Zuo Jiang's birthday banquet. I even grabbed a family heirloom jade pendant from him..."

King Wu was a little surprised to see Xu Buling being so righteous. He hesitated for a moment, nodded and chuckled:

"I have heard people say that this move is very satisfying..."

Xu Buling took out the jade pendant from his arms, took out the hairpin from his head, held it in his hand and looked at it a few times:

"Yes, I heard later that the world was looking for these four jade articles. Unfortunately, the sword spikes obtained from the Cao family were lost, and only these two were left. I heard from Wang Ruiyang that the King of Wu liked jade articles quite a lot... "

Wang Zouyin, Han Xianchu and others were slightly silent when they heard this. They were surprised, and at the same time, their eyes also showed surprise, and they were just shy of praising them.

The rhetoric that King Wu had been thinking about in the middle of the night last night had no effect at all. He was still a little confused for a while. He looked at the two jade articles that he had been thinking about for a long time and didn't know what to say.

Xu Buling played with the jade articles and continued: "These two jade articles are quite rare. They should have been given to the King of Wu. Unfortunately, when they got them, they were promised to the girl of his choice. As the prince of the feudal lord, he could not compete with him. The servant has not kept his word, so I ask King Wu not to blame him."

In public, when it comes to this, King Wu cannot forcefully ask for it. He pretends not to care and nods with a smile:

"I am indeed interested in this jade article left over from the previous dynasty, but it has been promised to the girl's family. Your father will laugh at you if you steal her love with a sword. Hmm... Now that I have come to Hangzhou, I must stay in Hangzhou for a few more days. , so that I can fulfill my duty as a landowner..."

Xu Buling knew what King Wu wanted to say, so he raised his hand generously and handed the hairpin and jade pendant to King Wu: "It's natural. The prince likes jade, so it's no problem to keep it for a few days. In fact, it's not a rare item. "


Seeing Xu Buling's cooperation, King Wu was really touched. If he had known it earlier, he would not have listened to the counselor's unwise tactics. He would have just waited in Hangzhou...

King Wu looked at the jade, but did not shirk his politeness. He raised his hand to take it and looked at it for a few times, then put it casually in his hand, changed the subject, and talked about the common family shortcomings.

Naturally, Xu Buling did not continue to talk about the jade, and he skillfully interacted with King Wu. You flattered me and I flattered you, looking like a happy guest and host.

Xiao Qi sat quietly beside her while drinking and eating. Her expression was calm and she did not look at the expressions of the people around her easily. She seemed to know nothing and was just accompanying Xu Buling to celebrate his birthday.

After obtaining the jade, King Wu obviously did not focus on the birthday banquet. After being polite to the guests for a long time, he stood up, took the jade, and left the seat accompanied by his attendants on the grounds of being ill.

The banquet is not over yet, but it is almost as good as the protagonist leaving. Seeing this, Xiao Qi cooperated and acted like she was tipsy. She raised her hand and rubbed her forehead: "Prince Xu, I'm a little dizzy..."

"Oh, how about I send the eldest lady back to rest..."

Xu Buling answered the question, stood up, said goodbye to King Wu's son, and left the palace first.

Song Yulou knew that Xu Buling came to Hangzhou to propose marriage to Xiao Qi, so he naturally didn't see anything strange. He stood up with a smile and sent Xu Buling and others out of the palace.

Lu Hongluan and Xiao Ting were outsiders and didn't know the inside story. They felt a little strange when they saw that Xiao Qi, who used to be a teetotal drinker, drank too much.

Leaving early, Xiao Ting still had some unfinished ideas, so he followed slowly. After Xu Buling and Xiao Qi got on the carriage, he followed and complained a few words: "Auntie, I'm drunk after just a few glasses of wine. , you have to practice in the future..."

Unexpectedly, when he opened the car door and went in, there were only Xiao Qi and Lu Hongluan in the car, but Xu Buling, who had just got in, was nowhere to be seen.

Lu Hongluan was also a little confused, lowering his head to search under the soft cave, muttering: "Where are you... Ling'er, where have you been hiding..."

Xiao Qi asked her stupid nephew to come in quietly and explained casually:

"Go out and find me some hangover soup. I'll be back later. Let's go first."

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