The prince is very fierce

Chapter 58 Setting Sail Again

Jade Emperor Mountain, Prince Wu's Mansion.

A black sky shrouded the West Lake, and fishing fires flickered in and out of the wind and snow.

The study room of the palace built near the lake is brightly lit, with the doors and windows closed and the stove burning, mixed with a faint smell of Chinese medicine.

King Wu Song Siming became angry in a rare move. He sat on the couch and reprimanded in a deep voice:

"...I asked you to arrange for someone to change the jade pendant. Who asked Xue Chengzhi to go and fight Xu Buling? He can't say polite words? Can we start a fight by lowering our posture and having a good chat? It doesn't matter if we fight, I haven't fought yet..."

Han Xianchu and Wang Zouyin stood bowed and exchanged glances with a bit of disbelief on their faces.

They never expected that the only Wu Kui in Jiangnan would be beaten to the ground by Xu Buling. The purpose of letting Xue Chengzhi go over was to let Xue Chengzhi use his martial arts to coerce and induce him to exchange the jade pendant back. They didn't expect that Xue Chengzhi would really dare to hit Xu Buling. Fortunately, he didn't, otherwise there would be no way to end it.

In addition, Hongshan Water Village was secretly recruited by the palace a few months ago to accumulate available troops. If Xu Buling had known that he would go to Hongshan Water Village to cause trouble, Xue Chengzhi should have appeared in advance to stop him. Even if he couldn't defeat him, he could Save Hongshan Water Village.

But it is obviously meaningless to say this now. Now that the water village has been burned and the jade pendant has not been replaced, it is obviously a failure.

After King Wu finished getting angry, Han Xianchu stepped forward and explained:

"I didn't know beforehand that Xu Buling would go to Hongshan Water Village, and Xue Chengzhi didn't know the background of Hongshan Water Village, otherwise he would have stopped him. As for the fight with Xu Buling...Xue Chengzhi had a high status in the world and had a bad temper, and Xu Buling had a bad temper. Yes, it was expected that a fight would break out over a disagreement..."

King Wu was too lazy to listen to this explanation, frowned and said coldly:

"Even Xue Chengzhi missed it, how can we get the jade back now?"

Wang Zouyin stroked his beard and thought for a moment: "Why don't you let Li Hansheng send someone or try it himself?"

Han Xianchu gently raised his hand to stop him: "Xue Chengzhi has already alerted the enemy. If he sends another military commander over, everyone will know that I am behind the plan. This is not advisable."

Wang Zouyin thought about it. The only ones who could persuade Grandmaster Wu Kui to go and grab the jade pendant were the feudal kings from all over the country. He thought about it:

"How about we get Xu Buling drunk before the birthday banquet..."

"Xu Buling was in Chang'an. In order to resist the cold poison, he drank strong wine as water, but he couldn't get drunk..."

"Is the honey trap possible?"

"Beauty trap..."

Han Xianchu hesitated and looked at King Wu.

King Wu rubbed his forehead, looked at the two counselors who had bad ideas, and said coldly:

"Xu Buling, the dignified prince of the vassal, what kind of woman has he never seen before, and he still traps people? Do you think he is that idiot Song Yu?"

Wang Zoyin and Han Xianchu laughed together. They had no choice but to say whether they had these things or not. Advisors were not gods, and a clever woman could not make a meal without rice. She could not use force and had a background in the palace. How could she get the help of Crown Prince Su, who was skilled in martial arts? To seize the jade?

Several people discussed for a while but had no idea, and King Wu had no choice but to raise his hand;

"That's all, don't act rashly again. We'll wait until Xu Bu Ling comes to Hangzhou. I will talk to him personally."

Han Xianchu and Wang Zouyin breathed a sigh of relief and quickly bowed and retreated...


Two days later, the light snow that lasted for several days stopped.

There was still singing and dancing in Jinling City. Without Yang Yingxiong, the local snake, it seemed that even the air was a little cleaner. People in the streets and alleys were talking about various rumors about Prince Su.

In just a few days since he came to Jinling City, three major events that happened in succession, including killing Yang Yingxiong, destroying Hongshan Lake, and fighting Xue Chengzhi, have already pushed Xu Buling's reputation to the top. "There is a successor to the great general Xu Lie" and so on. Words kept coming out one after another, and the elderly people began to recall the prosperous years when Xu Jiajun carved a bright future in troubled times.

However, although killing bullies and destroying water bandits can inspire people, the impact of floods cannot be completely erased by killing a few people.

After a snowfall, Jiangnan has entered an unprecedented cold winter. More and more refugees are suffering from hunger and cold. For the sake of public security, the government has banned the refugees from entering the city and has only built porridge sheds outside the city to provide relief.

At dusk, Xu Buling arrived at the gate of Jinling City on his horse chasing the wind. When he saw the refugees crowded in front of the porridge shed outside the city, he could only sigh softly. After all, this is not Suzhou. When the people suffer disasters, they can only rely on the King of Wu and the government. All he, the prince of Su, can do is kill a few people who are causing harm to the people.

After entering the city, Xu Buling asked Nightingale to report to Xiao Qi that she was safe and ready to set off for Hangzhou, while he returned to the Lu family mansion on the south bank of Wende Bridge.

As soon as he walked near the alley, Xu Buling saw the graceful Aunt Lu standing in a daze at the entrance of the alley. Her aqua skirt outlined her graceful figure. She had a shawl on her shoulders and a red hairpin in her long hair. Being dignified and gentle is very noble. But she may have stayed up late last night. At this time, Xuenen's cheeks were a bit tired, her eyes were red, and her hands were folded on her waist and clasped tightly together.

Xu Buling straightened his clothes and made sure there was nothing unusual, then he showed a bright smile and led the horse to him:

"Aunt Lu?"

Lu Hongluan's whole body trembled slightly, and she turned around suddenly. The fatigue on her face disappeared and turned into anxiety and worry. She ran forward and raised her hand to touch Xu Buling:

"You damn boy, you went out to fight and kill again. You, the prince of a vassal, are trying to be a hero on your own, so you can't bring more people with you..."

As he spoke, he felt so aggrieved that he almost cried.

Xu Buling couldn't resist, but he still felt warm in his heart. He raised his hand and brushed the hair beside Lu Hongluan's ears:

"Don't worry, Aunt Lu, I just went out for a walk..."

Lu Hongluan didn't avoid it either. He raised his hand and groped Xu Buling's body, with a bit of anxiety still in his eyes:

"Are you still lying to me? I already know it. There are rumors in the market that Prince Su entered Hongshan Lake alone and was hit by nine knives and twenty-eight arrows. When he went out, he met Xue Chengzhi, the military commander, and was hit ten times in a row. Three shots turned defeat into victory'..."

? ? ?

Nine swords, twenty-eight arrows, thirteen spears...

Xu Buling's head was full of questions and he silently calculated: "I've been saved from over fifty attacks, so I'm really lucky... I can't believe the rumors in the world, I'm really fine..."

After Lu Hongluan realized that there were no holes all over her body, she felt a little more at ease. She sniffed Xu Buling's chest and smelled a faint medicinal smell, so she wanted to untie Xu Buling's robe:

"Where is the injury? Is it serious? Let me see..."

Xu Buling looked helpless and held Lu Hongluan's arm as he walked into the alley: "We'll talk about how to take off clothes outside when we get back."

Lu Hongluan was worried about Xu Buling's health, and quickly took Xu Buling back to the Lu family without asking too much.

There was a lot of commotion in Hongshan Lake. The elders of the Lu family came to offer condolences, but Lu Hongluan blocked them away. As if treating a dying wounded person, he asked Xu Buling to lie down in the room, and called the doctor to look carefully and ask if there was anything wrong. Internal injuries.

The doctor is a famous doctor in Jinling City. He saw that Xu Buling was slightly injured, but it was almost healed and he would be back to normal in a few days. After Mrs. Lu learned this, she felt a little relieved.

Incense filled the room, and the maids were kicked out. Xu Buling was forced to lean on the bed, with quilts on his back and a blanket on his legs, comforting him with a smile:

"Aunt Lu, you told me I'm fine..."

"They said it was okay, they were all injured..."

Mrs. Lu sat sideways in front of her, preventing Xu Buring from getting up. She raised her hand to untie her white robe. When she saw the light bruises on Xu Buring's chest and the bandages under his ribs, her heart tightened again, and she did not dare to shake Xu Buring. After ordering, he touched it carefully a few times and said softly:

"How long has it been? You forgot that you were almost dead when you were in Chang'an City. Prince Su handed you into my hands. If I knew something happened to you..."

Xu Buling had no choice but to see that there was no one in the room, so he bravely took Lu Hongluan into his arms and patted her on the back: "Okay, don't make trouble, I know what's appropriate..."


Mrs. Lu was caught off guard and fell directly onto Xu Buling's chest, and immediately stopped nagging. I looked around and saw no one else, then secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He raised his hand and wanted to hit Xu Buling a few times, but he was afraid of hurting Xu Buling's injury. In the end, he did not struggle. He lay honestly in Xu Buling's arms and complained:

"Ling'er, let me go, you are injured..."

Xu Buling finally cleared his ears, how could he let go just like that? In order to distract Lu Hongluan, he raised his hand and started to untie the skirt, and said in a hurry:

"Aunt Lu, you've been suffocating me to death these past few days..."

! ! !

Lu Hongluan was a lady, but she had never heard such dirty words before. It came from her precious mouth. Looking down at Xu Buling unbuttoning his clothes neatly, it took a long time to react. E Mei frowned lightly and raised her hand to hit Xu Buling on the shoulder:

"S-Ling'er! Why are you like this? You look like... and the gangsters on the street..."

Being interrupted like this, Lu Hongluan forgot all the words he had been holding back for several days. His face gradually became hot. He held the corners of Peony's bellyband to cover it up and looked at the door and window with a guilty conscience. His voice was so low that it was almost inaudible.

When Xu Buling saw this, he became bolder and said with a bit of a smile:

"You are my aunt, what are you afraid of..."


Lu Hongluan was already in embarrassment. He almost got angry when he heard this. He twisted his shoulders and tried to get up: "Okay, okay, I'm your aunt, you scum, don't touch me... I'll just die..."

Xu Bu Ling naturally refused to let go and wanted to continue teasing her aunt. The sound of footsteps and the voice of a nightingale came from outside the room:

"Sir, the boat has been prepared for a long time. Miss Xiao asked whether you are leaving tomorrow or now?"

Mrs. Lu was startled when she heard the sound, and quickly closed her shirt with her hands and feet.

Xu Buling was a little unfinished and looked at Aunt Lu who was adjusting her clothes.

Lu Hongluan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Nightingale didn't come in. He didn't dare to stay with Xu Buling anymore, and said softly: "It will take some time to get to Hangzhou. If we leave early, we can just spend a few days on the ship to recuperate. I...I'll go and talk to him Mother, please say goodbye..." After saying that, he ran out in silence...


I have been arguing about the decoration downstairs for a day, and I feel that it is not in good condition. I will make some adjustments and there will be two chapters today.

Thank you to Mr. [Baxian Killer] for the 10,000 reward!

Thank you to Mr. [Nine-Headed Blue Bird] for the 20,000 reward!

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