The prince is very fierce

Chapter 48 The King of Hell Arrives

There are torches everywhere in the Hongshan water village, relying on the lake and natural dangers. There is no tense situation in the water village at all times. There are only a few scouts standing on the arrow tower to keep watch. The water bandits gather among the houses to drink and play dice. There is noisy everywhere. sound.

In the middle of the meeting hall, Sun Qian, the head of the family, was sitting at the main seat. He was thin and looked like a scholar, but his face was gloomy and showed a bit of violence.

The third child, Ma Sihu, has not come back yet. There is only the second leader, Quartz, in the council hall. Quartz's figure is several times thicker than Sun Qian. She is the kind who doesn't look very smart. At this time, she was still laughing at Ma Sihu a few days ago. The thing is said with spitting words.

Sun Qian was annoyed and slapped the armrest with slight annoyance:

"You still have the heart to laugh. You have managed to recruit more than a thousand people and have a good reputation. I am in contact with the big shots in Jiangnan. In a few days, the three of us brothers will be able to find a good job. The result is not bad, but we turned around and lost like this. I can't even manage a thousand people. If there are ten thousand or one hundred thousand people in the future, how can others trust me?"

Quartz coughed slightly, but did not dare to laugh, and asked curiously:

"Brother, we just recruited people to save money, but we still don't know where the money went. The brothers stayed in the village with suspicion, thinking that the three of us had divided it secretly. You should tell me the truth, so that I can give it to them. Soothe and soothe the whole thing..."

Sun Qian really couldn't communicate with this brother who had more meat than brains, so he waved his hand and said:

"The time has not come yet, just wait. Ye Jiuniang has probably escaped long ago, let the third child come back to find a way to kidnap some meat tickets..."

While he was talking, there was suddenly running and shouting outside the conference hall:

"Enemy attack! Officers and soldiers are coming..."

Sun Qian stood up suddenly when he heard this, his eyes were very surprised.

Quartz was also puzzled and asked doubtfully: "The government didn't say they were coming to beat us, so why did they come here without any notice?"

"How do I know?"

Sun Qian took advantage of the famine to recruit so many war-ready soldiers. Naturally, he was not doing it for fun. He had connected with the King of Wu in the past few months and reached an agreement. The King of Wu would not send troops to attack by force. The government Organized small-scale officer and soldier raids will also be conducted in advance.

Sun Qian thought for a moment, raised his hand and said, "Let the young ones be on guard. Go out and see how many people there are."

Quartz nodded, stood up, took a long-handled copper hammer from the wall, put it on his shoulder and walked out of the meeting hall.

When the men in the water village heard the shouting, they had already gathered together and ran towards the various fortresses with swords, guns, bows and arrows. Although there were hundreds of elite leaders taking the lead, most of the water bandits were still a ragtag group that had just joined. The sudden situation was a little confusing and attracted a lot of scolding.

Quartz led more than 20 elite water bandits to the wooden wall of the water village. He stood on the platform and looked at the lake in the distance - a dark hole with no lights at all, only a small fire burning on the pier on the other side, suddenly shining in the snowy night. Faint and appear.

"Damn it, did those idiots set the house on fire?"

Quartz's face darkened slightly, and she looked at the men next to her: "Send someone to take a look at the lake."

The subordinate held the knife and looked cautious: "The two groups of people we sent out never came back. There was not even a response. The officers and soldiers may have touched the shore."

Quartz is not very smart, but she is not stupid either. To attack a thousand-man water stronghold requires at least a dozen large ships and thousands of officers and soldiers. How could it be possible for him to just die without a sound? He nodded a few good ones, held a long-handled hammer, slid down from the water village gate, and walked along the dark road to the lake.

The fire in the water village is bright, but the road outside is dim and snowy. Even if you hold a torch, you can only look down on the few feet in front of you.

Quartz was walking with a copper hammer in one hand, and wanted to scold the sentry on the other side. Unexpectedly, before he had walked a hundred steps, a soft sound of "sizzling--" came from the snowy night.

"Watch out!"

Although Quartz was strong in stature, he was very agile in his movements. He lifted the hammer lightly, listened to the sound and identified the position, and knocked away the flying arrows. The arrowheads rubbed a few sparks on the copper hammer.

The minions behind him quickly raised their weapons and pointed forward as if facing a formidable enemy.

In the silent night ahead, a man let out a slightly unexpected "Huh?" sound, and then a bit of cold light pierced the wind and snow in front of him. The white shadow's feet were like a ghost. When he saw clearly, he was already ten feet away. .

Quartz's face changed suddenly when she saw this hand. With a loud roar, she raised the long handle and swung it towards the incoming Chang Xi, and quickly retreated.

The copper hammer hit the pole, making a crisp sound of gold and iron.

Quartz felt an incomprehensible force coming from her hand. Her mouth was numb and she let go of the copper hammer, but the long shaft only shifted a little.

The long spear stabbed a minion next to him, piercing through the upper body of the minion effortlessly, like a poisonous snake spitting out a message.

Quartz took three steps back before she could barely avoid Changsha. Blood sprayed out from beside her and splashed her face. When she looked up, she saw that the white shadow had already disappeared into the night, but the body of the gangster had not yet fallen. .



The faces of a dozen elite water bandits changed drastically, and the night ahead was as quiet as usual. If it weren't for the corpses of their companions still spewing blood, no one would have doubted that they were hallucinations.


The quartz copper hammer fell three steps in front of him, but he didn't dare to step forward to pick it up. He stared at the dark road and stepped back quickly, followed by a dozen minions.

Unfortunately, they didn't run very far when the white shadow appeared again. This time it fell directly from the top of everyone's head. The sharp edge appeared silently and pierced the head of a minion before everyone noticed it.

Quartz was so frightened that she lost her mind and didn't care about the men around her. Her speed soared and she jumped several feet away in two big steps. Behind him, there was also the crisp sound of bones exploding and the horrified screams of his men.

In just one breath, after two soft sounds of 'swish', there was no movement behind him.

Quartz still didn't see clearly what the other party was. He looked back while running wildly, and what was chasing him from behind was the long-handled copper hammer he threw on the ground. As soon as he turned around, it hit him in the back, and the huge force stretched his body. The quartz flew out and rolled several times on the snow.

Blood rushed to his throat, and Quartz's face turned red instantly. Fortunately, people who have been walking in the rivers and lakes all year round will have some life-saving measures. Their chests and backs are padded with armor plates, and they are covered in fat, so their spines are not broken. He got up and continued running, shouting:

"Fire the arrow! Fire the arrow!"

Whispering rustling——

Quartz and others held torches. The water bandits on the archery tower of Shuizhai had already noticed the movement here. After seeing Quartz rushing into a shot, more than a dozen bows began to pour water into the night to cover Quartz's escape.

The ghostly white shadow in the night also gave up the pursuit and temporarily lost its trace.

After several waves of arrows, the injured Shi Ying was pulled up to the gate of the village. More than a hundred water bandits armed with swords and weapons stood behind the wall. Several warships sailed out of the dock, preparing to cut off the escape route of the 'officers and soldiers'. The archers drew their bows like the full moon, searching for traces of the white shadow in the night.

There was a brief silence in the water village. Everyone clenched their swords and paid attention to their surroundings. However, the elusive shadow seemed to have quietly retreated and never appeared again.

Just when many water bandits looked at each other and were about to send a large group of people out to take a look, a muffled sound of "bang" suddenly came from behind, like a battering ram being mounted on something.

Many water bandits were frightened and quickly turned their heads, only to see a white figure under the watchtower behind the village gate rushing towards the wooden pillar of the watchtower at an almost terrifying speed, and hit the thick thigh-high pillar with a stick. , directly breaking the foundation of the watchtower.

With a crisp sound and screams, the watchtower collapsed and hit the building behind it, falling to pieces. The white shadow did not stop at all and crashed into another building.

The archer reacted, turned the arrow, and fired into the water village. Unexpectedly, there was a sound of breaking wind outside, and the arrows accurately hit the back of the archer's head. In an instant, four or five people were lying down, and the fire It also rises from the corner of the huge water village...

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