In the case library, Zhu Manzhi absentmindedly flipped through various records of old cases, his eyes wandering around.

Time passed little by little, and just after noon, the wolf guards on duty in the case library began to change shifts to eat. Only four of the wolf guards who were originally on guard were left to guard the exit. The chief clerk entered the case library carrying a food box, and the deputy Liu Yunlin walked out. He took the food box from the study and went back in, with no intention of leaving.

A bell and drum sounded in the Criminal Investigation Department. Zhu Manzhi secretly calculated the time. It was almost as agreed, so he put down the case file and moved it to the corner of the bookshelf intentionally or unintentionally, avoiding the sight of others.

Just as the gong sounded to announce the time, an extremely arrogant voice suddenly came from the Detective Department that encompassed the entire street:

"Zhang Xiang, I'll fuck your mother! How dare you call the Criminal Investigation Department the 'Dragon Pond and Tiger's Den'? Grandpa, I can come and leave as I please today. What do you mean to me..."

The voice was hoarse, as if there was something stuck in the throat, but it carried far away, and almost everyone in the Detective Department could hear it. It was obvious that he was a master with amazing internal strength.

Several Wolf Guards who were looking through the case files in the case library suddenly became alert, and they all looked in the direction of the sound:

"Who's yelling?"

"How dare you insult Mr. Zhang..."

"His grandma's!"

Liu Yunlin, the deputy envoy who had been left behind, just walked out of the study room, furious.

There are many ordinary gangsters who come to the capital, and there are even those who secretly carry out assassinations and sabotage every day. Is it the first time in history that anyone who dares to rush to the headquarters of the Detective Division to cause trouble in an open and honest manner? Is it impossible to be a wolf guard in the Thirty-Six Tiangang?

Liu Yunlin's face was livid, he rushed out of the case library with his Yanling knife, and said angrily:

"You've already knocked on the door, why are you still standing there? I'll cut him into pieces..."


The Wolf Guard, who was knocked on the door for the first time, came to his senses after being confused for a while, all of them were very angry. Going to the Criminal Investigation Department to cause trouble is not like breaking ground on Tai Sui's head. This is simply digging up the ancestral grave of the King of Hell.

The detective department of Novo University suddenly went crazy. Hundreds of wolf guards showed off their various martial arts skills. The roofs and walls were full of people, rushing toward the source of the sound like a sea wave.

The case library quickly emptied out. Zhu Manzhi poked his head out from behind the bookshelf. After taking a quick look to make sure no one was there, he quickly ran to the door of the small library and slipped in quietly.

The library inside the case library also stores case files, but it is much smaller than the one outside. A sliding staircase is placed next to the shelf. On the shelf are stacked cabinets, just like a drug store. There are wooden signs on the cabinet doors. Engraved with various logos.

There are three desks in the center of the room, and behind the desk is a knife table. The room is large and seems a bit empty. You can see every corner at a glance, and there is no hiding place at all.

According to the original agreement, Xu Buling sent someone to distract the wolf guard, which could last up to half a quarter of an hour. Zhu Manzhi had to restore everything to the original before the wolf guard came back, and time was very tight.

Zhu Manzhi's heart skipped a beat. The sixteen-year-old girl, no matter how courageous she was, was a little nervous at this moment, and she hurriedly searched in front of the bookshelf.

Different from the large library outside, most of the records in this room are the words and deeds of certain princes and aristocratic families in recent years. Without exception, they are all secrets that cannot be disclosed due to various reasons. Although they are much less than outside, But there are at least a thousand files on the four rows of bookshelves.

Zhu Manzhi knew that her father was good at martial arts, but she didn't know how high he was. However, as a daughter, she naturally thought that her father was very powerful. So after finding the bookshelf that recorded the Jianghu people, I pushed the ladder over directly, climbed to the top and opened the drawer of 'The Heroes of the Four Directions'. There were many booklets inside, with "East China Sea Lu Baiming" written on the cover. "Poison Master Li Hansheng" and other characters she had never heard of.

Zhu Manzhi's surname was 'Zhu', and her father could never change his surname, so he picked up the pamphlets one by one and searched to see if there was anyone with the surname Zhu. He flipped through them from beginning to end, and he actually found a hero named Zhu. When he opened the pages It says:

'Operator Sword' Zhu Choushan, the head of the Zhu family in Yueyang. His swordsmanship surpassed the Tang and Lu families during the Xuanhe period. During the iron eagle hunting period, he refused to obey the court's control and was jointly annihilated by the Detective Department and the Youzhou Tang family. Zhu Chou All forty-seven men from the Shan and Zhu families were removed from the list, and after investigation, no omissions were found...

Zhu Manzhi frowned slightly. Xuanhe was the reign of the late emperor, and her father was only in his thirties. Moreover, the Zhu family was wiped out ten years ago. Ten years ago, when she was six years old, she was farming with her father. , obviously not like her father.

Zhu Manzhi didn't have much time, so she rummaged around and couldn't find any record that matched her father's, so she had no choice but to look for the news about the dragon lock cup.

She quickly pushed the ladder down to the cabinet of King Su's lineage and looked through it. The records about the ambush on the Weihe River were no different from the rumors.

So Zhu Manzhi ran to the shelf where the world's strange poisons were piled, climbed up and searched among various records.

It's a pity that there are so many evil poisons in the world, and there is no record of chain Gu, when a loud roar comes from outside:

"The Detective Department is nothing more than that, grandpa takes the first step!"

The voice was far away and had already left the Detective Department.

Zhu Manzhi knew that this was a reminder that she couldn't hold on any longer, so she could only grit her teeth, put the booklet away intact, and ran out of the study room quickly...


Dong dong dong——

Boots stepped on the wooden floor of the document warehouse, and the wolf guards who went out to hunt returned one after another, and cursed voices came:

"Who is this charlatan? He roars so loudly that he can run faster than a mouse..."

"Who knew that he would dare to go to the entrance of the Detective Department and act so brazenly? If he is not caught, other yamen will find out and will be laughed at to death..."

"Ask all the remaining wolf guards to go out and check for me. Even if they dig three feet into the ground, they have to find it for me..."

Liu Yunlin, deputy envoy of the Criminal Investigation Department, was filled with anger. He held the Yanling knife and pushed open the door of the small library. The room was empty and everything was the same as when he left.

But to be the second-in-command in the Criminal Investigation Department of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, no one is good at it.

Liu Yunlin was about to put the Yanling knife back on the knife stand when he suddenly stopped, frowned and sniffed the air, and then turned around suspiciously.

The inner warehouse is extremely empty, with no windows on all sides and it is airtight. If someone comes in, there will definitely be an aura that ordinary people cannot detect.

Liu Yunlin noticed something was wrong, his face darkened, he took out the book from his arms, walked to the surrounding bookshelves, and looked carefully at each cabinet door.

The weak firelight shone on the red lacquer cabinet door, which was as smooth as a mirror. He looked at it one by one until vague fingerprints appeared on the cabinet door of 'The World's Strange Poison'.

Liu Yunlin's eyes narrowed slightly, then he searched and saw the mark on the door of the cabinet where King Su's files were displayed.

"King Su... strange poison..."

Liu Yunlin pondered for a while, then quickly took out his handkerchief and wiped off all the traces on the cabinet door...

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