The prince is very fierce

Chapter 39: Killing in Three Steps (170/484)

In the dead silence of the hall, everyone's eyes were focused on the paunchy Yang Yingxiong.

Faced with so many requests for help from officials, talented people, and great scholars, Yang Yingxiong sat up a little straighter, with an elder's friendly smile on his face, and raised his hand:

"His Majesty Xu said something serious. Bai Lun just wants to make friends through literature. Since the Crown Prince is not in the mood, let's stop here and go back and sit down."

Yang Yingxiong opened his mouth to smooth things over, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Tang Bailun used the donkey to get off the slope, nodded and chuckled a few times, and was about to turn around and leave.

Under normal circumstances, if Xu Bu Ling had bullied others to this point, he should have stopped as soon as he was satisfied. After all, the target of humiliation had run away, and he could not stand still and continue to curse.

But what everyone didn't expect was that Xu Buling ignored Tang Bailun at all, looked at Yang Yingxiong, frowned and said:

"Who do you think you are?"

Yang Yingxiong's smile suddenly froze, and his eyes instantly darkened.

Who are you?

Many talented people and beauties were stunned. They didn't understand why the prince of the feudal lord, who was so handsome and handsome, had such a bad temper. He would bite anyone he caught.

Even Xiao Ting was a little confused and thought to himself: Could it be that my aunt refused Xu Buling...

Xiao Qi naturally didn't offend Xu Buling, but she saw Xu Buling's intention, and she was not surprised at this time. She sat quietly drinking tea and watching the show.

Behind the table where many great scholars were sitting, the prefect Du Hui's face turned pale. He wanted to speak to smooth things over, but he didn't dare to speak, what if Xu Bu Ling would spill his anger on him. For a moment, Du Hui could only ask Lu Hongxin next to him for help. Now only Lu Hongxin could relieve the situation. The only one who would not contradict Xu Buling was the eldest member of the Lu family.

Unfortunately, Lu Hongxing was still reading the poem draft and didn't seem to see the scene outside.

Facing hundreds of pairs of eyes and Xu Buling's merciless contempt, Yang Yingxiong clenched his hands tightly under the table. No one could smooth things over. Being ridiculed like this, if it was just a slap in the face, the entire Jinling City would be ridiculed. People laugh to death.

A few days ago, he gave Xu Buling face to the person who killed him, but now he was so kind-hearted that he was so ignorant of praise. Is he, Yang Yingxiong, really afraid of a vassal prince whose hometown is thousands of miles away?

Yang Yingxiong smiled stiffly, raised his hands and cupped his fists in the direction of Hangzhou:

"Prince Xu may not know Yang. My sister is the concubine of King Wu. Yang is honored to call His Highness King Wu brother-in-law..."

Xu Buling turned around and walked towards the stage where Yang Yingxiong was, his eyes slightly cold:

"A family member of a feudal lord's concubine dares to point fingers in front of me. Who gave you the courage?"


Yang Yingxiong suddenly became furious, slapped the table and stood up.

Yang Yingxiong was a man who cared about saving face, so it was okay to give in behind his back. With so many people watching, how could he just swallow his anger in the face of such aggressive words?

"Xu Shizi, this is the territory under the jurisdiction of King Wu, and my sister is King Wu's favorite concubine. Do you not take the Song family seriously?"

Yang Yingxiong's face was gloomy, and he immediately moved the royal family out to suppress them. Xu Buling is the eldest son of Prince Su, so it is impossible for him to despise the Dayue royal family.

Unfortunately, Xu Buling did not accept the move. He walked slowly onto the stage and said coldly:

"My Xu family only respects the Song family, but your surname is Yang, what does it have to do with the Song family? I don't take your Yang family seriously!"

"The King of Wu belongs to the Dayue royal family. Since my sister is married to the King of Wu, my Yang family is the in-laws of the Song family."

Yang Yingxiong's face was red with anger. It was impossible for his Yang family to compare with King Su in all aspects. He could not come down after being humiliated like this. He could only kill his kinship with King Wu and asked:

"You say my Yang family has nothing to do with the Song family, but what does your Xu family have to do with the Song family?"

Xu Buling walked closer and said coldly: "You mean, my Xu family has nothing to do with the Song family?"

When the prefect Du Hui heard this, his expression suddenly changed, and he thought to himself that something was not right - the king with a different surname had a special status. If he said that King Su's Xu family had nothing to do with the Song family, then didn't his mother just say that King Su had already supported his own army?

These are words that slander the vassal king for being disloyal. If you lose your head, you may lead Yang Yingxiong to death!

Du Hui reacted and quickly spoke to stop him.

It's a pity that Yang Yingxiong's thinking has been distorted. For the sake of face, he clings to the straw of being an in-law with the King of Wu and responded angrily:

"My Yang family and the Song family are in-laws, and your Xu family has nothing to do with the Song family..."


The sword flashed and blood flew away.

Under the gaze of hundreds of people, Yang Yingxiong, who was spitting and arguing, had no time to raise his hand, and Dou Da's head flew into the air. His mouth opened and closed a few times while spinning, but he could no longer make any sound.


The sudden bloodshed caused the whole audience to scream in shock. The talented and beautiful ladies were frightened, and many people fainted directly.

Du Hui shuddered and fell to the ground with the stool, his eyes wide open as he looked at the headless corpse that was spurting blood.

Xiao Qi's eyes widened. She thought that Xu Buling was going to humiliate Yang Yingxiong to teach him a lesson, but she didn't expect to directly kill the stinking stone. After being shocked for a moment, she was made nauseous by the bloody scene, and she frowned and turned her head. go.


The head fell among the crowd with a muffled sound. Tang Bailun and others were so shocked that they quickly retreated and fell to the ground with pale faces.

Xu Buling had already put away his sword, patted his white robe that was not stained by any blood, and looked at everyone in a blink of an eye:

"You heard it. This traitor clearly pointed out that our lineage, King Su, has nothing to do with the Song family. Our lineage, King Su, is loyal to the Song family. The three generations of our ancestors have never been disloyal for a moment. Your Majesty is also loyal to our lineage, King Su." Both kindness and power are worthy of my father and brother. Now that I have been instigated and slandered by a villain, I really deserve to die!"

Many scholars and talented people were so frightened that they couldn't think of anything to say.

The prefect Du Hui was sprayed with blood, and he quickly got up from the ground. In this case, what can he say when everyone is dead? He must find a justifiable reason for Xu Buling, so as to prevent King Wu and King Su from causing trouble. Get up and speak quickly:

"It's true. Yang Yingxiong is so bold that he dares to slander the feudal king as a disloyal minister. He really deserves death. If the King of Wu is here, he will definitely clean up the clan with his own hands."

Many great Confucian scholars with only fame but no status did not dare to say anything other than nodding.

Lu Hongxing, who had been reading the poem manuscript for a long time, finally finished it. He turned his head and saw the headless corpse next to him, and slapped the table with a warm and angry expression:

"Xu Buling, you are too presumptuous. Yang Yingxiong and King Wu are in-laws. Even if you accuse King Su of being disloyal and worthy of death, King Wu should be the one to kill him. How can you do it without permission?"

Xu Buling put away his rebellious expression and bowed honestly to admit his mistake to his future brother-in-law:

"Your Majesty, I know I was wrong. I was reckless."

Lu Hongxin sighed, raised his hand and said: "That's all, Yang Yingxiong is seeking death. No wonder you. I will write a letter with all the gentlemen and submit it to the Holy Emperor and King Wu to explain the situation here. If this is not the case next time, go ahead... Someone is here. , carry the body down, don’t disturb the guests present.”

Xu Bu Ling nodded slightly, turned around and walked away.

After singing and harmonizing, the local snake that had been entrenched in Jinling for many years died in vain.

The hundreds of people present looked pale as they watched Xu Buling passing by. They felt mixed emotions in their hearts and didn't know how to evaluate it.

It was definitely wrong to say that Feiyang would be domineering and harm the people. Yang Yingxiong should deserve to die if he secretly did all the bad things, but no one could touch him. Now that he had said something wrong and was being held accountable, hundreds of people were listening. It was useless to bring the matter to the emperor, and the killing was justifiable.

But everyone present could see that Xu Buling had set a trap for Yang Yingxiong. He seemed to have a hot temper and aggressive attitude, but in fact he was leading Yang Yingxiong down the wrong path. It was too late to explain when he said the wrong thing.

Appearing on the scene, provoking, and killing people all flowed smoothly, but in just a few sentences, the scheming behind this violent appearance is really frightening.

I'm afraid that when I got up, I had already thought about how to kill Yang Yingxiong.

But now that the situation was going on, King Wu had nothing to say when he knew it. Who asked Yang Yingxiong to hand his neck out to be chopped by others? How can you die if you just admit it?

Xu Buling walked through the crowd, and the talented and beautiful people around him took a few steps back, obviously a little afraid that this handsome man in white would kill two people with just a raised hand.

However, in the eyes of many people, there is still some satisfaction in getting rid of harm for the people. Thinking about it carefully, Xu Buling was the only one who wanted to kill Yang Yingxiong under the nose of King Wu, and no one else could touch Yang Yingxiong at all.

When passing by Xiao Ting, who was stunned by fright, Xu Buling turned his head and looked at it, his face became friendly, and he said:

"Brother Tang, I was impulsive just now. Aren't you comparing poems? Are you still competing?"

Tang Bailun's face was ashen, and he felt that his head was not his own. He dared not speak, and waved his hands with a stiff expression.

Wang Ruiyang was still calm, and he supported Xiao Ting, who rolled his eyes, nodded slightly and smiled.

Seeing that no one was comparing poems to him, Xu Buling looked a little disappointed. He nodded lightly and strode out of the crowd...


Thank you to the boss [Water Like a Cool Night] for the reward!

Thank you to Mr. [Baxian Killer] for the 10,000 reward!

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