The prince is very fierce

Chapter 74 I like you

The small village in the mountains is very quiet, with only a few naughty children running around on the dirt road, thinning the snowflakes with their hands.

Young men and women walked together on the path. From time to time, children looked around and laughed. Apparently they felt that the usually stern woman looked a little awkward at this time.

Song Yufu was very thin-skinned. From time to time she would scold the children and drive them away. Then she would continue to walk with her head down and not talk to Xu Buling.

Xu Buling was still thinking about what the old master had just said. He knew most of it was nonsense, but there were two points worth noting - the person who needed four pieces of jade was in Jiangnan; someone in Jiangnan might want to target him.

Relevant to what Zhu Liu said about other vassal kings rebelling, it was Song Siming, the king of Jiangnan. There was no need to even guess.

Xu Buling suddenly received such news, and to be honest, he was quite surprised. King Wu Song Siming is located in the land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River. His jurisdiction is the granary of Dayue, the richest place in the world. Among the six Song vassal kings, he and the King of Chu have the largest family fortunes, so they must have the capital to rebel. However, there is no war in Jiangnan all year round, there are not many troops stationed, and the combat effectiveness is even more like a soft-footed shrimp. They are not the same species as the Northwest Cavalry at all.

With hundreds of thousands of Jiangnan soldiers rebelling, Xu Buling estimated that the weakest Eastern Route Army in Xiliang could be destroyed, not to mention that the Crown Prince of Wu is still squatting in Chang'an. It makes no sense...

Before the incident happened, everything was just speculation. It was impossible for Xu Bu Ling to directly confirm that it was the King of Wu. The old master probably was not sure so he did not name the person. Anyway, who was behind the collection of the four jade articles, Xu Bu Ling. Just write it down for now.

The village is not big, just a dozen families, and they don't even have names.

Xu Buling walked away for a while, and then focused his eyes on Fubao next to him again. After thinking about it, he held the little hand that was shrunk under his sleeve:

"Is it cold?"

Song Yufu's face suddenly turned red, and she quickly tried to pull her hand away, but couldn't. She was a little anxious:

"Mr. Xu, should be more serious...all the martial arts masters in the village will see..."

Xu Buling held his little hand and looked around the village:

"Yes? Where?"

Song Yufu couldn't break away, so she stopped struggling and said softly:

"Really, grandpa has taken in many apprentices, most of whom have never left the mountain. Originally, he wanted to gather eight apprentices of 'chess, calligraphy, painting, swords, guns, swords and halberds'. I found the swords and knives. The gun is probably you. How can you be in the Tai Chi Hall?" It’s amazing, but if I ask grandpa, grandpa can’t teach you..."

Xu Buling said with a bit of a smile: "Is the sword from Meiqusheng?"

"Well, there is also Erhei who uses a knife..."

Song Yufu walked near the school, took out her hand, and pointed it at the boy who was still chopping wood:

"Then, he is the one who is more powerful than the prince."


Xu Buling took a look at him. He was dark and thin, and he was very focused on practicing swordsmanship. He did seem to be a bit virtuous, but in his eyes, it could only be said that he had some feel in fighting.

Erhei was very aloof. He didn't say hello when he saw the two people approaching, and he continued to practice his kung fu on his own.

People in this place seemed to be quite lonely, so Xu Buling didn't care. He followed Song Yufu to the small courtyard where he lived. When he looked up, he saw a little maid who looked like a bean sprout, squatting under the eaves with a kitchen knife to kill geese.

The big white goose was very fat. It was pinched by the neck and pinned to the ground. It flapped its wings and tried hard to avoid it. Huang was lying next to it and shivering.

Song Yufu's heart was pounding like a deer, and she didn't even pay attention to the movement at the kitchen door. She sullenly took Xu Buling into the house.

Fortunately, Xu Buring's memory was not bad. He recalled it for a moment, frowned and said:

"Miss Song, that goose can't be the Prince Bai you mentioned, right?"

Song Yufu ‘Huh? ' With a sound, just now I was wondering why the big white goose blocking the road didn't come out to bite Xu Buling. Now I turned my head and looked around. I was surprised to see that my face turned pale and rushed towards him in a hurry:

"Ah - Doudou! What are you doing! Prince Bai, don't die..."

Xu Bu Ling's face was covered with black lines.

The kitchen knife in Doudou's hand was taken away by the young lady, and she said weakly: "Grandpa said that the prince came all the way to stew a hen to entertain the guests. It's a pity that the hen is about to lay eggs for stew. This goose is so fat and can't lay eggs." , let’s stew it…”

"No stewing! You...sigh..."

Song Yufu hurriedly rescued the frightened big white goose, looked at it carefully, and found that there was nothing serious except for a few feathers being plucked, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Doudou was very innocent and refused to let the goose stew, so she could only turn her eyes to the big yellow dog lying next to her.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Ah Huang got up and ran away.

Xu Buling was a little amused. He walked up and rubbed the silly maid's head:

"Just do what you usually eat, no need to bother."


Doudou was a little shy, lowered his head and ran back to the kitchen.

Song Yufu drove the frightened big white goose out of the small yard and said softly: "These animals are smart and spiritual. I teach children here to read and keep them company on weekdays. After eating them, they are gone. It's not that I don't want to entertain them." You ha."

Xu Bu Ling naturally didn't mind and thought for a while: "I just told the old gentleman that I will take you with me when I leave tomorrow and go to Jiangnan with me."


Song Yufu was stunned, frowned and said, "What are you going to Jiangnan for?"

"Propose marriage."

"Propose marriage?"

Song Yufu Wenwen's quiet face turned slightly red. After thinking about it, she felt something was wrong: "My home is in Chang'an, not in Jiangnan..."

Xu Buring came to the main room, sat down on the chair, and said with a chuckle: "I didn't say I proposed marriage to you or took you to Jiangnan for a walk."


Song Yufu pursed her lips and snorted:

"I won't go, the prince can go by himself."

Xu Buling sighed with a little disappointment: "Alright, then I won't stay for long." Then he stood up and walked out.

Song Yufu was stunned for a moment, then quickly ran to the doorman, opened her arms to block the way: "Since you are here, stay for two days before leaving... The village is so boring... Woo——"

Before she finished speaking, her waist was hugged by an arm and lifted up a little.

The four lips met, Song Yufu was shocked, staring blankly at the face so close to her, her hands froze in the air, after a long time, slowly placed on the man's shoulder, and responded with awkward movements.

Xu Buling opened his lips, looked at Song Yufu, whose face was flushed but very serious, and smiled:

"Tell me, what is the thing you will tell me when we meet?"

Song Yufu licked her lips, looked at the handsome face in front of her, hesitated for a long time, and then whispered softly:

"I like you..."

Outside the house, snow was flying, and as soon as the words came out, the world seemed to stop, leaving only the man and woman embracing each other.

After looking at each other for only a moment, Song Yufu seemed to have lost the last bit of strength, and could no longer hold on, and slowly rested her forehead on the man's shoulder...

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