The prince is very fierce

Chapter 39: The Way of Being an Official (4/63)

Mrs. Lu frowned and glared seriously. A bit of dissatisfaction rose on Feng Yun's cheeks. She raised her jade hands and forcibly opened Xu Buling's top.

Xu Bu Ling was helpless and honestly spread his hands.

The strong muscles on the chest were clearly defined, and there was an obvious bruise on the ribs, which was caused by Zhu Manlong's fierce punch. Although the muscles and bones were not injured, the body was relatively weak due to the poison, and it would definitely not be able to recover in a short time.

The black and blue scar as big as a palm is like a ball of ink stained on the white rice paper.

Mrs. Lu's ferocious expression suddenly turned into distress, and her eyes were filled with anger and urgency: "Why are you so disobedient?" She raised her hand and wanted to slap Xu Buling a few times, but was reluctant to do so, and instead wanted to call someone to call the imperial doctor. come over.

Xu Buling quickly raised his hand to stop: "It's just a minor injury. It will be fine in a few days. There is no need to mobilize troops."

Mrs. Lu was born into a prominent family since she was a child. She had never even seen a chicken being killed. When she saw the baby she wanted to hold in her mouth, she was so seriously injured. How could she bear it:

"Your chest is bruised and there are minor injuries. You were poisoned and you can't get angry. Even after I promised you to go fishing in Qujiang Pond, you are still restless. You went to Baima Manor to kill me and the blood flowed like a river. Do you think you are a prodigal?"

Mrs. Lu spoke harshly, but her face was full of nervousness. She carefully helped Xu Buling lie down, took out the always-prepared medicinal wine from the cabinet, and gently applied it on Xu Buling's chest injury.

Xu Buling lay there obediently, looking at the mature cheeks leaning over him. They were as moist as warm jade, and their red lips were like vermilion. His light breath blew on the skin on his chest, making it numb and itchy. He coughed lightly and said with a smile:

"I'll be honest. Didn't I do a good job last night? Xiao Ting is responsible for my reputation. I just eliminate harm for the people without leaving a name..."

Mrs. Lu pinched his arm angrily: "Even if the Li family's crime is unforgivable, you can just say hello to the Yamen, or tell me that I can go say hello. Do you have to go there and take the risk yourself? You still want to take advantage of the tiger. If you force yourself to vent your anger and hurt your heart, don’t you know what will happen?”

Facing Mrs. Lu’s reproach, Xu Buling smiled and nodded:

"I know, I know, I have a sense of propriety."

Mrs. Lu snorted lightly: "You keep saying that every time, but you don't take it seriously afterwards. One day it makes me so angry that I stand by you and stare at you every night to see if you are scared..."

Xu Buling frowned slightly: "What are you talking about? Aunt Lu is young, beautiful and virtuous, with a gentle and considerate temperament..."

A serious series of sweet words.

Mrs. Lu gave an annoyed look and was reluctant to lecture any more. She picked up the food box from the side and opened it. There was a plate of longan inside.

Mrs. Lu opened the longan with her slender fingers, revealing the white and jade-like flesh: "I just went to the Queen Mother's place to teach Xiao Ting a lesson together... Humph~ The Queen Mother looked serious, but in fact she must be very proud in her heart. She felt that Xiao Ting would do the right thing. Come on..." He said, twirling his fingers and bringing them to Xu Buling's mouth.

With helpless eyes, Xu Buling sat up and opened his mouth to catch the longan.

"I knew at that time that it was you who was behind the scenes. With Xiao Ting's virtue, even if he had a hundred courages, he wouldn't be able to do what happened in White Horse Village. I just couldn't expose it..."

I thought about it for a while and said something about the family's shortcomings.

Mrs. Lu is a widow with no children at home. She has a high status but cannot participate in politics. The only person around her who can talk is Xu Buling, so she is inevitably a bit clingy.

Although Xu Buling always hid, he would never show any impatience if he was really caught. He would talk to Mrs. Lu about these trivial matters very seriously: "Xiao Ting just lacks strength, and he is not a bad person. He He is the nephew of the Queen Mother, so the Queen Mother is naturally partial to him..."

While speaking, Xu Buling sat up, raised his hand and pressed Mrs. Lu's shoulder, rubbing it gently and slowly.

Mrs. Lu straightened her back and almost dropped the longan in her hand to the ground. However, she soon recovered as before. She turned her head and glanced to make sure that there were no evil thoughts in Xu Buling's eyes before she accepted the offer with satisfaction. Be attentive:

"By the way, on the first day of the twelfth lunar month, the concubines in the palace went to Qujiang Pond to enjoy the snow. Several ladies from Kuishou Street inevitably followed them, and I had to go too. I can't talk to them, so you can accompany me. …”

"I went over to a bunch of young women and did whatever they wanted. Those ladies from official families were just like nymphos..."

"Not happy?"

Mrs. Lu turned her head, face to face, a little close, and then slightly apart, showing a bit of dissatisfaction.

Xu Buring could not say anything and nodded: "I will definitely listen to Aunt Lu's words..."


Mrs. Lu then retracted her dissatisfied expression.

After chattering on and on until a box of longan was eaten by two people, Mrs. Lu stopped talking and stood up to say:

"Have a good rest and don't go out and mess around again. If I hear your good reputation..."

"When I hear my good reputation again, I will stew myself in an iron pot!"

Xu Bu Ling nodded seriously.

Mrs. Lu pursed her red lips and put away the food box: "Don't lie to me again." She walked out slowly.

Xu Buring breathed a sigh of relief and lay down again, holding his head, but he didn't feel sleepy.

After thinking for a moment, Xu Buling suddenly felt something was wrong. He raised his hand to his nose and smelled it, raising his eyebrows lightly:

"Xianzhizhai's 'Yue Gong Gui'... Why does it use the same fragrance powder as the one named Song? Is it possible that this is popular recently?..."


At the end of Kuishou Street, outside the mansion of the Zhongyonghou Li family, a brigade of imperial guards arrested two "self-independent" retainers into a prison car. Li Tianlu, wearing civilian clothes and a gloomy face, walked into a prison car and went to the quarry outside the city to do corvee labor.

The wealthy families on the street did not add insult to injury. Those who could live on Kuishou Street, even the Li family, who were at the bottom of the pile, could not arrive at a push. They might soar into the sky one day. For the sake of reputation. Offending someone quickly is a big no-no.

Gongsun Lu and Gongsun Ming, father and son, failed to help the Li family last night. They must come to escort them in person today, and apologize to the Li family to avoid bringing hatred on themselves.

Gongsun Lu took it upon himself to act as a pawn for Li Tianlu last night, which made him a mess. However, Gongsun Ming was very angry. At this time, he kept scolding in a low voice:

"You weak-sighted thing, you've heard that something is wrong in White Horse Village, but you still shamelessly posted it. Wasn't it enough that you suffered a loss last time? Do you have so many people under your command who are doing nothing? You have to show up on your own... …”

Gongsun Lu was angry in his eyes, but he could do nothing about it. He bowed and said, "I know my fault, kid... The Li family has always kept a low profile in making friends with everyone. I thought it was just a casual errand, so I went there by myself. I didn't expect that the Li family would hit Mr. Xiao with his head." On his knees, and the Li family is so ruthless..."

Gongsun Ming stroked his beard and thought for a moment: "It didn't look like Prime Minister Xiao's style last night. The Xiao family doesn't look down on the Li family at all. If Prime Minister Xiao is angry because he knows about Baima Village, he can let Young Master Xiao lead his troops. Just go over and search, there is no need to go deep into the tiger's den..."

Gongsun Lu also felt that Xiao Ting's appearance last night was a bit strange: "Master Xiao always does everything in the capital, except for serious matters. He was so vigorous and resolute last night. If it weren't for Prime Minister Xiao's guidance behind his back... then... Who is it?”

Gongsun Ming walked back and forth with his hands behind his back: "You said last night, there was a guest of the Xiao family and a female catcher from the Wolf Guard?"

"That's right, the female detective happened to bump into Prince Xu in Dayefang last time and solved the illegal salt case... Hiss -"

Gongsun Ming thought of something, and his eyes were full of astonishment: "The swordsman yesterday, could it be Prince Xu? This is too far-fetched. Prince Xu is less serious than Mr. Xiao. The last time he killed the people, you forced him to do it. His reputation. Besides, Prince Xu has been poisoned and cannot do anything. There is no need to pay such a high price to clean up the Li family..."

Gongsun Ming shook his head: "Idiot, to be an official in the capital, you need to grow your brains."

Gongsun Lu looked a little puzzled and moved closer.

Gongsun Ming thought carefully for a moment and then began to deduce seriously: "Let's first assume that it was Prince Xu last night. The Xu family and the Xiao family don't care about the Li family at all. Last night Xiao Ting and Xu Buling conspired to run away without the help of their families. What’s the purpose of going to Duanma Village?”

"What is it?"


Gongsun Ming shook his head: "The most important thing for children of aristocratic families is reputation. Xu Buling and Xiao Ting are both playboys in the capital. No matter how young they are, they are about to reach their prime now. If they continue to bear the reputation of 'playboys' , How will they become officials in the future? The Prime Minister will definitely find an opportunity to clear their name."

Gongsun Lu touched his chin, as if he had some enlightenment: "There is some truth... If this is really the case, why didn't Prince Xu show up last night?"


Gongsun Ming's face was full of hatred that iron could not be turned into steel: "Make the best use of everything. Today, everyone in the court is praising Mr. Xiao for his uprightness. This is Mr. Xiao's reputation.

After a few days, I will find an opportunity to pull Prince Xu out. In addition to the reputation of eliminating harm for the people, I will also have the reputation of "having a city at heart and not focusing on false reputations." Kill two birds with one stone. If Prince Xu had jumped out last night, Mr. Xiao would have nothing to worry about. "

Gongsun Lu suddenly understood and nodded: "...What if the swordsman last night was not Prince Xu?"

"My dear, you are still too young."

Gongsun Ming stroked his beard and chuckled: "If it is really just a disciple of the Xiao family and did not show up yesterday, then he will not show up in the future, let alone compete with Prince Xu for that bit of fame.

As long as the news spreads out, this matter was not done by Prince Xu, it must have been done by Prince Xu. "

"What if Prince Xu doesn't admit it?"

"His Majesty Xu will definitely not acknowledge such a good thing. The more he refuses to acknowledge it, the more he 'disregards false reputations'. The Xiao family and Prince Su have some connections, and if they can enjoy the benefits, they will naturally acquiesce."

After Gongsun Ming thought about it carefully, he was shocked: "Dad is really what should we do?"

"Let the news fly for a while."

Gongsun Ming looked up at the sky with his hands behind his back and sighed loudly: "When the time is almost right, let's break the news first! When Xu Shizi and Xiao Xiang saw that their father was so good at doing things, even if they didn't say it, they would remember it in their hearts. Father's good, this is called the way of being an official."

"Oh... I understand, kid..."


Thank you very much to 'The meat is so delicious' and 'The love is deep in my belly' for the great rewards. Please feel free to cast your recommendation vote!

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