The prince is very fierce

Chapter 38 Dilemma

Junshan Island covers a large area. It is said that Emperor Shun's two concubines, Ehuang and Nvying, were buried here. There are large areas of Xiangfei bamboo on it, which is also the origin of Xiao Xiang'er's name. It was just raining heavily, and Xiao Xiang'er didn't want to show up in front of outsiders, so she didn't mean to come to visit.

Xu Buling and Ning Yuhe swore an oath of brotherhood and searched on Junshan Island. Unknowingly, they walked to Xiangfei's Mausoleum. The legend was too old, and all they saw was a small earthen hill. It was unknown whether they were buried here.

Under the rain, men and women held two oil-paper umbrellas and walked quietly through the road in the bamboo forest, one in front and one behind, occasionally talking a few words, and then looking left and right, just like a young man and his wife who came out to play.

In the depths of the bamboo forest, Ning Qingye, wearing a straw raincoat and hiding among the bamboo leaves, watched two familiar figures walking in the distance. Her hands tightened a little involuntarily, and there was obviously some longing in her cold eyes. She opened her mouth to call out, but she thought about it and held back.

Ning Qingye grew up with Ning Yuhe. The two lived in Changqing Temple for ten years without fighting with the world. From learning to read and write to teaching martial arts, they lived together day and night and depended on each other. When she was a child, she was afraid to stay in the mountains, and her master always held her to sleep. She had a deep affection for her master.

After losing her parents, Ning Qingye regarded her master as her only relative in the world. She also thought about living a peaceful life with her master in the beautiful small Taoist temple.

But she and her master knew that this was impossible, and the peaceful days would be broken one day.

Her mother died at the hands of the wolf guards, and this revenge must be avenged. Li Hansheng was the culprit of all this and must die. Ning Qingye has not forgotten the despair of her mother's death that night. Someone must pay the price for her mother's suffering.

Although her master became a Taoist monk and stayed away from the world and the rivers and lakes, she knew that her master had never let go of the hatred of the Tang family and never thought of hiding in the Taoist temple to live a miserable life.

Since the day they went to Changqing Mountain, the master and the apprentice have been practicing martial arts day and night, trying their best to become stronger. They have never told each other the purpose of practicing martial arts, but they all know it.

Slowly, she grew up. A year ago, she learned that her mother's sword appeared in Chang'an City, so she went to Chang'an privately without asking for the master's permission. This may be the longest separation from the master.

It is true that Ning Qingye misses her very much, but sooner or later there will be a time to separate. Now she has gradually adapted to it. Her feelings for the master have not diminished at all, but she has to walk the next road by herself.

Just like Ning Yuhe wanted to learn Zhu Manzhi's killer after seeing her, Ning Qingye would naturally try her best to fight for it after hearing the news that she could become stronger.

However, coming to Junshan Island is not only to find the rumored "Tongtian Treasure Book", but more importantly to repay the favor. When she was a child, she was helped by the Cao family. Now that the Cao family is in trouble, she will naturally have no hesitation. Even if the Cao family refuses, she will still stay here.

These grievances were her private affairs and had nothing to do with her master, so she had not shown up, not wanting her master to get involved. As for the young man in white next to her master...

Amid the dense bamboo leaves, Ning Qingye looked at the handsome young man in the distance, and inadvertently recalled the forced kiss in the alley. Until now, she still hadn't figured out why she didn't poke a hole in the pervert's body, but stood there stupidly for him to bite...

But things were over after all, and Ning Qingye had let it go long ago. Xu Buling saved her life, and now he was her junior brother, so naturally she wouldn't bother Xu Buling again.

Xu Buling was the prince of a vassal king, and Ning Qingye was now dealing with Jianghu affairs, so she didn't want to drag Xu Buling into it. Although she knew that Xu Buling's status and position might help Cao's family, Jianghu's affairs should be solved by Jianghu's methods. If the court was dragged into it, everything would be distorted...

Ning Qingye thought seriously for a long time, until the two figures disappeared at the end of his sight, then he blinked, landed on the ground, and disappeared into the bamboo forest alone...——

In the Cao's ancestral home, with the sudden visit of Prince Su, the atmosphere changed a little.

Jianghu people are all shrewd people. If they say they have retired from Jianghu, it is impossible for them to really become farmers. Their ability to judge the situation has not diminished at all.

After Cao Quyi saw Xu Buling off, he came to the ancestral hall behind the Cao family alone.

The Cao family has been passed down for hundreds of years. The ancestral tablets enshrined in the ancestral hall are difficult to count at a glance. On the high platform in front of the tablets, there are more than ten famous swords, all of which are the swords of the Cao family's successive heads. The one in the middle is the famous sword Zhanlu, which is recorded in history books. A string of sword tassels hangs on the hilt, and the jade buckle is emerald green and transparent, reflecting a faint light under the candlelight.

There is a futon on the ground in front of the sword, and an old man in his sixties sits cross-legged on it, wearing an ordinary black cloth robe. The sharp corners of his eyes can still vaguely see the demeanor when he dominated the world.

Cao Quyi closed the door of the ancestral hall, came to his eldest brother, and whispered:

"The prince of Su has left, asking about Ning Qingye's whereabouts, and twice told us to be careful of the Eagle Tower. Judging from his words, he may know who is coming and thinks that my Cao family has no chance of winning."

Sitting on the futon is Cao Qujian, the current head of the Cao family. Ten years ago, when heroes were everywhere, Cao Qujian's martial arts were not as good as Zhu Choushan, Situ Yuejin and other top heroes, so he was not well-known and was rarely mentioned by storytellers.

However, Cao Qujian's martial arts were not good enough for his position as the head of the Cao family, and he was not as good as the heroes of his ancestors. In terms of martial arts, he was able to take charge of the Junshan Cao family, so he was at least at the same level as Zhu Choushan and others, and was one of the top few in the martial arts world.

Cao Qujian kept staring at the string of sword spikes. Hearing his brother's voice, his slightly old face became a little more desolate:

"The father's hatred is avenged by the son, the father's debt is paid by the son, the grievances are endless, and there is never a clear answer. This disaster will come sooner or later. Since Dayinglou dares to come here, it must be a lion fighting a rabbit, and he will definitely eat me. The Cao family’s certainty.”::

The second master, Cao Quyi, stood behind him and looked at the string of sword spikes:

"If someone comes to your door, if you really go to the government, the government can't take care of it. You can't just stand and let people kill you... This string of sword spikes can be given to Dayinglou, which will save them from asking for it."

Cao Qujian let out a long sigh: "The reason for attacking Yinglou is not just for the sword spike. I haven't done anything for so long because I was waiting. My head alone can't repay the grievances I owed back then."

"Slow down and give Dayinglou some face, but you can't give me anything you want?"

"The hierarchy and rules in the world are all based on the sword in your hand. Without a sword in your hand, your face is worth a lot of money. Dayinglou doesn't care about my Cao family at all."

"After all, we are Jianghu people. Since we can't retreat, we really can't re-enter the Jianghu. The Chu land is still decided by my Cao family..."

The head of the family, Cao Qujian, shook his head: "Since Cao Ying surrendered to the imperial court, my Cao family is no longer a member of the Jianghu family. I can still survive after withdrawing from the Jianghu. If I hold the sword, there will be more than one Dayinglou who comes to kill me. The Detective Department has killed No matter how many people, my Cao family has to share in their vengeance... It’s my fault, no one can blame them.”

Cao Quyi frowned and thought for a long time: "How about simply joining the imperial court? The Cao family's heritage is still there, and their status is higher than that of Tang Jiao..."

"Don't mention this matter again."


The second head of the family, Cao Quyi, hesitated for a moment, but could only sigh softly, turned around and left the Cao family ancestral hall...

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