The prince is very fierce

Chapter 36: A pot of warm wine

It's snowing heavily, the east is white, and it's almost dawn.

In the bluestone alley of Dayefang, Xu Buling, dressed in blood, was walking staggeringly holding a four-foot-long knife. The blade of the knife rubbed against the bluestone ground and made a "Chu-Chu-" sound. There was no one in the alley in the early morning, but there was no one. Get the attention of others.

Last night in the underground palace of Baima Village, killing tigers consumed a lot of people. In the end, he received an old punch from Zhu Manlong head-on. His body was strong and uninjured, but the cold poison in his body could not be suppressed.

'Longsuo Gu' is a poisonous poison from Miao territory. The poisonous poison will be suppressed when exposed to strong alcohol. Otherwise, cold poison will be produced all the time to corrode the limbs and bones. Regardless of efforts, the blood vessels will burst and the seven orifices will bleed to death. .

I have finished drinking the Danyuyaki in the gourd. Although the indescribable sting has been relieved a lot, it is still unbearable.

Xu Buling's steps were unsteady, and he exhaled bursts of mist in the severe cold of winter, and walked slowly towards Sun's shop...


The cold wind picked up the dead grass and snow foam in the alley.

The sun's shop was dimly lit, and the old shopkeeper was putting down the benches from the table and arranging them neatly.


The sound of dragging the knife came from far to near.

Shopkeeper Sun frowned and wiped his hands with a towel. He walked to the wine shop and frowned to check. He saw a handsome man in black walking over with a four-foot-long knife. His face was like a crown of jade, but dripping with blood.

Shopkeeper Sun has been running a wine shop in the alley all his life. Because the wine is good, heroes who come to the capital like to have a drink here. They have seen everyone and everything. There have been a few times where Jianghu people who were killed at night were covered in blood, who staggered over to drink a bowl of wine in the early morning, and then slept peacefully.

Shopkeeper Sun was about to turn around and warm the wine when he looked up and took a closer look, only to find that the man covered in blood was Xu Buling.

"Ouch! Master, how did you end up like this..."

Shopkeeper Sun was anxious and trotted forward, ready to help Xu Buling.

Xu Buring curled up his lips, raised his hand and refused the support. He walked into the wine shop holding a long knife dripping with blood, sat down at the wine table near the alley, and breathed a long sigh of relief:

"Shopkeeper, bring me a bottle of wine."

There was a lantern hanging in the wine shop. Shopkeeper Sun used the firelight to look around, and he was relieved when he saw that Xu Buling had no external injuries. Turning back to the stove, he fetched a warm wine bottle and walked over:

"Sir, what did you do last night? How could you, a rich man, kill someone yourself..."

Xu Buring raised his hand to take the wine bottle, raised his head and drank heavily. The strong wine spilled from the corner of his mouth, washing away the blood on his chin and making his clothes wet.

Gulu gulu...

Two or two small pots, but the bottom was seen in an instant.

Xu Buling let out a long breath and finally recovered. He wiped his mouth with his sleeve, took off the small package tied to his waist, and threw it on the table, making a muffled sound, and The sound of silver colliding with each other.

"Sancai stole the shopkeeper's money. I was doing something last night and got it back for you."


Shopkeeper Sun was stunned on the spot. He turned his head to look at the bloody package on the table, and then looked at Xu Buling who was full of murderous aura. His dim eyes gradually became anxious and he slapped his knee suddenly:

"Ouch! Mr. Xu, what are you doing? I just mentioned it casually last time, why do you need to spend so much effort to get the money back? How can you repay this favor? The wine tastes bad after you drink it. Already..."

With that said, he trotted to the stove, poured hot water and looked for towels.

Xu Buling sat on the stool and relaxed a little. The cold and tingling pain in his stomach gradually dissipated with the strong drink, and his face improved. He leaned the long knife on the wine table and chuckled:

"I'm just doing my own personal business. Shopkeeper Sun doesn't need to be so polite. If you really want to return the favor, a bottle of wine is enough."

Shopkeeper Sun came over with a hot water basin and placed it on the wine table:

"That's what I say, but I still have to remember it. Jianghu people pay attention to grudges and grudges, but I am not a Jianghu person. Alas, I don't have anything else. When the young master comes over in the future, I will be in charge of the wine..."

Xu Buling nodded in thanks, washed his frozen cheeks with hot water, and said with a chuckle: "If you don't pay for drinking, you will be embarrassed to come here in the future."

Shopkeeper Sun opened his mouth. After dealing with people all his life, he knew that it would be useless to talk to such a young man with a heroic spirit. At the moment, he could only smile and nodded, thought for a while, and said again:

"This little old man has been running a wine shop for so many years. This is the first time he has met a person like the young master. He is much more cheerful than those heroes who talk about 'benevolence and righteousness'."

Xu Buling curled up his lips: "That's because I don't break the law by killing people, and ordinary people can't feel happy."

Shopkeeper Sun shook his head, but he had nothing to say.

After resting for a moment in the wine shop, Xu Buling hugged the blood-stained knife with a cloth, got up and walked towards Kuishou Street.

Shopkeeper Sun walked outside the wine shop and watched until his back disappeared. Then he shook his head and smiled, put away the packages on the table, and continued to walk around the small wine shop as before...


At the far corner of Qingshi Alley, Ning Qingye, who was wearing a fox fur coat, was holding on to the stone bricks of the blue wall, watching the scenes happening in the wine shop intently.

After leaving the wine shop yesterday, she still wanted to wait for the frail and foolish prince to come over, but shopkeeper Sun refused to accept her money and said that she was not as good as the man who abandoned his wife and daughter. She was a little angry and did not want to go to the wine shop again. Paved.

Ning Qingye came over and waited at the corner of the alley as soon as the shop opened today. As she expected, the silly prince would come over every day to get a pot of wine, but what she didn't expect was that Xu Buling was covered in blood and staggered over with a long sword.

She knew that Xu Buling was infected with the Dragon Locking Gu, and if he got angry, he would suffer a lot of pain, so she thought Xu Buling had encountered something last night.

It wasn't until she heard the conversation between Xu Buling and Manager Sun that she understood the reason.

Xu Buling also heard about the wine shop clerk who angered his parents to death and stole the money of his benefactor, so he ran to get the lost silver back.

Two hundred taels of silver was not even a drop in the bucket for the prince of a vassal king, and it seemed a bit inexplicable to spend so much effort.

But when Ning Qingye saw this scene, she understood why Manager Sun said that she was not as good as her father who had long disappeared.

Jianghu people pay attention to helping when they see injustice on the road.

Seeing poor people suffering, drawing a sword to help and taking back the silver without asking for a penny, this is called chivalry.

Seeing poor people suffering, paying out of your own pocket to make up for the deficit, this is called charity.

They are all kind-hearted and respected, but not everyone is willing to accept charity.

Just like Shopkeeper Sun, who has a skill and will not starve to death, and will not accept charity, so he will not accept her silver.

But it was Shopkeeper Sun's silver, Xu Buling took it back and asked for a pot of wine as compensation. Shopkeeper Sun accepted it reasonably and felt comfortable.

To put it bluntly, she is just a girl with a little kindness no matter how high her martial arts skills are, and she can't be compared with a real Jianghu.

Ning Qingye blinked her eyes, her cold eyes seemed to understand something, and after watching Xu Buling leave, she wrapped her fox fur tightly and walked slowly back to the empty yard...

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