The prince is very fierce

Chapter 19 If you often walk by the river, you will get your shoes wet.

Tap, tap, tap——

On the official road in the autumn fields, the horses galloped towards Jingzhou.

Xu Buling whipped his horse faster, but before he ran far, he heard the sound of horse hooves and a sweet voice behind him: "Mr. Xu! Mr. Xu..." He looked back and saw Zhong Jiu riding a big red horse and chasing him in a hurry.

Xu Buling held a long spear in his hand, slowed down his horse a little, and said:

"Miss Zhong, I will talk about the apprenticeship in detail when I come back. I will go to Jingmen first."

Zhong Jiu ran up to him and advised softly:

"Mr. Xu, don't be so anxious. Ning Yuhe is not a rookie in the world. Her martial arts are better than mine. She lives at the foot of Wudang Mountain. I went to her house to talk and was driven away. Who dares to marry her by force? The rumors in the world are not to be believed..."

Xu Buling frowned slightly. Thinking about it carefully, it was a bit wrong. He only thought about his naive master and forgot about it.

Ning Yuhe is a Quanzhen Taoist priest. He can defeat Zhang Xiang by fighting four people alone. Jingmen is hundreds of miles away from Wudang Mountain, and Wudang's killing god Chen Daozi is no pushover. Even if the King of Chu wants to marry Ning Yuhe, he has to consider the feelings of the current emperor. Who is so capable and brainless to do this...

Thinking of this, Xu Buling slowed down his horse, a little puzzled:

"I forgot in my anxiety just now, um... rumors will not start without wind, let's go and take a look."

Zhong Jiu walked beside Xu Buling and shook his head and said: "Don't worry, young master. Since you have heard the news, Wudang Mountain has heard it long ago. Ning Yuhe is protected by Wudang. If this really happened, the group of old monsters on Wudang Mountain would have come to the door long ago. Why would you need to travel a long distance to run there..."

Xu Buling did not stop his horse: "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of one. Ning Yuhe is my master. I have to go there no matter what after hearing the news about her. Go there early to avoid mistakes..."

Zhong Jiu's eyebrows showed a bit of anxiety - her position as the top eight was taken away by Ning Yuhe. She went to Ning Yuhe's house and had a grudge with him for a long time. If she met Ning Yuhe and told him everything that happened in the past, she would definitely not be able to snatch him as her apprentice. But at this moment, there was no excuse to stop Xu Buling.

The two horses were galloping on the pipeline. After Xu Buling met a teahouse where many people from the underworld gathered on the road, he got off the horse and asked the well-informed teahouse owner about it. He learned that the rumor was that "Jingmen's No. 1 Zhou Zhengjia forced the former world's No. 1 beauty to marry, and the two sides had a conflict." The details were not clear. After carefully asking about Zhou Zhengjia's background, he was told that he was a local snake in Gucheng County, Jingmen, with more than a dozen ships under his command, and he was rampant in the local area.

After understanding this situation, Xu Buling felt a little relieved. Zhong Jiu followed behind, hesitated for a moment, and said softly:

"He is just a ruffian in a small town. It must be a misunderstanding in the martial arts world. Mr. Xu, don't be so anxious."

Xu Buling nodded: "Anyway, we are on the road. Gucheng County is only about a hundred miles away. We will arrive in the afternoon."

Zhong Jiu was a little anxious, but he didn't want to show it. After thinking about it, he simply took out a small bottle from his arms and handed it to Xu Buling:

"This is the elixir I made on weekdays. It can cure all poisons in the world. There is an entry gift for apprenticeship. I hope you don't despise it."

Xu Buling blinked his eyes and wanted to raise his head. He took it with his hand, but changed his mind and shook his head and said:

"I have heard about Master, so I have to ask her opinion on this matter. Don't worry, Miss Zhong. You two were both helpless back then. Wudang meddled in other people's business and kicked you out. It has nothing to do with Master. Master has a good temper and will definitely agree to this."

Zhong Jiu bit his lower lip. Seeing that he couldn't make things a done deal, he could only chuckle and said:

"Mr. Xu, I was young and angry back then, so my behavior was indeed inappropriate, and there were many misunderstandings. I'm afraid your Master doesn't like me very much. No I have come to terms with it now and feel sorry for what happened back then. If she blames me, please say a few good words for me..."

"Don't worry, Miss Zhong. Although we have only known each other for a short time, I know Miss Zhong well. The misunderstanding back then was resolved naturally with my mediation..."

"Alas... Everyone is young and ignorant. If Ning Yuhe says something to me, let me explain it and don't just believe it..."

Xu Buling listened for a moment and felt something was wrong. He turned his head:

"Miss Zhong, what misunderstanding did you have with Master back then? "

Zhong Jiu hooked the hair by her ear, made a calm face of 'everything is over', and shook her head:

"Young people, it's nothing but fighting, in fact, it's nothing... I'm not the kind of bad-hearted woman, and I really want to help you..."

Xu Buling nodded, always feeling that Zhong Jiu became a little strange, but he didn't know why, so he didn't ask much at the moment, and rushed to Gucheng County at full speed...


Gucheng County is located along the Danjiang River. It is the intersection of Yueyang, Jingmen, Xiangyang and other cities. It is a port for land and water.

Winter is coming soon. Gucheng County is crowded with carriages and horses, and porters are carrying sacks to load and unload goods at the dock. Many Jianghu people who heard the news wandered outside Yongfeng Warehouse in the town, and some even climbed up the wall to look at the scene inside.

Yongfeng Warehouse is a warehouse where goods transported by merchants circulate and are then sent to all parts of the world by fleets. The owners behind the fleet and Yongfeng Warehouse are the Zhou family, a wealthy family in the town. The head of the family, Zhou Zhengjia, was born a ruffian with connections in both the black and white worlds. He was famous for his fierce fists in Jingmen. He struggled in the market for half his life and built up his current family business. He was respected as "the best in Jingmen" by friends from all over the world.

Of course Zhou Zhengjia has some kung fu, but next to him are the Yueyang Cao Family, Hutoushan Lin Family, Wudang Mountain and other behemoths in the world. Even if he is said to be powerful, he cannot really be the best. The main reason for being able to defeat both black and white is The government's filial piety is in place.

Zhou Zhengjia was able to build such a big business, so he was certainly not a reckless man. He usually knew how to behave and did not offend those who should not be offended. An Anwen has been living in Gucheng County for half his life, and has never had any problems. The knights in the world do not dare to provoke anyone related to the government.

But if you often walk by the river, your shoes won't get wet.

Zhou Zhengjia didn't mess with people he shouldn't mess with, but he still underestimated the dangers of Jianghu.

In the afternoon, in the courtyard of Yongfengcang, about thirty thugs squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands. Zhou Zhengjia, dressed as the leader, looked at the little girl in front of him with a bald head and an aggrieved face:

"Auntie, I'm just saying casually, why are you so stubborn? The goods in this warehouse cost hundreds of taels of silver if they are left alone for one day..."


The small wooden stick hit Guangming's head, and Zhou Zhengjia shrank his neck. He dared not speak out in anger...

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